Ascend Another Day

Chapter 367: Magic 7 turns

【Ascend Another Day】【】

Thousands of figures as powerful as immortals were scattered, and formed a group of five to form a great formation.

There are as many as a thousand of these five great formations, the formations are in motion, and the five-color aura rises into the air, like a sharp sword, like a fairy silk, like a streamer, shuttles back and forth in the void, completely flattening this place in the five-color fairy light!

The immortal array locks the approach platform, and the goal of these thousands of immortals is the white-clothed gentleman on the approach platform, the little Tianzun.

Xiao Tianzun raised his head and looked at the figures of those high and low masters, his eyes were a little puzzled.

These masters from all the heavens and myriad realms actually practiced the same kind of kung fu, the Five Absolute Soaring Heaven Kung Fu!

Wujue Lingtian Kung Fu is an immortal skill. Li Pingsheng, who practiced this kung fu, had once fought against his disciple Chu Tian. Although he lost, the power of this kung fu left a deep impression on people.

But so many masters come from different worlds, but they all come from the Wujue Sect, and they all practice the Wujue Lingtian Kungfu, which is very strange!

The sects in the heavens and worlds are often the Taoism left by the ascension of immortals.

An immortal can only ascend once, and naturally there is only one Taoism left behind, so why are there five unique sects in all heavens and myriad worlds? Why do these five unique sects all have the inheritance of five unique Lingtian skills?

"This can only show that these five unique sects all have the same patriarch!"

Little Tianzun still has doubts in his eyes, who can establish a sect in each of the heavens and worlds, and become the patriarch of these sects?

It is not easy to leave one's own power in all the heavens and worlds.

Which sect is still standing without the backing of immortals?

"Unless this person's sharp claws can reach into the heavens and worlds at the same time, this person's power is so powerful that the sects of the heavens and myriad worlds have to acquiesce in the existence of his sect. It’s hard to say how much power you have in the fairy world, but you must have great power in the mortal world!”

Xiao Tianzun's heart moved slightly, he looked around, and said with a smile, "Which fairy king from Weixu is the Patriarch of the Five Absolute Sects?"

He had a keen mind, and when he saw this battle, he immediately knew that only Weixu, who acted on behalf of the heavens, had such a powerful deterrent force, and only Weixu could make those sects have to accept the five unique sects.

Because, Wei Xu is in charge of the power of the Great Cleansing!

"Little Tianzun, you don't need to know much, you just need to know that today is the day you fall!"

Each of the five masters laughed loudly, their voices rumbling.

The next moment, mouthfuls of fairy swords flew into the air, so powerful that they twisted and rotated the void behind them.

The immortal weapon moved with their five great formations, and under the blessing of the five great formations, its power reached its peak in an instant!

The Wujue Lingtian Sword strikes and stabs at the little Tianzun, emitting five-color fairy light!

Xiao Tianzun flicked his fingers and hit the tip of a fairy sword. The sword was bent down like a boiled shrimp!

The five masters who presided over the Wujue Lingtian Sword were shocked by the shock force from this finger, and each of them grunted, bleeding from the corners of their mouths!

Xiao Tianzun rolled up his sleeves, and covered dozens of immortal swords in the sleeves. There was a universe in the sleeves, and with a strong shake, dozens of immortal swords collided in the sleeves!

The tens of immortals in elephant control, and the one or two hundred masters of swords are scattered, their steps are unsteady, and they are stumbling around.

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【Ascend Another Day】【】

The little Tianzun's primordial spirit flew up, and the dojo was spread out. The primordial spirit stood in the dojo, like a fairy or a demon. Thousands of other immortal swords pierced into the dojo, and they all stopped, and their progress was stagnant!

"Five Absolute Arrays Combined!"

A loud shout came, and the thousands of masters of the five masters shifted their shapes and merged layers of five master formations. After the merger, ten people blessed a sword formation. The number of sword formations decreased sharply, but their power increased sharply!

