Now, before the blue priest comes back, let’s finish the work that smells at once.


The day after pork processing, Glue ( Nika ) Making and [ Candles ( Candles ) Lutz said that he would make cheese and make cheese.


In my house, I have only made cottage cheese made by adding vinegar to the milk I bought from the house that owns the cows. It seems that they are also making natural cheese that is fermented and aged.


“Is it better for the orphanage because it’s better for conservation?”


“… I don’t know a lot, but I think it’s good to have more winter food”


I see Lutz and Gil working today while talking about that. I had practiced Feshpeel until the third bell rang, so the arrival at the workshop was delayed, but the work seems to be going smoothly.


In the workshop that came with the franc, there are priests and apprentices who share various tasks. I usually go to the priest ’s help, so I do n’t look around the workshop so it ’s a bit fresh and fun.


“Lutz, Gil, how are you going?”


“Mine !?”


“That’s all right. Pork skin is here, candle making is over there, melted once Filtration ( Or [ ) I’m removing the flesh from the meat, Enseki?


In the pan in front of Lutz and Gill, I saw that the endothelium had already been peeled off and drifted into the lime water. It ’s still far from being buoyant, whether it ’s just starting to lime. In the direction Lutz pointed out, the gray priest filtered the beef tallow melted by three people.


“Skin is left a little more. ‘Salting out’ may be a bit cumbersome, but it will make the odor much better and it will be a good quality oil.”


There seems to be no salting out at Lutz’s house. It seems that it’s not so common around here because I started to adopt it because it smelled really bad.


Perhaps the surroundings that I know are basically poor streets, and although it is better than other spices, I think that salt is never cheap.


“Later, Deenbu and Lumoser’s herbs can be erased by mixing them in finely chopped and melted wax. But you can’t use Guerieli and Sarcorello. The smell will double. With a note “


When I taught how to reduce the beast smell of candles, Lutz shook his shoulders and laughed, laughing after a little rounded eyes.


“Oh, Mine’s failure?”


“Ugu-san … Because failure is the mother of success. Success is born out of many failures.”


“Hey, I see. Great, Mine”


Gill sings with my eyes honestly. My side service is cute. I want you to grow up straight.


“By the way, Mine. What is Enseki? Is it difficult?”


“It takes more time and effort, but it’s not difficult. Simply put, add salt water, simmer in low heat for a while, and trash the garbage several times. When it gets cold, it will cool down so it will harden as if it were oil on top and salted water on the bottom. If it solidified white, drain the water below and use only the supernatant oil. ”


When I briefly explain the procedure, Gil sings. Lutz whispered while listening, but suddenly blinked his eyes.


“Now, Mine. Isn’t it necessary to think of soap here?”


“Because of the grace of God, it’s okay to turn everything into candles”


In our house, we make soap in the spring, so we save a part of the oil, but here the soap is provided as the grace of God. Since it was important for the gray priest to cleanse clothes and body, the soap was given with considerable margin. I want more food than soap, but the priority for the blue priest seems to be different.


“Oh, yes. Gill, there are a lot of small chunks of meat that were on the oil tonight, so it will be delicious in tonight’s soup. Tell the gray priest. Please give me it.


Gill whispers and runs to the filtered priest. I found that the priest who opened the dressed cloth and looked into it shouted happily saying, “Meat!”. Me and Lutz look at each other and make a small laugh.


“Well, meat is important”


Yeah, after I asked, I looked around the workshop. In work other than glue and candles, you can see gray priests and apprentices squeezing nut oil with a press to squeeze the water on the paper. You can use lamp oil for cooking as well, so I want a lot. Orphanages basically only make soups, so they are not used for cooking.


And the usual protagonist was brought to the corner of the workshop today. In the middle of making the paper, the paper that is squeezing moisture and the white skin and black skin that are drying are visible towards the edge. I stopped looking at the completed and stacked paper.


“What’s the main?”


“Hey, Lutz. How much is the studio paper now made?”


Lutz looked the same as me and narrowed his eyes.


“I’ve just printed a picture book during this time, and I think there weren’t 300 copies right now. I don’t know the exact number unless I drain the water.”


“Yeah, I want to print the second edition of the children’s scriptures, but I want to print it at once so that the paper does not go wrong. So I want a lot of paper. Can you do it? ”


A large amount of paper and ink is required to avoid wasting paper. Since ink is also used in winter handicrafts, Benno orders to add linseed oil. There is no problem because there is still a large amount of firewood.


