Ascend Another Day

Chapter 369: Cut it off and grow another

Nalan stood up abruptly, and couldn't help groaning, he felt sore all over his body, especially in a certain part.

He vaguely remembered that he was standing in the Immortal Jade Pool, fully mobilizing the power of the Jade Pool to fight against the endless bugs

. Just when the oil was exhausted and the lamp was unable to resist, all the bugs suddenly disappeared without a trace.

As soon as he relaxed, he saw a girl from the Hua family who was also from Weixu rushing forward with a baa baa yell.

Then he felt a tearing pain, and then passed out. @重量\\/书阁*First release update~~

With trembling heart and trembling hands, Nalan quietly opened his clothes and looked down, let out a sharp cry, and almost passed out.

He shivered and walked down from the sickbed, and staggered out of the room. The sun was shining brightly, but he couldn't feel any warmth, and the wind was mild, but it was very cool.

Many Penglai immortals are repairing the palace and repairing the magnificent pillars. Penglai was devastated by the flames of war, but even the damage caused by those fairy corpses to Penglai was not as good as a plague of insects.

He was a little dizzy and dazed by the sunlight above his head, and after a while, he calmed down a bit, and said in his heart: "This injury is just a flesh injury, it doesn't matter, find someone who is proficient in the six secrets, and it can be cured. Then When the snake fought with me, there were six caves behind him, and it should be able to treat my physical disability. But he hates me, so there is no treatment."

Ruan Qi and Da Zhong released the fairy insects, almost creating a catastrophe to destroy the world.

Nalandu is the chief culprit of this pest plague, and Gonchi and Dazhong released the worms to deal with him, so Gonchi told him hypocritically that you are already a girl.

Suddenly, Nalan saw the girl from the Hua family, Hua Cuoying, not far away, and couldn't help but feel fear in his heart. He still remembered that it was the girl from the Hua family who beat him like this.

Hua Cuoying saw him, his eyes lit up, and he hurried over.

Nalan wanted to avoid her, but his legs were bad and he couldn't walk very fast, so she was soon overtaken by her.

Hua Cuoying was controlled by Grave Grass at that time, and Yuanshen couldn't help herself. Obviously she didn't remember what happened, so she came to Nalandu and whispered, "Brother Nalan."

"Don't come here!" Nalan said in horror.

Hua Cuoying was stunned, and hurriedly said: "Now that Weixu is defeated, you and I are both prisoners. Let's cooperate sincerely and escape from this place."

Nalan said in a crying voice: "You talk from a distance, don't come near me!"

Hua Cuoying was stunned, and said patiently: "Your Yaochi was taken away, and my father's Twelve-story Building was also taken away. Right now we still have a chance to make a contribution. That is to take back Yaochi and Twelve Chonglou, return to Weixu, you won’t be punished..."

Nalan was so excited that he passed out.

Hua Cuoying was confused by his reaction, thinking: "Why is this brother so scared when he sees me? I don't eat people."

In the battle three days ago, the Immortal King Wujue was severely injured, the Twelve-story Building lost control, and was taken away by Pan Moshen's Hunting Umbrella.

Nalan Du was captured by mistake, and Xiandao Yaochi was also captured by Grave Grass.

Now that Xu Ying woke up from serious injuries, many people went to Hunyuan Palace to visit Xu Ying, but instead gave Hua Cuo Ying Dao Bao a chance to leave.

Seeing that Nalan was useless, Hua Cuoying ignored him, and said in his heart, "I'll steal the treasure myself, and get both the Twelve-story Building and the Yaochi. With these two treasures, why do I need to go back to Weixu?" ? Wouldn’t it be fun to go to the heavens and become a fairy by yourself?”

The two treasures were placed in the Amitabha Temple. Hua Cuoying saw that the Penglai immortals were busy, so he sneaked into the Amitabha Temple. Sure enough, he saw the twelve-storied building shining brightly, and the surrounding immortal chains circulated and shuttled uncertainly.

