決 I decided to make ink, but I can’t make ink right away. First, you must go to Sieg’s Woodworking Studio and have your parent introduce you to another woodworking workshop.


When I arrived at the woodworking workshop, the assistant in front of me worked fine at the counter. Raise your face and turn your smile toward you.


“Hey, Benno, Sieg’s brother”


“Call your parent”


Assisting Benno’s words, the assistant immediately turns over and enters the back. After hearing a small voice crying, “Master!”, The right arm was thick, and the mother of the heels came out quietly, paying off the wood scraps on the clothes.


“Hey, Benno-san. I’m sorry, but I still haven’t finished the waist wall.”


“Oh, I want you to introduce another woodworking workshop today”


“… what do you mean?”


Parents make their eyes steep as if they were cool. Benno gave up his shoulder lightly while watching the situation.


“It doesn’t mean that the contract is closed separately. The delivery time of my order is late. I can’t accept any other work anymore?” Is there a woodworking studio? I would like to order a job of Koitsu “


When Benno said, pushing me forward, his master relaxed his expression. And while looking at me from the top to the bottom, I boil the potatoes.


“Huh. Then, I’ll turn it around to Ingo. I’ll go”


The master told me that he took me to a workshop called Ingo. It seems that the reason why the parents go together is to let them know exactly who they are by introducing them directly. There seem to be various power relationships between workshops.


Ingo seems to be a young parent who has just recently become independent. Although it is young, it seems that it is a little older than Benno, but considering that there are many people who are called parents, those who are over 40 years old, if you are in your 30s, you will be in a fairly young category.


“I can’t accept it with my house this time. How about Ingo?”


“Speaking of which, there was a huge job in it. Will you bite this one?”


“Are you decided on another matter? Your customer is this little girl. The rest is good.”


Saying that, the master of Sieg returns. The parent who was called Ingo looked down at me and looked angry. It’s a little stuffy, but I can’t help being a child who doesn’t seem to have finished the baptismal ceremony.


“I want to prepare a board for winter handicrafts, so be sure to keep only the delivery date”


I specify the board size and place an order.


This year, the retirement and playing card making are the winter handicrafts at the orphanage. For the Reversi stand, draw a line on the thick board with the ink you made and write the squares, and for the stone, cut the board into small pieces and apply ink to only one side. If the size fits in a square, I’m glad that it doesn’t hinder the game even if it’s not round.


By the way, if you make chess pieces, you can play together on the same board. However, the chess pieces are dismissed because they are complex in shape. The level is too high for the “first woodworking class” planned at the orphanage. A shogi piece is a substitute. It’s easy to make it, because you only have to write your name on the board.


Is Shogi different from chess? [Since no one knows that, you can decide the movement of the piece, the name, etc.] Yes, I ’m the rule.


I thought about making the playing cards out of paper, but the cost of a board is lower than that of paper. And since it is Japanese paper made at Mine Kobo, I think that it is not suitable for playing cards unless it is modified or processed. If it is made of thin plates, it will be safe for children to handle it a little roughly.


The colors and marks may be left as they are, but it may be better to think about what to do with J, Q, and K. It’s too hard to draw a picture.


“Anyway, what do you use for such a large number of boards?”


Align the guild card and pay the advance to the ingo. With the guild card of the studio manager, it seemed that the creditworthiness increased as soon as I could pay the money, and the ingo was in a slightly broken attitude.


“So it’s a winter handicraft? The details are secret. Enjoy it after it’s done. If it sells well, I’d like next year”


“… Isn’t that over the next year?”


Ingo showed with thumb the direction the parent left.


“Benno’s exclusive work is in that workshop, but I haven’t made a clear decision yet. I will make a decision after looking at the quality of work and the credit of the delivery date.”


“Hey, soft …”


“Let me deliver to the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce.”


“Oh, this is my best regards in the future”


After finishing the order for the board, I returned to the store while being held by Benno.


When you return to the store, you sit on the table in the back room. In front of Benno and Lutz, I was immediately blamed for questions about future plans.


“Now, do not wash!”


When I hit Ben and the table, I saw Benno grabbing me, and thought it was like an investigation into a criminal drama.


“What are you doing? I am not doing anything wrong. I am atonement. Innocent”


“What are you talking about, Abu. What will you say is all about what you do now?” What do you use that board for? What do you do with ink? How do you make it? Do you have any vomit?


Lutz embarked from the side to give up Benno’s momentum. Bring your eyebrows as if in trouble and get your opinion.


“Because there is a trade-off with Mine Kobo’s paper making. It’s a problem if you don’t have a plan. Isn’t it necessary to make something to go to the forest?”


“Uh … wait a moment. I want to sort out my head.”


Take out the writing board and write out what to make and what you need. Board and ink for toy making. You can see that the inside of your head is organized by writing: To make ink.


While I was organizing my head, Benno and Lutz seemed to be preparing notes, and wooden bills and ink were prepared.


“We are planning to make” Reversi “,” Shogi pieces “and” Trump “for winter handicrafts. The things necessary to make this are board and ink.” [19459002 ]


¡Take my eyebrows and tilt my head like Benno sings in my words.


