Aside from the reputation of the surroundings, only a black and white picture book page for babies was created. Satisfied with that, she went home on the main street where the signs of autumn were strengthening.


Glue ( Nika ) Making children after winter preparations, children first I want to go back to making a scripture for you. “


“Will you make a woodcut again? Isn’t it easier to use paper? Is it possible with Mine?”


I wanted to make a book in the fall of reading, but when I told Lutz, Lutz lightly leaned.


As Lutz said, it was not difficult to cut the cardboard to make the original. Because I can do it, I don’t need much power.


“Yeah, if you cut the text with a cutter, you don’t have to use it as a mirror text. If it’s a picture book with a small number of letters, I think that’s fine … … I need to order a little more cutter. ”


Because it becomes a custom order, the design cutter is a little expensive, but it is the same in that you need to prepare tools like a sword even if you want to make a woodcut.


“It’s natural that initial investment costs money, so it can’t be helped”


“… just as Mine had said before. It would cost me money if I wanted to do a new thing. Isn’t it okay because I’ve saved the money for that?”


At any point, I would like to make a basic letter type and move on to typographic printing, but there are quite a lot of type letters if I want to use it for printing. It takes a little work to make a type, and if you want to make a type with metal, it will cost more than it is now, so it will be a little later.


“Huh … I haven’t reached Gutenberg yet.”


“Who is that?”


“For me, I am a great man who has done the same work as God. My goal …. I can only improve from what I can do now.


“Is there any tool that can hold down the paper when printing? If you get rid of it for a moment, the paper will slip away, your fingers will get dirty with ink, and the ink will not fall off easily.


Lutz is an apprentice merchant who deals with aristocrats. It’s very bad to get your hands dirty like a craftsman even though you have to be careful about your personal taste.


There is a way to leave it to the gray priest, but Lutz himself is particular about “I make what Mine thought.” Then you have to think about how to keep it as dirty as possible.


“Well, I think it would be a lot better if you just created the” Gari “print frame first.”


“Gullivan? What is it?”


“Well, I’m talking about making a hole in a plate, painting it with ink, and printing it as” stencil “, but” gully “printing is a kind of that. I’ll hold down the paper, so it will make my hands harder to get dirty.


I took out the writing board and stopped drawing to begin drawing. I was moved to the end of the street by being pulled by a bit of Lutz, “Cho, Mine!


I explain to Lutz while moving the iron brush.


“There is a wooden frame that can be opened and closed like this on a wooden base that can hold paper. The wooden frame and the base are hinged, and the wooden frame is attached to the wooden frame. When printing, place the paper on this table, place the printing paper, lower the frame and fix it, then apply ink from the top of the net. ”


“Hey. What can I do if I can do it with trees and nets?”


Except for the base paper and the file, it is not so complicated, so I think that the simplest can probably be made in lutz. It is only a frame with a net that I am not confident in my work.


“Lutz, isn’t it okay for the craftsman who asked me to make a kite to order a job now? Is the plant paper studio finished making a large kite?”


“… I don’t know if I don’t ask my husband or Marc”


“Stop by and ask?”


_ Pointed to Gilberta Chamber of Justice, I and Lutz went inside.


The work seems to be almost over, and some parts have been cleaned up. Although it was a flowing movement, I found Marc in the shop where I felt busy.


“Mr. Marc”


“Ah, aren’t you Maine and Lutz? If you’re looking forward, we’ll ask you in the back room.”


Marc is taken to the back room by saying that it is in the way to talk at the store. In the back room, Benno was checking books or something.


“Can I borrow Benno-san and Marc-san tomorrow? I have something to order from the craftsman who made the girder, so I want you to go to the workshop together. Is your request finished? “


The craftsman who helped me with making the girder has heard that Benno’s paper-making workshop has been created, so he has also made a large girder. Now, are you free now?


“Your order should have been delivered for now. What will you make this time?”


“A frame with a net”


¡Benno twisted his neck in a mysterious way.


“What is the net? What is it used for?”


“When you use ink, you use it to keep Rutz’s hands dirty”


“I don’t know at all”


While saying so, Benno looked to Lutz for an explanation. Lutz shook his head slowly, saying that he did n’t understand, even though he explained earlier.


“Well, let me tell Marc. How about time?”


“… I want to go to the temple in the morning because Rosina tells me to come to practice Feshpil, but is it okay in the afternoon?”


