Borrow a pen and ink to the chief and rewrite the story of Cinderella on the spot. It is a complete rewrite. After many revisions, the story that the priest was convinced was written.


I learned this time. This is a fantasy world with magic and magic, so I can’t accept the fantasy I know. It seems to be difficult to make a story from now on.


“There was one thing I wanted to consult with the priest,”


Looking at the priest while aligning the rewritten paper with Tonton and his knees. The Priest who noticed his gaze placed the material he was looking at at the desk behind him, while I was rewriting it.


“What about winter preparations at an orphanage …”


“Winter preparation? … Oh, I’m predicting that the grace of the gods of spears and food will probably not be so different from last year, but let me report the detailed situation from the Franc. If you do not come back, you will not be able to answer clearly. “


“Eh? Is there a prediction?”


I don’t know the details until the blue priest returns from the Harvest Festival, but I don’t really understand the prediction.


“There was little change in the number of blue priests this year, there was no problem with the weather and there was no major plague.


I blinked several times in the words of the chief, who should rarely get out of the temple. I’ve heard some stories from the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce that get rumors and information along with the families and logistics that go to the market, but the temple chief should never have gone out into town.


“How can we know about the state of the plague in rural areas, regardless of the weather? Isn’t the priest going out into town?”


“… I have my ambassador. I don’t go to downtown, but I sometimes go to the nobility town.”


The town for me is the downtown where my home is, but the town for the priest is a noble town. I understood the source of information and asked. This is completely prejudiced, but there seems to be a very insidious information war between nobility.


“Mine says that the orphanage is ready for the winter, but have you made any plans?”


“Yes. We decided to have Mr. Benno prepare tools and materials. Since we are preparing for the winter, we are going to help not only gray priests but also children.” [19459002 ]

“… Is the children pre-baptized infants?”


Surprisingly, the priest is astonishing. There seems to be no concept of working a small child for a priest who is a nobleman who does not move about himself, and whose pre-baptized children do not leave the orphanage.


However, such customs do not work before poverty. In the orphanage where “the unworkable person cannot eat” has permeated, the boys who are full of food will help them to compete, and the young children whose grace comes to the end are not defeated. It is.


“Yes, it’s normal in downtown, and I can help even if I’m young …. I’m asleep every year, so it’s not very powerful”


“There’s a problem”


The priest asked, “Don’t say what you know.


“So, the pork processing itself is done in rural areas, but then glue ( Nika ) I’m going to make a candle or a candle from the fat of the cow, so I think the smell is terrible, even though I’m an orphanage, it’s a bad smell in the temple? 19459002]


Listening to my fearful priest, the priest became a little difficult and sighed.


“The blue priest seems to be noisy from the orphanage.”


“… That’s right, right?”


Glue ( Nika ) Making both candles and candles can be very odorous So I plan to do it outside of the main workshop. The aristocratic area and the orphanage are a bit apart, but they can’t notice the bad smell. If it can’t be helped, it will be done at the main workshop in that warehouse, but there isn’t enough space for the number of people and tools to move. I want to make it at the orphanage if possible.


“But … that’s right”


The priest who had been thinking a little raised his face and looked at me.


“For the next 10 days or so, the harvest festivities will leave most of the blue priests out, so there will be some odor. After that, I thought it would be impossible in the temple. It ’s better ”


I don’t know if pork processing can be finished during the harvest festival without the blue priests. The pigs and tools are not ready. But if you talk to Benno, there is a possibility that it can be managed.


“I understand. I’ll talk to Benno-sama.”


When I grabbed my fist in hope that I saw a little, the chief priest looked up and scratched my bangs.


“… Mine, that ’s how many people are preparing for the winter, but isn’t there any financial problem?”


“It’s okay to use the money earned by the orphanage at the Mine workshop”


“… It’s fine if you don’t have to pay the full amount. Even so, it’s true that orphans will be able to live their lives with their own hands.”