"Chi Chi Chi!"

Some of the immortal swords that had been pierced into the dojo just now fell, while others surged in power, making chi chi noises, piercing deeper!

Xiao Tianzun was surprised, only to see that the Wujue Formation merged again after the merger just now, and half of the immortal swords fell out of control, while the power of the other immortal swords doubled!

The speed of the immortal sword increased greatly, and it went straight to his soul! @重量_书阁…j_h_s_s_d_c_o_m first. issued. updated. new~~

Behind Xiao Tianzun, the caves of the six great Nuo ancestors fully opened, like a fairy who stepped into the realm of the fairy king, and once again fixed all the fairy swords.

However, the five formations were merged again, and the number of each formation reached forty people, and then merged again, and the number of formations reached eighty, and merged again, the number of formations reached one hundred and sixty!

One hundred and sixty great masters in the ascension period, who practiced the immortal king-level kung fu, and their cultivation base was blessed with a sword, it was like an existence whose cultivation base was close to that of an immortal king, holding a sword to contend with the little Tianzun!

And there are as many as sixty-four such existences!

Sixty-four immortal swords emitting five-colored celestial light, killing Xiao Tianzun from all angles, even if his six great Nuo ancestor caves are fully opened and the ashram is spread out, the power of the five-colored celestial light cannot be blocked!

Suddenly, Xiao Tianzun reached out and grabbed it, and a fairy sword flew up from the ground and fell into his hand. He held the fairy sword and stabbed it, meeting a piercing five-color fairy light. The moment the sword tip collided with the sword tip, he controlled everything. One hundred and sixty sword masters vomited blood together!

With the combined efforts of these one hundred and sixty great masters in the ascension stage, they were able to block the power of the little Tianzun's sword.

Xiao Tianzun swung his sword continuously, the approach platform was not big, his figure was walking on the approach platform, the sword light was blossoming, against the fluttering white clothes, like pear blossoms in the wind.

Surrounding the Taoist platform, there was a loud rumbling noise, and the ascension masters who formed the immortal formations vomited blood one after another, and the formations were scattered and unsustainable!


An old voice came, and with the movement of each figure, only thirty-two of the sixty-four fairy formations remained.


The fairy sword in Xiao Tianzun's hand was blocked by the stabbing fairy sword, but with the sword in his hand, he still strolled around on the approach platform, blocking the attack of the thirty-two Wujue formations.

His cultivation seems to be endless, and he is always at the peak state, while the cultivation of the strong man from all realms who confronts him is depleted all the time!

"Let's line up again!"

With a loud shout, there are only sixteen formations left in the Five Jue Formation, and there are six hundred and forty people in each formation!

The magic power of the six hundred and forty masters is concentrated in one body, and each blow is like a blow from a peak fairy king, extremely heavy!

Xiao Tianzun's face was a little dignified, and suddenly his figure flickered, and he left the approach platform. He had been defending before, and now he started to attack actively!

But as soon as he flew up, he saw sixteen sword lights pressing down, forcefully forcing him back to the Taoist platform.

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【Ascend Another Day】【】


There was another loud shout, and the sixteen Wujue formations merged in pairs to form eight large formations, each with 1,280 supreme masters!

In the fairy formation, the five-color fairy light emitted by the 1,280 primordial spirits condensed into one body, like a fairy statue standing upright, holding a sword and pointing at the little Tianzun!

The eight-mouthed immortal sword descended from the sky with the power to shatter mountains and rivers, and killed Xiao Tianzun.

Xiao Tianzun's physical body and primordial spirit merged into one, and the realm of the six immortals expanded outwards, merging with the primordial spirit dojo. His primordial spirit did not shrink, but his physical body skyrocketed, turning into a giant of ten thousand feet. After receiving the first sword, his body was continuously shrunk.

When his physical body shrunk down to the size of an ordinary person, with various Dao patterns intertwined on his body surface, the first turn of the magic power broke out, his muscles and body swelled again, and he turned into a giant again, swinging his sword to meet the second sword light!

