Ascend Another Day

Chapter 378: Leiyin Temple is haunted

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In the sky, that big hand buckled down, the wind blew, the thunder was blowing, and the divine power of the sky was blessed in one hand, it was really domineering and unparalleled!

The people on the top of Mount Sumeru, whether they were worshippers or masters from various sects who came to watch the ceremony, were all overwhelmed by the majestic aura of heaven, and those who could maintain calmness were few after all!

Surrounding the water and fire cauldron, oceans and seas of fire swirled, carrying this treasure of the heavenly way up higher and higher, and was about to be caught by a big hand, when suddenly a tall figure appeared next to the water and fire cauldron, raised his palm, and greeted the cauldron. Put on the big hand that covers the sky.

At this moment, all the aura of incense in the entire Mount Sumeru was mobilized, and the aura of incense for more than 40,000 years in one hundred and eight countries in the four realms, with hundreds of millions of people, turned into supreme divine power, with a thunderous thunderous power. With one sound, the big hand that covered the sky was smashed to pieces!

In the sky, that sky-high face revealed a look of surprise, disappeared from the sky, and disappeared without a trace.

Beside the Golden Dragon Pond in Daleiyin Temple, Master Huolong and Han Zekang walked quickly, and they saw Xu Ying grunt, and the hand that reached into the water suddenly shook violently.

The surface of the water exploded, and Xu Ying suddenly pulled out his palm, which was covered in blood!

The two were startled, and rushed forward. The Huolong Master sacrificed the Yuanshen, and clusters of flames appeared around the Yuanshen, and the flames rose, forming Taoism

The talisman guarded the surrounding area and shouted: "Evil! Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"

Han Zekang hurried forward, mobilized his magical powers, stood in front of Xu Ying, and pushed him away from Jinlongchi.

Xu Ying suppressed the turbulent blood, and said in surprise: "You two, you are Master Huolong urging your divine eyes to search for possible hidden dangers around you, and you didn't dare to neglect at all, saying: "Da Leiyin Temple has a lot of evil sects. There are often incredible phenomena in it. There are rumors that the Buddha in ancient times was unwilling to die, and wanted to arrest people as substitutes and die for them! "You were dragged into the water by those Buddhas!"

Han Zekang nodded again and again, and said, "Just now when you put your hand into the water, did you encounter Xie Chong? If we hadn't arrived in time, Xu Ying would be both moved and amused.

Although Master Huolong and Hanze Yikang met him for the first time, they were really kind-hearted, which made Xu Ying, who was born in the world of Yuanshou, somewhat uncomfortable.

There are too many fishermen and leeks in Yuanshou World, and they have to be cautious and seldom sincere. But this pair of master and apprentice is very simple in heart.

Xu Ying originally traveled with the two of them just because they were on the way, and did not regard them as friends, but now he regards them as friends from the bottom of his heart.

"I'm fine, I probably cut my hand by the keel in the pool." Xu Ying smiled.

The master and apprentice still didn't dare to be negligent, Master Huolong took out a handful of talismans, burned them into ashes and threw them into the pool, muttering: "Back off! Evil spirits back off!"

Xu Ying saw that the words on his spell contained the runes of ghosts and gods in the underworld, so he was indeed a real talent and knowledge, and thought: "The Condor Palace doesn't make a living by exorcising ghosts and evil spirits, does it?"

He looked up at the sky, the wound on his hand was still hurting faintly, and he was a little surprised and uncertain.

The tall figure who suddenly appeared just now had astonishing divine power, and easily broke his Pot of Heavenly Demonstration and Dao Sutra. Could it be that Xuankong God King with such divine power?

"However, the divine power of this **** king is too majestic and domineering, right? The **** king Xuanhao I met earlier is one of the four great **** kings in the world of heaven, but Xuanhao's mana is not worthy for him to lift his shoes!"

Xu Ying was secretly startled.

Although the Hutian Demonstration Sutra he used came from the real person Yuhu, he has extraordinary comprehension and the background of the first life.

Yun, if Master Yuhu did not make great progress in Hutian Zhengdaojing's attainments, he might not be able to match him.

The supernatural powers he displayed, after being magnified by Hutian, the power has been increased by more than ten times, and with the blessing of his own heavenly dojo, Jiang Gong has enhanced his physical strength, and even if he collides with Xuankong God King, he will collapse at the touch of a touch!

Hutian Zhengdao Sutra is to cast supernatural powers from the air, and the magic power of Xuankong God King hits, but Xu Ying has not been found to follow. If Xu Ying hadn't cut off contact in time, then he would have hurt more than just his palm. "For more than 40,000 years, Xuankong God King has gained the belief and incense of the people in Xumi Realm. Not only has his divine power been greatly improved, but he has even learned many heavenly runes without a teacher. He is no longer Zhang Yu God King. " Xu Ying said in his heart.

Han Zekang waved his hand in front of him before calling him back from his trance... "Brother Xu, this place is weird, you shouldn't stay here for long!"

Hanze Kang said, "Let's leave quickly. On the top of the mountain, the sacrificial ceremony has already begun, and we are already a bit late. If it is later, the ceremony will be over!"

Huolong Shangren said: "It's not over. This grand ceremony will last for more than ten days, but after the commotion just now, I'm afraid it will be troublesome for Xu Xiaoyou to go in."

Han Zekang suddenly realized: "Brother Xu, the big face in the sky just now looks the same as yours! If you go to the top of the mountain and someone sees your face, you may cause trouble."

Xu Ying took out Chutiandu's mask and said with a smile, "I have a mask that can cover my face."

Chu Tian thought that he was too beautiful and lacked majesty, so he wore a mask all day long. Xu Ying blackmailed him a lot, and it just came in handy today.

Han Zekang and Master Fire Dragon have never been to the ancestral so they don't recognize this mask.

Xu Ying was about to put on the mask when he suddenly noticed something strange. He put down the mask and looked around, only to see that the scene of Mount Sumeru suddenly changed.

What caught his eyes was thick clouds and mist, the golden light was shining brightly, and lotus-like rays of light grew from the clouds and mist.

Mount Nasumi was more majestic and taller than what he had seen now. There were many towering Buddha statues on the mountain, and there were many large and small Buddha statues.

And on the top of Mount Sumeru, there is another cave, where all the Buddhas fill the sky, sitting in the void, and the precious light shines in the cave, which is incomparably brilliant!

Bursts of loud and long Buddhist voices came, brushing away the barriers of the mind.

Xu Ying felt awe-inspiring: "No, there is indeed an evil cult in Daleiyin Temple! All the Buddhas want to destroy my Dao heart and mess with my mind!"

He hastily shouted: "Master Huolong! Han Zekang!"

His voice came out, only for echoes, Huolong Master and Hanzekang who were still beside him just now disappeared!

Without hesitation, Xu Ying drummed up the fairyland cave, ready to sacrifice the magic weapons of the three immortal kings to break open this space at any time.

"I really fell into evil! However, the Buddhas of these ancient times don't seem to be evil, and the Taoist voice is also full of compassion, but why do they dwell on me?"

Just as Xu Ying thought of this, suddenly, on the top of Mount Sumeru in front of him, the light on the bodies of the Buddhas receded, and their bodies were covered with dirt in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the head of Mount Sumeru was cut off by something, and the top of the mountain fell down together with the cave where the Buddhas were, and gradually went away!

Mount Sumeru, together with all the Buddhas, was gradually engulfed by darkness.

Xu Ying stood there and waited in full force, thinking: "The danger is coming, isn't it?"

After a while, suddenly there was a light coming from the darkness, Xu Ying stared at it, as if he saw the top of Mount Sumeru in the light.

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