As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 145 Escape from Gravity

Damn...if I had known, I shouldn't have eaten military rations this morning!

When Sato Yu gritted his teeth and said this, he and Douzi were still being thrown around on the retainer.

Every pilot who can drive a mecha on the battlefield is an elite one in a million. Overcoming dizziness is also a test that every pilot must pass during training.

But the situation Sato Yu faces now is much more exaggerated than the training he received back then.

Even though the cockpit of this mecha is an advanced adaptive spherical rotating cabin that can automatically adjust its angle to remain relatively stationary when the mecha makes large movements, it still can't completely keep up with Die's pace in reality!

Since Butterfly's movement speed has exceeded the adjustment speed of the cockpit, every change of angle in the cockpit can only be regarded as tracking the movement of the aircraft body. This directly caused Sato Yu who was in the cockpit to keep Under the double dizziness of screen tearing!

Now even if someone told Sato Yu to tie him to a high-speed hamster wheel, he would do it!

In just one minute, Sato Yu felt that all his internal organs might have separated from his body, floated outside the orbit of a distant planet, and continued to drift along the gravitational pull that came from nowhere.

Out of the dignity of a pilot, Sato Yu could only endure the extreme physical and mental discomfort by closing his eyes - at least this would prevent his vision from being further stimulated, otherwise Sato Yu would only be pressed by that pressure faster. The vomiting at the bottom of the throat conquers!

Douzi, who was sitting next to Sato Yuu, was also uncomfortable. This could be seen from her facial features that were almost twisted together. However, Douzi's physical adaptability was obviously much stronger than that of ordinary people. After all, she still dared to keep her eyes open.

The huge feeling of dizziness and vomiting only stayed in Douzi's brain for no more than ten seconds, and she basically adapted to the body's irregular trajectory.

However, it was still difficult for her eyesight and brain to keep up with Die's range of movements. The huge amount of information on the battlefield that was changing rapidly filled Douzi's head like a flood, leaving her overwhelmed.

In the entire cockpit, only Bai Ying stood in the control position with a calm expression. The expression on her face was difficult to describe in words, as if she was an intelligent machine that had just acquired a human body. Her coldness revealed enough Subtle emotions that are noticed.

Bai Ying, what happened to you and your mecha! Xing Tian's familiar voice finally sounded in Bai Ying's ears.

Although he saw that Bai Ying's mecha had made an exponential jump in combat effectiveness, Yu Xiao knew very well that Omega always had both risks and benefits in doing things, otherwise this mecha would not be just a test model!

Being able to obtain such a level of power in a short period of time, I am afraid that the price behind it will also make people stay away.

My mecha and I... Bai Ying's eyelids twitched slightly, and the words that came to his mouth suddenly got stuck in a strange place.

But this didn't stop Die from making a gorgeous spin in the air, cutting off dozens of meat strips trying to entangle her!

Can you still hear me? Yu Xiao raised her voice while using her giant ax to cut through thorns.

Yes. Even if Bai Ying only answered one word, Yu Xiao could hear a tone that couldn't be called firm at all.

Is there any way you can lower the synchronization rate? Your current state sounds very wrong!

Although Yu Xiao didn't know the situation on Bai Ying's side, he was at least 70% sure that the current situation was related to the 100% synchronization rate!

However, as soon as Yu Xiao's words were spoken, the space where the two mechas were was violently shaken!

[Unknown energy activity detected]

Poof! Poof! Poof!

The flesh and blood wrapped in man-made buildings and natural rocks began to expand one after another, and then exploded into balls of blood, filling the entire space with scarlet blood mist!

The disgusting flesh and blood returned to the blood in an almost suicidal method, leaving only the man-made buildings that were destroyed to the point of damage due to parasitism, and the weathered rock walls that were almost assimilated into dark red.

In less than half a minute, the blood in the entire space was almost covering Xing Tian's legs!

[Warning, the body is under unknown attack! 】

Different from before, Yu Xiao could clearly feel that the body soaked in blood was being dragged wildly. These liquid-like things seemed to become extremely viscous, as if they would completely solidify in the next moment!

If it weren't for the lethal toxicity of Yu Xiao's blood to the blood, I'm afraid he would have been eaten to the point where not even his metal skeleton would be left!

But when the blood had increased to this level, Yu Xiao could no longer rely on bleeding to resolve the crisis.

Even if he was mummified, his blood would not be able to neutralize so much blood.


A silver metal chain sword sprang out from Xing Tian's right arm and was tightly wrapped around a shaky-looking building support column.

The next second, Yu Xiao used the contraction of the chain sword to force herself out of the blood pool, and jumped to a cube platform that was about to be submerged.

Sooner or later, if this continues, I will be buried alive in a pool of blood! Looking at the rising water level under his feet, Yu Xiao quickly looked at the next transfer location.

But after looking around, he realized that there were very few buildings that could cross the water level, and many of them seemed to be unable to bear the weight of the mecha.

Even the last few platforms that met the conditions were quite far away from Yu Xiao. Even if he was running at full speed on flat ground, it would take Yu Xiao at least ten seconds to reach his destination.

Not to mention that he had to wade through blood up to his waist to transfer.

Just when Yu Xiao was in a dilemma, Die, who was still flying in the air, suddenly broke out of the encirclement of the meat sticks and rushed towards the platform where Xing Tian was trapped!

This is!

The moment Die passed over Xingtian's head, Yu Xiao even thought that the other party was going to reach out and lift her up from the platform - although in terms of weight, it was absolutely impossible for Die to lift a giant object like Xingtian, but considering the Even though Dielian was able to fly, Yu Xiao couldn't help but reach out her hand.

However, Yu Xiao's outstretched hand still fell into place with some embarrassment.

As it turns out, he was only half right.

Die did not reach out to pull Xing Tian up from the platform. After all, the mecha's hands still held two high-frequency fervent swords used to kill monsters.

But in Yu Xiao's special perception as a living being, he already felt that he was wrapped in some special energy emitted by Die, and was tightly bound to Die!

Just like that, Xing Tian lifted his feet off the ground in the real world without any warning, floating next to this elegant mecha like a butterfly!

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