As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 108 In front of the door and behind the door

When the four monsters turned around from the darkness, Sato Yuo and Douzi saw the meat juice and plasma stuck to the blast door.

It was a corpse that had been devoured, and only the fragments of clothing scattered among the blood stains could prove the fact that the victim was human.


Almost as soon as the monsters were ready to pounce, Sato Yuu and Douzi pulled the trigger tacitly without any communication.

Bang bang bang!

The rotating bullet flew out from the hot muzzle, passed through the dividing line between light and darkness, and penetrated into the monster's bulging eyeball with scalding temperature!

Blood and pus spurted out along the spiral bullet marks. Before the monster's forelimbs could touch Sato Yu, it fell to the ground with a shrill wail.

The pungent stench and flowing blood spread to Sato Yu's feet, and he shot two shots at each of the monsters that collapsed on the ground without expression.

On the other side, Douzi, who was only five meters away from Sato Yuu, also ended the battle. However, the heads of the two monsters were trampled into pieces by Douzi with her feet - even though she had changed into the heavy pistol that comes standard with the Pilot. But Bean still wanted to save ammunition as always.

According to Kobayashi's description, the medicine should be behind this explosion-proof door. Sato Yuo's eyes scanned every corner in front of the explosion-proof door. No weapons or bullet casings were found. This person did not fire the gun.

Both of their eyes fell on the silent blast door.

Sato once again put the pistol back into the holster on his waist. After Douzi was ready to shoot, he reached out and pulled the wheel on the blast door.

Listening to the sound of the chain turning, the two people's moods became more and more solemn.


After confirming his eyes with Douzi, Sato Yucai slowly opened the heavy door.

There were no monsters popping out of nowhere, and no one yelling that they were saved.

Douzi slowly put down the gun in his hand, and there was only endless sadness in his smart eyes.

Seeing Douzi's actions, Sato Yuya walked out from behind the door with a gun.

What appeared in front of their eyes was a small room illuminated by cold lights. There were four rows of neatly arranged shelves, and the shelves were filled with white metal boxes with only labels.

Under the row of shelves facing the door, a young girl with desperate eyes and motionless was lying.

The girl was leaning against the blood-stained shelf, her head tilted toward her left shoulder, and blood and brain matter were dripping from the hole in front of her ear, flowing into the pool of blood underneath her.

On her hanging right hand is a U57 pistol that Sato Yu is familiar with!

In the entire storage room, Sato Yue found only one bullet casing, and there was only one bullet missing from the U57 magazine.

Sato took a deep breath, grabbed the girl's forearm, and quietly felt the other person's body temperature, which was similar to his own.

We're too late.

Whether they accept it or not, all the clues and evidence point to the girl who committed suicide-she was the one who fired the gun.

Sato Yuo slowly closed his eyes, countless questions appeared in his mind at this moment.

How long had she been in this small storage room?

Did the person who died outside the door do it to protect her?

Before killing herself with a bullet, did she have the urge to open the door and face the monster?

These questions tortured Sato Yu's heart one after another. The girl's emotions before her death seemed to have been passed down her forearm to Sato Yu.

But Sato Yuo only knew one thing, and this was the only thing he could be sure of.

She must have thought no one would come to save her.

But at the moment she fired, Sato Yu and Douzi were only three floors away from her.

... Just when Sato Yue was about to be overwhelmed by self-blame, Douzi suddenly grabbed his hand wordlessly and looked at Sato Yue with her firm eyes.

The dead are gone, but there are still people alive waiting for us to save.

Sato Yue understood what Douzi wanted to express, so he blinked his eyes hard and forced a smile at Douzi.

Encouraged by Douzi, Sato Yuu got his thoughts back on track. He first rummaged through the various boxes on the four-story shelf and confirmed that they were from top to bottom: PM303 oral capsules, type I AT inhibitors and Type II AT inhibitors.

As for the bottom shelf of each shelf, there is only a black metal box with an electronic lock - no label or other notes.

Douzi, there are as many PM303 as there are in them. There are twenty-four needles in each box of the two inhibitors. This thing is easy to break. I'll get it. After checking the objects inside each metal box, Sato Yu immediately made a division of labor.

According to the situation before the two left, most of the elderly people in the Wuju Mountain Air Raid Shelter were still in the mild stage of illness. According to the medical advice given by Kobayashi to Sato Yu, the demand for PM303 oral medicine was the greatest.

But Sato was not sure how fast this disease would worsen, so Sato did not dare to take less of both types of AT inhibitors.

We'll come back and move three more rounds. There should be enough medicine here so we don't need to go to the city hall warehouse again.

Sato Yuu and Douzi's bags were fully packed. As long as they didn't take away the box itself, they could empty one shelf in one move.

Fifteen minutes later, the two men, dripping with sweat, returned to the storage room carrying two empty backpacks.

Sato Yu's limbs were so tired that they were numb. Even if the two of them tried their best, they could only shorten the journey to about five minutes.

Now is the last round of transportation for two people.


The banging sounds coming from the corridor on the other side became more frequent and louder.

In fact, ever since he and Douzi shot four monsters in the pharmacy, there had been a lot of movement on the other side.

Gotta hurry up!

Sato Xiong knew that his and Douzi's physical strength had been almost exhausted after several trips back and forth. After all, they were climbing up and down at the fastest speed while carrying 30 kilograms of load. This test was not at all about endurance during long marches, but rather It’s how long the body can last in an explosive state.


Listening to the pounding heart under his chest, Sato Yuo no longer cared about handling it gently, and could only quickly pour the inhibitor into his luggage.

Dozens of small medicines collided with each other, making a ringing sound, and Sato Yu could only hope that these glass bottles were hard enough and would not break due to his rough pouring.


After the last box of inhibitors was emptied, Sato immediately closed the bag and took the lead in pushing the beans out of the pharmacy.

After hesitating for a second, he took away the black metal box placed at the bottom of the shelf!

Although Sato Yuo doesn't know what's inside, the things that can be placed in this storage room must be related to that strange disease - maybe it's something to deal with the worst case scenario!

However, just when the two were about to run out of the pharmacy, they heard that desperate sound!


That was the sound of the door of the corridor on the other side slamming against the wall!

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