This sword light failed to suppress him, and then the third sword light fell, finally suppressing him.

The little Tianzun was continuously shrunk by the terrifying pressure, and suddenly the second turn of the magic power erupted, and more Dao patterns emerged from the body, intertwined on the body surface, and connected with the previous Dao patterns!

His muscles and body were soaring, regardless of his cultivation base, his strength was constantly improving, and the eight swords worked together to suppress him.

Xiao Tianzun sprayed blood from his eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and performed the third and fourth turns of his magical skills. With his terrifying power, he blocked the eight immortal swords.

In the eight great formations of five uniques, more than ten thousand masters were so shocked that their blood was floating, and they were all shocked, and they hurriedly shouted: "Let's form together again!"

Their figures swayed, and only four of the Five Absolute Immortal Formation remained. @重量_书阁j_h_s_s_d_c_o_m…

And Xiao Tianzun's magical power came to the fifth and sixth turns, and the dao patterns that emerged all over his body were like chains connected to the muscles and souls, locking his whole body, but with every blow he made, it was extremely terrifying!


10,240 top experts shouted together, their breaths were fierce, all of them were injured, their skins were blown apart, and their internal organs were ripped apart!

They have never encountered such a tenacious and terrifying existence.

This time, there are only two formations left in the formation, and there are more than 5,000 people in each large formation. Under such an attack of this intensity, even the Immortal King will probably end up with hatred!

At this time, Xiao Tianzun's magical power has reached the seventh turn, and the seventh turn is his limit.

What he obtained was an incomplete cultivation method from the ancient times. With his own comprehension over the years, he had deduced this cultivation method to the extreme, but it was incomplete after all. , there are always loopholes.

He can only practice this magical skill to the seventh rank, and there are two more ranks to come, so he can't complete it. Moreover, when the magical skill is at the seventh rank, there will be many faults in the Dao pattern chains around him.

Between these faults is where his weakness lies.

When he didn't activate the magic skill to rank seven, his weaknesses were not visible, but when he activated the magic skill to rank seven, the weaknesses would be clearly revealed.


The two five-color fairy arrays were activated, and the five-color fairy light emitted by more than five thousand primordial spirits merged into one.

The fairy sword couldn't bear the five-color fairy light anymore, it exploded crackling and turned into powder!

The little Tianzun urged the magic power to turn seven times, and the moment he met the sword light,

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【Ascend Another Day】【】

The figure flickered, avoiding another sword light, the figure flew up from the approach platform, and in the next moment, it smashed into one of the Five Absolute Immortal Formation!


The fairy formation exploded, limbs and arms flew, the primordial spirit was shattered, and the three souls and seven souls were shattered!

The fairy formation was broken, and those surviving masters from the myriad realms fled in all directions, and Xiao Tianzun did the same to conquer another fairy formation.

At this moment, the sound of Xiao Se's flute came, with a strong murderous intent, the people who were fleeing froze in the sound of the flute, standing still.

There are still many people who resisted, directly pierced their eardrums, and flew forward!

While they were flying, the heterogeneous path in their bodies was about to move, piercing their muscles, bones and skin, and even penetrating their internal organs!

The sound of the flute was cold, icy cold, and in the sound of the Xiao sound, the faces of the people who were frozen in place showed horror. Suddenly, the immortal way in each individual was disordered, and blood swords pierced out of the body, piercing in all directions!

In an instant, hundreds of masters were killed by the disordered immortal way in their bodies!

The blood sword grew longer and longer, hanging the corpses of masters high in the air.

"Little Tianzun, Cang Yue is late!"

A slender figure flew over and landed on the **** battlefield, put away the flute in his hand, hurried forward a few steps, and asked with concern, "Little Tianzun, how are you injured?"

Xiao Tianzun dissipated his magic power, and his body recovered as before. Looking up, he saw Master Cang Yue's gaze fell on the Dao pattern chain wandering on his body.