“It is only with the grace of God.”


praised by the priest ’s exclamation, I gave up my shoulders. Without God’s grace, the Mine workshop does not have enough income to support everyone’s lives. In fact, the Mine workshop is a black workshop that allows children to work at very low wages.


“Still, I thought the orphanage winter would be quite tough. It was good news for me.”


Unusually, the chief priest relaxed and looked up. I am relieved that I was not in vain for my orphanage.


“The winter preparations at the orphanage are fine if they end in about ten days. Rather, what you need to consider is your winter preparations”


“Is my winter ready?”


I leaned to the head of the priest. My winter preparations are at home. In other words, it is usually treated as a distractor, so the family does it. This year my mother is pregnant, I am a little bigger, and this year I am planning to make it useful. But I don’t think the priest is worried about that.


“Will I prepare for winter at home?”


“That’s not good”


The priest looked at me, narrowing his eyes and leaning a little.


“There is a dedication ritual in winter. Do you know this?”




One of the rituals taught by Fran and the chief priest. It is a ritual that puts magical power on sacred items that I must attend.


In the next spring, I pray that my life will sprout and grow safely, and fill all the sacred tools in the temple with magic. If magic power is not satisfied here, it seems that there is not enough magic power to be given to the village during the spring prayer ceremony, which affects the yield.


“The dedication ceremony is a ritual that requires a lot of magic, so you have to participate. It’s hard not to be able to come to the temple because of a snowstorm.


“If you don’t know when the snow will come and I will come next time, I know it may affect your votive ritual. I often put out … “


It is not an exaggeration to say that I am recognized as a blue priest because of the ceremonial ceremonies, so I can understand what the priest has, but it is not. What will the family say?


“I’m going to know what the family says, so I’ll allow a family worried about you to go in and out of your room to see what you are doing. It ’s a concession, so do n’t neglect your room ’s winter preparations. ”


The priest tells me “Let’s not neglect,” but it’s not easy to get ready for winter. Although I was preparing to add it to the orphanage, I went out of the room of the priest with a sudden discoloration.


… Oh! My winter preparation is more difficult than orphanage!


As I returned to my room, I was screaming, and Rosina, who was anxious to lower her eyebrows, looked into her face.


“Mine, the color of your face is not good …”


“Okay, Rosina. I’m just a little upset. Fran, I asked from the priest, but I have to live in the temple during the winter.”


laughing at Rosina who worries and answering, I ask Francs about winter preparations. Franc slowly nodded by the chief.


“There will be a dedicated ritual, so it will be difficult for Mine to attend”


“… The winter preparations for me were completely unexpected, but what do I need?”


“As for the food, we assume that we will prepare for winter, so it seems that there will be no problem even if Mine ’s share increases.


“It was good, yes”


‘I was not a big problem. Still, if you don’t calculate properly, you don’t know how much your spending will increase.


“… Rosina, you’re bad, can you go to the workshop and call me Lutz?”


“I’m smart”


The story about winter preparations continues in the room with tea from Delia. Things to prepare for life, things to prepare for handicrafts, things necessary for picking up the winter specialties Paru, I think if there is anything else I need To write.


franc asks the chef’s schedule to ask if he can live in the winter.


While doing so, Rosina and Lutz returned from the workshop.


“Mine, Rosina came to call me, what happened?”


“Hey, Lutz. I don’t know at all because I’ve never been involved, but do you think pork processing can be done within ten days?”


When I talked about the plan for pork processing I was told by the chief priest, Lutz frowned while scolding.


“Isn’t it too steep? I don’t know if a smokehouse can be rented”


“I think it’s too urgent, but I was told that there was no time for the blue priests to leave this time. glue ( Nika ) The production is done in the previous warehouse, but it is too small to carry tools again?


It is too hard to work in a warehouse about 6 tatami mats. Lutz thought of the situation, engraved a spear on his nose and screamed.


