Bai Ying's mood was very complicated. She touched Douzi's shoulders with her hands while recalling her previous experiences in neural synchronization.

Shenhen was right. The figure Bai Ying saw in the glass was Douzi, but she thought it was just her subconscious reflection. The image of Butterfly was Douzi in her heart.

She had no idea that Die's original image looked exactly like Douzi and had nothing to do with her subconscious reflection.

After several neural synchronizations, Bai Ying entered not his own consciousness space, but Die's consciousness space. At that time, Die was still in a certain state of restraint. Perhaps if the synchronization rate between Bai Ying and Die did not reach 100%, Die would never be able to get out of chasing the bunny.

Bai Ying didn't know how long a creature's consciousness could go through chasing a bunny. That kind of hazy state and the memory of patronizing Lu Li would completely destroy a person's mental defense in a short period of time and drain a person's sanity. And pour the poison called madness into this man's brain.

Even a pilot with psychological training cannot endure this level of mental torture for a long time.

When people experience chasing a bunny, their perception of time will become extremely blurred. Two minutes in the real world will even be slowed down a hundred times or a thousand times in the conscious space.

That's why the Alliance is so anxious when rescuing pilots whose consciousness has drifted, and specifically states in the first aid manual that the best rescue time is only thirty minutes after the consciousness drifts.

Once this time is exceeded, there is almost no chance that the Pilot will regain his sanity.

How long did Die go through chasing the bunny?

This mecha does not look like it was delivered to Bai Ying just after leaving the factory. It must have gone through many rounds of testing and adjustments. It was not until Omega confirmed that it could withstand the test of actual combat that Bai Ying would be allowed to use it. Shadow becomes the pilot of MS-03.

Die has been trapped in that simple illusion, listening to the man's knocking sound through the glass over and over again, looking at the blurred figures over and over again, endlessly reincarnating in the cycle of opening and closing his eyes.

Perhaps it was precisely because this memory was so dull that Die's consciousness was able to retain its sanity.

But if Bai Ying were soaked in liquid, she would definitely be tortured to the point of going crazy before she was awakened!

She stared at Die, whose head tilted slightly and leaned on her shoulder, with happiness and satisfaction written on his face.

Bai Ying could clearly feel that Die was not Douzi. She did not inherit Douzi's memory or cognition. She was just a person who looked exactly like Douzi.

But how can there be two people who look the same in the world?

Twins... This is the only reasonable explanation Bai Ying can think of.

Just when Bai Ying was trying to convince herself to accept this guess, the soft voice of Shenhen echoed in her ears again.

Your recovery of consciousness is accelerating. Congratulations, you will wake up early.

At the same time, the main control room on the bridge.

Colonel Sato, are you sure we want to arrive at the battlefield in advance with hundreds of old men? The one who spoke was the adjutant of the United Front Legion. Since the legion commander initially retreated with half of the mechas and manpower to protect the large army, he stayed behind. The other half can only be led by him and Sato Yu.

Isn't this the purpose of your departure in batches? And slow down and wait until the follow-up fleet arrives. We also have to rush to the large force. The old people just changed from a main ship to a larger flagship. Sato dismissed the other party's point of view.

The flagship's protection performance is much higher than that of the main ship, and the accommodation and medical conditions are better. They are not combatants and there is no need to take risks with us.

You also have good intentions, I know, but we have wasted too much time. It is us pilots and ground troops who are fighting on the ground. You are safe in the sky.

The reasons given by Sato Yuu made the adjutant completely lose the idea of ​​continuing the fight.

Okay, I have no objection. What do you guys from Black Sky think? The adjutant turned his attention to the acting commander who had just recovered.

I don't have any objection. Black Sky never likes to delay. The priority of resolving the crisis as soon as possible is always the highest. The acting commander still has one arm wearing protective gear. According to the doctor's orders, he should be lying in the ward at this time. inside rather than standing at the round table.

That's good. Has the course been corrected? Sato looked at the navigation officer.

A correction was made just five minutes ago. The deviation does not exceed 3%. It is expected to enter the combat area in three hours and seventeen minutes. The navigation officer reported the situation with a serious look.

3%, this difference is not small. Even a layman like Sato Yuu knew that this value was almost on the edge of tolerance for air ships.

If they are not lucky, when they arrive on the battlefield, the landing point of the combat troops may be quite dangerous.

Sato Yu had heard of a similar incident in the Golden Rainforest Legion. Because the error was not corrected in time, the mecha was severely damaged by a monster's long-range attack in the air during its landing and failed to land normally.

In less than two minutes after the unfortunate mecha fell on the battlefield, the monster crushed the cockpit into a discus!

As far as Sato Yu knew, the yaw difference of the Golden Rainforest fleet was only 2% at that time.

The difference stipulated by the alliance cannot exceed 0.5%.

All crew members are constantly correcting error values ​​with manual assistance. 3% is the best result we can give so far. They have not rested for a second since they sat on the chair to control the ship. The navigation officer's eyes showed Both worried and distressed.

After the meeting, I paid tribute to them and remembered to install life monitoring modules on them. I didn't want anyone to fall at their job. Sato said he understood this.

When the fourth line of defense archipelago is under signal shielding, the large forces can only guide subsequent supporting troops by leaving signal coordinates at fixed distance intervals. This method was used by Sato Yu and others when Xing Tian first arrived in Black Corner City. Used.

However, without satellite positioning and alliance network coverage, and relying solely on signal coordinate guidance, the ship's course error will be much higher than the standard value stipulated by the alliance. In a war of this scale, it is almost equivalent to infinitely amplifying the death of supporting troops. Probability.

If you have any ideas about the specific combat plan, please put it forward. Sato Yu quickly brought the meeting to the point.

Sure enough, as Sato Yu expected, after he finished saying this, no one could take the initiative to come up with a practical plan.

But Sato Yue understands this situation. The reason why everyone is silent is not because they lack the ability to come up with a plan, nor is it because they are afraid of taking responsibility and dare not speak up.

Because they don't have any intelligence from the front line!

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