Ascend Another Day

Chapter 342: Lihen Tiandousita Palace

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Chu Tian was shocked, and lost his voice: "You want to pass on the magical power of the Eight Desolation Sun Furnace to me?"

Xu Ying said with a smile: "I won't stay in the ancestral court forever to be the prince in purple clothes, so when I'm not in the ancestral court, I need a substitute to act for me. There is no doubt that you are the most suitable."

Chu Tian snorted.

In that case, Chu Tiandu would really become Chu Tiandu's substitute!

Chu Tian cheered up and said with a smile: "Maybe I can learn the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace and be stronger than you. At that time, I don't know who will be the substitute!"

Xu Ying laughed, and opened the Hidden Scenery, allowing him to observe his magical power of the Eight Desolation Sun Furnace.

Chu Tian even flew into his hiding place, and saw that besides the Bahuang Solar Furnace, there are other kinds of visions here. The solar refining furnace is not inferior at all!

"The origin of this brother Xu must be very important!" He moved slightly in his heart, "I am a disciple of Xiao Tianzun, so I have won the title of Prince of Purple Clothes. Whose disciple is he? My master Xiao Tianzun is even more powerful?"

Although he vaguely guessed that Xu Ying might not be from the ancestral court, but Xu Ying's avenues of heaven and earth and magical powers of Taoism were all from the ancestral court, which dispelled his doubts.

Xu Ying took his time and walked towards Lihenyuan.

The purpose of his trip is to understand the ways of demons and solve the problems of fellow practitioners of the gods and demons of his own soul. On the way, he saw the customs of the ancestral home, and then confirmed with the Dao of heaven and earth that he comprehended in the land of enlightenment, so that his Taoism Climb steadily.

A lot of people practice meditation, and they retreat and practice subconsciously at every turn. A single retreat lasts for dozens or hundreds of years, but is there a Dao in Guanzhong?

Only by reading thousands of books, traveling thousands of miles, and seeing the customs and customs of the world can one understand the truth of Tao.

As it gets closer to Henyuan, there are more and more people on the road. After all, the ancestral court has an ancient history.

Xu Ying didn't recognize any of these young people, but they all knew each other, and there were many people who fought on the way.

However, Xu Ying heard more news that someone challenged Nalandu and was defeated by Nalandu in two moves, and whoever challenged Hua Cuoying was defeated by Hua Cuoying with a few moves.

The two young masters from Weixu showed their astonishing strength in front of the younger generation of the ancestral court!

"Although these two people's skills are superb, they hide extremely powerful celestial artifacts, one is the Shenqiao and the other is the Yaochi. jhssd.℃óm~ These two treasures make their magic power boundless!"

"It is rumored that these two great immortal artifacts were refined from the realm cut from the body of a big devil. That big devil once made a big disturbance in the ancestral court!"

Xu Ying heard a lot of rumors on the way, some people mentioned the experience of the big devil in the ancestral court, saying that the big devil once entrenched in the area of ​​Lihenyuan, stole a lot of treasures and took away many treasures.

Others say that the treasure of the great devil is hidden in Lihenyuan.

But most of them are ancient legends.

"It's all pouring dirty water on me, it's not trustworthy." Xu Ying said in his heart.

After more than ten days, they finally arrived at the Yuan of Lihen in the ancestral court.

Yuan, the meaning of the city wall, Lihenyuan, is a city built in the place of Lihen.

The biggest difference between this ancestral city and other cities is that it was built on an ancient ruin. When Xu Ying came outside the city, he also saw an extremely large stone tablet lying on the ground. The words Lihenjingtaiqingtian'.

When Xu Ying walked into the city, he saw that many of the buildings in the city were built on top of the original ruins.

In the past few days, Chu Tian had already left his hidden scene and submerged land, and devoted himself to cultivating the Eight Desolation Sun Furnace. I don't know if he can succeed.

Xu Ying had nothing to do, so he wandered around the city.

"There is a strange power here, as if it came from this world."

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly. This is a broken avenue of heaven and earth, which is extremely sacred and extraordinary, but the strange thing is that every time he feels it carefully, he can't feel it.

"Wait a minute, the Taiqing Qi in the Sanqing of One Qi is very similar to the Dao of Heaven and Earth here!"

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With a slight movement in Xu Ying's heart, he immediately activated one qi to transform into three qings, allowing his vitality to be divided into three, turning it into Taiqing qi, and went after the broken Dao breath.

At this time, many young masters have already come to Lihenyuan, and there is still some extremely powerful aura shaking outside the city, it should be the older generation who also came here.

From time to time, outside Lihenyuan, there will be terrifying power explosions, earth-shattering, it should be the older generation who are eager to learn from each other.

Xu Ying followed this aura to the outside of the city, hesitated for a while, but Chu Tian didn't follow because he wanted to practice the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace.

"I'm not familiar with the place in my life. If I get lost, I'm afraid I won't be able to return to Lihen Yuan..."

He paused for a moment, but still followed the pure air.

"One qi transforms the three qings, relying on the qi of Taiyi, that is, the innate qi, to transform the three qis of Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing. The three qis can be cultivated to form the primordial spirit of heaven and earth. If you can catch up with the Heaven and Earth Dao of Lihenyuan, Maybe it can increase the power of one energy and three cleansing."

