As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 201 Sunset in the Canyon

Sato Yu's consciousness has become blurred, and he seems to be unable to control his brain and thoughts.

He wanted to say something to Douzi again, to advise her not to do stupid things and not to rush to death with this old guy like him.

It's just that he couldn't say the words, and the heavy mental load had already made him breathless. The last frame in his sight was Bean almost smashing the explosion-proof glass of the escape cabin.

Then, his eyes were covered by a blood-red light and fell into endless darkness.

Vision, hearing, smell, touch... Sato Yu's five senses were completely withdrawn in an instant. His body seemed to be thrown into the bottomless abyss, suffering in the endless fall.

One second, he was still the child lying on the lawn watching the sunrise, but the next second, he turned into a middle-aged officer holding the corpse of his comrade.

The long-laid memories seemed to be leaving him, and his brain was withering, leaving his memory storage as empty as a formatted hard drive.

In addition to his name, beans, heroes, and an order that he was unwilling to forget until his death.

Burn, hero. In the end, these words could not come out of Sato Yuo's mouth. His throat was filled with blood, and the strong sense of suffocation made it extremely difficult for him to stay awake.

Ah ah ah ah ah!!!

Roaring is the only sound Sato Yuu can make now.

As if it sensed that the crisis was coming, the hatred that originally dismissed the hero suddenly turned its four eyes and looked at the mecha that was rushing towards it with the determination to die!

Immediately afterwards, a giant tail with outwardly skeletal bones hit the hero's waist, the weakest part of the armor.

The size difference between the two sides is so great that the abominable giant tail even additionally damaged the hero's lower abdomen, where the cockpit is located.

Luck and misfortune both happened to Sato Yu, a tiny pilot. He was not cut off by the giant tail, but the tip of the opponent's tail cut open his chest.

Even Sato Yu, who was almost unconscious, could feel something hot spraying out from his chest.

Maybe his life.

The hateful tail flick attack failed to stop the running mecha from continuing forward. At this time, the hero had already burst out with a dazzling light!

Its power furnace seemed to be a blazing sun. Even if the sun did not continue to spread under the constraints of the program, the heroes' armor could not withstand the terrifying high temperature it brought, and they turned into flowing molten steel, dripping Falling on the barren land.

Sato Yu laughed loudly.

Hero's performance finally surpassed those of the most advanced third-generation mechas, and even surpassed Die and Xingtian. This burning giant had a heart with excellent power, which made him move so fast that even Bai Ying was surprised. .

You! Abomination realized that it had completely underestimated Hero, so it quickly pulled out its horn from Die's chest.

In Die's cockpit, Bai Ying also roared. Her skin was covered with bulging veins. Die, which resonated with her, was pushing huge energy to the periphery of the body with unprecedented power!

Abomination's four arms began to tremble, which forced it to give up its original plan to loosen one of its arms. Once it freed its hand to attack the hero, Die would definitely break through his restraints and launch a powerful attack that would make Abomination even need to be careful. attack!

The tail is Hatred's only hope now.

brush! ! !

I saw Abomination suddenly exerting force, and the tail that had just swing back to the end of the body immediately curled up, and launched a round of air-tearing sweeps towards the trajectory of the hero's charge!

But it's still slow.

Sato Yuo, who no longer had any sense at all, had already driven Hero with his obsession and instinct. At this moment, the synchronization rate between him and Hero increased instead of decreasing, reaching 100%!

The burning giant entered the established attack range, and he suddenly jumped up, dragging an afterimage on the ground, and passed the sweep that almost turned him into a discus.

Then, he punched out from the sky.

Bai Ying's mind went blank. She didn't know what Sato Yu had done, but her survival instinct made her control Butterfly to retreat as quickly as possible as soon as she broke free!

A sun sets in Blackstone Canyon.

No one can look directly at the dazzling light, not even those who hate it can do it.

Its four eyes were completely plunged into darkness. Its extremely strong body was gradually defeated by the high temperature and impact. There were so many cracks that it was impossible to distinguish with the naked eye, and its skin and muscles were torn into pieces finer than hair. crumbs.

Flesh, flesh, bones, and everything that Hatred was proud of disintegrated in the ever-expanding energy mass. Its brain, which had not been around for a long time, was crushed again. Only the beating heart frantically controlled the continuous reproduction of cells.

Abomination wants to live to regain what it has lost.

This obsession that is almost engraved into its genes makes its heart continue to struggle when it is attacked. Its tall and majestic body has long since disappeared. The hatred at this moment has turned into a lump of flesh that only knows how to grow in order to survive. ball!

The exploding energy bombards the flesh and blood of Abomination all the time, but every time when the heart of Abomination is about to be exposed, it will release the power of genetic evolution and cover it with new flesh and blood at a faster speed!

The dazzling light lasted for a full minute before dissipating in the air.

The Black Rock Canyon, which was originally a landmark terrain, now looked like a deep crater hit by a meteorite. If Bai Ying hadn't used his energy position to fly out of the radiation range with other mechas and logistics personnel at the critical moment, they would have followed that person. The dazzling light turned into little stars.

Is it over... When the clouds cracked open, the logistics officer finally knelt down on the ground with relief.

Boom! ! !

Suddenly, a familiar gurgling sound sounded from the center of the pit.

Bai Ying only felt that his breathing was half a beat slower!

She quickly looked at the energy radar - there was another hostile target with an energy level close to 5 in the scanned image that was blank just now! ! !

No, not one, but two! !


Abomination survived, its powerful genes completed countless evolutions in half a minute, and its new brain was permanently fixed in the heart, bound to this most important organ.

A body strong enough to withstand the blow of nuclear fusion is being rapidly reshaped, and it will become an existence comparable to the giant beast Leviathan, until the last person on the planet who fears it also dies in despair!

It wants to find the children snatched away by humans, and take them with them to survive, reproduce, and build a new home on this planet.

That's how it should be.

Poof! ! !

A sharp claw penetrated its heart and brain, halting its body reshaping.

It was a pair of golden pupils, but Abominable saw a trace of sky-blue light in its eyes.

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