Hundreds of people buzzed and talked, making the grave extremely noisy.

“Hey, do you know what the first thing that Maoshan Taoist priest said when he saw Old Master Mao was?”

“What is it?”

“It is said that Old Master Mao has always been under the same roof with dirty things, and the yin qi covers the yang qi, and if it goes on like this, his life will not be long in coming, and Old Master Mao immediately knelt down after hearing this, shouting for the elder to save me.”

“After the Taoist priest knew the cause and effect, he said that the probability was because your daughter had not been buried for a long time, became a lonely soul and wild ghost, could not enter the Yellow Spring, could not be born, and returned home in confusion for help, because Old Master Mao could not see her daughter’s soul, so her daughter could only ask for help in her dreams every night.”

“Just as the so-called yang people do not go to the yin road, yin people do not follow the yang path, yin and yang are separated, the soul is all yin, stay with the soul for a long time, anyone will be slowly invaded by yin qi, yang qi is consumed, followed by physical deterioration, mental trance, illness to find the door.”

“That Taoist priest said that in three days, if the soul continues to ask for help, Old Master Mao will be seriously ill and will die.”

“After the Taoist priest understood the situation, he immediately thought of a way to bury Old Master Mao’s daughter.”


Gu Zhou listened to the discussion of others, and was surprised, why was this group of people so familiar with this old man Mao’s family affairs? It’s like watching the whole process, and it’s called a head.

Could it be that this is the legendary passerby A, passerby B, who knows everything?

The big bull man was tall and big, and with a flick of both hands, the crowd gave way to a road without help, and some people were involuntarily pulled away, and were about to be angry and reprimanded, but saw the big bull who was a head taller than himself and his arms were thicker than his thighs, and all the words of greeting his family were swallowed back.

In the center of the crowd is a large shed under which there is a coffin.

Several people next to the coffin, one was a pale-faced, about fifty years old man, was supported by two subordinates, his eyes were closely fixed on the other Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe, wearing a Daoist crown on his head, holding a yin and yang compass and frowning, about forty years old.

“This should be Uncle Nine.”

Gu Zhou looked at him, his figure was not tall or short, not fat or thin, his national character face, a righteous face, was the kind of face that would be relieved when he saw him.

“Ninth Uncle, what’s wrong, can my daughter be buried? By the way, do you want to drive away the onlookers, so many people, will it disturb my daughter? ”

Old Master Mao only said a few words, and he was panting and looking shaky.

Ninth Uncle raised his head, glanced at the crowd of onlookers, and explained: “You don’t know something, as long as it is a living person, the yang qi must be more than the yin qi, so many people, can suppress the yin qi on the grave to a certain extent, which will help your daughter to be buried.” ”

Old Master Mao suddenly realized: “The more people, the better, do you want me to call more people?” ”

Ninth Uncle cried and laughed: “No need, a few hundred people is enough, no matter how many people can only add to the chaos.” ”

Old Master Mao stopped talking, and after a while, Ninth Uncle suddenly straightened his face: “Noon has arrived!” It is when the yang qi is the most abundant and the yin qi is the weakest, the coffin is raised! Bury! ”

“People from the Mao family! Where age twenty-two! Twenty-four! Thirty-four! Thirty-six! Those who belong to the tiger and the dragon stand up and carry the coffin! ”

As the words of the Ninth Uncle fell, twelve strong men from the Mao clan stood up, all of them were large and powerful people.

“Also, of all the onlookers, twenty! Twenty-five! Thirty-two! Thirty-seven! Forty-four! Forty-nine! Fifty-six! Sixty-one! Those who belong to rats and snakes are all avoided! ”

“The genus is a rat, the snake is the lord of the yin, the burial is a yin, the coffin owner refuses to be buried, the genus is a snake, and the gaze of the rat will inevitably collide with her!” Therefore, please recuse yourself. ”

Old Master Mao took a few steps forward and arched his hand: “Everyone, my daughter can’t be buried, so I asked the Ninth Uncle of the Dao Dao to help my daughter be buried, and I also ask all the villagers and fathers to be considerate of my old father’s painstaking efforts, a little meaning, not respect.” ”

After speaking, a subordinate of the Mao family walked out and said loudly: “All rats and snakes lead an ocean, please turn around and avoid it after receiving it!” ”

Everything was ready, Ninth Uncle grabbed a rooster from a chicken cage beside him, this rooster was huge, the crown was blood-red, the feathers were colorful, the whole body emitted glow in the sun, and the beak and claws of the chicken were sharp and sharp.

Throwing the rooster into the grave, the rooster flutters its wings, pacing in the grave, and the next moment pecks a foot-long viper from a corner, raises its head and swallows it into its stomach.

“The rooster sings the white of the world, and the rooster is the embodiment of the southern vermilion bird in the mortal world, restraining the poison of the yin qi.”

“And this rooster belongs to the rare phoenix angry chicken, it is the nemesis of the five poisons, the eyes are red and fearless, the report is the first song, and the five poisons need to flee wherever they go.”


The angry chicken kept pecking, and in a short time, there were more than a dozen centipedes, poisonous insects, and poisonous snakes eaten into its stomach.

It seems that the food is very excited, and the angry chicken raises its head and growls, and its voice is high and open.


Dozens of centipede vipers swam out of the grave, which was creepy to see.

Ninth Uncle continued: “The name of the chicken is “Nu Qing”, and the golden rooster is originally to distinguish between black and white yin and yang, and the sound of Nu Qing Chicken leading to a cry can break the demon qi and poisonous mirage, and can also drive away ghosts. If it is a chicken and a bird, its eyelids are born under the eyes, and the eyelids are “phoenixes”, although they also have a chicken name, they must not be regarded as ordinary chickens. ”

For a few seconds, the two sides seemed to be confronting, and this half-meter-tall angry chicken looked down at the group of poisonous snakes and centipedes, with a condescending feeling, as if to say: I angry chicken is here, you group of glamorous fish, don’t run away quickly! Do you want me to eat you?”

After a few seconds, the viper centipede all swam out of the hole and disappeared.

Seeing this situation, the crowd of onlookers were stunned, they could not imagine that there were so many evil things in an ordinary grave, and they all praised this long and true ability.


Seeing that he had won, the angry chicken led the neck and roared, fluttered its wings and flew up, pacing to the Ninth Uncle.

“Good job.”

Ninth Uncle touched its head, opened the chicken cage, and the angry chicken walked in on its own, squatted down, and pretended to sleep.

“Okay, all the gloomy things in the grave have been expelled by the angry chicken, and now the coffin can be buried.”

The Mao clan belongs to the dragon, and the tiger came to the coffin, shouted in unison, exerted strength in all four limbs, exerted the strength to eat, and blushed, but the coffin was only one point off the ground.

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