“This is more convenient in the afternoon. Then tomorrow.”


The next afternoon, after lunch, I and Lutz went to the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce and Marc also headed to the craftsman’s workshop.




“… you are again”


greeted by a craftsman with a very unpleasant face, engraved with a spear clearly in his eyebrows. It ’s an unpleasant face that makes you think that the customer does n’t have that face.


“No, again ( You ) ? Please take care of the hard work. “


It ’s hard to make a large ( S ) It seems. I waved my hand to the left and right, comparing the gentleman with a gentle expression and a gentle smiling mark.


“That’s not right. What I want this time is a wooden frame”


“Wooden frame? Ask a woodworking workshop.”


Makers turn their eyes to the door, moving their hands as if they were scattered.


“No, it’s not just a frame, but in a wooden frame like this ] ( Sha ) …… Well, I’d like you to put the silk thread in a net shape, but can you do it? The eyes don’t have to be so fine because they are necessary to hold the paper so that it doesn’t slip or twist. ” ]


I take out the stone board and draw a diagram of the frame I want to make. The craftsman narrowed his eyes and held a picture for a while, but exhaled.


“… I can’t do it. It’s cumbersome.”


“Can I ask you?”


“It takes time, but it’s good to pay money. ( S ) Other than that, it would be nice. “


“Thank you very much”


I decided to make a frame with a net. Once completed, Marc signs with a contract to be delivered to Gilberta.


“Mr. Marc, there is one more place. Are you sure you want to stop by the blacksmith workshop? I want to order additional cutters during this time. Also, I would like to talk about the roller.”


If you intend to make a plate with cardboard, you will need multiple design cutters. I want to prepare for me and Lutz, and then for Vilma.


Then, if you want to apply ink uniformly, you still want a roller. But I know the rubber roller and the sponge roller. Is there something that could be substituted? If you don’t, you can wrap the cloth, but what about the comfort?


“Mine, what do you use that little knife for?”


“I use it to cut paper. A knife is too big to make fine cuts.”


“I see”


Go to the blacksmith workshop and order two additional design cutters. Johan took over with a good smile. It seems to be a lot of fun with an order where you can use all your skills.


“I want a roller …”


“What is it?”


I draw a diagram and explain the purpose. You can only tilt your neck if you explain about rubber and sponge.


“Isn’t it a cylindrical object that gets inked by rolling? I’ve ordered another one again.”


“I want a cylindrical object that has a handle like this and won’t rattle even when rolled. I’ll leave the cloth to the surface, so I think it will get ink, so I’ll leave it to you for the materials.”


If there is a material that is a little elastic and has ink attached to it, it should work, but it should be somehow.


“… I understand. If that’s all, it’s not difficult. If I can do it, should I bring it back to Gilberta?”


When I left the blacksmith workshop, I and Lutz went home with Marc.


“The problem that remains is the picture. If you cut the cardboard, make the plate, and print it, it will feel like a shadow. Thanks to the design cutter, you can leave a little thin line, but in Vilma I have no choice but to devise how to draw “


“I think it would be pretty easy to do something that would serve as an example. I just don’t know just the explanation of Mine”


I was asking. No matter how much you explain something you have never seen, you will not immediately understand it.


“No, I don’t know if it would be helpful, but could I make it?”


“Huh? Are you mine? Are you okay?”


Lutz, who pulled her face, looked at me with anxiety. How much is my evaluation of my paintings low even though I can draw a deformed picture once? Even now, my art grade was about 4.


“It’s okay because I draw based on Vilma’s picture. Excuse me.”


When I came home after splitting Lutz and the well square, which was watching me worried until the end, I immediately drawn the outline of the goddess, referring to the woodcuts of Vilma, and a pencil like a shadow I divided it into black and white. It is simple but feels easier to see than woodcuts.


“Isn’t it nice?”


However, this is an impression that I still see as a Japanese sensibility, so I don’t know if it will be accepted here. Here, admiring delicate and realistic pictures, shadow-like objects are too simple and may be rejected.


Next morning, I put a subtle print and my own shadow in my bag so that Virma could see it. Design cutters and pencils are also prepared for delivery to Vilma.


“Good morning, Lutz. How about painting like this?”


I showed Lutz who came to pick me up, like a shadow goddess drawn yesterday. Lutz, who seemed uneasy, opened his eyes lightly, looked seriously and exhaled.


