Armor Frenzy

Chapter 709: Secret infiltration

The dead weight of power armor is very high, and the weight mainly comes from the composite armor all over the body. In order to carry this weight, the armor must have enough power.

The power of the power armor comes from the motor, and each additional point of power must consume an extra point of power. Maozi does not have the best battery technology in the world. Reducing most of the weight of the armor is equivalent to reducing the power consumption of the armor by more than half, thus reducing the power consumption of the armor by more than half. Increase the battery life of the armor and install more energy-intensive subsystems for the armor.

These are just the most intuitive advantages. The wool version of the armored body armor is far lower than the composite armor in terms of technology and cost. Simple replacement can greatly reduce the manufacturing cost and technical difficulty of the armor, so as to improve the manufacturing efficiency and speed up the The purpose of equipment speed.

It is very unlikely that Maozi will not be able to create genuine power armor, but due to national power or other constraints, Maozi does not have the ability to mass-produce or equip hard armor.

The right one is the best. The exoskeleton and body armor are enough to deal with the threat of giant insects, so why not hold on to the expensive hard armor?

Xiao Yuan didn't know the cost of the Mao version of the armor, but even the lowest cost Army version of the armor, it is estimated that one set can be worth about three sets of the Mao version.

After figuring out the joints, Xiao Yuan couldn't help sighing: "This thing is really suitable for Maozi, except for the protection, there are almost no other problems."

"Does Maozi care?" Ye Han asked back.

"Yes, Maozi has vodka, the body armor is too much." Xiao Yuan smiled.

Regardless of the Tsarist Russia or the former Soviet Union, what Commander Maozi likes most is when a large wave of people go over and use human sea tactics to completely drown his opponents. Human life is not a problem in the eyes of Commander Maozi, who is blind and arrogant.

Not only in modern times, but in modern times Maozi still hasn't gotten rid of his arrogance and rashness, so he suffered huge losses in the civil war. In a word, Maozi has too few brains, and whether military or political play is too rough, no matter how you look at it, it looks like Brainless show lower limit.

While speaking, a group of soldiers rushed to the two of them. Ye Han quickly made a few gestures. The soldiers immediately dispersed and moved north along the coast in the direction indicated by Ye Han.

Ye Han and Xiao Yuan also stopped talking about their previous discoveries, and took all their attention back to the battle that was about to begin.

The cliff cave was relatively close, and the troops led by 104 quickly arrived at the entrance of the cave.

The cave was dark, and the troops were still some distance away from the entrance, so they spread out in groups, each finding a suitable cover to hide.

After the battle group closest to the entrance of the cave was in place, they immediately released two mechanical spiders that were smaller than a slap. The two little things were extremely agile. They drilled between the rocks and climbed into the cave in a few steps.

The matt lacquer surface of the mechanical spider is very inconspicuous. As soon as it enters the cave, it blends into the dark environment. The situation in the cave is immediately transmitted to the soldiers lurking outside the cave through electromagnetic waves.

104 was surprised to see that the mountain wall on that layer was more than three meters thick, with two meters of stone wall outside and one meter of concrete inside.

After entering the cave, a huge cave warehouse with a height of more than three meters and a length and width of no less than 30 meters appeared on the screen. However, the warehouse was empty. Except for some scattered wooden boxes in the corners, there were only some piles at the gate. Broken wood chips.

Judging from the color, those pieces of wood must also be wooden boxes, 80% of which were cut into pieces by the attacking aliens.

Not far from the gate, there were still some scattered corpses, and it was impossible to see how many people died for a while.

After careful observation, 104 found no trace of aliens, and said in a low voice over the radio, "Chief of Staff, I'm ready to go in."

"Received, be careful, don't be reckless at any time, and don't forget to install the repeater." Ye Han urged.

"Understood!" 104 agreed, making a gesture to the soldiers beside him, and a combat team filed in on the rocks.

The combat team immediately launched after entering the cave, and immediately controlled the door of the cave. A soldier quickly ran to the vent and placed a directional mine under the vent.

The pile of wooden boxes in the corner was also inspected by a special person. After confirming that it was not a time bomb or something, a safety signal was issued in time.

The follow-up troops entered one after another. After one squadron entered, the other squadron did not keep up, but stayed outside the cave temporarily.

104 gave an order to the mechanical spider, and the two little guys quietly climbed out of the half-closed garage door, and a spacious passage enough for two trucks to run side by side appeared on the screen, and there was actually a railway in the center of the passage!

The two spider soldiers divided into two directions, and went to the left and right along the railway. The personnel in the cave patiently waited for the results of the reconnaissance.

There are not many traces of fighting in the passage, but it is very conspicuous. There are even a few pools of blood, both human and alien, but no body can be seen.

Another group of people made a few gestures, and a battle group walked through the At the same time, another group of people entered the cave from the outside.

When the mechanical spider encountered a fork in the road, 104 immediately arranged for two more mechanical spiders to be deployed to ensure the reconnaissance power in all directions.

Everything unfolded in an orderly manner, and Ye Han finally regained his attention.

At this time, he had already walked to the end of the beach with the soldiers under his command. There was still more than 300 meters away from the underwater dark cave.

Walking on the top of the cliff is also a way, but the cliff is too high to be concealed. After reaching the dark cave, you either climb down or jump down. In the end, you still have to swim in. No matter which way you go, it is not as convenient as going directly into the water.

The soldiers who received the order went into the sea without hesitation... Armored protection, there is no hesitation in this matter.

After entering the water, he only walked three or five meters forward, and the sea water suddenly deepened. Within ten meters, it was more than ten meters deep. Nearly sixty soldiers turned on their propellers and swam quietly towards the dark cave like underwater ghosts.

Ye Han looked around, and a half-meter-long giant prawn swam leisurely, only three meters away from Ye Han.

The giant shrimp was accompanied by a few small fish swimming around, and there were some small things that could not be named on the shrimp shell, which looked a bit funny and embarrassing.

The ocean has been a paradise for giant creatures since ancient times. No matter how big the giant shrimp and crab are, they are no bigger than sea monster-level creatures such as the Physalis squid, so that the giant shrimp and crab still cannot escape the fate of being preyed on, but from the food chain The bottom layer is upgraded to the middle layer.

Ye Han couldn't help thinking to himself, what would the giant shrimp and crab population look like today without the full force of human beings.

Before the thoughts were dispersed, he saw the underwater dark cave at the bottom of the cliff in front of him. Ye Han immediately gathered his thoughts and swam to the front of the team.

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