As a Mecha, I Can Evolve Unlimitedly

Chapter 204 Fusion Evolution

Hatred never expected that Douzi could do this trick.

If it hadn't been mutated and strengthened by the Monster Factory, the abomination's attacks would still have remained at the physical level, and Douzi was the child left behind when it first invaded the planet. Logically speaking, it would be impossible to learn its new skills. tricks.

The two energy torrents collided with each other, and the surrounding sand and gravel turned into powder and dust in the wildly spreading shock wave.

The pure white beam of light with a smaller radius became more and more dazzling, gradually pushing back the dark yellow torrent!

Only then did Abomination realize that the torrent of energy spewed out by the bean was completely different from it!

The energy beam of hatred comes from the conversion of its own animal blood, but Douzi's energy beam does not contain the energy component of animal blood at all. In other words, Douzi has not even mastered the method of converting animal blood into energy attacks!

For a moment, Abomination felt uneasy and nervous. It could not be sure what kind of power its own flesh and blood possessed that even it did not know!

This power is even enough to make up for the physical gap, allowing Douzi to gradually gain the upper hand!

At this time, Douzi's appearance had quietly changed during the spitting. More and more flesh and blood tissue began to grow along her spine, forming small raised hard bumps one after another, and then white bones emerged from the hard bumps. Break out of the skin!

Beans are evolving.

These new organs, which are a mixture of flesh, blood and bones, are specially formed to store and regulate the energy in Bean's body. As they grow regularly on Bean's spine, Bean's control over the energy surge becomes stronger and stronger!

Abomination was right. Bean was indeed different from it. The energy used by the two was not even the same type, so that Bean began to evolve in a direction that Abomination had never thought of!

To be precise, Bean not only inherited the vitality and evolutionary ability of Abomination, but also gained a new power.

That was the parting gift left to her by the hero. The power furnace that emitted controllable nuclear fusion energy was not completely consumed by the energy it released. Instead, it became the blood flowing in Douzi's heart, completely interacting with it. The beans blend into one!

Although Douzi, who has just shown his monster form, still doesn't know how to fully exert this power, this most primitive method of use alone is enough for it to show its strength that overwhelms hatred!


When the white shadow was only the last kilometer away from Douzi, she stopped in her tracks.

She had to stop here because of the overflowing power of energy. Bai Ying could even feel that the liquid steel armor covering the outside of Die's body was slowly dissipating. If it weren't for the blessing of Die's energy position, Bai Ying would not be able to stop. There is no way to get close to this distance.

But one thousand meters is already the limit she can go now. As long as she takes even one step forward, Die's energy stance will completely collapse, and Bai Ying will also be swept along with her mecha in the torrent of energy. Be broken down into little bits of starlight.

At this moment, the four golden eyeballs of hatred have been completely filled with anger. It can't believe that it will be at a disadvantage!

Abomination has maximized the power of its spitting, and even the blood in its body has been converted into energy and sprayed out, but even so, Bean's white beam is still closing the distance between it and Abomination.

Stop! Abomination issued an order to Douzi using a signal that only monsters could sense, but Douzi ignored it and instead increased the power of the energy beam!

Poof! ! !

The next second, the white beam completely wiped out the dark yellow energy, and a torrent rushed over the head of the abomination, directly submerging the terrifying head.

Before Abomination could react, the white beam of light went down along Abomination's neck, directly splitting the huge body into two vertically!

That beating heart instantly shattered into countless pieces of meat scattered on the ground!

However, just when Bai Ying and Douzi thought everything was over, these scattered pieces of meat began to grow wildly, quickly intertwining together like vines sprouting from the ground.

Hatred is being reborn!

How is it possible... This time, even Bai Ying could feel the desperate pressure from the opponent's rapidly generated silhouette that was enough to suffocate her.

You, kill, no, die, me.

A brand-new abomination once again stands on the earth. It declares its immortality word by word, and at the same time it spreads the seeds of terror that are enough to make humans give up hope.

The white beam instantly penetrated the chest of Abomination, where its brain and heart were located.

But this did not have any effect. The hole was tightly sewn up with new flesh and blood in three seconds, and Abomination even showed everyone the specific process of generating his new heart with great interest.

Everything is going as Abomination expected. As long as the energy connection between the planet and it is not severed, it will continue to be reborn.

Even if the energy of the bean is enough to destroy every cell in its body, a new abomination will crawl out of the lava river and continue to bring destruction to this land.

Totake Mountain, underground rock formations.

Yu Xiao encountered an accident that even he had never thought of.

The white mountains beneath him did not stop moving as he drove his battle ax into the giant worm's last heart.

A wail followed, but Yu Xiao soon realized that it was not a wail, but a mockery.

Yu Xiao, who had only the last ten seconds left in overload mode, felt the joke played on him by fate before he was about to fall into a weak state.

The heart far away from the head of the giant worm resumed beating again.

Only then did Yu Xiao realize that he had made a huge mistake. In the absence of necessary information, Yu Xiao only regarded this living factory as a level 5 monster.

But it cannot be compared with ordinary monsters at all. By devouring the energy of the planet, it can not only design and create monsters, but also grow new organs on its own.

If Yu Xiao cannot crush all the hearts in a short period of time, then the worm will have enough time to repair the wounds and replace the necrotic one with a new heart, and the new heart will not grow as long as the original one. Parts corroded by toxins.

The worm is just the external manifestation of this factory. Perhaps it is just because it is so convenient, fast, simple and efficient, otherwise it can completely design itself into a sophisticated living weapon.

...It seems that fate does not always favor me. Yu Xiao, who was in the consciousness space, gave out a wry smile. Now he had this crucial piece of information, but he wasted the most precious attack time on it. .

And he will have to pay the most painful price as compensation for this mistake.

In an instant, Yu Xiao jumped off the worm's body with a battle ax in hand. At this time, he was already at the end of the living factory.

Facing this huge body stretching for kilometers, Yu Xiao, who was in overload mode for the last three seconds, had only one choice left.

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