Ascend Another Day

Chapter 312: God King's Punishment

Fairy Qingbo was stunned, and followed Xu Ying down the mountain. Xu Ying's face was indifferent, and the battle between heaven and man was still in his heart.

He didn't want to let the master of Niwan Palace go, if the master of Niwan Palace fought him to the death, he could kill him, but the master of Niwan Palace didn't put up any resistance, so he couldn't put him to death. It is indeed a genius. \"Xu Ying said suddenly.

Qingfold nodded, followed him, and said softly, "He is indeed a genius. He can restore many lost moves and supernatural powers after listening to others' descriptions. Some of the lost exercises, he only uses some messy He can also comprehend those jade slips and Taoist books that no one can understand. In our era, he was the most paralyzed star. Xu Ying was silent for a moment, saying that he is very smart and has superb methods. \"Qing Pei said\"If he is not smart and has no means, he will not be able to live now.\'Xu Yingdao: \"He got rid of all the anglers and leeks, which is beneficial to Yuanshou World. Although he is also a fisherman, but These are actually good things. Ri Qingzhu didn't understand what he meant, and said: \"He also killed many people like Zhou Qiyun.

Xu Yingdao: "His strength is extremely powerful. He has harvested so many strong men, no matter the physical body, magic power, spiritual consciousness, vitality, yin and yang, or primordial spirit, they are far more than me. He also has the Nuozu Dongtian hidden in Yuchi , really do it, I am not an opponent."

He explained to Qingfold: "My biggest reliance is my supernatural powers in my first life, the four great Nuo ancestors, Dongtian, and my control over the way of heaven. But even if I invite a catastrophe, it will be of no use to him. His The strength of his cultivation is far superior to mine. If he resists, his cultivation strength will still be higher than mine without using the cave. As for the magical powers of the first life, my memory of the first life has not been awakened. These kinds of supernatural powers. Therefore, even if I make a move, I may not be able to take him down.

Fairy Qingzhi said: "He is a rare genius in the world, and he has gathered so many Nuo celestial medicines in the past, and the power of the six secrets has indeed reached an incredible height. Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "So, it is not me He didn't want to avenge Zhou Qiyun, but was helpless. Fairy Qingzhi thought for a while, and said: "You say that to comfort your soul? Xu Ying was speechless.

This girl's mind is too sharp, and her words often hit the nail on the head, directly exposing his hypocrisy. Xu Ying murmured: \"I'm just...\"

Qingfold smiled and said, "You are just moved by him, and you are determined to let him try whether he can ascend. You also want him to try, whether he can change the unfair way of heaven, whether he can change the fairy world. Right?" Xu Ying Glancing at her, she smiled and said \"Miss Qingfold, do you always know me so well\"

Qingbo smiled, as if she had let go of a heavy burden, she no longer thought about the good and evil of the master of Niwanyan, she became much more cheerful, and said with a smile, "It's natural. I have seen you before, and I know you very well .'

Xu Ying thought of all the past, the past with her when she was herding sheep at the foot of Jiuyi Mountain, stopped and said: "Then why did you leave without saying goodbye when you were on this mountain, Qingzhi trembled and froze in place.

Xu Yingdao: \"My memory is unsealed, and I recall a lot of things. I remember how many lifetimes we were almost together. But why do you always leave without saying goodbye\" Qingzhi was silent.

Thunder was rolling in the sky, it was the catastrophe cloud caused by the owner of Niwan Palace, his catastrophe was brewing.

Fairy Qingzhi looked back, there was a flash of thunder in the sky, and there was a rumbling sound, she said with a smile: "You have already remembered that you are an immortal god, immortal, immortal, immortal, it is a sin for any girl to like you. blame yourself."

She turned her head and said quietly: "Red trembling is easy to grow old, when you were a teenager, I was already a white-haired old woman. What's more, you will leave eventually. You don't remember the people who used to sleep next to you, and you don't remember your past.

Xu Ying stepped forward, came to her side, and said softly \"So it must be right to stay away\"Qingzhi shook her head and said: \"You are disturbing my Dao heart.

In the sky, the area covered by thunderclouds is getting wider and wider, and the area covered by this super catastrophe has gradually reached the Hundred Thousand Mountains, expanding outwards rapidly.

Qing Pei continued to walk down the mountain, and said, "Staying away may not be right, but it can calm my heart. Every ten years or so, you will forget everything, and I don't want to live like this." Xu Ying understood her concerns, Now, although he has dealt with Pu Bei Chenzi and other monitors, Bei Chenzi and the others are only Qi refiners who are in charge of monitoring him. It is the Immortal Realm who controls his destiny. In the 48,000-year history, there have been several generations of powerful Xu Ying , no, it will end up with hatred

Who knows if one day, Xu Ying loses again and re-enters a ten-year reincarnation. Xu Ying walks down the mountain hand in hand with her, and he always has a faint affection for Qing Zhi. \"Don't you want Yuchi Dongtian\"Qingfeng asked. \"No, I will come back from practicing in the future.\"

Xu Ying looked back at Guanyun Terrace, then resolutely went down the mountain, and said, "I really want to see if he can enter the fairy world. I also want to see if he can create a storm in the fairy world and change the world of the opposite party." Mortal injustice.

