As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 154 Rapid Evolution

Should we deal with this big guy first, or should we take back your equipment first? Yu Xiao asked, turning his gaze to the spring under the bloody water.

The base tunnel that was originally blocked by red crystals has been completely unblocked, and even if the butterfly is able to move freely, a fixed energy field has been formed at the spring eye, preventing blood from approaching and filling it.

But unfortunately, the diameter of the entire tunnel is only about eight meters, and neither Die nor Xingtian can get in through the entrance.

What's more, Yu Xiao also discovered that there was something that looked like a manhole cover at the bottom of the tunnel. Judging from the results given by the scanner, the cover was completely made of pure giant metal, and the metal surface was also covered with a layer of reflective material. Energy paint!

Deal with the big guys first, but at the same time, we must also find opportunities to attack the protective cover under the tunnel. Bai Ying set a clear goal for the next actions of the two of them, You will use the wing armor first. That equipment For me it’s just the icing on the cake, but for you it’s timely help.”

Bang bang bang!

The conversation between the two was only halfway through when a new round of exploding flying insects and bombardments came as expected, and this time the monsters even used the Dragon Guerrilla Artillery Group!

Although the copied Chenglong Guerrilla Battery does not have the armor-piercing enchantment effect of the original, the bone bullets it fired have been polished into extremely penetrating spiral patterns, and the replica turret can not only give these bullets With the higher initial speed, there is no need to worry about the problems of the original body such as overheating of the cannon!

In the dense rain of bullets, the two mechas Die and Xingtian, one white and one black, had to avoid each other and adjust their flight trajectories along two different directions to disperse the density of the monsters' long-range attacks and share the pressure with each other.

It's just that Xingtian received obviously more firepower than Die.

The Chenglong guerrilla artillery group originally did not have the function of turret separation, so although the replica actually had eight gun ports, it could only shoot in one direction at the same time, and Xing Tian unfortunately became the target of the replica. .

On several occasions, Xing Tian passed by these spiral-shaped bone bullets, and all the surface parts of Xing Tian that came into contact with these bullets were damaged - which means that once Xing Tian actually eats a bone bullet, he will There will definitely be an extra spiral hole in the body!

If it weren't for the six spikes controlled by Die that kept intercepting the explosive flying insects launched by the monster at an extraordinary speed, Yu Xiao would have been beaten into a hornet's nest by now.

I don't even have time to breathe... Even so, Xing Tian was still overwhelmed by the Chenglong Guerrilla Artillery Group. Almost all his energy was put on dodging bullets, and he couldn't spare any time. Think of something else!

Leave it to me. Just as Yu Xiao was thinking about how to get out of the quagmire, Bai Ying suddenly said.

The next second, Yu Xiao understood what Bai Ying meant.

Although the shooting of the Chenglong Guerrilla Cannon has not stopped, the X-shaped wing armor copied by the monster has a very short attack gap. If Yu Xiao remembers correctly, this gap is five seconds.

Five seconds is already quite ample time for a butterfly that can freely control the density of its energy field.

After a new round of explosive flying insects were all intercepted, the six spikes flew towards the Dragon Guerrilla Artillery Group on the monster's chest.

At the same time, Die also increased his speed to the highest level, and flew towards the spring exposed in the air with two swords in hand in a swooping posture!

Boom, boom, boom!

Just when Yu Xiao thought he was about to be freed from the gunfire pursuit, all six spikes pierced the monster's thick bone armor without exception!

Even if these spikes are supported by an energy field in terms of flight speed, they can only leave a few cracks on the surface of the bone armor instead of completely penetrating it.

On the other side, Die holding the High Frequency Hot Sword has landed above the spring, and thrust the two swords in his hands into the defensive cover made of pure and powerful metal.

Then there was a burst of dazzling sparks and a tooth-piercing cutting sound!

The High Frequency Hot Sword is a melee weapon that uses high temperature and high frequency vibration as its main attack methods. It performs very well whether it is facing artificial metal or the biomass shell of monsters.

However, there is only one exception here, and that is pure giant metal!

Only two centimeters of the blades of the two orange-red long swords penetrated the surface of the defensive cover, but this little depth already caused dense gaps to appear on the blades of the two swords!

The high-frequency vibration has had a counterproductive effect at this time. Not only is it unable to cut through the hard and pure giant metal, but it is also rapidly destroying the physical structure of the swords themselves!

Buzz! ! !

When Die, who realized the problem, pulled out the two swords from the surface of the defensive cover and returned to mid-air, the two high-frequency hot swords were almost on the verge of breaking.

The cracks visible to the naked eye were like long snakes crawling all over the orange-red sword body. Yu Xiao believed that as long as they collided with the monster's bones again, they would be scrapped on the spot!

Roar!!! Almost the moment the butterfly returned to the air, the monster also grew its own arms.

It was a pair of thick arms nearly a hundred meters long. Except for the surface being covered with layers of bone armor, these arms inherited almost all the characteristics of the disgusting forelimbs of the first monster!

The joints that can flip 180 degrees, the arthropod structure covered with barbs, and dozens of tentacles dancing in the air, all of these evoked Yu Xiao's bad memories.

Does this mean that the mecha's arms are not easy to use? Even Sato Yuu, who was sitting in the butterfly cockpit, couldn't help but squinted his eyes. He had never seen the structure of a mecha and a monster combined in this way. .

As soon as Sato Yu finished speaking, the pair of thick arms quickly closed at an unimaginable exaggerated speed and attacked the butterfly like a mosquito!

Bang! ! !

The violent airflow rolled up the white bone fragments and spread wantonly in the air. The shock wave visible to the naked eye even caused Yu Xiao, who was still in flight, to deviate from the planned trajectory!

Fortunately, Die's instantaneous acceleration was fast enough. When the monster's arms began to move toward the middle, Die had already crossed the opponent's attack range by increasing its vertical height.

But Die was not out of danger.

The moment Die completed his height rise, a dark yellow water column locked onto the red mecha, and fired a blow that Die couldn't dodge after calculating the amount of advance!

Because there was no time to change the flight path, Die could only hold the two swords in front of his chest to resist the attack that was bound to hit.

Click! ! !

Finally, the two battle-scarred swords collapsed into dozens of dusk-colored fragments under the violent impact of the water column, completely ending their service careers!

Die, on the other hand, used the impact and shock absorption obtained by his two swords to use his strength. He leaned back and barely let the water column pass by him!

It's your turn.

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