All you need is paper.


“Forin isn’t a good wood for a cocoon, but it’s a season when the skin is getting hard. It’s time to check with a timber shop. Even if you use all the white skin and black skin here Isn’t it 750? “


“Yes, please ask as much as you can”


“Let me leave it”


Lutz contracted, so let’s leave the paper to Lutz.


“Mine, if you still have time to peel the skin, would you go to see how to make cheese?”


Listening to Lutz, I moved to the basement of the women’s building together with the francs.


“Is cheese made in the girls’ wing?”


“Oh, the pot is ……… Is it better to use a different pan for making paper and a pot for cheese?”


“That’s right”


I would like to stop making preserved foods in a pan that steals ash and bark, but many people say that there is no problem if it is washed around here. It seems to be eaten where there was a little ash. I think I can eat but I hate it.


However, orphanage children usually eat the surplus of the nobility, so if there are enough pots to divide, it is safer.


“It’s done!”


“Next, please dry this”


When going to the women’s building, the children dries the fruits and strawberries they picked in the forest, the priestess and shrine maiden make cheese and soup, and simmer the fruits and honey picked up in the forest I was working hard to make it. It has a sweet smell and is completely different from the beast smell of the men’s building.


“Even if you make this, it will disappear at noon”


“I wish the harvest festival ended early. It’s hard to make so many soups a day”


During the Harvest Festival, where the god’s blessing is lowered by the blue priest, the cook seems to be busy and seems to have to make soups that are almost twice as usual. Cheeks loosen up to the girls who are cutting vegetables while sharpening their lips and stirring the pot with a bitter smile.


“Well, Mine !?”


The children who found me hurried and stopped their hands, then crossed their hands in front of the chest and bent down.


When I called out, “Please continue the work,” I resumed the work with a nervous and jerky movement different from the previous one.


… I’m really scared.


Priests working in the workshop are coming and going from time to time to meet with Lutz and see new work, so the tension is still unwinding. However, I don’t have a face to make soup in the girls’ wing, so I can see that I’m nervous.


“I just came here to hear that I was making cheese from Lutz. Are you doing well?”


“Milk has just warmed up”


The girl laughs awkwardly while slowly stirring the pot with a slightly larger wooden spatula. Lutz looked into the pot and struck it lightly.


“It’s okay to warm up, so call me if you start to see small bubbles on the edge of the pot”




If you look at the hot pot and the fire, you can calculate the approximate time, Lutz asks the children who are drying the fruit, after asking “I think it’ll be fine”.


“Oh, little guys. Come to the workshop to go to the store to pick up your luggage”




The children stopped their hands to dry the fruit and began to clear the straw to the basement of the girls’ wing.


“Luggage comes one after another, so I have to pick it up before I can afford it. Mine returns to the room. Because you are nervous, you get nervous.”


“Yes, I understand”


I return to my room, exhaling relief that work is proceeding smoothly. If this is the case, important work will be over before the blue priest returns. Once you’re done with the smell, you can do it slowly.


In the kitchen of our room, in parallel with the usual meal making, it seems that a lot of pork that has not been cooked and sliced ​​yesterday is being salted or confited. I’m busy.


Referring to the fluttering kitchen from the side, when I went upstairs, Delia tried to practice the letters while watching the children’s scriptures, and Rosina faced the problem that Fran had left behind.


“Is it possible to make a continuation of the paper?”


When I was thinking of working with them, Fran smiled and brought a wooden bill. Shake your head toward me while holding out a wooden bill.


“No, Mine. Let’s review the words of prayer before the edition so that we can deal with any requests of the Knights”


The Knights are of course aristocratic gatherings, so it seems impossible to make a trivial mistake when dispatched upon request. Fran is most worried about calling from the Knights rather than the winter orphanage.


“… When will the Knights request come?”


“It’s not definitely decided, but there will be once or twice a year before the start of winter, so it will come a little more”


“Yes …”


Primarily, apprentices do not appear in rituals. No one wants to perform an important ritual on an immature apprentice. That is why I never participated as a blue priest in baptismal ceremony, adult ceremony or star-knot ceremony in the temple.


Naturally, the request from the Knights is usually a ritual directed by an adult blue priest, Fran says. The Knights will be a group of men, so it seems that the blue maiden will not be close to avoid bad rumors.


