Ascend Another Day

Chapter 383: poisonous words

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"There are not as many fishermen in the Yuanshou world in the Taishi world. The anglers in the Yuanshou world harvest each other, so they need to guard against each other and be careful not to get hurt. Injury means death. When they hunt, they have to calculate carefully and wait for their prey They only take action when they are injured. They try their best to obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost."

Xu Ying looked around at the shocked heads and suzerains of various sects, and said silently in his heart, "The great world of Taishi is so well protected by the immortals, so the fishermen here don't have to be like the fishermen of Yuanshou. Be cautious. The purpose of the fisherman is to eat the fish without waiting for the fish to be injured, but to eat it directly."

At this moment, Mount Sumeru has become a Shura field where there is no entry but no exit. Powerhouses from all sects and sects gather here, and there is no fairy artifact to guard it. Instead, it has become the best place for fishermen to hunt!

"As long as you eat all the people who practice the six secrets on the mountain, you can become the most powerful existence in the Taishi world in one fell swoop, and it's no problem to ascend through the tribulation!"

Xu Ying thought, "Could this person be an acquaintance of my Yuanshou world? Logically speaking, there are no fishermen in Yuanshou world anymore, and it is impossible for fishermen to escape from Yuanshou."

Because, the master of Niwan Palace killed the fisherman thoroughly, and the fisherman, Mr. Leek, has been wiped out by him!

Suddenly, someone shouted: "Chu Tiandu! It's this purple-clothed devil, Chu Tiandu! After he came, there was a fisherman harvesting other people here! He is a demon, so he must be that fisherman!"

A pair of skeptical eyes immediately focused on Xu Ying, and a white-haired old man said in a deep voice: "That's right! There has never been any problem with the inheritance of the Nuo method in our Taishi Great World. No one dares to fish in my Taishi World. After Chu Tian came, chaos occurred frequently in a short period of time! Now that more than a hundred masters have died, it is hard to say that this is not a conspiracy by the demons!"

For a moment, the crowd was furious: "Kill him and avenge those dead friends!"

"A devil's way thief, harboring evil intentions, everyone can get him and punish him!"

Xu Ying burst out laughing suddenly, his voice was like a loud bell, shaking everyone's blood.

His laughter was getting louder and louder, and the sound implied the Dao sound of the Ancestral Court Heaven and Earth Avenue. This sound was not unusual to Xu Ying, but to everyone in the Great World of Taishi, it was an exotic magic way!

As soon as this Dao sound came out, it immediately interfered with everyone's Dao deeds, causing their qi and blood to become disordered, Dao images to be distorted, and demons to arise!

Even the immortal way they have comprehended cannot be preserved!

Even the avenue of heaven and earth around Xu Ying changed accordingly, and the flowers, plants and trees also grew distorted!

Xu Ying's breath suddenly subsided, and the avenue of heaven and earth around him returned to normal, but the flowers, plants and trees still showed a distorted posture, and said lightly: "I practiced the Dao of Demon Realm, what use is your cultivation base and flesh and blood? You value it as a treasure." Cultivation, to me, is a dung.”

Everyone saw the distorted scene formed by the Heaven and Earth Avenue of the Demon Realm, and knew what he said was true.

What he cultivates is the way of the devil, but the people in the great world of Taishi practice the righteous way. The way of heaven and earth is different, and Xu Ying harvests them without the slightest benefit!

Xu Ying glanced at everyone, and said slowly: "The fisherman who ate you is actually hiding among you." He raised his finger and pointed at someone casually: "It may be him."

Everyone cast suspicious glances at the man, and the man's face was ashen, and he quickly shouted: "It's not me! The purple-clothed devil, don't spit blood!"

Xu Ying didn't pay any attention, and moved his finger to another person: "It might be him. Maybe it might be her!"

He repeatedly called names with his fingers, pointing to famous figures in the world of Taishi, and all the people he pointed to were pale and tried to argue.

"This fisherman can be anyone around you, your friend, or your fellow Taoist! It could even be your first wife, your old friend, your disciple or teacher! The only thing that can't be I."

Xu Ying glanced at the crowd, and said leisurely, "This person has planned for a long time, allowing the Nuo method with hidden flaws to spread in the great world of Taishi, and never harvested you. But now, on Mount Sumeru, it is finally time to harvest! If you can't leave Mount Sumeru, you can only die in his hands."

He turned and left, leaving everyone frozen in place.

Everyone frowned and said nothing.

For a while, suspicious and suspicious (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

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Chapter 383: Toxic in the Words Free reading: https://,!

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Thoughts rose from their hearts and spread, their eyes met, and then they staggered, and everyone left in unison. Even the disciples and the master are strangers.

They no longer trust each other.

Young Master Yuchuan suddenly shouted: "Gao Xuanzong! Qi Tongshang! Dong Yu! Gao Wencai! Dai Fusheng! Zhou Youzhi! Tao Furong! Leyuan! You stay here!"

The name he called out was the suzerain of the sect left behind by the nine immortal kings of the Taishi Great World.