The aura of the Great Dao was intermittent, sometimes disappearing, and Xu Ying's Yuan Dao and the heavens were extremely sensitive, so he chased and lost it several times.

In the world outside Lihenyuan, there are many abnormal areas of the immortal way, which are extremely dangerous, and there are many strange creatures inhabiting and lurking. Xu Ying avoided these abnormal areas of the immortal way.

His current strength is enough to cross these abnormal areas of the immortal way without being disturbed by the immortal way.

But as Xu Ying went deeper, some abnormal areas of the immortal realm were so terrifying that he was almost kept in them, forcing him to leave those places and find another way.

"There's something wrong here!"

Xu Ying's face was solemn, and he thought about returning to Lihenyuan.

The more terrifying the abnormal area of ​​the Immortal Dao, the more powerful the Immortal who fought here back then, and the stronger the pollution of the Immortal Dao caused by the supernatural powers, corpses, and blood stains left by them!

If he continued to go deeper, he was afraid that he would also encounter danger.

He hesitated for a moment, then gritted his teeth suddenly, @重量_书阁j_h_s_s_d_c_o_m…No. Wrong. First. Post~~ Continue to move forward: "I came to the Demon Realm to explore the truth of the Demon Dao, and to solve my own primordial spirit. The qi of Taiqing is also a way, and it must be solved!"

He continued to move forward, and his sense of that too-clear air gradually became clearer.

As he went deeper, the induction became clearer and clearer.

But the surrounding abnormal areas of the Immortal Dao have also become more terrifying. Before he stepped into the abnormal area, the Immortal Dao in it began to invade and affect his thinking!

He had to distinguish which thoughts in his mind were his own and which thoughts were imposed on him by the Immortal Dao!

He even felt that there was an extra person in his body.

But when he walked forward for half an hour, he felt that there were hundreds of people in his body.

Xu Ying walked forward for another half an hour, and saw hundreds of people around him, chatting and laughing happily with him.

"It's all an illusion! @重量_书阁...j_h_s_s_d_c_o_m first. Release. Update. New~~ I stick to Taiyi, as long as I don't step into the abnormal area of ​​​​the fairy road..."

Xu Ying suddenly stamped his feet, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and slowly stepped back.

A waterfall of blood in front of him was emitting a faint fairy light, and he almost stepped into this abnormal place!

After a long time, he finally walked out of this abnormal area, and all the familiar people around him suddenly disappeared into smoke and disappeared.

Xu Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and looked back, only to see behind him, there were fairy lights everywhere, glowing with charming brilliance, the dense fairy lights could hardly find any way out!

"I actually walked out!"

Xu Ying also felt a little unbelievable, he turned his head and looked forward, a ruined building appeared in front of him, dilapidated palace, collapsed covered bridge, dry river...

The broken heaven and earth avenue that Xu Ying sensed came from this place!

He walked into the ruins, trying to see the splendor of the place back then, but everything here seemed to have been deliberately erased, and there were not many useful things left behind.

Xu Ying stops at a portal that hasn't collapsed yet

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Looking at the inscriptions on birds and insects on the stone beam.

"Dousita Palace... Tushita Palace!"

His breath was shocked, and he stared blankly at the words, that's right, Tushita Palace!

However, on the other side of the palace, there is also a Tushita Palace!

There are two Tushita palaces, which one is the real Tushita palace?

At this time, a strong voice came from behind him: "Dusita Palace, where the immortals of the ancient times preached and taught, and made alchemy. Someone once asked me, if this old immortal who lived in Tushita Palace, His alchemy furnace fell from Lihentian and smashed into the mortal world, what will happen?"

Xu Ying turned around, only to see a gentleman in white came behind him at some point, and was also looking up at the stone beam engraved with the words "Dousita Palace".

Xu Ying asked: "Brother, how do you answer?"

The white-clothed gentleman could not tell that he was a member of the Demon Way, but he had a refined style, like a great Confucian who had read a lot of poetry and books. He said, "How would I know? So I asked him back, and the man told me."

He looked solemn, and said: "Then, that alchemy furnace will definitely turn into a sea of ​​flames, boundless, sweeping across the world, swallowing up the sun and the moon, forming countless signs of fire. The person who told me about this, then understood The supernatural power of the Eight Desolation Solar Furnace.”

With a gloomy face, he said, "But I haven't been able to comprehend it until now."

Xu Ying's heart moved slightly: "He's talking about the immeasurable sea of ​​fire on the border of the Demon Realm, where the tomb of Zhenjun Erlang is located! Wait a minute, could it be that the person who told him that the sea of ​​fire is the alchemy furnace is,"

An absurd thought arose in his The scholar in white looked at the ruined Tushita Palace, and said: "The person who told me about this is planning to retrain the Tushita Palace, he is a person with big ideas, He did it as soon as he thought of it, and he really made the Tushiita Immortal Palace. Later, he sent this Tushiita Palace to the other side of the Taoist Palace. He told me that he used this treasure to gather the fairy medicine from the other side, which would bless countless people .”

Xu Ying said, "What happened later?"


The white-clothed scholar trembled, his face darkened, and he said, "Later he abandoned his ancestral court and ascended. Hehe, do you know the name of this man?"

He didn't wait for Xu Ying's answer, and said directly: "His name is, Xu! Ying!"

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