Armor Frenzy

Chapter 698: signal source

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698 signal source

Ye Han spit out the turbid air in his chest: "I hope... let's go, go back and look at the river valley."

"What's so beautiful about the river valley?" Xiao Yuan asked strangely.

When the others heard this, they also looked at Ye Han well.

"There is a distress signal in the river valley, and Tiangong found it." Ye Han said.

Everyone understood in an instant, and they all asked to go over to check the situation together, but it was true that not many people were needed. Ye Han ordered the large army to stand by, only bringing Xiao Yuan and a battle group.

Returning to the river valley, Ye Han was surprised to find that the bridge still crossed the river valley. Except for the more severe damage to the bridge deck, there were no other problems.

Xiao Yuan sighed: "This idiot and thick black also has the advantages of being silly and thick, one word, strong!"

"Did you learn mathematics from a physical education teacher? Is this a word?" Ye Han stood on the edge of the cliff, holding a telescope to observe the river valley carefully.

"A word, I mean a word!"

Ye Han put down the telescope: "Did you see it? The small waterfalls on the opposite side are gone, but the water outlets are still there."

"Did the cave collapse block the waterway?" Xiao Yuan guessed.

"You also think those waterfalls are connected to the underground lake?"

"I dare not say whether it is connected to the underground lake, but it must be part of the underground water system. Maybe it is also the exit of the worm nest... Captain, you mean, a soldier came out of the waterfall?"

Ye Han nodded: "Such a complex cave, you can't walk six kilometers in half an hour, unless you jump into an underground river and let the water flow out!"

"Then what are we waiting for, hurry down and have a look!"

"Right on my mind."

Ye Han called an armored vehicle by radio, used the winch of the vehicle to put ropes, and put the soldiers into the river valley one by one. In the end, he himself followed.

The height difference of the valley is not small, but the river water only reaches the knees, and the deeper place just reaches the thighs. The soldiers who came down first have been scattered to various places under the waterfall, carefully searching every inch of the riverbed.

Before coming down, Ye Han held high hopes, but so many people came down, but no one stood up, which already explained the problem, and Ye Han's heart gradually fell into a trough.

"Have you found anything?" Ye Han asked with a hint of hope.

"Not yet." Xiao Yuan said, "The waterfalls have stopped flowing. There is an important point to see where the water falls. Now there is no other way but to spread it."

"Have you found it under the waterfall?"

"I searched, but didn't find it."

"Don't gather here, divide it into two waves, send a few people to wander, and find the rest downstream."


More soldiers descended to the river valley, divided into two teams, one more and one less, and launched a pull search in two directions.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and the light in the valley was especially dim. The soldiers had to rely on night vision goggles to see things normally.

It is far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and it happens to be the first month of the lunar calendar. There are only twinkling stars in the sky.

Time passed slowly, and half an hour later, a soldier walking on the river suddenly kicked something, and the stone that covered the river was much lighter.

He bowed his head and was stunned after seeing the thing in the clear water, and suddenly fit into the water and threw himself into the water.

The soldier's unusual action alarmed his companions, and everyone turned their attention.

The soldier who jumped into the water stood up with a helmet: "I found it, I found it!"

Liu Bin, who led the team, rushed to the soldier in front of the river, and the soldier handed over the helmet: "Captain, I found it!"

"Good job!" Liu Bin took a look at the helmet, turned on the radio and said, "601, we found a helmet downstream."

"Only the helmet?" Ye Han asked.

"Only the helmet." Liu Bin said.

Ye Han sighed: "Understood, let's withdraw."

The situation finally figured out, no one came out of the waterfall, just a helmet.

The helmet of the power armor is not simple at all, but is the most complex part of the entire armor. It integrates various subsystems such as display, observation, communication, fire control, etc., and the communication system can be used in emergency situations in addition to normal communication. automatically send a distress signal.

Emergencies mentioned here include all kinds of major failures, including power outages on the armor.

In order to avoid the failure of the communication equipment due to power failure, the designer also added a battery to the communication equipment, but this battery is too small to even support the normal operation of the communication equipment. Signal.

It can be said that this battery is the last call for help in power armor.

Luo Qi's battery pack was destroyed by the wolf worm before, and the armor had activated the distress device, but Ye Han and others were surrounding Luo Qi and directly ignored the distress signal.

However, the battery is small, the power is limited, the signal duration is very short, and the propagation distance is limited. The only function is to notify others in time of the failure of the armor.

It was also a coincidence that Tiangong received this signal. There must have been a large receiving device aimed at this area at that time, otherwise it would have been impossible to receive such a weak distress signal.

When Liu Bin handed the helmet to Ye Han, Ye Han held the helmet in silence for a long time, and his full stomach finally turned into a sigh: "Okay, let's close the team."

After working for a long time, only one helmet was found, and the search operation came to an end, and the team members were all downcast.

It was getting late, and there was no need to hurry all night, Ye Han made the decision to camp.

The soldiers began to set up camp, and Ye Han asked for the communication from Tongtiangong: "Tiangong, I am 601."

"Tiangong received it, 601 please speak."

"Search is over, only one helmet was found."

"Tiangong understands."

"Tiangong, please help me transfer 104."

"Hold on……"

After a while, Gao Kai's voice appeared: "601, I'm Have you found anything in other directions?"

"Yes, your suggestion is very useful. 201, 401 and 901 have found the nest."

"This is good news, it's all exploded?"

"Not yet, but it's almost there... What are your thoughts?" Gao Kai found himself a little expecting.

"I don't have any idea. I thought that only using nuclear bombs might be a leak, but I saw the nuclear bomb explode with my own eyes. Now I'm sure that no matter how many bugs there are in that hole, they are completely dead."

"You have something to say? What else can you use without a nuclear bomb?"

"Let the battleship throw stones, and it will save Maozi and Beidu arguing with each other." Ye Han said, "Maozi can't hear such a big movement of a nuclear explosion."

"What can I hear? The North dares to let us cross the border, and is still afraid of the thorns?" Gao Kai snorted coldly, "They put such a big worm in their house, and they don't let us take care of it? How can there be such a reason? It's good that you didn't clean up your hair because of the worm's nest, and you dare to come out and stab?"

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