And that Yaochi is also the fairy light that penetrates directly into the sky, receiving the fairy dew, the carp in the pond turns into a dragon, the lotus is the seat, the lotus seeds are the beads, rising up, full of auspiciousness.

There are no guards around, only a group of fairy grasses are breathing and breathing by the Yaochi.

These celestial grasses are sitting in a coffee lot like a human being, and there are various visions when breathing.

Hua Cuoying looked at it, and saw that there was also a purple fairy grass with seven leaves, which was suppressed by a group of fairy grasses, lying on the ground and unable to move.

The purple fairy grass wanted to struggle, but was shivered by the roots of those fairy grass.

"This fairy grass looks familiar."

Flowers go wrong. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 369 Cut off and grow another

Don't think too much, and immediately stepped forward, shuttled through the crowd of fairy grasses, and reached out to grab the twelve-storey building.

When she got the Twelve-story Building, she was overjoyed.

All of a sudden, all the grass jelly stopped breathing, and all came to 'look' at her!

Huacuoying Twelve-story Tower in hand, suddenly became more courageous, caught a glimpse of these fairy grasses 'looking' at himself, and sneered:

"It's just a bunch of fairy grass, nothing to worry about. Even if I was suppressed by the broken bell, it would be easy to handle them. By the way, I was injured, so I might as well harvest some fairy grass to heal my injuries."

Grave Grass was suppressed under the buttocks by a group of fairy grasses, and I couldn't help but despair for her when I heard this.

It ran over to plot against a few plants of fairy grass and absorb the power of the opponent's medicine, but unexpectedly, these fairy grasses were tempered more and more vigorously, and each one was a tyrant among the grasses, and it was suppressed in the blink of an eye.

The crowd of fairy grasses were startled, and they stretched their roots, branches and leaves one after another, stood upright from the state of meditation, floated in the air, and surrounded the flowers and shadows.

Hua Cuoying went to Yaochi and grabbed it, giggling and saying: "Today my aunt is making a big fuss in Penglai."

A moment later, the girl had a bruised nose and a swollen face. She was crushed to the ground, passed out, and lay down with the purple fairy grass.

A group of fairy grasses pressed on them and continued to practice.

After a long time, Hua Cuoying woke up faintly, not knowing what happened.

In the Hunyuan Palace, Xu Ying woke up, feeling empty, and reluctantly answered the visitors' questions, joking with everyone.

After Chu Xiangxiang, Fairy Gushe, Yuan Tiangang, Penglai Seven Immortals and others left, Ruan Qi and Da Zhong also left. Xu Ying rested for a while, adjusted his mind, and checked his Xiyi domain.

I saw that the sky in his Xiyi area was clear and clear, and the blue was as clear as washing.

His various realms were indeed washed once, the originally opened sky gates were closed again, and the originally cultivated realms no longer existed.

Now all the realms in his Xiyi Domain are like new!

Xu Ying frowned and checked his six secret treasures. The six secrets were still there, but the cave was damaged.

But his hidden scene has completely disappeared, and the divine channel image that he had comprehended before is gone!

Xu Ying checked his soul and breathed a sigh of relief. The soul was still there, trapped in the twelve-storey building.

The voice of Xiao Tianzun came: "Xu Ying, because your injuries are too serious, the six secrets cannot function, and your body was bitten by immortal insects, which caused the immortal spirit to repair the body, so that some realms in your body were reborn."

Xu Ying snorted, got up from the sick bed, and said, "Call me Master!"

With a sullen face, Xiao Tianzun walked in from the outside, raised his head, and said, "You are my prisoner."

Xu Ying said with a faint smile, "You don't remember your last words before you died? Let me remind you."

He suddenly grabbed Xiao Tianzun's hand, and said angrily, "I'm so stupid, I couldn't understand what you taught me before. I hate you very much, but I don't hate you when I see you."

Shocked and angry, Xiao Tianzun quickly broke free from his hand.

