As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 165 The Sunset in the West

After hearing Yu Xiao confirm his guess, Sato Xiong felt even more uneasy.

He and Douzi had checked Hao Jie before, and at least there were no abnormalities in the cockpit.

The previous system self-check also included scanning of the status of various parts of the body, and the report given by the system at that time was also normal.

However, considering that the consciousness of the monster has always been hidden in the system, it is possible to falsify the results.

Try the system self-check again. This is the most reliable method that Sato Yu can think of at the moment.

It has been tried, and the report shows that everything is normal. Yu Xiao answered Sato Xiong without hesitation.

What!? Sato Xiong's eyes widened instantly. He didn't expect that his most reasonable guess would be ruthlessly rejected by Yu Xiao with facts from the beginning!

I can confirm that the monster's consciousness no longer exists in the system, and I have also checked all abnormal parameters that may have been tampered with. All that need to be repaired have been repaired. There will be no problems with the self-test.

Yu Xiao also thought of going with Sato Xiong, so he had made all the preparations in advance, but the reality was so confusing.

Could it be...really the electronic ghost monster you mentioned before? Sato Yuu could only think of this possibility.

But neither he nor Yu Xiao could imagine that a monster in the form of electronic data could exist in this world. It was too abstract.

Besides, if the opponent doesn't even have a body, can it still be considered a monster? There seems to be no problem in being treated as a digital virus.

Originally, Yu Xiao wanted to deny Sato Yuu. After all, he had determined the opponent's monster type, but the two's most reasonable guesses had been rejected by the system's self-check, so they could only consider this seemingly impossible possibility. .

However, Yu Xiao quickly regained his senses. He believed that he was still facing the same enemy, but something went wrong. Just like the monster disguised as a pilot signal in the system, its body might also be disguised as a pilot signal. Something that will not be marked as a hostile target by the system!

It's not an electronic ghost monster. Yu Xiao's tone was very firm. If you want to access the system, the first choice is the cockpit. I believe it is in the cockpit. It may be disguised as a normal thing that neither you nor the system can notice. Target!

It's another disguise! At this time, Sato Yuu and Douzi had jumped off the holder. They all drew their weapons and scanned all the seemingly normal electronic devices with extremely vigilant eyes.

In fact, Sato Yuo felt that his head must have gone crazy to do this. If the other party could really be disguised as some metal parts, then the entire cockpit would be a threat to him and Douzi!

How could he rely on the naked eye to determine which metal plate was camouflaged? Should he shoot all the devices with bullets or gun butts to see if they would bleed?

However, after thinking about it, Sato Yuu still retained the most basic sense and logic, and knew to check the devices with sockets first - the monster cannot invade the system from a bulletproof metal plate, it must find a suitable entrance. .

As time passed, Sato Yuo and Douzi quickly eliminated most of the electronic devices with interfaces, leaving only the last few options to be checked.

It was only then that Sato Yue faintly noticed a strange uneasiness in his heart, but this uneasiness did not form an idea. It was like a subconscious reminder, just a nail hammered into his consciousness.

He couldn't tell what was wrong.

The inspection is over. No biological tissue was found in any equipment with interfaces. After searching his and Douzi's pilot helmets, Sato Xiong explained the situation to Yu Xiao with a slight disappointment.

However, Yu Xiao's reply pointed out his unspeakable uneasiness.

Did you miss a device with an interface? Almost at the same time as Yu Xiao spoke, he controlled the holographic projection device to generate an arrow, pointing to something behind Sato Yu and Douzi.

Sustaining warehouse.

At the same time, Sato Yuu felt a chill on his back before he could turn around completely.

They were a pair of bulging eyeballs. The whites of the eyes had all turned into a rich yellow color, and dark red blood threads covered these ferocious eyes like spider webs!


The next second, the shell of the life-sustaining warehouse was torn open by a pair of sharp claws, and the old woman's wrinkled lower jaw also split open as if it was dislocated, spitting out a long tongue covered with barbs!

Panic and sadness surged out of Sato Yuo's heart almost at the same time, and he found the source of his inner uneasiness.

Perhaps he should have guessed, but his reason deliberately blocked the idea.

Turning around and pulling the trigger has become a physical instinct for the experienced Sato Yu, a conditioned reflex carved into muscle memory.

Bang bang bang!

Three copper-colored bullets flew out of the barrel. Since Sato Yuo was holding a giant pistol, the caliber of the bullets was much larger than that of ordinary pistols.

Bright red blood mixed with dark yellow pus, splattered like ink on the back of the old woman's shadow on the floor.

The bloomed bullet case was like an extinguished cigarette butt, rolling down to Sato Yu's feet with the last trace of warmth and smoke. Then, it was submerged and cooled by the blood full of fishy smell.

As the old woman's burly body fell into a pool of blood, Sato Yuya slowly put down the hand holding the gun.

Some images that could not be called very impressive flashed through his mind, and finally settled on a still photo of an old woman begging him.

She could never see her grandson again.


Sitting at the end of the corridor, Kobayashi Suke suddenly woke up from his sleepiness, because the sound of slamming the door like a lullaby stopped abruptly.

Everything seems to be moving in a good direction, maybe Sato Yuu and the others have solved some crisis.

Kobayashi Suke should have laughed, and he did.

But for some reason, an unconcealed sadness rushed to the tip of his nose, making him burst into tears!

Is it a dream?

It seemed that he had been drowsily transported back to more than ten years ago, when he accompanied his grandfather for a walk under the beautiful sunset with his younger brother and parents.

At a school where a sports meeting was taking place in the distance, the referee fired three shots.

Immediately afterwards, the audience in the stands burst into shocking cheers and cheers.

Come on! Run! Work harder! Wearing sportswear, Kobayashi Suke was sweating, facing the huge sun that was setting in the west, and launched a sprint towards the unreachable finish line.

He didn't know what the end was, he just knew that he would run there desperately, as if that was the whole meaning of his life.

Come on! Run! Try harder!

Grandma is looking at you!

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