How can you do such a big thing if you don't have the strength?

Therefore, he would rather not have the Nuozu cave on the master of Niwan Palace. Bin and the others walked out of this sealed space, Xu Ying presented Qingbo with a jade slip, and said with a smile: "I almost forgot, I should give you a copy.

Qingfold accepted the jade slip, and looked at him deeply. Xu Ying quickly smiled and said \"Don't get me wrong, I have practiced this jade slip a lot, and I will give a copy when I meet you.

Qingju smiled and said \"I have also heard about this. I also heard that there is a big snake beside you. Relying on the cultivation of the Nuozu Cave, he fought a lot and defeated the masters of many sects.\"During the speech, the two People came under the parasol tree.

Chu Xiangxiang, Bai Qiuzi, Earth Qi and the others were waiting there, and they were surprised when they saw the two of them coming hand in hand. Chu Xiangxiang and Bai Qiuzi hurriedly came behind Xu Ying, peeked at the back of Xu Ying's head, and Keng Qi asked anxiously, "Grandma, is there a crack?"

Yinbian Xiangxiang Dayang was courageous, touched the back of Xu Ying's neck quietly, shook his head and said \"No. \"Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Da Zhong said\"I said that Ah Ying will not be killed by the old devil Qingyi ...reap"

Xu Ying glared at them unhappily, looked at Qiyun's grave, sighed inwardly, and asked Li Qi to fetch a few sticks of incense and burn it himself. , r Zheqi hurriedly whispered: "Look at him when he bows his head. If he is harvested, there will be light in the cracks." Then they sneaked a look over and shook their heads. Li Qi was also relieved.

Fairy Qingzhi said: "You didn't avenge Zhou Qiyun, Zhou Qiyun will not blame you, but your conscience can't forgive yourself, so you need to go to the incense to relieve the uneasiness in your heart. Xu Ying nodded lightly and said: "Zhou Qiyun His soul was also eaten, and he entrusted me with the task of revenge, and his obsession disappeared. However, I can't do what he wants and kill the master of Niwan Palace to avenge him.

Fairy Qingzi could understand the complexity of his heart, and said \"The death of Zhou Qiyun back then shocked you greatly, and even affected your current cognition. But how can everything go well in life?"

Xu Ying looked at her and met her eyes. Fairy Qingzhi hurriedly avoided his gaze.

Chu Xiangxiang saw it in his eyes, couldn't help being suspicious, and thought: \"I want to come to this Qingbo girl, she is the vixen in Hu Chanchan's mouth!"

Xu Ying sighed inwardly, Qing Mao could always think what he thought, but always avoided him. The robbery cloud in the sky has come to a radius of more than a thousand miles, and the heavenly robbery finally broke out. Seeing this scene, the fool Afu was irritated, his face was unhappy, and he muttered and cursed.

Kai Qi could hear it clearly nearby, and saw the fool muttering \"These days, I only see those who crossed the catastrophe, but not those who ascended.

At this moment, an indescribable terrifying force erupted from a high altitude, distorting the sky. That's someone crossing the catastrophe.

Fool Ah Fu raised his head and showed shock. He felt that his cultivation base was far superior to his. When he crossed the catastrophe, his cultivation base was not considered the best in the world, but it was no small matter. He mainly relied on his own Taoism, magical powers and magic weapons , survived the calamity abruptly,

This is the first time in tens of thousands of years!

As for Zhou Qiyun, he belonged to kidnapping the gods and letting the gods help him overcome the catastrophe. Zhou Qiyun did not really fight against the catastrophe. Zhou Tianzi is also Xu Ying who cut 70% of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation first, and it is not considered a real disaster.

And now, someone has finally used mana to fight against the real catastrophe! \"Who is this person\" he murmured. \"Niwan said the master.\" Xu Yingdao.

The idiot Ah Fu was astonished, and then relieved, nodded lightly, and said, "In order to break the six great Nuo ancestors, I found a few anglers to join forces, but no one dared to answer, but he agreed. In this way, he has harvested other anglers"

Although he was stupid, he was still smart and quickly guessed the truth.

A single angler, even Nuozu, cannot survive the catastrophe. Only when the master of Niwan Palace harvests other anglers can he have such powerful magic power, and he can display a combat power beyond the heavenly disaster in the fight against the heavenly catastrophe

In the world of Yuanshou, there are more than 40,000 years of accumulation of immortal medicines in one body, and it is difficult not to survive the catastrophe. "The idiot Ah Fu laughed and said, "It's a pity, it's a pity, it's not that I can't ascend." He staggered away.

Xu Ying called him, and said with a smile, "Ah Fu, do you want Zufa or not? I have prepared a jade slip for you."