“… I understand. I’ll go to the store now and ask my husband. If you can’t do it, you’ll decide to do it in the warehouse. Please send me to Fran until the store. “


“Thank you, please, Lutz”


When Lutz turned around and started to the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce, I looked down at the writing board and started writing what I needed for the winter again.


As I increase, the amount increases considerably. If you think that it’s several months’ worth of food, you can’t be foolish even for one child.


…… That ’s bad. You may not have enough money. I have to make Cinderella in a hurry.


“Mine needs new clothes.”


“Okay, Delia. That’s what I’m going to buy tomorrow. I thought the side servants and orphans needed winter clothes … Well, I bought the children from the orphanage. Is it better to take the sidemen with you tomorrow ’s shopping? ”




Delia raised his voice. It seems that I am very interested in shopping and new clothes. Contrary to Delia, Rosina has a slightly floating face. I’m sure he wants to take an answering machine and play a festival without going out. Rosina shook her head quietly.


“… Orphans have the grace of God. If you don’t go outside, do you know if it’s necessary?”


Certainly, I’ve managed to do so with the grace of God so far, so it may be okay to be in the temple. However, during the winter sunny days, you must go to pick paru.


“Oh, there are days when kids have to go to the winter forest. You also need hats and gloves.”


There are a large number of people who have become accustomed to the forest, so you have to use it well. Especially this year, my mother is pregnant and cannot go to the winter forest. By having Turi lead the children, I intend to secure the parrot for my house.


…… Abuse of authority? No matter what you say, I do not intend to miss the precious winter sweetness.


For that purpose, cold protection is essential. Also, you need a sledge to carry your luggage. I’d like an iron plate and a spatula for baking parrot cake.


I keep on the letter board one after another. When I calculate the amount of expenses, my current hand is not enough.


“Mine, I asked the chef. Ella seems to be able to live in if she has a room.”


“Well, I’ll save you”


In negotiations through francs, Ella took the lead while she was locked in the snow, and she decided to add a child who was interested in cooking from the children in the orphanage as an assistant.


“Rosina, please ask Virma, who makes soup at an orphanage, who’s right for your assistant. Then, Franco Lutz returned to the store first. Send me to the store. Can you please me?]


“I’m smart”


Rosina and Franc both responded with a voice.


If he thought that Delia seemed uncomfortable, he seemed to wait for the story to end. Asking questions one after another, unraveling the belt and taking off the blue robe.


“Mine, where do you go shopping? Do you buy my winter clothes? Do you choose Mine’s winter clothes? How much do you buy?”


“… Delia is too excited. You may not be able to sleep tonight.”


When I was laughing unintentionally, pressed by Delia’s momentum, Delia asserted with her eyes shining brightly.


“Wow! Isn’t it just natural to get excited? Shopping!”


“Delia, if you don’t finish Mine-sama as soon as possible, Fran will be waiting below”


When Rosina laughed a little and pointed out that her hand had stopped, Delia rushed and ended her dressing.


“Now tomorrow. Let’s go to buy winter clothes. If you don’t like Virma, you’ll want to come to the Gilberta Chamber with 3 bells on the other side.”


Talking about tomorrow’s schedule while going down the stairs about the leading Delia, Delia opened the door with a full smile and looked back.


“Three bells? I’m confident. Well then, welcome me, Mine. We look forward to your early return.”


“I’m asking for absence”


laughing together with Fran in full of excitement in Delia, walking with the franc in the city of dusk where you feel cool chills while discussing the content written on the writing board with Fran.


“Fran, tell Gil, five books of children’s scriptures in the workshop. Would you tell me to bring them to Gilberta tomorrow?”


“… it doesn’t matter, why is that?”


fran, who knows that I was going to make a textbook, leans his head, blinking his eyes. It would be better to tell the franc who manages all of the room.