“… What are the items that I have arranged now?”


“It’s a toy similar to Carta, but unlike Carta, adults can play”




“I think it’s perfect for killing winter time next year”


When a snowstorm occurs, it should be a killing of time while locked in the house. I get tired of just handwork. The poor are trying to make small changes by hand, but what is the rich man doing?


“No matter what you make, ink is essential, so I want to make ink as soon as possible.”


“Did you say you would make another ink in the ink workshop?”


“Yes. If the ink is made using a completely different method from the one made in the workshop, you don’t need permission to make it, and you won’t be complaining, isn’t it?”


If the manufacturing method is kept secret or if it is made in a workshop that is approved by the association, there is a risk that it will get caught in contract magic. If you make it yourself, it violates something and you may be penalized.


“Well, I don’t know how to make it, but if it’s new here, it won’t get caught up in contract witchcraft, and it won’t require someone’s permission. Just laugh with your nose, but you’ll be exploring and gathering information here because you’ve said something extra to the parent of the ink studio … “


“That? Did I say anything extra?”


I’m going to say only the minimum necessary, but it’s strange. Benno caught up with me as I tilted my head.


“What if it wasn’t just that I knew how to make the ink I was making, and that there was some other ink and I knew how to make it?”


“Eh? But the current ink production method was to identify the type of ink, and the new ink information was also for the preparation of the mind. I think it would be better to sell the manufacturing method to the Ink Association and have it mass-produced, so it ’s not too much. ”


Benno closes his eyebrows and holds his temples. After shaking my head several times to say I couldn’t understand, I scorned me.


“Wait a moment. Would you sell the recipe to the Ink Association?”


“Yes, wasn’t it difficult for Benno to collide with vested interests when he made the Plant Paper Association? Otto, who is still helping, is still struggling with soldiers. “You can’t keep up with the number of employees because your hands are too wide?” It ’s impossible to divide ink into a manufacturing method and create a new association. If you want to do it, let ’s throw it. ”


The Plant Paper Association was made before I knew it, and somehow still has enough manpower, so I give up.


However, I have heard from Lutz that Benno has been working hard with his relatives to create a plant paper association in the other towns and to make a workshop. Even an Italian restaurant that started to compete against Irze was stuck in a non-professional business, so Marc had a hard time. On top of this, I think the new ink association is reckless.


“… I sometimes get a headache when I hear your opinion. What do you think is profitable?”


“Because I’m not a merchant, but a priestess apprenticeship? If you don’t get a lot of attention at the Mine workshop, it’s better to spread out the recipe and make it in various places to lower the unit price.


Lutz, listening to Benno’s conversation with me, exhales slowly. And it returns the story that was off the road.


“Minner and husband, what about the business about ink after the ink is complete? What do you prepare to make ink?”


“Well, I thought of something that could become ink,” ink “,” oil paint “,” Gutenberg ink “,” crayon “, but only” crayon “was the only print ink Because it is not suitable, I will postpone it for the time being. ”


“I still don’t understand Mine’s explanation. So what should I prepare?”


I drop my eyes on the writing board.


“Pigment is a material for making color, but the easiest pigment to make black is ( [ Soot ) If you use candy as a raw material, any ink will turn black, so you must first collect candy.


To make ink, mix with koji and glue ( Nika ) . For oil-based paints, knead straw and dry oil together. For the sake of convenience, I called the “Gutenberg ink”, a highly viscous early printing ink that was boiled. Flaxseed ( Ama ] 19459080] Can be made with oil and firewood.


“The ink I know is made from rapeseed oil, sesame oil soot and pine smoke, but I can’t make a choice for the prototype, right? I wonder if I should clean up and collect the chimneys …. I did it last year, this. “


記憶 Revived memories of being cleaned by my mother with a rag cloth to make a pencil. Eventually Lutz would have cleaned his house to collect the amount of firewood.


“Oh, I did it. But my mothers are pleased and the materials gather, aren’t they?”


“If so, I’ll do my niece, come here for cleaning.”


Benno takes a flight. The chimney and firewood must be cleaned before winter. It would be nice if the materials gathered.


“Can Benno-san give me a chimney cleaning fee?”


“Oh, let’s increase the amount of salmon without hassle”


Benno grinned at what he was planning. I’m not sure, but it would be nice if more materials were added.


“What would you do if the moths gathered? What else would you have?”


煤 Gathering 煤, Lutz writes on his writing board and looks at me. I looked down on my writing board, and I needed the ink for the ink glue ( ] Confirm that it is.


“The next thing is glue? The glue is a strong glue that can be taken from the skin and bone marrow of cows, pigs, and other animals, and is used to knead and make books to make” ink “. Sometimes used to harden spine cover “


“Hey, animal skin and bone marrow … It will soon be a winter season, and if you process pork at an orphanage, will it be collected?”


“Yeah … Yeah”


豚 I remembered the place where a pig was crawled in a rural area and hung it for a moment. Now that I’m used to it, I think I can endure without losing my mind or crying, but I’m not strong enough to resist the dismantling of the flesh.