“Well, isn’t this good? I think it’s easier to see than woodcuts”


“It was good. I would consult with Vilma to see if this would work.”


From the afternoon, I went to the orphanage with a subtle woodcut and my own shadow, and a design cutter and cardboard. Rosina accompanies you when you visit Vilma.


“Mine, welcome you”


I placed a woodcut picture on the table in the cafeteria and gently presented it to Vilma. Vilma takes it and puts his eyebrows in a confused manner.


“Mine, is this …?”


“Virma’s painting is very delicate, and when it comes to woodcuts that have to carve the board, this is what it looks like. Will it lose the goodness of Virma’s painting? So, I thought it would be possible to make it in another way. ”


I gave out the shadow drawing while saying so. I’m a little jealous of showing it to my job, but I can’t move on without showing it.


“I think it’s easier than carving a board. However, I want to ask Vilma’s opinion, who is good at painting in art …”


Wilma saw my shadow, took a small breath and opened his eyes.


“… Mine, are you here?”


“Yes. I tried to make a sample that would look like this if it was made by cutting only paper in black and white with reference to Virma’s picture, but how about it? Do you understand the atmosphere? ”


Is it bad? When she asked Virma, she shook her head and joyfully lit her brown eyes.


“I saw it for the first time. I want to make it this way. I want to challenge how far I can do with a new method.”


“Let’s give Burma this cutter and a pencil. Try it out with the paper you gave you before. This is a piece of cardboard for production.


To Vilma, who is fascinated by the shadows with his eyes shining, I gave the tools I brought and pointed out the precautions when using them. It’s about Vilma. It will surely draw a much nicer picture than me.


While Vilma was trial and error in the new technique, I was writing letters on cardboard and making paper.


Johan, who was quick because it was made once, delivered the design cutter and roller, and this time with Lutz, he carefully cut out the written letters. It’s a lot of work, but if you think it’s a book if you print it, you can do your best.


And, before the painting of Vilma was made, the frame of the net that the craftsman asked was made. So, I went to Lutz’s house and asked Ralph and Sieg to make a frame that could be fitted with a gully-printed wooden stand and net.


“What is there?”


“Like this! It’s necessary not to get Rutz’s hands dirty. Please, brothers”


I drew a blueprint on paper and struck the two with a finely drawn size.


The blueprint seems to look good at work, and Siek and Ralph start making it as soon as they look at it. Along with a light meeting, I took out the plates and nails.


“What is this?”


“Wow, my brothers! Perfect!”


As expected, apprentice woodworker. There is no gap. A wooden frame with a beautifully fitted net was created in no time.


When I gave up, Ralph screamed and looked like she was teasing Lutz, “Lutz is like a merchant, I’m like a craftsman.”


“Now, please make this platform next, craftsman”


The two resumed their work, laughing lightly and laughing at Lutz’s words, with their cheeks bulging.


“Oh, that’s not right. Lutz, bring that board over there.”


“Please polish this carefully. You’re going to use it? I’ll get hurt if there’s a strange bite remaining”


“Both people are rough and ugly”


Although Lutz is still used, the chilly atmosphere disappeared for a while, and a little relieved.


“Sieg brother, add this to fix the net in the wooden frame”


Ask Sieg to have a dragonfly attached to the wooden frame. A dragonfly is a part for fixing a net to a wooden frame. It is made of metal and has a teardrop shape, and the mesh is attached and detached by screwing it onto the frame and rotating it. Is it easy to understand parts for fastening the back plate such as a picture frame?


And the wooden frame and the stand are hinged. A board with a thickness of about 5 mm is installed on the table so that the paper can be aligned during printing.


A stand for printing in less time than expected was completed.


“Thank you, brothers. That helped me.”


Is it embarrassing to thank the family again? The elder brothers who were told also looked in trouble and diverted their eyes.


“That’s a big deal”


“That’s right, I’m just making money”


If I was hugging Turi and showing my greatest thanks to the body, this would be the best for this brother. I think it has improved a lot since there was no conversation.


When I was watching warmly, the three people who noticed my eyes suddenly took a small breath.


“Mine, don’t look so much!”


I get a warmer feeling that I’m a brother in the area where the voices come together.


“Lutz, please send me the main!”


“Yes, I’ll get rid of this!”


“Let’s go, Mine!”


