As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 143 The restraints are lifted

Nervous Sedative Injection, a drug developed by Omega in the early days specifically for stabilizing pilot consciousness, has an immediate effect and can even bring pilots who have fallen into a serious chasing bunny state back to consciousness within a second.

But the injection was launched urgently in the absence of clinical trial samples. At that time, the Watchmen Alliance did not even have more than five mechas.

In order to ensure that pilots will not suffer from unstable neural synchronization during combat, this emergency drug has been specially approved by the alliance for use by pilots from all major legions.

Later, the injection was proved to have extremely strong side effects by Pilot's blood lessons. After use, symptoms may include but not be limited to the following: neurasthenia, suppression of emotional neurons, split personality, and severe suicidal tendencies.

“If people can instantly wake up from confusion and remain calm, then neurosedative injections will inevitably demand rewards from users at the cost of depriving them of their humanity.”

This is what the Overwatch League said when they announced to the major legions that this injection was banned.

But what many people don't know is that even if the neurosedative injection can cause such serious side effects, the Alliance also sees a glimmer of hope in this unfinished experiment - the hope that ordinary people can become pilots.

This is a rare opportunity for the united government composed of Zhaori, Dioquan and Yijin!

After several rounds of confidential meetings, the Alliance secretly approved Omega's continued research and development of neurosedative injections and classified this series of projects as absolutely confidential. Those with knowledge of the matter must not disclose relevant information to anyone on any occasion!

Sato Yu was one of the few people with knowledge of the matter. This was not only because he was treated as the successor to the United Front Army, but also because he voluntarily participated in the clinical trial.

To this day, neurosedative injections that have been improved more than a dozen times still cause users to experience side effects such as irritability, auditory and visual hallucinations, etc. However, these side effects will only gradually become apparent after multiple cumulative injections.

There is no antidote to any of this.

If you want to eliminate the side effects of neurosedative injections, you must rely on other drugs to treat the symptoms. However, mental illnesses such as this are difficult to cure even after the technological revolution.

Shiro Ying was lucky. Sato Yuo injected her with the latest neurosedative injection. Just one injection would not have a profound impact on this young girl's future life.

White gold!

As Sato Yu's last call echoed in his ears, all the sounds around Shiroi disappeared like a speaker that was suddenly turned off.

All the sounds disappeared together with the cockpit where Bai Ying was!

She once again returned to that familiar yet unfamiliar place.

A blindingly bright incandescent lamp, a hopelessly sturdy isolation tank, and a transparent liquid that is enough to suffocate MS-03...

No, not MS-03, but beans.

The next second, the figures pointing at the isolation tank suddenly disappeared, and the copper and iron walls made of cold alloy became as rusty as possible.

The light that was originally enough to make people feel dizzy began to flicker on and off, but the isolation tank filled with liquid seemed to remain unchanged.

Dead silence, the same dead silence.

Even though Bai Ying has her own body this time, every step she steps on the floor makes no sound, as if she is a ghost from some distant time and space.

In the dark, Bai Ying seemed to feel someone calling him, but the sound was very weak, and it seemed that it was just a meaningless shout, rather than calling Bai Ying's name.

However, Bai Ying knew that this voice was calling her!

So Bai Ying walked towards the center of the room without hesitation, because with every step she took there, the voice calling her got closer!

Finally, Bai Ying came to the isolation tank filled with liquid.


Just when Bai Ying tried to see clearly the figure floating in the tank, a strange sound of electricity suddenly sounded in the silent room!

The whole room was like a movie scene played on an old TV. The screen blur caused by poor signal kept tearing apart the originally peaceful picture.

After several flashes, the entire room was shrouded in dark red lights - very much like a cockpit with sirens in reality!

At the same time, everything has a sound.

Beans!!! Bai Ying's eyes widened, and he almost frantically slapped the isolation tank covered with dirt.

And in the jar, a girl who looks exactly like Bean is curled up in the blood-red liquid!

She was naked and shivering, with blood-red plaque covering her body from top to bottom. Only her poor neck and head were spared!


In the real world, Yu Sato was struggling to break free from the flesh and blood that bound his body, but beside him, the disgusting flesh and blood was about to crawl into Douzi's mouth!

The entire cockpit has been completely eroded by flesh and blood, and the rapidly rising blood red has even strangled MS-03's neck!

Stop! Yu Xiao, who had gone through the period of weakness, finally returned to his normal strength. He nimbly crossed a series of obstacles and threw his chain sword at MS-03, which had just taken off.

The silver chain sword wrapped around MS-03's right foot like a snake whip. Under Xing Tian's full drag, the blood-red mecha suddenly fell from mid-air into a pool of blood, splashing a burst of red. Splash!


Under Bai Ying's repeated impact, the cracked isolation tank finally exploded completely. The sharp glass as big as a palm cut open Bai Ying's skin along with the blood-red liquid, but Bai Ying didn't care.

She just instinctively stretched out her hands and caught the beans that collapsed in her arms.

At this moment, the naked Douzi transformed back into the fair-skinned girl. A satisfied smile appeared on her face, and she hugged Bai Ying's neck with her young hands.

Even though Douzi in his arms couldn't open his mouth to speak, Bai Ying felt the girl's warm body temperature.

[Recovery of neural synchronization detected, current synchronization rate: 100%]

[The restraint unit is being released...]

In Yu Xiao's sight, MS-03, which had fallen to the ground, suddenly burst out with an unprecedented energy, and this unstable energy almost melted the chain sword made of giant metal!

In order to protect his half-damaged equipment, Yu Xiao was forced to take back his chain sword.

100% synchronization rate, how is it possible... Sato Yuo's pupils reflected a value that he had never heard of in his life!

At this time, he could clearly feel that the flesh and blood binding his body was rapidly losing activity, and he and Douzi were rescued.

Bai Ying, who was kneeling on the control position, slowly stood up, and her combat uniform gradually changed from white to crimson as she stood up!

[The restraint unit has been released and the second mode has been opened]

In Xingtian's identifier, MS-03's name changed on the spot, and Yu Xiao couldn't help but read out the other party's new code name.


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