“Pork processing at an orphanage? Have you ever done it?”


Benno tilts his head. I also think that food is always a blessing from God, and even the calphe bowls have never experienced pork processing for orphanage children who have never seen them.


“I don’t think it is absolutely”


“If so, I’ll get ready for winter too, so will I order with the orphanage?”


“I am saved! Thank you”


Every year I fall down with heat, and I have never participated in the processing of pork in my neighborhood. I ask Benno’s words to put my hands together.


“Can the skin be done with the skin and bones?”


“I know somehow how to make it, but I’ve never made” glue “, but it’s so versatile that I want to make anything successful.”


Glue is obtained by immersing animal skins, bones, etc. in lime water to remove unwanted things such as hair, boiled, concentrated, hardened and dried. It seems that water taken from skin rather than bone is more water resistant.


I want to remove it from the skin if possible, but the first priority should be completion.


Since the main component of glue is a kind of collagen and protein, ink handmade by amateurs will rot if left too much. It is difficult to use unexpectedly because it tends to rot at high temperatures and high humidity in summer, and it hardens when the temperature is too low.


“So you need” lime “to make” glue “”


“What is it?”


“Look, you use it when you make a house? That white wall …”


“Ah, lime?”


The word for lime here came out from Lutz’s mouth.


lime is also used in mortar, so if you are the father of Lutz, who is working in architecture, you should know where to buy.


“That’s right, Lutz. Can you ask Uncle Dide about where to buy?”


“Okay … Lime … This is like ash from paper, can I buy it a little?”




Unlike when he first made paper, Lutz was able to write letters, his parents were once allowed to become merchants, and the materials were ready for money. There was no money to free, and there were few materials that could be used with consent from parents, so the situation surrounding them changed a little in a year compared to when they were idle.


Lutz, who was crisply writing, looked up at me when I was thinking about that.


“Is there anything else I need?”


“Well, if it’s just ‘ink’, it’s okay to use 煤 and ‘glue.’ For oily paints, [ flaxseed ( ) Oil “is also necessary, but Benno may know this?”


When I looked at Benno, Lutz also looked at it. Benno was thinking while scratching his head, but slowly swung his head.


“… I have never heard of it? What is it?”


“There is linen in the cloths handled in the store, and hemp yarns are also sold? So,” linseed oil “that can squeeze hemp seeds is also sold somewhere I think. “


“Oh, linseed oil. Then you know … oil isn’t so cheap?”


Replying to Benno’s words with an ambiguous smile. Even if it’s not cheap, you can only buy it.


“I only have to buy it. I can’t just start growing to get the seeds of hemp, and I don’t have a press to buy seeds. It ’s better to compare the price of the seeds with the price of the press and consider what to do next year. ”


“I see”


There are other dry oils I can think of, but I think it is easier to get linseed oil made for making cloth than safflower oil or sunflower oil. Neither safflower nor sunflower have ever seen around here.


“If you have all these ingredients, you can make the simplest and simplest ink. The rest is equipment. Kneading with a mortar on a hard surface such as marble.” It ’s the best way. ”


“Is there a strange tool like when making paper?”


I shake my head to Benno’s question.


“No, you don’t need a lot of tools. You can start with a kneading board, a kneading stick, a sealed container for storage, a pate spatula, etc. You can probably find a tool by asking a drawing studio. Isn’t it mom working for the dyeing workshop and listening to it? ”


“… I understand. Then, prepare your own materials and bring them to the Mine workshop.”


Benno concluded and we broke up.


煤 Collecting potatoes is delightful for both mother and Aunt Carla, so it is two birds with one stone, but it’s also normal for me to overheat and fall down. While I was collecting firewood at my house and fell down with heat, Lutz cleaned up the main workshop and Benno’s house and collected firewood.


“As my husband said, the cocoon doubled without any hassle”


Lutz, who came to visit, reported so.


Benno talked to Corinna about Lutz’s cleaning of firewood and chimneys to collect firewood, and he gathered firewood from his house using Otto and gave it to Lutz.


“Otto-san is a real love slave. You’ll never go against Corinna.”


“After that, the gray priests did their best”




The gray priests who heard Lutz gathering firewood must clean before the winter, so the blue priest fireplace, each kitchen kiln and chimney are cleaned It seems that he collected up.


‘He told me that it was Gill who cleaned my wall and fireplace.


Thanks to that, there are quite a lot of moths gathered in the main workshop.


“… Really?”


“My husband bought linseed oil and I asked my dad to buy lime. I asked the craft studio and ordered it from the workshop that handles the tools.” 19459002]


It seems that materials and tools are gathering more and more in the workshop while I fell down with heat. Human sea tactics are amazing.


“Because the winter preparations are a little ahead, let’s postpone the glue and make ink that can be made with oil. So, make a print and print it. Oh, order a plate for prints. But I think ink is a prototype, is Hanko better? Lutz, what do you think? “


“… Mine, don’t get so excited. First of all, you can’t do anything without lowering the heat?”


“Mowing …”


When the heat falls, let’s make it from oil-based paint.


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