I was immediately taken out of Lutz’s house by the cooperation of my brothers who had a good breath. It’s a pity that I wanted to see more of the heartwarming brother’s interactions.


“Mine, don’t be shy, think about it. Did you get everything right now? Isn’t it just Virma’s picture?”


Lutz forcibly changes the topic. It seems that I don’t want to be reheated about the exchanges between my brothers.


I think of various things that I need to make a book. Paper was made. I made ink. I also made a letter board. I also made a roller. There was also a stand for printing. Now that the Vilma picture is complete, the book is complete.


“Hey, Lutz. If you can afford it, make a paper to make it the cover. I want to make the paper with the pressed flowers in between.”


“Oh, that’s beautiful. Well, tomorrow we will take them to the forest”


All the preparations were made and I was just waiting for the painting of Vilma, and in the afternoon I was able to immerse myself in reading in the library.


After finishing lunch, when I was eager to read today, Gill received a message from an orphanage child and came into the room saying that she had a picture of Vilma.


“Mine-sama, I’ve made a paperboard. Because there is a request, Chibi and others say I want Mine-sama to come to pick up the paper.”


In Gill’s words, I felt that my eyes were brightening. The fact that the paper was made means that it is ready for printing.


“Gill tells the workshop that you want to get ready for printing after lunch? Rosina, let’s go to the orphanage”


“Mine, please calm down. The grace of God has not yet reached the orphanage.”


“… That was right”


I remembered that there was a difference in lunch time with the orphanage, and I sat back on the chair.


Gill laughed a little and said to me from the priest, saying, “When Chibi arrives at the workshop, I will come to teach, so Mine will be able to remember even prayer words and wait.” Remind them of the issues that have been issued.


While frustrating, I tried to memorize the words of prayer as Gill told me. This is a phrase used when there is a request from the Knights in the fall, and since it is not known when there is a request, it was told to remember perfectly from now on.


…… Oh, I have to go to hear the progress of the ceremonial costume.


Upon receiving the news that the children’s meal was over, I walked with Rosina to the orphanage.


In the cafeteria that just entered the orphanage, Vilma was waiting with a slightly tense face instead of the usual gentle smile. A5 size paper is placed on the table.


“Are you sure you want me to show you?”


“Yes, please have a look”


The carefully cut version of the stencil was arranged with simple lines, while retaining the characteristic features of delicate Vilma paintings.




Rosina lightly gazed and screamed.


In the scene where the god of darkness meets the goddess of light, the one with many clippings has left the god of darkness and a lot of white, but the shadows of the hair and the habits of the costumes are beautifully expressed. Goddess of light. I immediately wanted to put ink and see the finished shape.


“… Nice! Let’s print it right away, because Gil tells you to prepare”


When Rosina got the paper, I stood up to go to the workshop immediately.


“That’s Mine!”


“What did you do, Vilma?”


Vilma stares at me with a seriously determined expression. After moving the lips several times, I combined my fingers and asked them with a trembling voice.


“Would it be ok for me to be with the workshop too?”


“I don’t care, but are you okay?”


Vilma was not good at men, didn’t want to leave the orphanage, and heard that he wouldn’t face the workshop. I’m worried about the children, but I’m scared and crouched.


“I haven’t changed what I don’t like, but … I’m curious about what it will look like when I print it, I’m curious, and I can’t get anything. It was not a result, and this is a new technique, so I don’t know what the result will be. “


The woodcut finish was subtle for me, but it seemed quite unwilling for Vilma. It’s the first time for Vilma to cut a piece of paper and create a simple picture like a shadow, rather than giving it a fine black texture.


But is Virma’s heart okay? If you go to the workshop, even if you don’t like it, there are gray priests and you will meet each other. Will it be able to withstand Vilma, an adult man said he was scared?


“I feel reassured with Mine, but …”


ヴ ィ ル While Virma crawls, the moment I say so, my feelings of worry about Virma blew out. Instead, a sense of mission rises.


“I will never get close to Virma. Let’s come together.”


“Mine-sama, do you want to keep the side service close to the Lord?”


Rosina’s amazed voice has interrupted, but that doesn’t matter. It’s important that Vilma feels a little out of the orphanage girls’ wing, and the most important thing is that I’m relying on it.


«Like Virma’s hand, holding an uneasy smile holding the chest with one hand, I go down the stairs at the back of the cafeteria and head to the main workshop from the back door.


… I will protect Vilma! I have to show you where you can depend!












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