As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 110 Others’ Hell

In the damp and cold tunnel, Sato Xiong and Douzi each carried heavy luggage and moved toward the blockade step by step.

Sweat slid down Sato Yu's strong chin into his combat uniform, causing his body temperature to repeatedly fluctuate between hot and cold. This torture made his body even more tired.

Listening to the rustle of military boots on debris and dust, Sato Yu's vision became increasingly blurry.

We're almost there, just hold on... Sato Yu seemed to be talking to Douzi, but in fact it was more like comforting himself.

Compared to Sato Yuo who purely relies on will to control his body, Douzi looks much more relaxed. Although she sweated no less than Sato Yuo, her body had already recovered from the pain and fatigue and had adapted to the normal state of carrying a heavy load.

Of course Sato Yuu knew the gap between him and Douzi, just as he thought in the hospital twenty minutes ago - he was the only one who couldn't escape the monster's clutches, but Douzi could definitely sit safely in the hero's cockpit.

This huge contrast sometimes always makes Sato Yuo fall into self-doubt.

Is he protecting Douzi, or is Douzi protecting him?

Dong Dong...

The two stopped at a familiar fork in the road.

Douzi, did you hear anything? Sato Xiong raised his right hand to signal Douzi not to make a sound.

Dong Dong...

Although the sound was very small, in the empty tunnel, this subtle sound could still be clearly captured by Sato Yu and Douzi.

Douzi immediately nodded vigorously towards Sato Yuo!

Dong Dong...

On the right, is the direction of the closed area! Sato Xiong frowned.

Apart from the old man hiding in the blockade area, the only one who can move freely is Kobayashi Suke. The fact that the sound can be transmitted to such a far tunnel means that there must be some big noise happening in the blockade area!

Go and have a look!

Worry about the safety of others and a sense of responsibility for his own mission instantly surged into Sato Yu's heart. This spirit derived from the bones of a soldier allowed him to temporarily overcome various physical discomforts and re-enter the running posture!

The heavy luggage bumped up and down with Sato Yu's pace. Sato Yu opened his mouth and tried to adjust his breathing while pulling out the heavy pistol in the holster and turning on the safety.

The two quickly passed through the area where they had fought monsters before. Fortunately, they did not find any new enemies lingering here.

It only took one minute for Sato Yu and Douzi to complete the three-hundred-meter distance!

Looking at the closed explosion-proof door in front of him, Sato Yuu pulled the wheel on the door without saying a word, opening the door that was the last obstacle blocking the two people from the blockade area.


When the explosion-proof door was completely opened, Sato Yuu and Douzi once again faced that oppressive sight.

The silent old people were still huddled up in the small corner, hiding from the faint light from above. Their eyes became more hollow and lifeless than last time, as if they were just looking at Sato Yu and Douzi out of a biological reason. An irresistible instinct.

This invisible despair weighed on Sato Yu's head like a mountain, forcing him to lower his breathing and put the thought of calling Kobayashi Suke's name out of his mind.


The two of them walked quickly through the dark and crowded passages, passing by rows of eyes that looked like they were sending someone off. The noise in their ears became louder and louder. They had already guessed that it was the sound of something hitting the steel with all its strength!

Finally, Sato Yuo and Douzi found Kobayashi Suke covered in blood in the corner at the end of the corridor.

Hey, can you hear me? Wake up! Sato Yuu quickly dropped his backpack, rushed forward with a strong step, and dragged Kobayashi's face covered in cold sweat with both hands.

...Sir Sato. Kobayashi opened his eyelids with difficulty and looked at the anxious Sato Yu with a pair of pupils that were about to dilate.

Douzi, get the first aid kit quickly, he needs to be bandaged! Sato Yuo slowly laid Kobayashi Suke's body flat on the ground. During this period, he kept covering the torn wound on the opponent's abdomen with his hands.


The deafening crash echoed in the ears of the three people. The sound came from the room where the critically ill patients were previously isolated!

At this moment, this irregular hitting sound was like two drumsticks, hitting Sato Yu's heart hard!

You'll be fine! Be patient, we have to help you treat your wounds first! When he said this, Sato Yu had already taken out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide from the first aid kit and stuffed a clean white towel into Kobayashi's mouth. inside.


Before Kobayashi was ready, he felt a burning pain in his abdomen. If Sato Yu hadn't pressed his thighs and hands in advance, he would have made the wound bigger and bigger during the struggle!

You did a great job, you are braver than many soldiers I have seen! Sato Yu encouraged Kobayashi while trying to divert his attention, I have good news for you, we brought all the medicine back. Everyone here can be saved!

Uh-huh!!! Xiao Lin bit the towel in his mouth and did not dare to open his eyes again - because at this time Douzi was using her hands wearing disposable gloves to remove the medical cotton soaked in hydrogen peroxide. The ball went inside his wound!

That's it, you are a real man!

Sato Yuu watched Douzi quickly treat the wound, then took out a can of condensation spray used to coagulate blood and numb pain, and sprayed it directly on Kobayashi Suke's bloody wound.

After feeling the numbness and coolness from the wound, Kobayashi suddenly felt that he was not in so much pain.

Good job. Sato Yuu stood up from Kobayashi's legs and cooperated with Douzi to tie gauze and medical tape to Kobayashi's wound.


At this time, there was no blood on Kobayashi's face, so much so that his smile even looked a little oozing under his pale skin.

But fortunately, he still saved his life.

There's no need to say thank you. Come on, take the medicine first. Sato Yuo took out his water bottle, took out half a green pill from the first aid kit, and fed it to Kobayashi Suke's mouth.

This is an oral medicine that is only used when soldiers are seriously injured. After taking it, it can not only accelerate cell regeneration in a short period of time, but also play a role in maintaining mental excitement.

However, this kind of oral medicine has strong side effects. Users are prone to symptoms such as neurasthenia, visual and auditory hallucinations after the effect of the medicine wears off, and will develop a strong dependence on the medicine.

Sir Sato, Miss Douzi, I'm sorry... I couldn't take care of them. As soon as Kobayashi swallowed the pills, tears welled up from his eyes.

It's because we're late. Sato Yuo gently stroked Kobayashi's forehead with his hand.

It's not your fault, it's me. I can't hide it any longer. I have to tell you about this... Kobayashi's eyes were full of despair and regret.

Boom! Boom!

The violent impact seemed to be mixed with some shrill screams.

They...are monsters.

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