As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 170 Interference beyond authority

It is very important to the entire human race... According to you, this mecha was designed by your mentor Yuan Zhen. Do you really have the authority to get the data you want?

Sato Yu tactfully reminded the other party that he knew very well that under normal circumstances, data like this would be packaged and sent directly to the relevant person in charge. Even the collection process needed to be divided into different batches of people to keep it confidential to prevent Someone was able to piece together the complete message.

The records are incomplete, but what you told me orally can only be passed on in the form of a written report, and I happen to be the main writer. Dr. Miki has already thought about this situation.

So knowing secrets has become part of your job, right? Sato Yu knew that this was a little clever, but his experience and experience were much richer than Dr. Miki's, But I must remind you, like this For matters of this level, the person in charge has the right to directly summon me to report to her face to face. Whether your intervention like this is considered a violation depends on the person in charge's mood after knowing it.

Yuan Zhen, the image corresponding to this name is definitely not a good person in Sato Yu's heart.

At least from his own personal contact, she was far more dangerous than she seemed. She was the type who would make Sato Yuo's whole body tremble even if he smiled at her.

As a student of Yuan Zhen, Dr. Miki only inherited the love of laughter, but did not learn any scheming.

If I have the conditions to contact my mentor now, I will definitely let her talk to you alone. Dr. Miki's smile gradually disappeared from his face, replaced by a serious look.

Are you ready? Sato Xiong seemed to have seen the answer on the other party's face.

It's an emergency. The pilot of MS-03 is now in a coma. If we can't do anything, everyone will sink to the bottom of the sea with the Fourth Line of Defense Islands.

Dr. Miki felt that there was a converging torrent in his chest, and what this torrent formed was a vortex that could plunge him into a place of eternal destruction!

Sato Yu did not answer Dr. Miki immediately. He knew that if he told the other party, he would become an accomplice in leaking the secret.

Although he could blame everything on Dr. Miki to excuse himself, he couldn't do such a thing, and based on Yuan Zhen's judgment, his sophistry would only be regarded as a ridiculous lie.

Seemingly sensing the reason for Sato Yu's hesitation, Dr. Miki spoke again.

As a student of Teacher Yuan Zhen, I believe she will make the same decision as me at this time.

It sounds like you won't be punished because you are a related party. Sato Yu was angry and funny, but this also made him really determined.

Okay, then I'll tell you what I know. I hope you really have a way to get us through this difficulty.

Medical room.

This is one of the few quiet places on the entire ship, and there are even a few thoughtful windows in the ward that can see the outside.

Blue sky and white clouds always make people feel refreshed and free their minds.

But considering the hellish scene outside, the window was still tightly covered with curtains.

At this time, Bai Ying was wearing an oxygen mask and lying calmly on a spotless white hospital bed. The red combat uniform on her body had long been replaced by a blue and white loose hospital uniform.

Is her brain as peaceful as her body?

Douzi, who was sitting in front of her hospital bed, had no way of knowing. She only knew that the apples she brought had not been used - Bai Ying had a mask on his face and could not eat.

From the first moment he saw Bai Ying, Douzi had a huge crush on the white-haired girl.

She spent most of her short life dealing with people at least ten years older than herself, or a group of innocent children.

It's not that Douzi doesn't like this kind of life, she likes it very much. She likes everyone who is willing to say hello to her.

But when she discovered that there was a girl who was also driving a mecha like her, something deep in her heart still inevitably throbbed.

Bai Ying was not much older than her. Even if she searched through all Douzi's memories, she could not find a peer like Bai Ying.

Bai Ying is willing to greet her, will not dislike her for being unable to speak, will not laugh at her for being illiterate, and is willing to sleep with her.

She was still replaying the scene she saw in the MS-03 cockpit in her mind. Those were the words Bai Ying said when his combat uniform was dyed red. Douzi was sure that those words must have been said by Bai Ying.


Bai Ying shouted Douzi's name, and then MS-03 turned into a butterfly, and these Douzi all saw it.

Because of this, even if no one has time to stay with the pilot who doesn't know when he will wake up, Douzi is willing to stay with Bai Ying.

Douzi didn't know how she could help, so she remembered what Sato Yu had said and done - holding Shiro's hand and stroking the back of his hand with her thumb.

She felt that this was an action that allowed the other party to sense her, an action that made people feel at ease.

Douzi, Colonel Sato wants you to go to the bridge now. The combat meeting is about to begin.

A young girl in medical uniform interrupted Douzi's movements. She held a tablet terminal in her hands and spoke to Douzi in a tone that was so gentle that it was almost doting.

Douzi, who had come back to his senses, nodded to the medical staff with a smile on his face, then reluctantly released his hold on Bai Ying's hand, and put the peeled apple in his hand into the crisper on the cabinet next to the hospital bed. inside.

The apple in Bai Ying's hand disappeared.

She knew she seemed to be on the verge of a collapse of consciousness, but the good news was that she seemed to be regaining consciousness.

I don't know how long ago, when Bai Ying woke up from the beach, there was a bean sitting next to her, the bean that fell out of the culture tank.

She was wearing an oversized white hospital gown, and her trouser legs, which had been rolled up almost ten layers, were still dragging on the sand like a rag.

When Douzi saw Bai Ying open her eyes, she immediately threw herself into her arms and rubbed her delicate little face against Bai Ying's wet chest.

After the hug, Bai Ying discovered that Douzi was holding a chip in his hand. Judging from the specifications on the back of the chip, it looked like the core component of the Deep Mark bionic interactive system assembled on the mecha.

It has been detected that the pilot's consciousness has returned to the stable line, and the system has been released from custody. Almost at the moment Bai Ying wanted to return the chip to Douzi, a soft female voice that echoed throughout the world came into Bai Ying's ears.

Now she was absolutely sure that she had suffered a serious shift in consciousness.

But why is she awake?

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