"Master, you raised me up and taught me supernatural powers. I can't do it! Master, you cut off my face and put on my mask."

Xu Ying learned it so vividly that the white-clothed gentleman turned into a red-faced white-clothed gentleman, with his head hooked and speechless.

After Xu Ying said a few words, he was so tired that he was out of breath, so he didn't continue to shame him, he laughed and walked out of Hunyuan Palace.

Xiao Tianzun followed him, trying hard to seize the initiative, and said: "I was dying at that time, and my words were good. I did countless things, and my hatred for you has not diminished in the slightest. After you recover your memory , I still want to..."

Xu Ying smiled and said, "You want to kill me, right? Silly boy, are you still as childish as before?"

Xiao Tianzun was speechless, speechless.

He knew that Xu Ying definitely didn't wake up the memory of the first life, but that silly boy still hit his heart.

After this battle, there is still not much damage in the Hunyuan Palace, the air outside is fresh, and there are wintersweet blooming, with a little fragrance. @重量\\/书阁·No fault first release~~

Xiao Tianzun looked at Xu Ying's efforts to stretch his body, thought for a while, and stopped dwelling on the topic just now, and asked: "Then after I die, does Master really plan to cut off my face and refine it into a magic weapon for Nuo Master? "

"No." Xu Ying said seriously. . (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 369 Cut off and grow another

Little Tianzun felt a little warm in his heart, and said: "Master should cut it off..."

"I'm lying to you." Xu Ying smiled, "When I was about to cut you off, the reincarnation Xuannv came and said you were still alive, so she didn't cut you off. If she was half a step late, I would cut off your face. "

Xiao Tianzun said with a smile: "I knew Master would do this."

Even though he said that, there was still some sadness in his heart.

Xu Ying continued to move his body, and said to himself: "If the reincarnation Xuannv doesn't come, I will cut off your face, put your energy into the face, and make it into a little Tianzun mask. Since then, there has been no Xu Ying. Ying, only Xiao Tianzun, I will let you live forever and become an invincible Xiao Tianzun. No one will know that you are dead, they will only know that a person named Xu Ying died."

Xiao Tianzun's heart was greatly touched, his eyes turned red, and his face turned away.

Xu Ying said with a smile: "But luckily, the reincarnation Xuannv came and said that you can still be saved."

He noticed that Xiao Tianzun seemed to be crying, and quickly changed the subject, saying: "It's strange, how come some of my realms seem to be new, as if they have never been opened."

Xiao Tianzun stabilized his Dao heart, and said: "You were almost eaten by insects. Fortunately, there are many fairy waters in your Yaochi, these fairy waters saved your life and restored your realm. _o_mThose fairy insects are so fierce, if not I wake up from reincarnation in time, I'm afraid Zuting has been eaten up by bugs."

Xu Ying didn't know how dangerous his situation was at that time. Those insects gnawed away his realm, and then invaded the six secret treasures... and gnawed away the six caves.

When the worms ate Xu Ying's twelve-storey building, they even gnawed on his primordial spirit. It was only because his Immortal True Spirit couldn't bite and he kept regenerating his body that the worms didn't completely eat him.

Xiao Tianzun took out the fairy seal and returned it to Xu Ying.

Xu Ying took a look, and knew that Xiao Tianzun used the four-character seal of Jail and Yu to suppress the immortal insects.

Xiao Tianzun had already helped Xu Ying untie his four-character seal of prison, so Xu Ying also knew the way to untie the fairy seal, but he didn't do it.

He looked at the fairy worm in the seal, but saw that the fairy worm was still the same as before, but much bigger and more ferocious.

"Who released Master Chong?" Xu Ying asked curiously.

Xiao Tianzun said: "Niu Qiye. He said that he was defeated by Nalandu, so under the bewitching of Master Zhong, he released Lord Chong."

Xu Ying shook his head and said, "These two guys almost caused a catastrophe. No wonder they slipped away after visiting me just now. They were worried that I would settle accounts with them."