In the great world of Taishi, nine immortal kings were born successively, and nine sects were left behind, with masters like clouds and great influence. But these nine major sects must obey the dispatch of Jiutian Daozong, because the ancestor of Jiutian Daozong is the emperor!

Nine figures came from all directions and gathered behind him. They were the suzerains of the Nine Immortal King Sects, and they all bowed and said, "Master Yuchuan orders."

Mr. Yuchuan ordered: "The angler attack is aimed at my Nine Heavens Dao Sect and my Bai family. You should act cautiously and watch around. If you find suspicious people, report them at any time!"

Gao Xuanzong said: "Young master, who can know whether this fisherman is among the nine of us?"

Mr. Yuchuan frowned slightly.

Qi Tongshang laughed and said, "The fisherman could be any one of the nine of us, or he could be the young master."

Mr. Yuchuan's heart sank slightly, and he looked around, only to see that the nine people looked at him full of distrust. Obviously, Xu Ying's words just now made the nine suzerains lose their former calmness and composure.

"Chu Tiandu's words are poisonous, you are all poisoned."

Mr. Yuchuan suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a smile, "You have forgotten my identity. I am a descendant of the emperor. You have been beaten to death for a place of ascension, and you have tried every means to improve your strength to fight against the catastrophe, and I am ascended to be the emperor. It's a matter of one sentence. Why should I harvest you to improve your strength to fight against the catastrophe?"

With a few words, he dispelled the doubts of the nine suzerains.

The nine people looked at each other and disappeared.

Mr. Yuchuan breathed a sigh of relief, the strength of these nine people is extremely high, if he doesn't trust himself because of Xu Ying's words, it will be a great loss for him.

"Chu Tiandu! With your words, you will divide everyone, keep them away from each other, and make it easier for fishermen to attack! You are really demonic!"

Mr. Yuchuan's eyes flashed, he looked towards the direction where Xu Ying was leaving, and said in a low voice, "Since you can't be used by me, then I have no choice but to seize your Six Secret Ancestral Law, as well as the Immortal Cave!"

Xu Ying took a leisurely walk in the courtyard and returned to Brahma Pavilion in a leisurely manner. He wasn't as nervous as the others.

In the Brahma Pavilion, Master Huolong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him return, and was about to speak when Xu Ying gave him a wink. Master Huolong understood, and in Xiyi's domain, the primordial spirit said to Xu Ying's three heaven and earth primordial spirits: "Young master Xu, what's going on outside? Why are hundreds of suzerains being eaten?"

Xu Ying in Huang Yi was lively and said with a smile: "It's just a fisherman who specializes in harvesting Nuo immortals. That person is hiding among us, waiting for an opportunity to harvest human lives. He has already harvested many people before he was noticed!"

:^ Master Huolong was worried, walking back and forth: "What should I do? I only have two seedlings left in the Condor Palace, Akang and I, and if the Condor Palace dies, there will be no successors..."

Xu Ying in yellow comforted and said, "Don't worry. The Condor Palace will not be extinct. I have seen that after some sects were wiped out, their immortal masters in the fairy world showed their sages to select apprentices to inherit the orthodoxy. After your masters and apprentices die, you The patriarch will definitely choose another successor.

Master Fire Dragon snorted, thinking that he might as well not comfort himself.

Xu Ying in white clothes was the most experienced, and said: "You don't have to worry, the Xuankong God King already knows who this person is, and this person can't be harvested by us." Huolong Master was stunned, wondering: "How about the Xuankong God King? Know who the fisherman is?"

"Mount Sumeru is a world of its own, God King Xuankong can control the way of heaven of Mount Sumeru. All those who enter Mount Sumeru will have their fortunes controlled by the God King!

Bai Yi Xu promised: "He only needs to check the catastrophe of these people to know their cultivation base. The cultivation base of the fisherman must be the strongest among all the people except me, Bai Yuchuan and Xuan Kong! Find out This person, find out the fisherman."

Master Huolong's eyes lit up, he clapped his hands and laughed, "Then, this person is doomed! No, no! If King Xuankong knew who this person was, why didn't he find him out (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page) Wonderful to continue)

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? "

Xu Ying in Tsing Yi has the worst heart, and smiled slightly: "Except for Mount Sumeru in the Great World of Taishi, all other immortal sects are the emperor's subjects. The harvesting of these people on the mountain is to weaken the emperor's power. The more people are harvested, the emperor The greater the loss of power. When people are in panic, Xuan Kong will take action to quell the chaos. It will be another great merit and gather countless incense sticks! It can not only attack the emperor's power, but also strengthen himself, why not do it? "

Only then did the two wake up.

Except for Mount Sumeru, the Taishi Great World respects the Nine Heavens Dao Sect, and the Nine Heavens Dao Sect is the actual ruler of the Taishi Great World!

And the fisherman's harvesting of the various sects can obviously attack the power of the Nine Heavens Dao Sect and expand the influence of Mount Sumeru!

