As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 123 Everything is normal

This is the last system log that Sato Yuneng can find.

As of now, according to the time displayed on the terminal, it is already the 2394th day since the project started running.

[The power restart procedure is ready, please wait patiently after pulling the lever]


The moment the system prompt appeared, the metal casing on the right side of the terminal also opened, and a red-painted lever popped out.

Sato Yuo slowly held the lever with his hand, but he was not in a hurry to pull the lever.

Looking at the lifeless and disgusting pieces of meat on the base of the power generation device, Mr. Sato felt that he was missing something.

At this moment, Douzi suddenly grabbed Sato Yu's arm holding the lever and signaled him not to do so.

Do you think so too? Sato took his hand away from the lever and took two steps back.

Okay, let's sort out the information and decide whether to restore the power. Although Sato Yu said so, if they don't restart the power, they won't get any information.

This is tantamount to exploring in the dark, and the two of them will probably end up like Naomiko and the others!

However, even if they only have the option of restarting power, they must first understand the consequences of doing so.

Otherwise, it is better to quit here and think about it in the long run!

First of all, what we can confirm is that the disinfectant spray here must be used to kill these disgusting pieces of meat, and the power control room has been blocked on the day of the disinfection.

Sato Yuo made this judgment based on the fact that the white mist that came out when the two opened the door could explain the problem.

Douzi didn't make any objection.

The first point of contradiction arises here. According to the last system log on the terminal, which is the 187th day after the project entered operation, the power system has restored normal power supply, and no problem was found in the manual report.

Unless these disgusting lumps of flesh grew suddenly in a short period of time, the last day's log cannot be that everything is normal!

Hearing this, Douzi nodded vigorously in agreement.

But if we follow this hypothesis, then why are the scenes we see along the way so clean and tidy? Has Gemini Medical already prepared relevant plans, so that it can retreat in an orderly manner when an accident occurs?

When Sato Yu said these words, both of them already had the answer in their hearts.

No matter how well the drills are done, it is impossible for people to remain calm when danger actually arrives.

And the more people there are, the easier it is to cause chaos!

Once a small number of people panic, this negative emotion will immediately spread rapidly among the huge crowd, eventually completely breaking the fragile order and returning the situation to chaos.

Therefore, an orderly retreat can only occur before an accident breaks out. Unless the people from Gemini Medical evacuate the area in advance, the crowd will definitely cause damage when they flee in panic!

No, Gemini Medical cannot evacuate in advance. If they have foreseen the possible risks, the best thing to do is to nip the disaster in the bud.

Even if this risk is unavoidable, in order not to leave any traces, they will definitely destroy this place completely instead of leaving such a huge ruin for future generations to explore and collect evidence.

“Therefore, there is a contradiction between the orderly evacuation of Gemini Medical and the normal operation of the power system. They cannot exist at the same time!

What are the facts...

After realizing this layer of logic hidden under the surface, Sato Yuo's eyes became more wary when he looked at the lever.

But he couldn't figure out how these two contradictory things happened in the real world!

Just as Sato Yuo was lost in thought, Douzi walked back to the control panel and opened the last system log.

Are you saying the problem lies here? Sato Yuo followed Douzi's finger and looked at the [Encrypted Information] column in the log, 72697680-7769... This string of numbers should be just system codes, right? , why do you think there’s something wrong with it?”

Faced with Sato Yu's doubts, Douzi's face immediately showed an anxious expression, and her fingers slid wildly on the screen, pulling the system log back to the 152nd day of the project's operation.

Encrypted information. I can understand why Pipe No. 5 is blocked. I can understand why Pipe No. 4 is also clogged. Someone can't secretly change the transmission line and use the spare thread of the main brain to mine.

After Sato Yu read the message again, Douzi pulled the log to the next [encrypted message].

Encrypted information. Last time I told you to fix it early and finish it early. You have to delay it. Now the efficiency has dropped to the point where it is not enough and you asked me to fix it.

Seeing that Sato Yu still didn't react, the expression on Douzi's face changed from anxious to angry!

So she could only stare at Sato Yuan angrily, first pointed at the [Encrypted Information] column, then pointed at herself, and then made a gesture of writing at the desk.

Later, Douzi scrolled the operation interface to the bottom, pointed at the string of [encrypted information] filled with numbers, patted the terminal shell hard, and then made a big X with both hands in front of his chest!

Are you saying that the [Encrypted Information] column cannot be a system code and can only be filled in manually? Only then did Sato Yue figure out what Douzi meant.

Douzi nodded quickly.

Since the [encrypted information] was filled in manually, why didn't the person who wrote this line of information express the content directly in text form like before? Sato Yuo followed Douzi's thinking and asked, Is this string of numbers What’s the special purpose, is it a password to open something?”

Before Sato Yue could continue to think about it, Douzi took the lead and entered this string of mysterious numbers into his system.

[Unrecognized command, please check what you entered]

Unwilling to do so, Douzi closed the text input box and directly opened the command tool that required input in programming language.

[Unrecognized command, click here to view the error message]

Douzi opened the details page without hesitation.

[No valid command language detected, matching language features...]

[Character detection results: 12 numbers, 1 partition symbol]

[10 candidate languages ​​have been selected and the translation instructions are being tried...]

[Plan 1 translation failed]

[Option 2 translation failed]

[Option 3 has been translated successfully, the incomplete content has been filtered, and the final matching language is: decimal]

[Command translation result: HELP-ME (save me)]

When these two cold words appeared in front of Sato Yuo and Douzi, they both felt an inexplicable chill!

Is it possible... After a few seconds of silence, Sato Yu finally spoke.

Is the 'everything is normal' in the last log of the system a forgery?

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