The idiot Ah Fu turned around, caught the jade slip he threw, and said: "I don't know how to practice even if I get it. I teach my disciples, and I need to study it first. Xu Ying smiled and said," yes. Nuo Fa was destroyed by you, of course you don’t know how to practice it. "Fool Ah Fu snorted, kicked his shoes and left. Xianyang.

Zulong put on his regular clothes, not as aggressive as before, but with a back-to-basics attitude. He has a jade slip in his hand at this time, which has inspired the words on the slip, and he is studying it carefully

This jade slip was entrusted by Xu Ying to the Sect Master Qinghe near Xianyang. The Qinghe Sect was challenged by Liqi, and after losing, Xu Ying gave him two jade slips and asked him to give one to Xianyang Zulong. "If Xu Ying came to deliver it in person, I would definitely not accept it, and would not even take a look at it, but he ordered someone to deliver it, which aroused my curiosity. Zu Long sighed, he looked at the jade slip He couldn't extricate himself from the ancestral law in the book, and even had an urge to abolish his cultivation and rebuild the ancestral law. Now he regrets looking at the ancestral law.

He has always believed that if a pure qi refiner cultivates all realms to the extreme perfection, he does not need to practice the cone method, and he can survive the catastrophe. But looking through the ancestral method that Xu Ying sent, he realized that the ancestral method can have an astonishing improvement on the basis of refining qi, so he had to be tempted. Looking around Yishan, he was shocked. "The complete Super Heavenly Tribulation, not the Heavenly Tribulation like Zhou Tianzi who released water!

Zulong was in doubt, \"This combat power, without borrowing the power of heaven and earth, and without kidnapping sentient beings, can withstand the catastrophe. What kind of power is this?\" Du Jie, the owner of Niwan Palace, shocked him greatly.

He seized the Great Zhou Jiuding, measured the heaven and the earth, and didn't bother to grab the elixir when Kunlun was alive, but chose to measure Kunlun. The purpose is to include every inch of the rivers, mountains and rivers in Yuanshou into his Taoism!

When he crosses the catastrophe, he can sacrifice the Jiuding, the Dao Xiang is compatible with Yuanshou, awakens the power of the world, and kidnaps all living beings to fight against the catastrophe! He never thought that someone would not have to go on this road of kidnapping all beings, just relying on With my own cultivation and mana, I can forcibly shake the Heavenly Tribulation, how can I be weaker than others, but, but...\"

Zulong's complexion is a little pale, but no matter how tyrannical the qi refining soil is, even if all the realms are cultivated to the extreme, it is impossible to have such a powerful mana and body, let alone the ancestral method of primordial spirit consciousness..." He looked To that jade slip. Underworld, the place of reincarnation.

Xuan Yu, Xuan Chen, and Xuan Xing sensed the aura of catastrophe in the Yuanshou world almost at the same time, and the faces of the three **** kings couldn't help but all sank.

King Xuanhao was both surprised and delighted and said: \"I wish to respond to the aura of catastrophe! I sensed it!\" When he said this, seeing that the other three **** kings did not speak, he quickly turned pale and snorted . 0 Xuanxiao exhaled a turbid breath, and said: "It's the lawlessness of the Yuanshou world again. Since someone cut down the power of the Heavenly Tribulation last time, the people who cross the catastrophe will come out from time to time! Xing hates evil like revenge, shouting * this person is the first The first time is to reduce the power of Heavenly Tribulation, and the second time is to expand the power of Heavenly It is clear that I don’t pay attention to my world of heaven! This time, it must be this person who caused the trouble!" Xuan Chen hurriedly said: \ "Wait a minute, no one is playing tricks this time!\"

Xuan Yu and Xuan Xing were both stunned, and hurriedly sensed each other. Because of the unhealed old injury, the God King Xuan Wu could only sense the catastrophe, but could not sense the details. He scratched his ears and cheeks in a hurry, and the surprise on Xuan Yu's face became more and more intense. , suddenly lost his voice and said \"No, this person's strength is unprecedented, and he can definitely survive the catastrophe!\"

[The other **** kings were shocked, and they hurriedly stood up, Xuanshi God King shouted, "There is a terrible existence in this world. If this person survives the catastrophe, he will ascend to the upper realm. Will be punished! Shall we still stay here?"] The four great kings Qi Qi fought a cold war.

Xuan Yu's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he suddenly said \"Xuan Guo; Mai first returns to the world of Heaven and Dao, and presides over the situation; mobilize the artifact of Heaven and Dao, and this person must not be allowed to survive the catastrophe. Others, stay here with me! Wait a minute!"

He added: "To mobilize the gods of heaven and arrows, first find out who the person who crosses the catastrophe is. In case he is a resident of a fairy king or an emperor, he should be lenient.

King Xuanhao said yes, and immediately flew into the sky, the sky split open, a ray of light fell, and King Xuanhao flew up along with the light.

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