As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 183 Under the Sea of ​​Clouds

[Current route error: 58%]

When the navigator saw the difference on the screen, he felt like his neck was being strangled and suffocated.

Everyone sitting in the control position can't think about anything else at the moment. They can only fill their brains with data, and at the same time keep tapping on the keyboard with their hands to correct this terrifying error value little by little!

Even if they know that manual-assisted correction can only be a drop in the bucket, they will not give up their struggle regardless of whether it is in vain.

Let me access the ship's system!

These words were spoken by Bai Ying, who was in Die's cockpit. Bloody tears slid down her fair cheeks, and finally fell on her feet wearing a red combat uniform.

Although she could remotely control the mecha, Bai Ying's long-term habit still made Bai Ying feel that she could truly make decisions without distractions only when she was in the cockpit.

She was shaking all over. Maintaining this level of energy output was undoubtedly an unbearable pressure on her body and spirit. Even though Die's cooling system had made the temperature in the cockpit as sultry as a steamer, Bai Ying still couldn't bear it. I felt like I was falling into an ice cave.

When the acting commander heard Bai Ying's voice, he approved Die's access request without hesitation and gave all authority to Bai Ying!

In an instant, a huge torrent of data rushed into Die's memory, almost filling the entire data channel!

Shenhen! Let me drive the boat safely to the ground! Bai Ying almost yelled this sentence. At this time, Die was under Bai Ying's control to maintain energy output with all his strength. 'Shenhen' was almost in an idle state. Only basic computing units are functioning.

Your instruction has been received, and all computing power will be allocated to the spacecraft navigation system. Shenhen responded to Bai Ying's order calmly.

[Warning, it has been detected that the navigation program is being rewritten! 】

[Warning, the positioning system has failed! 】

[Warning, warning, warning…]

The originally cold and mechanical system prompts fell into an unsettling repetitive loop like a stuck tape, but this process only lasted less than five seconds before ending abruptly.

Along with the laggy system prompts, various red warning pop-ups floating in the air and emergency lights in the passage disappeared.

In the huge bridge, there was only a white course error window floating quietly in the center of the space, like a sword of judgment hanging over everyone's heads.

All the operators have stopped thinking and moved their hands away from the keyboard - their operating terminals have been forced to switch to read-only mode, and the only window on the screen is the error floating in the air. Value and nothing else.

[Current error value: 51%]

Suddenly, the number that caught everyone's attention changed in silence!

A full seven percent of the error was corrected in just a few seconds!

At the same time, Bai Ying, who was standing in the butterfly cockpit, also followed the guidance of 'Shenhen' and used the huge energy field to coordinate with the ship to quickly adjust the flight angle!

43%, 34%, 24%, 13%…

Every three seconds, the error value will drop off a cliff, and the main ship will also make an angle adjustment following the update of the error value.

After four rounds of decline, this number finally stopped at 1%!

It was also at this time that the descending spacecraft sank into the misty sea of ​​clouds.

Boom... boom...

As the ship flew lower and lower, the noise from below the clouds became louder and louder.

Everyone's hearts seemed to be sinking along with the height of the ship. No one knew what the earth under their feet had become.

The next second, deafening gunshots and explosions rang in everyone's ears one after another!

The ship passed through the clouds and officially reached a height that can be locked by the naked eyes of people on the ground!

[Current error value: 0.01%]

At this time, the main ship was already infinitely approaching the defense line composed of mechas in the horizontal direction. As long as it flew for half a minute, the ship would arrive at the emergency landing site behind the defense line - the city ruins.

The barren land has been covered with mountains of corpses and scrapped mechas. The green river of blood filled the ravines and cracks with bullet casings of uneven sizes.

The dead people were like worthless ants in front of the monster's huge corpse. No one knew whether their festering bodies would be crushed by the monster or mecha in the next second, or smashed into pulp by explosions and bullet casings!

Sato Yu's lips trembled faintly, his throat was blocked by an unspeakable grief and shock, and he could not make any sound!

A few days ago, when he decided to lead half of the United Front Corps to defend Black Point City, he never thought that this large force that gathered all the main combat forces would be in such a mess!

The size of the entire army has been reduced by nearly two-thirds compared with before, and this is despite the fact that major legions are rushing to help!

The scrapped mechas trampled under the feet of the advancing monsters were stimulating the nerves of everyone on the ship.

No one knows how many times this defense line retreated, how many watchmen fell into this crazy meat grinder and became nutrients for the soil.

In the distance, escorted by a small group of troops, the evacuating civilians formed a long, slow-flowing river. The narrow terrain of the Blackstone Canyon greatly slowed down the movement of the crowd. Judging from the vast scale alone, It has reached at least tens of millions!

The evacuation speed is too slow... Sato Yui could tell at a glance that this crowded river lasted at least two days and two nights before the tail was seen, but even if the civilians passed through the Black Stone Canyon, what awaited them was still there. Just another vast coastline.

Once the defense collapses and the alliance falls, where can they retreat to?

This beast tide must be eliminated here, there is no room left!

Everyone, if I don't go down, the defense line will collapse! It was Yu Xiao who spoke.

In his sight, the mechas that were still resisting tenaciously were not in the same order of magnitude as the beast tide. It was helpless to expand into a thin defense line like this, but the number of enemies faced at every point on the defense line was huge. Dozens of times more powerful than mechas!

This line of defense is at risk of collapse at any time, and behind the line of defense is the narrow Black Rock Canyon!

The energy in Yu Xiao's body has been restored to 84%, which is enough to support him in fighting.

So, before anyone had time to respond to him, Yu Xiao pulled out the battle ax that penetrated the ship's armor and jumped towards the war-torn land!

Wait! At least... Sato Xiong lost the communication with Yu Xiao before he could finish his words.

The vertical distance between the two of them has exceeded a hundred meters. No matter whether he continues to speak or not, there is no chance that the other party will hear him again.

Damn it! Douzi, come to the hangar with me!

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