As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 160 Butterfly and Machine Soul

The situation of the elderly is much better than Sato Yu expected.

Sato Yu still remembers the strange sight and silence when he first stepped into the blocked area.

Now, the bodies of the old people are no longer so stiff, and their eyes no longer reveal numbness and coldness. From time to time, they will use their wrinkled eyelids to touch the eyeballs that are prone to fatigue.

After taking the medicine this time, the old people should be able to speak.

While talking to Kobayashi Suke at the other end of the corridor on the communication channel, Sato Yuo put the pills in his hand into the old man's mouth, and asked the old man to swallow the pills with drinking water.

It should be possible. Oral medicine is very effective. As long as you take the medicine on time, the elderly will return to normal soon.

That's good. Sato Xiong looked at Douzi behind him. She seemed to be better at taking care of the elderly than him.

Thanks to Colonel Sato and Miss Bean, those of us hiding in the blockade were saved. Kobayashi's ears still echo with the tapping sound from the isolation room door.

Even if he had a gun in his hand, he would not be able to deal with the old people who turned into monsters due to lack of timely treatment.

This is what we should do. Sato Yuu never felt that he deserved to be thanked as a lifesaver. By the way, there is something I want to ask you.

Colonel Sato, just ask. If I know, I will definitely tell you. Ever since Kobayashi Suke confided all the secrets in his heart to Sato Yue, he felt that the mountain that was weighing on his heart was gone.

What's more, Sato Yu and Douzi successfully resolved the crisis, which further proves that they are people worthy of entrustment and trust.

Have you ever heard of syndromic neurological disorder?

When Yu Xiao arrived at Chonggang County Hospital carrying MS-03 on his back, his last bit of physical strength was finally drained away.

Almost at the same time as he put down the mecha, Yu Xiao fell to the ground.

Forty minutes have passed since he said goodbye to Sato Yu. If his normal movement speed is used as a standard, the journey has taken nearly four times as long.

Only 30% of the normal level of strength was still too much for Yu Xiao. He believed that if he had not entered a state of overdraft, he would not only save a lot of time, but also finish the journey without being out of breath.

But now he was as embarrassed as a wild dog that had just walked out of the desert. Due to overexertion, he could only collapse on the ground to rest under the scorching sun.

But the only difference between him and a dog is that he can't stick out his tongue to dissipate heat.

During these more than forty minutes, Yu Xiao kept Bai Ying's health monitor in his sight, observing Bai Ying's vital signs at all times.

Thankfully, Bai Ying's body did not suffer any complications due to the neurological disorder. In fact, after entering the life-sustaining chamber, Bai Ying's vital signs quickly stopped deteriorating.

But in a way, this is bad news.

All the Weishengcang could do was to prevent Bai Ying's condition from deteriorating further. Her physical condition did not improve, which proved that the disease was only suppressed, not treated.

But Yu Xiao didn't even have the strength to get up from the ground at this moment, not to mention that his body was so huge. Without the help of Sato Yuo and Douzi, he would not have been able to find anything useful in this hospital.

Transformed into a mecha, and then evolved from a mecha into a new life form, he gained power that ordinary people could not imagine, but also lost many abilities that ordinary people have.

He just lay motionless on the ground, his eyes always fixed on MS-03 who was looking at him.

And in this looking at each other that was so long that time almost froze, a strange idea gradually emerged in Yu Xiao's mind.

Synchronization dislocation, extensive burns, neurological disorders, mecha switching forms...

Bai Ying obviously seemed like a different person when he was driving Butterfly, not only in his tone of voice, but also in his way of speaking.

At that time, the connection between me and Bai Ying was also very subtle. She was obviously fighting side by side with me right in front of me, but I felt that her consciousness had drifted to a very far away place...

One abnormal phenomenon after another continued to play in Yu Xiao's mind like a video tape. Combined with the iron hand they met in Noire City before, Yu Xiao was almost able to piece together all the clues.

Am I talking to another consciousness at that time? Yu Xiao had almost regarded this hypothesis as fact.

There is no doubt that if he is indeed fighting side by side with another consciousness, then this consciousness also knows Yu Xiao and Sato Xiong very well.

After thinking hard for a while, Yu Xiao finally came up with a guess that seemed to connect all the clues.

Everything started after Bai Ying's synchronization rate increased to 100%. Then this consciousness is most likely...

Machine soul.

Yu Xiao still clearly remembers that after Bai Ying released the energy field, the energy radar directly marked the mecha that was swinging between green and red as red!

This can only show that in the eyes of the system, the butterfly at that time was no different from a powerful monster!

And when he first met Iron Hand, he could also feel the threatening aura of this half-body transformed into a monster.

According to Tie Shou, the mutations that occurred on him are also inseparable from the increase in synchronization rate!

Both belong to the MS series of mechas, so it’s hard for Yu Xiao not to compare the two together.

The only difference between Iron Hand and White Shadow is that one is that Iron Hand's body has mutated but another consciousness has not appeared. One is that the pilot's body has not mutated, but he obviously has an extra consciousness.

If I had to say it, Yu Xiao felt that the latter situation was more dangerous.

What on earth was I talking to at that time? A monster strong enough to control a mecha?

Considering that the last mecha that Yu Xiao saw with his own eyes that could be piloted by one person was the Demon Scorpion, and he discovered a broken machine soul when he hacked into the Demon Scorpion's system, Yu Xiao could almost conclude that Bai Ying's mecha also had a Something like a machine soul.

It's just that the machine soul he saw last time was still a human consciousness, but the butterfly would be marked as a monster by the energy radar!

Based on these reasons, Yu Xiaocai basically came to the conclusion that Bai Ying was neurally synchronizing with the consciousness of a monster, and this monster was the machine soul residing in the butterfly body!

Omega can even do such a thing! Yu Xiao couldn't imagine what the brains of those people were doing to make them do such a crazy thing!

However, what shocked Yu Xiao even more was that Omega actually mastered the technical ability to turn a monster into a mecha. You must know that in terms of appearance, MS-03 is no different from other mechas!

What are they planning... Thinking of this, Yu Xiao felt a chill in her heart.

Tie Shou's words came to his mind again.

Omega is stealing powers that don't belong to humans from monsters!

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