However, because there is no blue priest who has the magical power to perform the ritual, the blue apprentice shrine maiden, who is supposed to be the farthest from the main role in the temple, will have that role. That’s right.


“But, Franc, it’s funny. Isn’t the priest a lot of magic?”


There is a suitable person even if I am not. The chief priest must have jumped and had a lot of magic in the blue priests left in the temple.


“… Yes, but in some cases the Priest has to prioritize work as a nobleman over work as a priest”


The number of aristocrats is not limited to the temples, but the knights seem to be in the same state. If you are an excellent knight, there are many who were pulled out to the center like the temple, and Fran secretly tells you that there are so many nobles in the Knights that you can not join considering the amount of original magic power It was.


Meanwhile, the nobleman who is a fine aristocrat who graduated from the Aristocracy is required to work as a shrine maiden because there is a possibility that he must follow the role of the knights. Says Fran.


…… Isn’t the maiden’s first mission a knight’s request, isn’t it seriously responsible?


When I was praying for a prayer with a cold sweat on the looming request, Fran raised his face as if he was relieved.


“… Mine, what happened to the ceremonial outfit?”


“I think you’re ready to finish because you’ve already sewed and you’ve entered lockstitch.”


After basting, Corinna says that if you feel well, you can do it for 4 days or even 10 days at best. When I told Fran that way, Fran stroked his chest as if he was relieved.


“Yes, then bring it to the temple as soon as possible so that it can be released immediately if requested.”


So, when I and Fran reviewed the prayers, Gill returned to the room with a box. The baggage from Gilberta Chamber of Commerce seems to have arrived.


“Fran, can you help me? I have big luggage”


“I understand. I’m going now. Delia, Rosina, ask me to open it. Mine doesn’t move, please review here.”


Following the franc that stood up to answer Gil’s request, Rosina and Delia also descended downstairs. Delia and Rosina unpack the luggage in the small hall, and Franc and Gill go to the workshop to pick up the luggage.


“Wow! The rug has arrived!”


Delia’s voice, which he likes to redesign and decorate the room, echoed from the downstairs.


“Now this room is ready for winter. Immediately …”


“Delia, it’s almost time for lunch. Let’s change to work from noon.”


Rosina, who stopped the runaway of Delia, seems to have decided to clean up and change the room after lunch.


“Mine, please go to the workshop with Gil.”


After lunch, I was expelled from the room with a smile from Delia.


Because the priest is absent at the Harvest Festival, I cannot enter the library even with Franc. I can’t go to the library. If I can’t stay in the room, I can only go to the workshop.


And since Fran is a precious man, Delia told me that it would be a problem if he was taken, so the companion to the workshop was Gil.


“The skin has swelled so much that Lutz told me to see it. Mine, let’s go to the workshop together”


“Gill is kind”


When I go to the workshop, I don’t have a meal at the orphanage yet. Since there was no one to stop, I casually approached the pan and looked into it.


“Looks good. If you wash well to remove the lime, boil it.”


“I understand”


“… That? Mine, did you come?”


Lutz, who finished his lunch and report at Benno, looks at me in the workshop and turns his eyes. It’s rare for me, who shouldn’t work, to go to the workshop many times a day.


“Rug has arrived? Delia redesigned the room, and was overwhelmed … Because he was in the way, he was kicked out”


“Hey. Well, was it right?”




When I tilted my head, Lutz lightly gave up my shoulder.


“I had a ceremonial outfit, so when I had time, I was asked to go to Corinna-sama, and my husband asked me to send me a message. If I go there, I will pick you up on the way home. ”


I asked Kurukuri for Lutz’s proposal. It’s dangerous for me to stand outside on a cold autumn day. If you can evacuate, you should go.


“Yes, I will bring Rosina to Corinna, so when Lutz comes to pick me up, bring Franc together. Rosina alone cannot return.”


“I understand”


“Lutz, please wash your skin first. I will send you Mine”


When I returned to the room with Gill, Delia, who began to reject large furniture, was angry at me. I can’t afford to show a rough room, so the Lord should not come back until the cleaning is over.


“You have a ceremonial outfit. Go to the Gilberta Company and go home today. Just change clothes. Then leave Rosina with you to Corinna. Is it good? ”


“I’m smart”


Rosina went to change clothes for the outing, and Delia quickly changed my clothes, saying “I’ll have my room ready by tomorrow”.


Descends to the first floor with Rosina who puts a sleeve on a dress of freshly-obtained oil.