He didn't dare to keep this fairy insect in the custody of Zhuanqi, so he put it in Xiyi's domain.

Xiao Tianzun hesitated for a moment, then plucked up his courage and said: "Teacher, can you stop being sworn brothers at will in the future? You, you repent!"

Xu Ying nodded reluctantly.

Xiao Tianzun checked his injuries, and saw that although Xu Ying had no Dao injuries, there were various other minor injuries all over his body, especially the injuries of the six secret treasures, which were even more difficult, and he didn't know how to recover the six secrets .

Xiao Tianzun frowned, thinking about the way to save him, thinking about it, and gritted his teeth: "If the teacher thinks it is too troublesome to repair the current body, you can directly cut off the body, build another one, and practice from scratch. Maybe it will be easier."

Xu Ying shook his head and laughed: "I'm not a leek, once I cut off a crop, I can grow another crop!"

Xiao Tianzun was silent for a moment, and tentatively said: "Maybe it can really grow, why don't you try?"

He still didn't say a word, he saw a promise grow out of the Immortal True Spirit with his own eyes.

Xu Ying said with a smile: "My primordial spirit is still there, it's just a few realms, it's easy to refine it back."

He tried to mobilize the vitality, but the vitality couldn't move, as if those realms had never been cultivated, they were locked and no longer penetrated.

Xu Ying snorted, he could feel his soul, but he just couldn't use it.

It has also become extremely difficult to mobilize the power of the six secrets, and the damage to the six great caves is too great to function.

Xiao Tianzun's eyes flickered, and he said: "Master, this disciple can keep the memory of Master, why don't you cut off your current body..."

Xu Ying said angrily: "The villain, you clearly want to kill the teacher!"

Xiao Tianzun murmured: "Anyway, it can grow longer..."

Xu Ying took a long breath and urged. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 369 Cut off and grow another

Activate the God of War Eight Techniques, mobilize the martial arts qi and blood, and the whole body is steaming, and use the martial arts vitality to break through. First update@

At the beginning, his physical body didn't have much strength, but as he practiced, his fists and feet gradually became windy, and his strength became stronger and stronger.

After practicing more than ten times, the vitality in Xu Ying's body was gradually filled, and the five qi in his body were in full swing, and the vitality swelled violently, breaking through the tail

Entrance, climbing Tianshan Mountain, Lintian River, one layer of Tianshan Mountain and one layer of Heaven, keep climbing up!

Xu Ying has practiced Baibai a hundred times, and his qi and blood are already extremely vigorous, water and fire are tempered together, and they are forged into a cauldron and a pill!

The power of his fists and feet is getting stronger and stronger, and his qi and blood hang like waterfalls between the sky and the earth, complementing the purple qi of Ziwei Remnant Realm!

When the pill was completed and the Jiaji porch was broken, Xu Ying was already sweating profusely.

After Jiaji pass is the stage of heavy buildings, which is also the state before Xu Ying was injured, but Xu Ying stopped at this He still didn't sense any signs of recovery from the Six Secret Cave.

If the Six Secrets could not be recovered, he would have no choice but to cut the Six Secrets cave and practice the Six Secrets ancestral method from scratch.

However, that requires him not to be able to refine into a primordial spirit.

If he breaks through to the Chonglou Stage, his Martial Dao Golden Elixir will probably be compatible with the Primordial Spirit, and then it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky to open the Six Secret Cave.

Xu Ying frowned slightly, and re-cultivated the Six Secrets Ancestral Method. He thought to himself that his practice would never be bad, but the re-cultivated cave,

Certainly not as powerful as the four caves left by him in the first life!

If he wants to reach the level of the first life, I'm afraid he needs to cultivate to the level of the first life to do it.

But without rebuilding, how should the Six Secret Cave be repaired?

The house pig is back to life, the house pig is cheating! .

Chapter 369 Cut off and grow another

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