Armor Frenzy

Chapter 703: Phantom Appears


703 Phantom Appears

"601 understands, where is 401?"

"5X degrees north latitude, 13X degrees east longitude!"

"Ah? So far?" Ye Han was taken aback, "When we get there, the daylily will be cold!"

The straight-line distance between his current position and the target is more than 1,000 kilometers, and the road distance is at least 1,500 kilometers. Maozi's road is broken and broken, the armored car can run 60 kilometers in the sky, and the average speed is in the early 40 kilometers per hour. It takes nearly 40 hours to reach the target point.

"Who told you to drive? The plane has already departed from the country."

"Airplane... You send a plane to pick it up directly? Damn it, it's going to be a big deal!"

"Everything is important to aliens, unless Maozi wants to stand on the side of aliens, or how much fart I have to hold in my stomach."

"Domineering!" Ye Han said with admiration, "But may I ask the 104 chief, where will the plane land?"

Regardless of whether the Marine Corps or the motorized infantry are heavy equipment, the transport aircraft that can land on any grass can't hold so many heavy equipment, but if it is a heavy transport aircraft, it must have a long enough and flat enough runway.

Even if it's just a six- or seven-hundred-meter-long road.

Gao Kai had already prepared: "70 kilometers northwest of you, there is an abandoned airport in the former Soviet Union."

"The former Soviet Union?" Ye Han's voice was out of tune, "Do you still dare to find an older place? That place has been abandoned for half a century, right?"

"The runway is not a problem."


"Seriously, Maozi's stuff is stupid and thick and black. The runway is pretty flat after 30 or 40 years of neglect, but there are a few grasses growing in the cracks in the ground. There must be no way for fighter jets to take off and land, and there is absolutely no problem with transport planes. No matter how bad the place is, It's also stronger than the sandy runway of a field airport."

"Understood, there is another question, do you want to give us additional equipment?"

"Tiangong Express is preparing the package."

"Hmph, your joke is too cold." Ye Han pouted, "Are you busy now?"

"What do you think?" Gao Kai asked back.

"Okay, tell me what's going on, so I'm ready." Ye Han said.

"Why do you think I'm a homeless man?"

"Isn't it your responsibility to inform our front-line commanders and fighters?"

"I'm not free now, I'll tell you later."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

At the end of the communication, Ye Han was still full of inconceivable thoughts. He sent a plane directly from China, and it crossed the border openly... How would Maozi react?

Looking forward to it!

Ye Han thought about it, suddenly remembered the coordinates reported by Gao Kai, and immediately opened the electronic map to find the coordinates.

He is more familiar with the domestic situation, and dare not say how proficient he is, but if he reports any coordinates, he can at least tell which province and which direction he belongs to.

But he has no research on the situation abroad, and he can't tell where the coordinates are.

When he found the coordinates, he was surprised to find that the target point was actually located at the junction of land and sea.

At the same time, Gao Kai is sitting in the command center of the Tiangong. There are staffs floating around here and there. Staffs with different positions and specialties go all out to process information from all aspects quickly.

The most important task at the moment is to assemble the team. The transport aircraft departing from the country needs guidance; the troops going deep into Siberia need to rush to the landing site, and the landing site must be found by the Tiangong.

Not only does the ground need a command center, but the number of warships in outer orbit has also increased from one to three, which shows that Beidu attaches great importance to aliens.

It is true that most of the work is handled by the staff team, and there is basically no need for the chief of staff Gao Kai to intervene, but it is not suitable to talk to Ye Han all the time, no matter how busy you are, you must take a serious attitude and put enough pressure on the staff team. .

After a quarter of an hour, all the coordination work came to an end, and Gao Kai wanted to communicate with Ye Han again: "601, I am 104."

"601 received, 104 please speak."

"What do you want to know?"

"I want to know how 401 discovered the aliens, the specific situation of the aliens, the situation of 401, and the environment there!"

Ye Hanma received a photo from the Tiangong. The photo was of a snow-capped hillside with a few bare trees and a wilting insect tree in the distance.

Farther away, there is a dilapidated building standing alone in the snowfield. In front of the building is a very large square. In the center of the square, there is a sculpture with five stars as the main feature, which is very characteristic of the times.

"This is... an abandoned city?" Ye Han asked in surprise.

There are many deserted and dead cities in Siberia, and the city in the photo is obviously one of them. As for the name of that place, Ye Han has no interest in knowing it.

Gao Kai didn't answer and asked, "Do you see anything?"

"not yet……"

The voice appeared: "Look carefully, on the left side of the building."

Ye Han continuously zoomed in on the photos, and the left side of the building was clearly displayed in front of his eyes. Only at this time did he realize that there was a blurry, ice-white figure floating in the air on the left side of the Han's pupils shrank: "I saw... where did the photo come from?"

"Captured by 401."

"Any more?"

"No, only this one."

"What's the situation with 401? Didn't you expose it?"

"No, I'm afraid aliens will find out that 401 took people down after taking pictures, and now it's all watched by satellites."

"The satellite found nothing?"

"Yes, but very few." Gao Kai said, "The satellite found a total of six aliens in the urban area. These aliens are very scattered and are very far away from each other."

A high-altitude top view was passed to Ye Han, marking the specific locations of the six aliens.

"The location of these aliens should not be a coincidence, but more like sentinels arranged by aliens... Maybe 401 has been exposed!"

"Probably not." Gao Kai said.

"Have no other discoveries been made but six aliens?"

"Not yet."

"How many aliens are there in Siberia?"

"I don't know, I only know that there is an alien spacecraft that made an emergency landing, and there must be more than six."

"By the way, the spaceship!" Ye Han suddenly patted his forehead in surprise, "Where did the spaceship land?"

"I can't tell what it's called. I'll send you a coordinate later... Okay!"

There was an extra red dot on Ye Han's electronic map. Ye Han unexpectedly discovered that the distance between the place where the spaceship made the forced landing and the abandoned city was no less than 300 kilometers!

That is to say, after the alien spaceship made an emergency landing, the aliens abandoned the spaceship and rushed to this ghost town that can't even be named... What is there in this ghost place that attracts aliens?

Thinking of this, Ye Han asked loudly, "104, tell me about the situation in the city, the more detailed the better!"

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