Armor Frenzy

Chapter 705: who fired the gun

Humans know very little about aliens, but the part they already know is very unfavorable for catching aliens.

If you want to catch a live alien, you can't strip the alien's armor. The alien must be sent to the laboratory, the surface of the alien must be strictly sterilized, and then sent to a sterile room, and then the armor can be removed to ensure that the alien is safe. alive.

But not stripping off the armor is the same as not disarming, and sending it back to the country from what Vivosk is thousands of miles away, with such an indefinite time bomb with you, is it too long for life?

All in all, aliens are still the cutest dead, Ye Han absolutely, absolutely, absolutely doesn't want to make himself uncomfortable!

Gao Kai is also aware of these situations, so it's just a suggestion, not an order.

Ye Han changed the subject: "Mao Ziguang said that there is a submarine base in Vivosk, but he didn't say anything else? For example, the specific location of the base, the internal structure, the location of the submarine and so on."

"Maozi's attitude is very strange. Apart from the fact that there is a base there, other news that it is a military secret will not be disclosed at all. Now the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is arguing with Maozi."

Ye Han snorted coldly: "Maozi wanted to say it earlier, if you want me to see it, it is useless for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to say more... I think the six alien sentinels are definitely not scattered for no reason, they are probably Encircled that base in the middle!"

"The command also has speculation in this regard." Gao Kai said.

"Does the headquarters have any plans? I suggest checking it out, and then blasting the **** with cloud bombs."

The nuclear submarine is very strong, and the pressure-resistant shell can resist the huge pressure of hundreds of meters underwater. The main means of killing the cloud bomb is high pressure and high temperature. something happened.

"The above wants to know what the aliens want to do. It's impossible to agree with your plan. Or just bomb it directly. Do you need to send someone over to see it?"

"Then send a group of reconnaissance robots in to see the situation."

"I can have this, I'll arrange it later, what else is there to ask for?"

"I'm gone for now, you can ask other people."

"Okay, let's do this first."

After the communication was over, Ye Han rolled over and got up, glanced at the white clouds outside the porthole, and found the in-flight communicator: "The cabin, how long does it take to get there?"

"About twenty minutes."

"Thank you." Ye Han retracted the line, flipped open the simple seat inlaid on the bulkhead, and sat up to start checking the weapon.

Ten minutes later, Ye Han woke up the others. Everyone checked their equipment and prepared for departure. The cabin was in chaos.

Soon after, the plane lowered its altitude and landed slowly at an abandoned military airfield.

This place is much larger than the previous place, and the tarmac is full of broken fighter jets and helicopters. There are at least dozens of them.

At the end of the runway, three Y-20s with their vertical tails painted with military emblems were parked, and the troops who arrived earlier were gathering on one side of the runway.

Ye Han walked out of the cabin, and several officers headed by Xiao Yuan immediately greeted him.

Ye Han asked, "Have you all arrived?"

Xiao Yuan said: "All done!"

"Have you received the supplies?"

"Just received." Xiao Yuan pointed to the tarmac, where there were several open boxes.

Those who are familiar with the Marine Corps only need to look at the numbers on the boxes to know that these boxes contain reconnaissance robots.

Ye Han nodded: "Leave two groups of people at the airport, and the others will set off immediately!"

In order to cope with the situation in Vivosk, Tiangong mobilized four participating troops, plus the 401 that was originally here, a total of 20 combat groups, nearly 140 people, after removing the two combat groups, there are still 120 More than ten people, enough to deal with the aliens entrenched in Vivosk.

There are still more than ten kilometers between the airport and the target, and the troops who have been ready to leave the airport immediately.

After leaving the airport, Ye Han wanted to communicate with 401 immediately: "Call 401 from 601, please answer when you receive it!"

"401 received, please speak." 401's voice was very low.

"How's the situation?" Ye Han also lowered his voice subconsciously.

"There is nothing unusual." 401 was lying behind a dirt slope, using the surveillance camera to observe the alien sentinel from a distance.

"What about the aliens? Are they still floating?"

"Yes, I haven't moved the place." 401 glanced at the screen and said.

Ye Han grinned, didn't the aliens change the guard?

"401, we have left the airport, give me the meeting coordinates."

"Okay!" 401 agreed, and the team soon received a coordinate on the outskirts of Vivosk.

Ye Han thought for a while and asked, "401, how is the situation around the target?"

"No change on the surface."

"401, your people are most familiar with the situation. Is it okay for a battle group to deal with an alien sentinel?"

"No problem, but I only have four battle groups here."

"I will send another four groups of people to support you, and the staff will go around to a suitable location and wait for orders."


In order to prevent the aliens from finding out that something was wrong, the convoy slowed down when it was five kilometers away from the target. When it was still three kilometers away from the target, Ye Han simply ordered everyone to get out of the car and walk.

Just when the troops were about to arrive at the meeting point, a loud bang suddenly came from the city, and then a black smoke shot into the sky.

Ye Han stopped at his feet and was very What's going on? "

"I don't know, I'm watching... the alien sentries are moving, and they're flying to the pier!" 40 didn't dare to show his head, and quickly turned the camera. Before turning to the pier, he saw a thick plume of smoke rising.

The camera fell, and 401 said quickly: "601, the bombing point is at the seaside, two kilometers north of the pier."

One kilometer north of the pier?

Ye Han immediately turned out the electronic map and found the dock on the map. After extending his gaze to the north for a distance, he landed on a mountain.

The mountain is located in the northern suburbs of the city. One side of the mountain is close to the coast. The contours there are closely together, and some of the contours even overlap, indicating that there is a nearly vertical coastal cliff.

And this mountain happens to be surrounded by six alien sentries!

Submarine base?

Ye Han immediately remembered Gao Kai's words, and quickly ordered the troops to move forward at full speed, thinking secretly while running, the alien's weapon is silk light, and there is no such thing as explosives at all, so what happened to the explosion? Aliens found explosives in the base?

The troops rushed to the meeting point as quickly as possible. After Ye Han ordered the troops to stand by, they only brought Xiao Yuan to meet 401.

40 immediately pointed out the location of the explosion, but the angle of the observation point was wrong, and only the southern **** of the mountain could be seen, but the eastern cliff on the shore could not be seen.

At this time, the clouds in the sky had dispersed, and Ye Han immediately connected to the satellite to obtain real-time satellite images.

It was finally clear that the explosion point was indeed under the cliff.

Ye Han whispered: "The place where the explosion is likely to be the entrance to the submarine base, we'd better move faster..."

There was a burst of intense gunfire suddenly in the distance, Ye Han was stunned, and several people couldn't help but look at each other.

Who fired the gun?

Sad reminder today, no state at all, crying.

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