Huang Yi Xu agreed: "Fishermen will definitely seize the time to harvest. If there are too many dead people, all sects and sects will not be able to resist leaving Mount Sumeru. It won't be long before we leave this place. Venerable Master, get ready .

Master Huolong felt awe-inspiring.

Xu Ying's words had two meanings. The first meaning was that anglers would take action to harvest these masters attending the meeting, and the second meaning was that all sects would inevitably conflict with Xuan Kong!

At this time, a voice came from outside the Brahma Pavilion: "The devil in purple clothes, Zixi, a disciple of Xuankong God King, is here to visit."

Xu Ying stood up and opened the door, only to see a young man in purple standing outside the door, handsome, fair complexion, polite, said: "Little brother has heard the name of the devil for a long time, the day before yesterday... I saw the devil's gestures and gestures, defeating all the masters in a row, in my heart I can't help admiring it. There are a lot of trivial matters on Mount Sumeru, and I'm in charge of the sacrificial ceremony, and I haven't had time. Now: the sacrificial ceremony is over, so I have a chance to meet you."

Xu Ying smiled and said, "Fellow Taoist Zixi, you are polite."

Zixi is familiar with herself, and said with a smile: "I have heard it for a long time, that the purple-clothed devil Hou Chutian practiced the most excellent method in the Nuo method. In the confrontation with Bai Yuchuan, why didn't the Six Secrets be used?"

Xu Ying said: "To deal with Bai Yuchuan, why use the Six Secrets?"

Zi Xi eagerly said: "The six secrets of the devil are unparalleled in the world, indeed there is no need to display the six secrets. The cave used by the devil is the fairy cave, right? It is even more brilliant!

Can Mohou perform the Six Secrets and Immortal Cave, so that the younger brother can open his eyes? "

The smile on Zixi's face disappeared, and he said lightly: "In the Demon Realm, I was defeated by the Demon Marquis. The Demon Marquis showed me the six secret caves and showed off to me. Today, Xu Ying shook his head again and said: "The reason why the Six Secrets Known as a secret, how can it be easily shown to others? "

An expression that doesn't remember me. So, who are you? Master Huolong's heart was beating wildly, and he said inwardly, "Master Xu has been found out!" It's over! He is notorious, and his notoriety spreads far and wide, and he is probably more hated than fishermen! "

Xu Ying looked calm and said with a smile: "Back then you were defeated by the purple-clothed devil. After seeing his six-secret cave, you learned from the pain and thought hard about the way to defeat the devil. In the end, you finally thought of it. Harvest this The guest who came here last time is the way you thought of, right?"

Master Huolong was stunned, his scalp was numb: "The disciple of King Xuankong, is that fisherman?"

Han Zekang came over and said, "Master, what are you doing for lunch?"

Master Huolong turned his head with difficulty: "Good apprentice, I don't have to cook for me at noon. I may never have to eat as a teacher."

Zixi looked at Xu Ying with a smile on her face.

Xu Ying said leisurely: "Your deeds seem to be flawless, without leaving any flaws, but for someone who is proficient in the way of heaven, your cultivation level is obvious at a glance.

You swallowed more than a hundred great masters, deprived them of their secret treasures and caves, and your cultivation and strength have improved by leaps and bounds, so you came to me to show off, right? "

Zixi smiled and said: "So, you are proficient in the way of heaven?"

"I understand a little better than your master Xuankong." Xu Ying laughed.

Zixi laughed softly: "So, you are Xu Ying? The Water and Fire Huotian Cauldron fell into your hands?"

Xu Ying walked towards him and praised: "You are so smart, Zixi, I'm afraid you will die soon."

His aura locked Zixi in an instant, and the Third Heaven Pass, Yaochi and Twelve Floors were in operation, raising his cultivation to the extreme!

Zixi's complexion suddenly changed, and he immediately sensed that he was stronger than Chutian (this chapter is not finished, click on the next page to continue)

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Chapter 383 Toxic in the Words is free to read Update the latest chapters as soon as possible!

Doubling or even ten times the pressure, he quickly backed away, and said cautiously: "The villain Xu really deserves his reputation, he is very vicious. Today's matter, you and I will each take a step back. If you don't say I am a fisherman, I will not say you It's Xu Ying. How about you pretend that I haven't been here before?"

Xu Ying's momentum never relaxed at all, he pressed on step by step, and said: "Zixi, have you ever seen a young monk trapped in the darkness in Daleiyin Temple?"

Zixi's face changed slightly, and he lost his voice: "You saw it too?"

Xu Ying took a deep look at him and said, "Did you hear what he was shouting?"

Xu Ying frowned slightly, and said: "Back then, your master Xuan Kong, what did you dig up in Daleiyin Temple, which led to the invasion of the Demon Realm?"

Zixi said: "A Buddha. A living Buddha!"

Zixi shook his head: "I only saw visions and saw that young monk when I strayed into Daleiyin Temple."

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Chapter 383: Toxic in the Words Free reading: https://,!


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