Daoist Cang Yue stepped forward quickly, stretched out his hand, and was about to support the little Tianzun, but suddenly withdrew his hand and said with a smile: "You and I don't have such a good relationship, so I won't help you."

Xiao Tianzun withdrew his hand that was about to reach out, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, the relationship between him and Daoist Cang Yue was indeed not very good.

He thought Cang Yue came here this time to plot against him, but he didn't expect that Master Cang Yue had no such intention at all.

At this time, there was a sudden crackling sound in the sky, and a huge crack appeared in the sky, running across things.

The five-color fairy light appeared from the crack, and poured down like a waterfall. The five-color fairy light turned into a big hand above the approach platform, and patted it down!

"I've noticed you a long time ago, Immortal King Wujue!"

The magical power dispersed by the little Tianzun suddenly turned rapidly, and it was promoted to the seventh turn in an instant, the muscles and body grew and swelled wildly, and turned to meet the five-colored big hand that fell from the sky!

At the same time that he met the five-color big hand, Master Cang Yue raised his head, with a smile on his face, flew up, and attacked the little Tianzun's back heart.

There, Xiao Tianzun's dao chain was broken, which is where his weakness lies! Browser *search* search: @陈_华_书_阁…fastest update…

Suddenly, Xiao Tianzun's other hand passed under his armpit and met his palm!

Daoist Cang Yue groaned, his eyes, ears, mouth and nose were bleeding continuously, and he staggered back from the shock.

With his right hand, Xiao Tianzun met the big five-colored hands of the Five Absolute Immortal Kings in the sky, but he turned his head around, looked at Master Cangyue with a smile on his face, and said softly, "I prevented you."


The palm of Immortal King Wujue shattered, turning into five-color immortal energy and scattered in all directions. Little Tianzun's body shook slightly, but there was no damage at all.

He wrinkled slightly, looked at his white clothes, there was a drop of blood on it, like a plum blossom.

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【Ascend Another Day】【】

"I'm injured?"

Xiao Tianzun raised his hand, waved lightly, and the blood plum blossoms on the white clothes were cut off.

He picked up the blood plum blossom, put it under his nose and sniffed it, his face became calm again: "It turns out that there is blood splashed on my body."

In the sky, the Weixu abyss quickly closed and disappeared.

Daoist Cang Yue felt a He coughed up blood and retreated quickly, shouting: "Little Tianzun, I am at fault for this matter, everyone is a strong family in the ancestral court, so I don't see you when you look up. I'm a ghost , you adults don’t remember villains…”

Xiao Tianzun smiled and did not pursue, but returned to the approach platform and continued to stand silently behind Xu Ying.

After a while, a gap slowly opened in the sky, silently.

An eyeball rolled quietly in the slit, and then the slit slowly disappeared.

In the distance, Daoist Cang Yue suppressed his injuries, poked his head out secretly, looked at Xiao Tianzun in the distance, and then slowly backed away.

"He was really not injured!" He was shocked inwardly.

After a long time, Xu Ying faintly woke up from the entrance, and slowly opened his eyes.

"you're awake?"

Xiao Tianzun was smiling, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, his smile did not change, and he said softly, "I'm about to lose it. You have to keep calm, listen to me, don't panic, don't get up."

Xu Ying sat there quietly and looked around, only to see corpses everywhere on the surrounding mountains, feeling terrified in his heart.

The little Tianzun said: "Nearby, there is a fragment of the sky called the Tianxu. Now you are fully sensing the Tianxu and opening the Tianxu. We still have a chance to survive."

At this time, Master Cang Yue's voice came, and he smiled from a distance: "Little Tianzun, what are you talking about?"

— There is an epidemic in Suzhou, which is near my home, so I can't go back. The pigs will stay in Haikou for a while. Living alone will be crazy, I will go to a hotel tomorrow, at least there are people in the hotel...

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Chapter 347: The Seven Turns of Divine Art is free to read.

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