Ascend Another Day

Chapter 373: martial arts equinoctial week

Xu Ying was stunned: "The ancestral court of the Taoist sect? Brother Daoist, dare to ask the ancestral court of the sect, what is the relationship with the ancestral court?"

Only then did he notice a shining silver bracelet on the Taoist's arm, and his heart moved slightly. The last time he came here to cultivate the primordial spirit with the pure energy, he had seen this silver bracelet.

At that time, he was terrified of the power of the silver bracelet, he didn't dare to move it, he just took away the aura of purity contained in the bracelet.

"How did this bracelet fall into the hands of this weird Taoist?" He was puzzled.

This treasure is so powerful that Xiao Tianzun didn't dare to make a move when he saw this treasure. If the Taoist took this treasure away by force, it means that the Taoist's strength is far superior to that of Xiao Tianzun!

But, does the ancestral court have such a powerful existence?

The Taoist said with a smile: "The so-called ancestral court is the court in which the ancestors are worshipped. The court where the human race originated is called the ancestral court of humanity, and the court where the Taoism originated is called the ancestral court of Taoism. Lihen Tiandoushi Palace is the ancestor of Taoism in ancient times." Court. At that time, the patriarchs of my Taoist sect preached here and taught the law."

Xu Ying's expression moved slightly, and he said: "Then the ancestral court is a Taoist leading the way in front, and said with a smile: "Human ancestral court. "

Xu Ying's heart fluttered, and he said: "You mean that the ancestral court is actually the ancestral court of the origin of the human race. But why was this place destroyed? Why did the "world avenue" fall apart? "

The weird Taoist shook his head and said: "This is beyond my knowledge. Fellow Daoist, please come this way. You come to my ancestral courtyard of the Taoist sect, and you can take whatever you like. I would like to trouble you to offer incense sticks to the ancestors of the ancestral hall of the Taoist sect."

Xu Ying said yes, followed him to the main hall of Tushita Palace, looked up, and saw the words Taiqing Hall written on this hall.

"Taiqing Hall? One qi transforms three Qings, and among the three gods of heaven and earth, there is a Taiqing Daotian God. Is there any connection between Taiqing Hall and Taiqing Daotian God? And here, it seems to be called The realm of hatred is too clear."

While thinking, Xu Ying followed the Taoist into the Taiqing Hall.

An old fairy with white hair and childlike face is enshrined in the Taiqing Hall, wearing a Taoist crown, with a delicate face, slender eyebrows, and a long beard. He was sitting on a wooden boat, and behind him was a forest of fairy spirits, which turned into willow trees.

Xu Ying looked at the appearance of the old fairy, and then at the weird Taoist around him, and felt that the two were somewhat similar.

"The old man is not the ancestor of Taoism, but the primordial spirit of heaven and earth in the land of enlightenment. If you don't mind Xu Taoist, you can call me Taoist Taiqing."

The Taoist fetched incense and said, "The Taoist ancestor is no longer in this world. Fellow Daoist Xu, please offer the incense."

Xu Ying took the incense and offered incense to the Taoist ancestor's withered statue, then stepped back and asked: "Brother Dao said that he is the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, and brother Dao taught me that one qi transforms into three Qings, and the three Qings are all the primordial spirit of heaven and earth. Then , Brother Dao is the soul of heaven and earth, or someone else's soul." Taoist Taiqing said with a smile: "It's both." Xu Ying was stunned.

Taoist Taiqing said with a smile: "I am the primordial spirit of heaven and earth of the Taoist ancestor, and also the primordial spirit of heaven and earth of the place of enlightenment. The Taoist ancestor joined the Tao, and I became the primordial spirit of that piece of heaven and earth. The earth worships me, to obtain the wisdom and enlightenment of the Dao, I get their incense, and I am in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and I am no different from the primordial spirit of that heaven and earth." Xu Ying thought thoughtfully. Essence\\/Book Pavilion·No Wrong First Release~~

This Taoist Taiqing seems to be talking about his own origin, but he is actually instructing him on how to cultivate the primordial spirit of heaven and earth.

The primordial gods of heaven and earth are somewhat similar to the original gods, but they are somewhat different. The original gods are only born in response to people's incense and thoughts, and are in harmony with the heavens and the earth. Therefore, the original gods will only naturally follow the way of heaven, feel the sky and respond to people, and condense the way of heaven runes.

