As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 102 The Secret of Chong Gang

This shouldn't be a wound caused by a monster attack.

Sato Yuo forced himself to regain his composure. He looked at the bandages on his arms and came to a conclusion after a short comparison.

Although the small monsters they encountered in the tunnel were not large, the wounds they could leave were at least five centimeters long, which was obviously not commensurate with the size of the wounds on the old man's body.

On the other hand, the old man's wounds were all over his body. If this was the work of the monsters Sato Yu and Douzi cleaned up before, then there would be no living people in this room!

Seeing that Kobayashi Suke was hesitant and did not speak, Sato Yuo took the initiative to walk next to the old man and inspected the body that made him extremely uncomfortable.

“Since the wound was not caused by a monster, there are only two possibilities.

First, these wounds are man-made, so there must be an inhuman sadist hiding among you. But judging from the shape and depth of the wounds themselves, it doesn't look like they were injured by a sharp weapon, so this possibility Very small.

Secondly, the old people here are infected with some kind of disease, and the rotten body and pus leaking from the wounds are the external manifestations of this disease.

It seems that I still can't hide it from Chief Sato... After listening to Sato Yu's guess, Kobayashi's expression looked both relaxed and sad.

That's the second type. Sato Xiong frowned, and gently covered the moisture-proof cloth back on the old man, Judging from the current physical condition of the old people, the medical kit we brought may not be of use. We can only start with the disease itself. Do you still have doctors here? Retired ones will do.

However, Kobayashi shook his head and just put his hand into his coat, took out a crumpled paper ball and handed it to Sato Yu.

Did the doctor leave it? Sato Yuo flattened the paper with his hand and read the handwriting on it:

“Do not be exposed to strong light, cannot eat food containing animal protein, cannot be close to heat sources, and avoid noisy environments.

When the patient is silent, expressionless and has a low body temperature, the patient can be given MP303 oral medication, three tablets a day, four hours apart between each dose. Normally, the patient will return to normal within 24 hours.

If the patient has skin itching, difficulty in eye movements and general weakness, the patient can be injected with a type I AT inhibitor on the basis of taking MP303. It is normal for the patient to feel sleepy at this time, and the patient should be encouraged to rest. The patient will recover within 48 hours. Return to normal within.

Once a patient is found to have shortness of breath, muscle atrophy, and body ulcers, the patient should immediately stop taking MP303, and the patient should be injected with a type II AT inhibitor and transferred to the intensive care unit. After that, the patient's pain should be minimized.

After reading the contents on the paper, Sato Yu did not speak immediately. Instead, he folded the paper heavily and returned it to Kobayashi Suke - according to the description, all the old people in the air-raid shelter were patients!

And the more than two dozen seriously ill patients in this room have even reached the most serious stage. Not only do they suffer from the disease, but they are also incurable!

Do you have the oral medicines and injections mentioned on the paper? Although Sato Yuu had a high probability of guessing the result, he still wanted to hear the final confirmation from Kobayashi Suke.

No. Kobayashi clenched his fists, Ishimura and the others went out to find medicine at first, but then...

Let's go find it. Sato Yuo interrupted Kobayashi Suke.

Then please take me with you! Kobayashi was stunned for a moment, then suddenly became excited, I can be your guide!

No, there must be someone watching here. Leave professional matters to professionals. Sato Yuo rejected Kobayashi's request without mercy.

But I'm the only one left here! What's the use of me staying alone!

Of course it works! Sato Yuo controlled his volume and grabbed Kobayashi Suke's trembling shoulders with both hands.

I understand how you feel. Ishimura and Naomiko are both gone, but you don't even know what they went through, whether they are dead or alive.

But they are right, leaving you at least retains a glimmer of hope, and you may not be able to change anything if you follow!

Who says it's useless for you to stay alone? Without you, we wouldn't be able to receive the distress signal. What would happen to these hundreds of elderly people? Will they die of illness?

They need you to stay here, and we need you to stay here. This is the most important thing for you to do. Do you understand?

Sato Yu's expression was extremely stern. At this moment, he no longer regarded Kobayashi Suke as an ordinary person, but as his direct subordinate.

He didn't want to see more old people die in such a painful way - the army couldn't take them with them, so did they deserve to stay there and wait to die?

...I understand. Kobayashi gritted his teeth and agreed to Sato Yu's request with a trembling voice.

Very good. Douzi and I will go to pharmacies and hospitals to find medicines now. You can take good care of these old people as much as possible and wait until we come back.

Sato Yuu put on a positive expression, patted Kobayashi Suke's shoulder with his right hand, then returned the pistol to Kobayashi Suke, and pulled Douzi towards the direction he came from.

Wait, Chief Sato! Kobayashi wiped his eyes with his sleeve and called out to the two of them.

Is there anything you should pay attention to? Sato Xiong turned his head.

These drugs are not sold in pharmacies, they are only available in hospitals and council warehouses.

City Hall Warehouse? Sato Yuu could understand that some medicines could only be found in hospitals, but he didn't understand why they were also available in the City Hall Warehouse.

“...This disease is unique to Chonggang County and is not contagious, so no pharmaceutical company is willing to develop commercial drugs for people here alone. The cost is too high and it is impossible to make money.

In the end, our government funded and contacted a medical institution to develop some special drugs that cannot be circulated on the market, so these drugs were transferred to the hospital through the city hall.

There are so many secrets in Okioka County. Sato Yuo stared into Kobayashi Suke's eyes with a sharp gaze like a falcon, and it took a long time before he said this.

I'm sorry, Chief Sato, and Miss Douzi. Kobayashi lowered his head guiltily, There are some things that I can't explain to you all at once.

There is no need to apologize. Everyone has secrets that need to be kept. Sato Yu waved his hand and left his back to Kobayashi Suke again, But if we find out, the secret will not be a secret anymore. I hope you will If you can explain it to us, if someone asks you about it afterwards, just say that I discovered it myself.

Sir Sato... Kobayashi Suke rubbed his eyes hard.

Oh, by the way, there is something I want to ask you before I leave. Sato Xiong suddenly turned around on his own initiative.

Have you ever seen a twelve-year-old?

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