“I have no money to sell”




“The priest told me to get ready for winter easily, but it was completely unexpected for me to get ready for winter. I had to order Benno as soon as possible. However, I don’t have enough days to make the second picture book, and paper and ink won’t sell if I think about making a picture book from now on … It’s a very serious situation. “


franc was lightly stunning in my mess. It hardens as if you don’t know what to do, and opens and closes your mouth. When he looked up, thinking that the gesture of confusion was similar to the procession of the chief priest, Fran shook his head.


“Oh, Mine, are you okay? Isn’t there money? I don’t have enough money … I don’t understand what it is like when there is no money, but I can’t shop. Will it be …? ”


Fran, who grew up in an orphanage and served as a rich noble priest who could bring five books to the temple, seems to have never suffered from a lack of money.


Only after you have served me, you can’t get everything you want, you have to put up with the Lord if you don’t have money, you can’t get money if you don’t earn money Say you knew that.


“It’s okay, Franc. Calm down. I’m confident I can make and sell Cinderella as soon as possible and get it back in winter handicrafts, but I can’t afford to hold it now. Delia is so happy. Don’t let the other kids know about the lack of money, and I’m sorry if Benno-san told me that he wanted me to sell it because it was a good picture book. 19459002]

“… I’m smart”


At the end of the secret talk with Fran, Gilberta Shokai became visible. You can see people in front of the store. Lutz was the person who found this and waved his hand.


“Wait me, Lutz”


“Well, are you going home?”


“Thank Fran, it’s getting a little early, so let’s go back to the temple as it is. Franck. See you tomorrow.”


franc, smiling with a complicated smile in my words, crossed his hands in front of his chest, folded his hips lightly, and gave a jealousy.


I went home with Lutz, listening to the results of the discussion with Benno.


“I received a word from my husband that I would negotiate with the rural village. It depends on the plan of the smoked hut.”


“Well, by the time the blue priest came back glue ( Niwa ) I hope it will end … “


I sighed, I sighed, but Lutz gave up his shoulders as if amazed.


“Mine, worry about whether pork can be processed from glue. The orphanages are the only ones who are the first ones?” The store will be ready for winter, so this time it will be able to process pork But there are few experienced people who can help, but my husband told me to ask a butcher to dispatch me, but when there are no more experienced people? ”


Originally, it was scheduled to be done jointly with the winter preparation of Gilberta Shokai, but since this schedule will be greatly advanced, each will prepare for winter. If that happens, the number of experienced people will decrease dramatically. ( mackerel ) I don’t know what to do I don’t think it’s useful for beginners


“… I’m going to ask Turi once with my father, but I don’t know when it will be yet. I can’t ask”


My mother has been excluded because she seems to be pregnant, but if possible, I would like my father and Turi to help. But I can’t talk to you when the day isn’t set.


“Well, yes … Is it okay, then?”




“Uncle Gunter, don’t you get angry to fall into the temple during the winter?”


“… Yeah, maybe. I have to convince you.”


Yes, after today’s meal, it is a family meeting after a long time. I can see that my family is worried and angry.


“But dedication is Mine’s job. I think it’s better that Mine should not leave the temple. I would say, but the room in front of the temple is absolutely warmer and harder to catch than the house. I think that Franc has come to understand your physical condition. ”


“Thanks, Lutz. I’ll let Lutz’s words be negotiating …. My family has more trust than my words.”


“I broke up at Lutz and the well square, who encouraged me to do my best, and I went up the stairs.


“Mine, what are you talking about?”


After the meal was over, as soon as I cut out “I have a story,” the family’s complexion changed all at once. The deadline of life, entering the temple, invitations from the temple … Even if I don’t think about it, my story is only bad for my heart. There is no reason to be wary.


“Well, in fact … I was told by the priest today. There is an important ritual during the winter, so it would be a problem if it wouldn’t be possible to come because of a snowstorm. “Let me go to the temple”


“What do you mean !? I should have told Mine to go!”


