Armor Frenzy

Chapter 665: foreign situation

The earth is not Io, and when aliens arrive on the earth, it is similar to that when humans arrive at Io. The battleship is the logistics base of the aliens. Without the battleships on which they depend, the aliens will lose the capital to continue to survive.

In other words, killing the alien battleship is equivalent to cutting off the supply of the aliens. Even if the aliens escape the military's suppression, they will starve the escaped aliens to death.

It is difficult to say how many aliens escaped the pursuit of human beings, but as long as all the alien warships are blown up, there is no need to worry about the number of escaped aliens.

It was originally an easy question, but Gao Kai was silent for a moment before answering cautiously: "The current situation is still unclear, so let me tell you, all those who have the ability to throw nuclear bombs will throw them away, and if they don't have nuclear bombs, they can put them elsewhere. The ones that came are also thrown away, and there are many people who ask grandpa to tell grandma that they want to get two nuclear bombs. If they have enough for their own family, but they are not related too much, they ask for it, and they can give them all. It’s not enough. no way."

Hearing this, Ye Han pondered for a while before thinking about it.

Now is not the time when the five big hooligans joined forces to play nuclear monopoly. After so many years of worm plagues, as long as they have a little technical foundation, they all took advantage of the opportunity of the five hooligans to take care of themselves. The five hooligans didn't say anything, acquiescing to the fact of nuclear proliferation.

The problem is that nuclear bombs are not only powerful, but also burn a lot of money. If you have the technology and raw materials, you must be able to play well. It is one thing to make a few nuclear bombs and conduct experiments. Another thing.

In addition, the plague of insects has been so severe in the past few years that even big countries like China and the United States have lost more than half of the old foundation they have saved over the years, and those small countries with no savings are even worse. How can there be excess capital to ponder nuclear weapons? ?

More importantly, nuclear bombs are as advanced as playing online games. Building an atomic bomb is only the first step in a long march. Whether it is a uranium bomb or a plutonium bomb, the nuclear radiation left after the explosion can make anyone want to die. For immortals, bombing the insect swarm with atomic bombs on their own land is no different from killing them. It is estimated that the insect swarm is dead, and there is not much land left for farming in the whole country.

Continue researching fusion weapons?

If you understand the principle and have technology, hydrogen bombs cannot be made by any cat or dog, and this thing must be detonated by a small atomic bomb, and the residual nuclear radiation is equally deadly.

At this stage, the only nuclear weapons that can be used on the mainland are the neutron bomb, and the neutron bomb can be said to be the final version of nuclear weapons. We must first understand the atomic bomb and hydrogen bomb technology, and realize the miniaturization of nuclear weapons. Only then can we make the technical basis for neutron bombs, and only the basis , whether it can be created is another matter.

Only when a neutron bomb is produced can one get the entry qualification for unlimited use of nuclear weapons. Without a neutron bomb, no matter how huge the inventory of nuclear warheads is, they would not dare to throw them on their own heads.

The United States built the first atomic bomb in 1945, but the neutron bomb did not explode until 1977, a gap of thirty-two years.

China successfully tested its first atomic bomb in 1964, and possessed a neutron bomb in 1988, a gap of 24 years between the two.

It took China 24 years to complete the final design of the neutron bomb, and it has been less than ten years since the insect disaster. Even if any country conducted secret research before the insect disaster, after the insect disaster The possibility of practical application is also very small.

In other words, there are only a few countries in the world that are capable of bombing alien warships with nuclear weapons at will, and there are only a handful of countries that are able to pull allies after clearing the country.

The Chinese side is sitting on the Beiyuezhou base, taking the lead in military construction, and 180 neutron bombs are nothing at all.

Al Qaeda's international bases followed closely, and they were not far behind. Although Al Qaeda was the Yankee, the Yankees wouldn't stifle their allies' necks on this issue. It is estimated that the participating countries can get enough. Neutron bomb quota.

As for Maozi... Even Siberia doesn't have the strength to take care of it, so let's wash and sleep.

Thinking of this, Ye Han couldn't help but ask, "What's the situation in Siberia?"

"There are a lot of spaceships that landed in Siberia, and the hydrogen bomb that Maozi himself threw... Note, it's not a neutron bomb." Gao Kai emphasized.

"I know, Maozi is ruthless enough." Ye Han said, "But this is also good. The radiation is high and there are fewer bugs, which is only good for us."

"Hopefully." Gao Kai said, "The radiation high bugs are mutating quickly, so I can't guarantee that there will be several more specimens in the laboratory after a while."

"What about South America?"

"Yankee's backyard, what do you say?"

"The rainforest hasn't been destroyed, right?"

"It's better than not paying attention." Gao Kai said, "Since the aliens entered the atmosphere, I can't let go of my heart. If the aliens really get a foothold in the South American jungle, it will be troublesome."

"It's definitely fine in South America, but not so much in Africa."

"What?" Ye Han was slightly surprised.

"We were taking care of the country just now, and we didn't even look at the African side, and the US side was similar... Later, I have to check the satellite map of Africa!"

"Hello? Hello?" Ye Han was stunned, Gao Kai had already hung up the communication.

He couldn't help but be a little suspicious. Could it be that it's really that serious in Africa?

In fact is more serious than he thought.

Although the purpose of the aliens landing on the 6th earth is still unclear, all countries can guess some, so they all deal with the problems on their own territory at the first time, and then take into account the support requests of allies.

Alien warships first landed in the Eastern Hemisphere. Since Fengcheng, many alien warships have landed in cities around the world. In order to eliminate aliens, all countries are the first to throw nuclear weapons on alien warships and destroy alien warships. At the same time, like Fengcheng, it also affected many people in the country.

Although all this has not been around for a long time, the people of various countries have begun to question whether the actions of the military and the government are reasonable, and require the military and governments of various countries to give a reasonable explanation. Governments of various countries have suppressed the situation on the grounds of a state of emergency, but no serious consequences have been caused.

If the magic weapon of the state of emergency is not hanging over the head, it is estimated that traditional activities such as demonstrations and protests have been rolled out.

Blind people don't care whether you need to eliminate the aliens as soon as possible, let alone what kind of crisis the aliens will bring. They only know that the military's actions have caused many civilian casualties, and all this can be completely avoided.

After a period of leavening, civilians in some countries took to the streets despite the government's dissuasion, and even clashed with the military and police maintaining order, which not only wasted time, but also consumed the already tense military and police forces. 6's juncture adds to the chaos, it is simply a pig teammate who has more than enough success.

It's just that they don't know what a disgraceful role they have played, and they stubbornly look at things from their own perspective.

However, all of this is insignificant compared to what is about to be born in the African Big Six.

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