Armor Frenzy

Chapter 683: go forward

five minutes later……

"Is it gone?"


ten minutes later……

"Is it gone?"


After half an hour.

"Is it gone?"


"Can't wait any longer." Ye Han said.

The wolves outside the corpse wall still showed no signs of dispersing. Although everyone stayed still and tried to save electricity as much as possible, even if the armor was in a standby state, it would consume some power.

"What shall we do?" Luo Qi asked.

"Ouyang Ping!"


Ye Han's four remaining grenades were all handed over to Ouyang Ping: "Is there any problem with blowing up the corpse wall?"

Ouyang Ping took the grenade: "It's definitely not possible to blow it all up, it's okay to blow up a hole, but how to deal with the bugs?"

"Rush over, use the fastest speed."

Luo Qi asked worriedly, "What if I didn't rush over?"

Ye Han took a deep breath: "How many are there to rush out? After rushing over, find a way to get out and call for help as soon as possible... Remember, those who rush over must never turn back, no matter who stays behind, including me Did you understand everything inside?"

"Understood!" The soldiers' answers were uneven, and everyone's voice was unusually heavy.

This is not a question of not turning back, but a matter of life and death. Everyone knows that as long as they are trapped in the swarm, their life will enter the countdown, and there is no chance to wait for rescue.

"Okay, everyone has it, I ordered everyone to step back and prepare to break through, Ouyang Ping—"


"let's start."


Ye Han and others stepped back for a distance, out of the range of the grenade's power, so as not to be affected by the explosion, Ouyang Ping stuffed the grenade into the corpse wall and quickly retreated.

The first person to rush out had the highest chance of escaping, but Ye Han stood at the end of the team. No matter how many thoughts the soldiers had in their hearts, they couldn’t say it, so no one was fighting for it, only Luo Qi, who was originally behind, suddenly pushed away. Comrades-in-arms, stand firmly in the first position.

Everyone stared at Luo Qi in amazement, and uncontrollable anger welled up in their hearts.

Do you know that the front is the safest? As far as you know, there is the greatest hope ahead? Just that you're too embarrassed to move forward?

The soldiers looked back at Ye Han in unison, Ye Han didn't say a word, as if he didn't see anything.

No one spoke, but everyone looked at Luo Qi with contempt.

Luo Qi in the armor was short of breath, holding the armored gun tightly with both hands.

A soldier could no longer hold back the anger in his heart: "Luo Qi..."


The explosion collapsed a corner of the corpse wall, and a hole with a diameter of less than one meter exploded.

"Crush!" Ye Han shouted loudly. Luo Qi, who was already ready to sprint, suddenly exerted his strength. After running a few steps, he jumped suddenly, with his feet forward and his body parallel to the ground, like a sharp arrow pierced through a hole. And passed.

The wolf worm on the other side of the corpse wall has not recovered from the explosion. Luo Qi said nothing after landing, and flew forward with the armored gun while shooting at the wolf worm. Luo Qi chased after him.

Is he trying to lure the swarm away?

Everyone understood why Luo Qi stood at the front, and the soldiers who were still scolding in their hearts were all stunned.

"Run!" Ye Han kicked the second soldier's ass. The soldiers woke up like a dream and rushed out one by one. The first thing everyone did after rushing through the corpse wall was to fire with all their strength. Do your best to attract the swarm's attention.

The plan is not as fast as the change, Ye Han gritted his teeth and shouted in the radio: "Listen to Lao Tzu, run to the underground lake, and no one will be wrong!"

Another soldier rushed out, Ye Han was anxious and couldn't wait any longer, so he simply jumped in line and rushed out.

There was not a single intact wolf worm on the other side of the corpse wall. Only a few wolves that were shot and were about to die fell to the ground. Perhaps Ye Han was found, and a wolf worm moved its forelimbs weakly.

Ye Han really wanted to destroy the wolf worm with one shot, but the opportunity in front of him was earned by several soldiers fighting their lives.

"Come out!" Ye Han did not rush out like the previous soldiers, but called the soldiers on the other side of the corpse wall to come over quickly.

The remaining three soldiers rushed over one by one, Ye Han said anxiously: "Battle formation, speed forward, fast, fast!"

The four people lined up quickly and rushed in the direction they came from. There were wolf corpses and dying wolves everywhere along the way, which made Ye Han feel relieved.

Even if all the wolves were led to the underground lake, the situation would be much better than fighting a swarm of worms in a cave. At least the underground lake had enough space to not be blocked by the corpses.

The faint sound of gunshots coming from the front was a reassurance, letting Ye Han know that the soldiers in front were still fighting with the wolves.

No one can ignore the sacrifices of their comrades-in-arms, including Ye Han, a few people are suffocating in their hearts, wanting to catch up as soon as possible to help the comrades in front to share the pressure.

Everyone tried their best and supported by armor. The running speed was astonishingly fast. They finished one-third of the way without thinking about it. However, when they passed a fork in the road, they could hear clearly gunshots in both holes. Voice.

Ye Han slammed to a stop: "Who strayed?"

"Report, I'm Luo Qi." A voice appeared on the radio.

"What's the matter with you?" Ye Han roared.

"Chief of Staff, don't forget me..."

"Luo Qi, Luo Qi!" Ye Han shouted several times, but got no response, his heart struggled violently, his sense of responsibility finally overcame his reason, and he took his gun and walked towards the fork in the road, "You guys keep moving forward. ."

"Chief of Staff?" Ouyang Ping grabbed Ye Han, "I'll go too!"

"I'll go as well!"

"And me, live together, die together!"

Ye Han stomped his foot: "Whatever the fight, give me the order!" After saying that, he rushed into the fork in the road without looking back.

"Chief of Staff—" Ouyang Ping didn't care so and chased after him. When the other two soldiers saw it, they didn't dare to hesitate, so they chased after him.

After chasing the fork in the road, there is no winning bid to guide the direction, but the corpse on the ground is the best winning bid.

With the idea of ​​returning to the original path after rescuing Luo Qi, Ye Han took out his saber and pressed it against the wall, and ran forward while leaving an undulating scratch that was interrupted from time to time.

After running for a distance, Ye Han realized that Ouyang Ping and others had also followed. Ye Han was not forgiving, but his heart was warm.

After running at least a few hundred meters, the gunfire in front suddenly stopped, and Ye Han was shocked: "Luo Qi, hold on, we'll be there soon!"

Before the breakout, all the ammunition was redistributed, and each person only had sixty or seventy shells.

As expected, Ye Han heard the crisp sound of the pistol as soon as the roar of the armored gun stopped.

The sound of gunfire was just ahead, and the dash turned into a sprint in an instant.

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