The primordial spirit of heaven and earth is a fairy **** with great achievements, transformed by his primordial spirit.

Its primordial spirit practiced in the same way as the original gods, and was in harmony with the heaven and earth, and the Dao, thus forming the primordial spirit of heaven and earth. Xu Ying's practice of transforming one qi into three cleanses is the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, but he didn't really understand what is meant by transforming one qi into three cleanses. It was only by chance that he joined the Dao in a place of enlightenment by chance to cultivate this supernatural power.

Only now did he truly understand the primordial spirit of heaven and earth, and his understanding of the transformation of one qi into three cleanses was even deeper.

One qi transforms the three qings, the three primordial spirits of heaven and earth, let these three primordial spirits unite with the Dao of heaven and earth, and then feed back to oneself, the speed of practice is twice the result with half the effort. "

Xu Ying said silently in his heart, "Besides, the Primordial Spirit unites with the heaven and the earth and turns into the Primordial Spirit of Heaven and Earth, which is equivalent to using all the power of the Dao in one world. The improvement of the Primordial Spirit is really too great. This is the transformation of Qi. Sanqing's potential!"

He thought of this, Xiang Taiqing. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 373 Martial Arts Beyond

The Taoist bowed to thank him. _o_m

Daoist Taiqing said with a smile: "Why do you need to thank Daoist Xu? You helped me get rid of the suppression of the fairy world. You gave me a peach and repaid it with Qiongyao. This is a good fate."

Xu Ying asked for advice: "Brother Dao, I practiced the six secrets of the human body, opened the six secret treasures, opened up the cave, and fished for the immortal medicine from the other shore, but now because the cave was destroyed and the six secrets were broken, my strength has been greatly reduced. Brother Dao? Can you teach me?"

Taoist Taiqing shook his head and said, "I can't teach you."

Xu Ying waited to ask again, Taoist Taiqing said with a smile: "In my era, there was no other shore, let alone the cultivation method of the other shore, so I couldn't teach you. Fellow Daoist Xu, you yourself are the great master of Nuo method, why do you need to ask others? If you can't solve it yourself, how can others teach you?"

Xu Ying murmured: "I am the great master of Nuo?"

Taoist Taiqing said with a smile: "Possessing the six secret ancestral methods, and building six immortal palaces on the basis of the ancestral methods, refining celestial medicines, blessing the world. This is not a great master, what is it? Lihen Tiandoushi Palace is the ancestor of Taoism In the dojo, the brand of the Taoist ancestor is scattered in the sky and the earth. Back then, you comprehended the Tushita Palace here and learned something.

Fellow Daoist Xu might as well stay here for a few more days, maybe there will be other insights. "

Xu should thank you.

Daoist Taiqing took off the silver bracelet on his arm and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Xu, this treasure is a treasure for self-defense of the Taoist ancestor. Do you need this treasure for self-defense now that your cultivation is not as strong as before?"

Xu Yingda was tempted, but still refused, saying: "Brother Dao, I have the three treasures of the Immortal Kings, so it's not difficult to protect myself. You should keep this trap."

Taoist Taiqing had no choice but to give up.

Xu Ying just sat down quietly in this Tushita Palace, comprehended the avenue of this broken world, and captured the imprint left by the Taoist ancestors in the world.

Taoist Taiqing came outside Dousita Palace, and Penglai was located outside the palace. The Taoist went up the mountain and came to Amitabha Temple. The sorceress ordered a group of fairy grasses to serve tea and water, and entertained them hospitablely. Xu Ying's Grave Grass also did odd jobs in there, so she was very angry and was repeatedly bullied by other fairy grasses.

"Fellow Daoist's trap, didn't you send it out?" The sorceress asked with a smile as her eyes fell on the diamond carving on her arm with sparkling eyes.

Daoist Taiqing sighed and said: "I have given it away three times, but I don't want it.

He was quite helpless, when the first Xu Ying came to the ruins of Tushita Palace, he had already given it away once when he came to understand Tushiita Palace, and at that time Vajra Cutting emerged to show the power of the most... treasure.

