As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 178 Unknown Origin

Douzi, do you have an older sister?

When Bai Ying asked, she and Douzi were walking towards the hangar. Originally, Bai Ying wanted Douzi to rest too, but Douzi rejected Bai Ying's suggestion and insisted on following Bai Ying to Xingtian. The hangar will meet.

Bai Ying probably knew something about Douzi's special physique, so she didn't mean to force Douzi, and just followed Douzi's temperament and let her follow her.

After hearing Bai Ying's question, Douzi scratched his head in confusion at first, and then showed a slight frown on his face.

After thinking carefully for half a minute, Douzi shook his head at Bai Ying, pointed to his head specifically, and then waved his hand.

You mean, it shouldn't be in your impression, but you can't remember clearly, right? Bai Ying, who has been with Douzi for a while, can already roughly guess what Douzi wants to express.

Sure enough, Douzi nodded and confirmed Bai Ying's statement. It was obvious that she was delighted that Bai Ying guessed the answer in one go.

Although Douzi appeared very happy, this answer was not good news for Bai Ying.

She didn't expect that Douzi would really have no impression of such an important thing. This only meant that Douzi's childhood memories were definitely different from those of normal people.

This thought has long been lingering in Shiro Ying's mind. If Douzi was just a normal girl, how could she become a pilot at this age and follow Sato Yuu?

It seems that we need to talk to Colonel Sato... Bai Ying sighed silently in his heart and felt nervous that he was about to face Sato Yu.

Even though she and Sato Yuu were comrades who had experienced life and death together, Shiro Ying was embarrassed to ask these questions directly to each other.

Shiro Ying could see that there were many secrets buried in Douzi. After all, Sato Yuu was also a member of the United Front Legion. If the information about Douzi was classified, then Shiro Ying's inquiry was more like a threat and coercion.

She didn't want to embarrass Sato Yuo too much, nor did she want to let go of the opportunity to get to know Butterfly and Douzi.

Bai Ying, Douzi, don't you need to take a rest? Yu Xiao's first words when she saw the two of them were to advise them to take a rest.

In fact, the people on the entire ship were basically in a state of not sleeping for two days, as if they had already become part of the ship's mechanical organization, spinning around the clock.

Yu Xiao estimated that he was the only one who really didn't need to rest. He missed the time when he could still sleep. Ever since he turned into a mecha, he had almost turned himself into a philosopher.

After all, he really has twenty-four hours a day to kill, and not needing to rest means that his mind is always active.

I've already had a good sleep. Douzi also said that she doesn't need to rest. And don't you still have a lot of questions to ask me? Since Bai Ying had taken Douzi to the hangar where Xing Tian was parked, he naturally did not turn around. The truth of going to rest.

Are you sure you want to talk about this now? Yu Xiao vaguely reminded Bai Ying that Douzi was here too.

Using encrypted communication to talk seemed very foreign, but the conversation between Yu Xiao and Bai Ying originally involved many secrets that could not be told to the outside world, and it was not good for Douzi to hear it.

Well, right now, the question you want to ask will be related to Douzi. Bai Ying replied to Yu Xiao while stroking Douzi's smooth black hair with his hand.

Yu Xiao spent the next twenty minutes in shock again and again.

Bai Ying completely told Yu Xiao and Douzi her experience after coma, but omitted her own speculation.

Omega has created a living mecha... After realizing this fact, Yu Xiao felt that her brain was about to stop.

He even had some doubts about whether he was also an experiment created by Yuan Zhen?

Douzi's reaction was also quite intense. She obviously couldn't accept Bai Ying's statement.

A living mecha named Butterfly actually thinks that he looks exactly like Doudou. This is ridiculous.

But Douzi knew that Bai Ying would not lie to her, and she could not remember whether she had a sister who looked like her in childhood, so she felt at a loss and confused.

So Die is living in your head now, is that what it means? It took Yu Xiao nearly five minutes to digest the information and force herself to calm down.

Yes, Die and I have never disconnected since we reached 100% synchronization rate. It's just that her consciousness and mind are like a newborn, so she can't understand us talking here. Bai Ying's tone was very calm.

At this moment, Yu Xiao truly admired Bai Ying's mental endurance. If there was another consciousness coexisting with him in his mind, he was not sure whether he would be able to accept it.

A consciousness is peering into the world through your eyes. When you think about it, it feels like a split personality.

Although Bai Ying describes Die as innocent and innocent, who can guarantee how fast Die will grow and whether it will lead to the erosion of Bai Ying's consciousness in the long run?

I think we need to ask Colonel Sato about this matter. If he doesn't know the connection between Butterfly and Douzi, then we can only risk asking Omega about this matter. After careful consideration, Yu Xiao decided to hide this matter. Things are definitely not good for Bai Ying.

The butterfly was made by Yuan Zhen, the founder of Omega. If anyone can explain this strange thing clearly, it is only Omega, the bell holder.

I don't think Omega can have any good solution, and we will be on the battlefield soon. Bai Ying shook her head slightly, she didn't trust Omega very much.

Then let's find Colonel Sato first.

I only slept for half an hour, and what you said is more magical than my dreams!

Sato Yuo didn't expect that even if he didn't sleep well, he would know a series of amazing things when he woke up.

If he hadn't fought side by side with the two magical mechas Xing Tian and Die, Sato Xiong would definitely have suggested that Bai Ying write the narration she just said into a script.

Damn it! Anyway, I know enough to kill me a hundred and eighty times. I don't know if we will be alive in two hours. I don't want to take all the secrets to the grave. After several minutes of ideological struggle. Finally, Sato Yu decided to simplify what he knew and tell Shiro Ying.

To tell you the truth, I don't know much more about Douzi than you do. She is a child I adopted from Omega, but they never told me the origin of Douzi. They only told me that Douzi is a child with a special constitution. Don’t mention the connection between omegas and beans.”

Sato Xiong looked at Douzi, who was sitting next to him in a depressed mood, and couldn't help but touch her head with his hand - Douzi obviously knew these things.

Douzi was adopted from Omega!? Bai Ying realized that the matter was more complicated than she thought, Did Dr. Miki entrust it to you?

No, it's not. Sato Yuo's face became more and more solemn.

It's Yuan Zhen.

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