Sure enough, my father slammed at the table. Turi and his mother also crawl together.


“Yes, that’s right, but the winter ceremonial ritual is important. It’s a ritual with magical power, and if it doesn’t accumulate magic here, it will affect the yield of the next year. If a crop stops growing, many people will be in trouble? ”


“Did the temple do that?”


I slowly spoke to Turi’s words full of surprises. I didn’t know what the temple was doing until it became an apprentice. The people involved in the temple basically don’t go down to the downtown area, so you can’t see it unless it is a baptism ceremony, an adult ceremony, or a festival. Since the work contents of the temple are not told, the evaluation of the temple is not so high in the city.


“Sure, it may be more important, but your physical condition is more important. I don’t want Mine to go alone in the temple. I don’t know when to die.”


“Lutz said that Fran is starting to see my physical condition, and that it would be nice for the family to come and see the situation. That was the biggest concession.


My father bites my back teeth. I understand the importance of the priesthood and the concession of the priest, but I understand how painful I don’t want to allow it.


“What does Mine want to do?”


‘My mother asked me to do so while stroking her stomach to calm down.


I have already responded to the chief priest, and have helped various people to prepare for winter preparations. There is one answer.


“… Go to the temple. That’s my job.”




I slowly shook my head in the anger of my father.


“Dad, I am the director of an orphanage, so I have to take care of the orphanage. And I was allowed to enter the temple because of the magical power? Is allowed, and no physical labor is required. “


My father got stuck in his words and clenched his fist. Grab the words you want to say and close your tight eyes.


“The chief of the priest has put in this opinion as much as possible and protected it. Then I have to come out to the ritual that requires magic. And then, you’re sure your life has been extended, and you almost never fell down by the heat of eating, isn’t it dedicated to me? “

な け れ ば If you don’t have magical tools, it’s time to die. I live alive by dedicating magical power to the sacred tools in the temple.


“What do you do if you lose your health?”

“There is a bed in the room, there is a side serving, and it will never be left. I would like Turi to tell the side serving what to do when it falls down with heat.

ト ゥ ー Turi, who had entered the room, asked, “There ’s a bed over there.

“Then, my mom is going to teach. If Mine cares during the winter, I have to say hello …”


“Mom, can’t you move now? Don’t be overwhelmed”

“I can move. Pregnancy is not a disease. Evil ( Morning sick ) is gradually becoming better.

¡My mother says so, and when she feels a little better, she decides to greet the side serving by looking at the temple room. I was motivated to speak, and my mother started to follow me on the premise that I could speak.

決定 The decision of the noble temple side cannot be overturned now. My father exhaled greatly, scratching his head.

“… Is it good for my family to go?”

“Yeah, come here because I’m lonely”

“I’m a teacher in a sewing class, and I’m going to go to an orphanage in the winter to learn the character, so I’ll go to see Mine.”

ト ゥ ー Turi laughed and said so, and his father looked at me with a gloomy expression.

“Why does Mine only rely on Turi? Depend on dad a little more”

“Huh ??”

I hurry to find a job for my father who wants to be relied on.

“Well, can you help my father teach the orphanage’s winter handicrafts? Cutting wood boards or carving grooves, but it’s hard for Lutz alone” < / p>

“Okay, leave it to me. What else?”

I’m not the main profession, but when I asked my dexterous father to be a teacher in the woodwork class, he laughed and took over. There are many things I want you to do if you say you can rely on them and they can help you.

“Then, the date hasn’t been decided yet, but I’d like you to help me with pork processing at the orphanage.

“That’s hard. Do you have your work changed or adjusted when the day is decided?”

“Let me know what you need to prepare for the winter. I’m hot and you don’t know how to prepare for the winter, right? I don’t know if there are any. “


□ After that, each family started to talk about things they needed to prepare for winter and things they had to check.

Most of it was my body, and I wrote down everything with a smile.


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