At that time, Xu Ying was the thorn in the head of the ancestral court, stealing treasures everywhere, digging graves, swindling and abducting. Unexpectedly, when King Kong Zhuo came to his door, he did not touch this treasure!

The second time, Xu Ying came to the ruins of Tushita Palace for the second time some time ago, and only took the Qi of Taiqing, not daring to take the Diamond Cut.

He offered it again just now, but Xu Ying still refused decisively.

Daoist Taiqing was also quite helpless after failing to send it out three times.

The sorceress smiled and said: "You are a trap so brightly, how can people dare to want it? If they want it, who can bear the karma of Daozu? Daozu's enemies, any one of them can crush him to death!" Taoist Taiqing nodded: "This It is true."

The sorceress smiled and said: "So, the treasure should not be taken lightly. Dao brother, is there any possibility of rising up?

Daoist Taiqing's eyes flickered, and he said: "In the ancestral court of the human way, there are not only the ancestral courts of the Daoist family, but also the ancestral courts of the demon race, the ancestral courts of the Heavenly Dao, the ancestral courts of the golden immortals, the ancestral courts of the Shangqing, and the ancestral courts of Ziwei. Here, we must re-establish Rising." He paused, and said: "The human race originated here back then, spreading all over the heavens and worlds. Kunlun was the ancestral land connecting the worlds. The heavens and the worlds went to Kunlun and returned to their ancestral home through the Shenqiao. It is the person responsible for guarding this channel. As the guardians of Kunlun, the Xu family connects the ancestral home and the heavens and worlds...Xu family son...

His gaze was dim, and he said in a low voice: "It may become the key to the rise of the ancestors!"

The witch couldn't help but said: "Brother Dao, who can bear this burden?"

Daoist Taiqing sighed: "If you can't afford it, you deserve it. This is already the tallest one!"

The witch nodded silently. There are many masters in the ancestral court, but in terms of size, Xu Ying is the tallest and the most promising.

"Can he recover the Six Secrets in Lihen Tiandoushi Palace?"

She couldn't help but said, "If you can't recover, I'm afraid this head is the size of the broken legs!

Daoist Taiqing hesitated for a moment, shook his head and said: "If Daozu is still alive, he will definitely be able to help him recover the Six Secrets. But Daozu is lucky. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 373 Martial Arts Beyond

The imprint of Dao left by Zu in the past is still there, maybe it can help him. "

"Maybe?" The sorceress glared at him, "Just maybe?"

"You can say it, it's already amazing."

Taoist Taiqing took off the diamond cut and said, "This trap, what do you want?"

The sorcerer was very tempted, and then she came to her senses, shook her head and said: "No! Find someone stupid, maybe you can trick someone into working for you!

Taoist Taiqiu had no choice but to put away the bracelet and walked out of the temple. At this time, he saw a big snake coiled on a fairy mountain in Penglai Fairyland, breathing into the sky, and the yin and yang energy in the back of his head were extremely eye-catching.

Daoist Taiqing moved slightly in his heart, he threw the diamond up, the silver bracelet landed in front of Xingqi with a clang, and rolled twice.

He Qi heard the sound, looked at the bracelet, then at the sky, and said in surprise: "Could it be that the fairy artifact from the fairy world fell?

He stuck out the tip of his tail and poked the silver bracelet, and Vajra Zhuo immediately put it on the tip of his tail.

Ruan Qi was surprised, and hastily mobilized his vitality, trying to take off the bracelet, the King Kong Zhuo got his vitality and roared and became bigger, fused with the yin and yang at the back of his head, and turned into a Taiji diagram in the trap!

He Qi was both surprised and delighted: "The fairy artifact that fell from the sky is destined to be with me!"

He immediately refined the Vajra Cutler and put it on the tip of his tail as a large ring.

Seeing this, Daoist Taiqing smiled and said, "Okay, okay! You and I meet in a dream!"

He Qi continued to practice and fell asleep unknowingly. In the dream, Taoist Taiqing came to him and taught him how to refine this treasure, how to exert its effect, and so on.

After waking up, Yan Qi was amazed, and sacrificed according to what he got in the dream, and sure enough, the power of the silver bracelet became stronger and stronger, and it became more and more satisfying!

