Armor Frenzy

Chapter 696: I need

The convoy hurried away from the hive, hit the road and headed west.

Ye Han was still studying the map in the southwest direction, and suddenly received a new communication: "Tiangong called 601, please answer!"

"601 received, please speak!"

"601, I'm 104, your previous suggestion has come to fruition."

"What advice?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

He was still mulling over the map in his head, and he didn't even remember what he said.

"It's about the temperature!"

"Oh, I remember!" Ye Han suddenly realized, "What's the result?"

"We scanned the whole of Siberia and the total number of points with temperature anomalies was over 2,000..."

"So much?" Ye Han was taken aback, but he quickly realized that there was no need to be so excited.

A worm nest must have more than one exit, a dozen or so exits are normal, and many burrows are not suitable for swarm reproduction at all, and there must be few real worm nests.

The reason is very simple. If each point is a worm nest, the huge worm swarm must hollow out half of Siberia, but Siberia is only a virgin forest, and there is a limit to the abundance of products. Not as abundant as tropical rainforests.

Wolves have occupied Siberia for several years, and the animal resources here have been devastated by wolves for a long time, and they cannot support so many wolves.

Why do wolves go south every year? The most important reason is that the explosive expansion of the swarm consumes too many resources. If the huge swarm does not migrate south, it will only starve.

The factor that determines the number of wolves is not the fertility of the wolves, but how many wolves can be raised in Siberia.

"A lot? Not much. It's not even a spot outside the insect-occupied area!" Gao Kai said.

"How many are there?" Ye Han asked curiously.

"320,000 can't stop it... Don't talk about useless, there are new tasks for you."

"What mission? Check all the suspicious burrows?"

"Correct, your words have more than doubled the worm-occupied area in Siberia. If you don't find out, the collective insomnia in the North will be impossible."

Ye Han sighed: "I'm killing myself!"

"It's not that serious, and it's not for you to walk through the entire worm-occupied area. It's one-tenth of the same as before." Gao Kai said.

Beidu finally made up its mind, how could the military only send one unit out of the country? Counting Ye Han's team, the military sent a total of ten troops to march north from various points of the northern defense line.

"Can the previous one-tenth be the same as the current one-tenth? It's twice as bad!"

"You still have a lot of people there! Don't complain to me, if you have anything to say."

"The old leader still knows me best." Ye Han laughed, "I only have four cars here, and so many people can't sit there. Can the old leader help me think of a way?"

"What can I do? How many armored vehicles can I spare for you?"

"Without an armored vehicle, a trailer will do!"

"Thank you for thinking it out, okay, I'll think of a way, but it's another matter."

"You've been trying to find a way, can't you still succeed?"

"You think I'm the first brother? What else is there to say, don't waste communication resources here."

"You still need equipment, such as cigarettes. The thicker the smoke, the better."

"What do you want to do?" Gao Kai asked curiously, "I saw smoke coming from your place just now, and I almost forgot if you didn't mention it."

"What else can I do, burn the worms in the hole, I don't know where to run if the worms are smoked, the effect is great."

"Oh, I understand what you mean. I'll report to 101 later and get you a batch of smoke bombs with added ingredients as soon as possible... What are the bugs afraid of? Chili powder or pepper noodles?"

"I don't know, you might as well just use the tear gas, it's more choking than chili noodles and pepper noodles."

"Also, I'll ask you what the wolf worm is afraid of. If the tear gas is good enough, I'll send it directly to you. If you don't have it, you can wait until tomorrow."

"and also……"

"Also? You can't go too far!"

"I really need it!"

"Okay, you say it!"

"It's too troublesome to find the hole in the ground. Four soldiers have been sacrificed in just one hole. I think we must find a way to do something."

"I don't know you yet? If you have any idea, just say it!"

"The terrain in the cave is complex, and it is difficult for conventional weapons to function, but the sound can travel along the direction of the cave. Do you think you can get something like an infrasound generator?"

"you sure?"

"I'm sure." Ye Han said, "This thing must be easy to use in the hole, convenient and labor-saving... Even if there is no ready-made, it is not difficult to make one, right?"

"I can't explain this clearly, I have to ask the technical ones."

"That's all for now. If I think of anything else, I'll talk about it later."

Gao Kai laughed and scolded: "You better stop talking. After talking to you for so long, I have found a lot of things for myself to do, and it's still good to talk about it? Let's close the line."

"Received, don't forget what I want."

Gao Kelly cut off the communication and didn't tell Ye Han at all.

In such a short time, the three departments of logistics, quilt and research and development have been involved. Each department needs to communicate carefully and explain the needs ahead in detail. It is by no means a sentence or two.

Continue to speak, not sure which sentence brings another department into it.

At the end of the communication, Ye Han quietly breathed a sigh of relief: "Where have you been?"

"I'll go to the canyon There is a bridge over the river valley, about one kilometer away from the distress signal." Xiao Yuan said.

"What about the time?"

"Ten minutes left."

"Can you make it?"

"no problem."

"Speed ​​up and cross the bridge before the explosion." Ye Han said.

He has only seen ground explosions and air explosions, and he has never touched an underground nuclear explosion. He only knows that an underground nuclear experiment can cause an effect similar to an earthquake on the ground.

The river valley is six kilometers away from the worm's nest. The power range of avoiding nuclear bombs is enough, but the power of avoiding underground nuclear explosions is probably not enough.

If the bridge over the valley was damaged by the explosion, the convoy would have to detour nearly 100 kilometers to reach the other side of the valley.

"Yes!" Xiao Yuan agreed and immediately conveyed the order to all vehicles.

When the soldiers sitting on the roof heard the order, they immediately grabbed the handrails around them, and the drivers slowly stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the forward speed rose sharply.

A few minutes later, the River Valley Bridge was in sight, and the convoy quickly drove to the vicinity of the bridge.

Ye Han's original plan was to let the team rush over in one breath, but after seeing the situation of the bridge, he couldn't help but take a breath and immediately ordered the team to stop moving forward.

The bridge is a very ordinary arched steel frame structure. The steel frame seems to be in good condition, but the bridge deck is full of cracks. No matter how you look at it, it is a dangerous bridge.

The book friend Snail Can't Fly solemnly reminds you that you have mistakenly ordered the anti-theft seal, you just need to turn to the previous chapter and turn back... Brothers who have won the prize can try it.

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