“Fran, bad, but I think Lutz will come to the store when I return to the store, so would you come to the store together? As expected, Rosina can’t return alone after the sunset”


“I’m smart. Welcome, Maine. We look forward to your early return.”


Refed to Franc, walk with Rosina on the main street of the city where the sun was warm but the wind was getting cold. Unlike Franc, who walks to the store with me and picks me up at the house, and Gil, who goes to the forest, Rosina doesn’t have many opportunities to go outside. The state of Rosina looking around is unusual.


“I think if you can walk outside with Virma, you will be able to draw more …”


“Sometimes you’ll want to go out. At first, when you make a soup in the basement, the priest who helped us carry the water, Vilma, who was confused by the distance, can now give instructions. It’s like that “


Vilma, who has been able to entrust the orphanage and children, seems to be getting stronger little by little. I was happy to see the changes in Vilma little by little in the report from Rosina.


“Hi, I was called to Marc’s. Benno’s, it came immediately.”


“Since my husband is in a business talk now, I will ask Mr. Corinna directly. Please wait here”


Rosina stands behind me when she sits in a chair as recommended by Marc. An apprentice who was instructed by Marc carried tea. I drank the tea and took a breath.


“Mine, please come here”


Marc called me with impersonation because Rosina was there and I was a guest of Corinna today. Exit the store and go up to the third floor from the front stairs.


“I am Corinna-sama, Maine-sama”


Welcome, Maine


When Marc knocks, Corinna welcomes you with a smile. And I stopped looking at Rosina and looked lightly.


“Is there a side serving today? Is it better to call me Mine?”


“I don’t care either personally, but it might be better considering Rosina’s evidence.”


“Wow, then Mine. Please come here.”


When I enter the usual reception room I was instructed to put on the kimono with the furniture I usually use as a hanger rack Garment ( Let’s go ] ) The ceremonial outfits were spread over the front and used like .




It seems to be installed in a position where the light coming from the window hits, and a flowing water pattern embroidered with the same color thread and a flower representative of the season appear. The light seemed to shine a little white with light, and it seemed like water.


“… It’s amazing.”


Rosina’s exclamation struck me, and I was relieved.


“Thank you, Corinna-san, thank you”


“Thank you very much”


«Korinna, who laughed softly, gradually removes her outfit with a gentle gesture as if holding her stomach that is getting bigger.


“Would you like to try it on? I’m sorry, but I’m hungry, so can you help me?”


“Yes, of course”


Rosina dresses me with the blue garment she received from Corinna. Rosina’s hands, who served as a blue priest apprentice, have no hesitation.


Cloth of the same color is embroidered in blue, embroidered with silver thread on the sleeves and hem on the rim, and gold thread on the neck. In the embroidery around the neck, the emblem of the Mine workshop is embroidered with gold thread at a position that can be seen in the middle when viewed from the front.


…… I’m nervous.


It feels like an adult-style furisode. I have to be quiet. Do not pollute. I’m driven by such an obsession.


“The band is here”


It seems that the apprentice band to match the ceremonial costume is silver embroidery on white, and gold embroidery on white for adults. Corinna explained that this embroidery was also a prayer sentence of the scriptures.


“That cloth feels a lot thicker …?”


Rosina, who was dressed up, looked up at Corinna while arranging the belt. Corinna explained the fried food that was incorporated into the costume for the ritual without breaking the smile.


“This way, by folding the fabric in advance and sewing it, it can be made larger as it grows …. Originally asked by Mine, it was shaped like this. It’s unusual, but rarely used. Is it reasonable if it is a ceremonial costume? ”


“… I’m always surprised by Mine”


Rosina exclaimed when she explained that it was my suggestion, not Corinna’s originality. Rosina stood up after dressing up and looked at me from various angles.


“It’s a very good outfit, Mine. The water and flower embroidery will emerge as you move, and it will attract the people around you.”


Corinna, who introduced something new to the ceremonial costume, stroked her chest as if relieved by receiving a drumming from Rosina who served Christine.


Ceremonial costumes are prepared, rooms are redesigned for winter, and preserved foods are made one after another. Candles are made and carried into each basement along with the firewood. The glue was poured into a wooden box, placed in a place where a cool breeze passed and began to dry.


In the workshop, a large amount of paper is made and ink is made for the second printing. After confirming the number of tools needed for winter handicrafts, the missing items were bought.


Thus, the orphanage I have to deal with is almost finished in winter.


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