In Tushita Palace, Xu Ying's samadhi gradually deepened unknowingly, with his mind on Taiyi, he gradually sensed Lihentian's broken avenue of heaven and earth, and also touched the marks left by Taoist ancestors one by one.

Whenever at this time, bursts of mysterious Taoist voices came from his ears, which was the imprint left by Taoist ancestors preaching here.

It's a pity that Lihentian was broken, and the brand of Taoist ancestor also became incomplete.

He can only collect things from the sea, looking for useful things from those broken marks.

After waking up, he practiced the Nine-Turn Mysterious Kung Fu in the Tushita Palace, sharpened his martial arts skills, and tried to reach the other side of the Martial Dao by using the Nine-Turn Mysterious Kung Fu, an ancient combat method.

His six secrets of the human body could not be repaired, so he tried to start from martial arts, looking for the possibility of perfecting martial arts on the other side.

Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu is a martial art from ancient times, perhaps with the help of this technique, it can open up the other side of martial arts and perfect it. However, he also knew that his chances of perfecting martial arts on the other side were very slim. After all, his attainments in martial arts were far inferior to those of the great emperor of martial arts.

However, the Nine Transformations Mysterious Art gave him a glimmer of hope.

The Great Emperor of Martial Arts fell and opened up most of the other side of martial arts. If Xu Ying can open up the rest of the other side of martial arts, then he can learn by analogy and know how to repair his six secrets of the human body according to the process of opening up the other side of martial arts.

In the world of the early days, commoner Wudi Shen Luo and Wu Tianzun and others practiced day and night. Wu Tianzun, Zhai Wuxian and others each opened up martial arts caves, connected to the other side, strengthened martial arts, and tried to completely open up the other side of martial arts.

It's just that they haven't reached the achievement of Emperor Wu Shen Luo. Although their abilities are high, they still can't fully open up the other side of martial arts.

Everyone stepped up hard work, trying their best to reach the stage of martial arts soaring, and complete this feat.

On this day, the people who practiced martial arts suddenly heard bursts of mysterious Dao sounds, and they couldn't help themselves, and half of the martial arts cave appeared behind them!

That Dao sound came from the Martial Dao Cave. The essence of martial arts is compatible with the Dao sound, and it is deafening. update without error

Wu Tianzun and the others were in shock. Accompanied by the bursts of martial arts sounds, the martial arts caves they opened up gradually became complete, and they were no longer half a cave!

Zhai Wuxian came to his senses, and exclaimed in shock: "The other side of martial arts has been completely opened up!"

Wu Tianzun was surprised and said: "Who can open up the other side of martial arts? In this world, besides us, are there other people who are proficient in martial arts? Could it be..."

Xu Ying's face appeared in front of his eyes, and then he shook his head: "That. (This chapter is not finished!)

Chapter 373 Martial Arts Beyond

The kid is very good at cultivating Ultimate Intention Freedom Kungfu, obviously it is impossible to open up the other side of martial arts! "

Everyone was guessing, Emperor Bu Yi Wu Shen came over and said: "Go to the other side of martial arts and have a look, then you will know who is the one who opened up the other side."

He swiped in the air The void oscillated, and a divine bridge unexpectedly appeared.

Everyone followed him, Wu Tianzun carried the five-color fairy mountain, and tried to keep up with them, walking to the other side of the martial arts.

When they got to the other bank, they saw that there was already a person on the other bank.

"I have met fellow Taoists in my ancestral court, little Heavenly Venerable. Update without error"

The man was a white-clothed scholar, holding a halberd, who had just opened up the other side of martial arts. He was very humble, and said to Emperor Wu Shen Luo, "When I was practicing Xuan Gong, I suddenly felt that there was another other side in the void, but it was not complete, so I came to it. This place opened up this other shore, which disturbed everyone."

Emperor Wu Shen Luo and others were surprised and delighted.

In Tushita Palace, Xu Ying was working hard to practice Nine Turns Mysterious Kung Fu, when he suddenly sensed that the other side of Martial Dao had been completely opened up by someone, his keen senses immediately realized that the person who opened up the other side of Martial Dao was Xiao Tianzun, and couldn't help being discouraged.

"Church disciples, master starved to death! Sure enough!".

Chapter 373 Martial Arts Beyond

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