Armor Frenzy

Chapter 727: open eyes

727 Open Eyes

Ye Han's words were considered to be asking for an idea, and everyone's eyes turned to Lu Ming.

Although African giant ants cannot adapt to the desert environment, they dare to enter the desert, so the speed and distance of the giant ants must be clearly understood.

Lu Ming said: "The situation is a bit complicated. According to the information we have, how far the ant colony can go after entering the desert has nothing to do with the ants themselves."

Zhuang Bo's eyes showed a strange look: "What does it have to do with?"

"Weather." Lu Ming gave an unexpected answer, "In the desert during the day, how far the ant colony goes depends on the temperature. When it is cool, go a little farther, about forty kilometers, and no more than fifty kilometers at most; the weather is hot. When I walked closer, I could probably walk about 30 kilometers, and the farthest was no more than 35 kilometers."

When he said this, everyone understood, and Zhuang Bo asked again, "How far can you go late?"

"The temperature at night is too low, and giant ants dare not enter the desert at all."

"Oh!" Zhuang Bo was stunned, and smiled self-deprecatingly, "I forgot about this."

The desert has a large temperature difference between day and night. It can cook people during the day and wear a padded jacket at night. Insects are not warm-blooded animals. If the temperature drops too much, the insects will lose most of their ability to move.

"What about the rain? How far can you go when it rains?"

Lu Ming twitched the corners of his mouth but did not laugh, and continued: "The annual rainfall in this place is very low, but the Americans have recorded the only time the giant ants marched on a rainy day. The rain came and went quickly, and the ants didn't last long after the rain stopped."

"Can I understand that?" Zhuang Bo said, "Unless the giant ants mutate, it is impossible to threaten the base."

"That's how it is now."

"What about beetles and sand scorpions?"

"Both of these two giant insects live deep in the desert, not near the port, but they are very dangerous. If the mission passes through the desert, everyone must be careful."

"What kind of dangerous law?" Ye Han asked.

He is the commander who is most likely to lead the team to carry out the mission, and it is necessary to understand this matter clearly.

"The desert giant beetle is also called the desert tiger beetle. It looks similar to the dung beetle. This beetle's mouth is so powerful that it can even bite through the wheel. The wheel hub bites like a hydraulic shear. , Let’s not talk about the meat first, a comminuted fracture will definitely not be able to run.”

Everyone here was a little surprised, everyone had never heard of a giant insect with such a strong bite force.

"Where's the sand scorpion?" Zhuang Bo asked again.

"The sand scorpion is very similar to the domestic giant ant. The tiger beetle is much bigger. Its main weapons are pliers and tail needles. It is not as powerful as the tiger beetle's mouth, but it is also very threatening." Lu Ming said, "Actually, don't worry too much. There were originally few creatures, neither tiger beetles nor sand scorpions, but also because there are few prey in the desert, tiger beetles and sand scorpions rarely catch prey, so they are immortal when they encounter living creatures. My suggestion is that once they are in the desert If you encounter giant insects, you must kill them immediately, without any hesitation."

Zhuang Bo said: "Ye Han, you have to remember."

"Don't worry, Commander, I won't forget it." Ye Han said.

He not only remembered these two giant insects, but also wondered why these two giant insects could survive in the desert.

The deep-seated reasons are unimaginable, but the impermeable shells of tiger beetles and sand scorpions must play an important role. In addition, strong hunger tolerance is also essential, and it may even be possible to eat a meal like a snake for a month.

But there is no worry at all. First, the possibility of entering the desert is very small; second, the number of these two giant insects is very small, and even if they enter the desert, they may not have such good luck. It can't become a monster, can it withstand the bombardment of guns? It's really not good and there are Tiangong and space battleships staring at it.

More importantly, Zhuang Bo revealed in private that the purpose of coming to Africa this time is to fight for post-war interests, not to fight for the Americans. I also need to make soy sauce. How much chance is there to fight the giant insect?

Rather than worrying about giant insects in the desert, it is more reliable to worry about African giant ants.

"Any more?"

"It's basically these." Lu Ming said.

Zhuang Bo asked solemnly: "What about the situation of the garrison? Have you heard about the situation of the Americans, French and other countries?"

"I understand." Lu Ming said, "At present, there are three main foreign military bases in Djibouti, one is the American base, the other is the French base, and the other is our base. Originally, there was a Guizi base next to the American base, and Guizi's domestic base. After the outbreak of the insect plague, the place was ignored and everyone was withdrawn, and then the place was taken over by the locals, and now the local troops live there.”

Wei Chengfei suddenly interrupted: "How is the combat effectiveness of the local troops?"

"Not very good." Lu Yu told the truth, "Uncle Hei is too low-level, give me a militia platoon, and I can beat a regular army of their company and turn around."

Wei Chengfei smacked his lips: "At this level, it would be a waste to give them power armor."

Zhuang Bo said with a smile: "It's our business whether we give it or not, it's their business how they play, and giving armor will always save a lot of money."

Everyone understands this. The arms trade has been hugely profitable since the day it was born. If you offer to sell power armor to Jibu, it must be a high-priced monkey version, and it is much more cost-effective to pay the rent directly.

Having said that, with Uncle Hei's comprehensive quality, even if he gave them the human version of the power armor, they wouldn't be able to play.

Lu Ming laughed for a while, and continued: "The current situation is that there are only French people in the French base, but the American base is about to become a United Nations base. In addition to the Americans, there are also British, Italian, Italian and American bases in that base. troops from Germany, Spain and Luxembourg."

"Even Luxembourg came to join in the fun?"

"Yes, yes, there are but they only sent one platoon of staff, which is more symbolic and practical. I heard that Canada will also send people, but I don't know how many people will be sent."

Zhuang Bo said, "It shouldn't be much."

"Aren't they **** Americans?" Ye Han asked kindly.

"Iron is iron. It's because they can't keep their army small. After the insect plague, hundreds of thousands of troops have been expanded, but what's the use of sending ordinary troops?"

Before the plague of insects, there were only tens of thousands of troops in the whole of Canada, and that military strength could not be used at all. However, the focus of military expansion after the insect plague was the army, and the navy and air force remained basically unchanged.

What Africa needs most is the navy. The sky depends on the naval aviation, and the land depends on the marine corps. It is estimated that Canada will send a team of planes to help the Americans to support the scene.

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