I am Ferdinand.


It ’s not so pleasant to do now. However, for this city, it is only necessary for the country to confirm whether Mine is a harmful entity that can be a disaster or a beneficial entity that brings benefits.


Looking down on Mine who has fallen into a deep sleep with medicine and magic tools. A frog and a frog fell out of a weak hand.


Pick it up and watch it. Only Mine connects her hair with a wooden stick that has just been shaved. I thought that everyone was doing if it was a commoner, but there is no one who puts hair in a broom like Mine just by inserting the hair ornament that I saw at the recent baptism ceremony into the tied hair .


Mysterious child.


The thinking circuit that seems to have already received advanced education, its habit, thoughts and attention are not enough. Melville Dewey, which does not exist no matter how you look for it, knows the decimal classification table that does not exist anywhere in this country, and the idea of ​​inventing what you want one after another.


The orphanage was rebuilt, the children were given work, and food was given instead. He loves books so much that he has created a scripture for children.


Mine is an unusual child. Even the severely educated aristocrat, the child will not be able to do anything that Mine has done. It’s not something you can do for a young child who has just finished a baptismal ceremony.


Originally a strange child, but since he was never heading in the wrong direction, the lord didn’t lend me this magic tool just because it was strange.


However, Mine showed unbelievable magical power in the healing ceremony of the other day. It is not normal eating to fill such a large wasteland with magic power in no time.


Honestly, it was magical enough to surpass the lord at this point. If you grow, you don’t know how much magic will grow.


魔 The amount of magical power is terribly abundant, and everyone, including the commoner’s daughter who can make a lot of money by invention, tries to capture it. Proving that I’m under asylum will give me some protection in this city, but it’s only a matter of time before the nobility in the other territories knows it.


Then I don’t know if I can protect it. And it is not clear at this time whether it is worth protecting.


That’s why this time the lord said he could use this magic tool. Search the memory, see the “dream world” that Mine spoke of, explore the value of Mine, and judge harmful and harmless.


“I want to know that it is harmless at least …”


If the criminal is the other party, it is easy because it is only possible to confirm from the memory whether or not the crime has actually been committed, but in the case of Mine, how much value is there, whether it is harmful to us, Must be found in memory. Judgment seems very difficult.


“…, above all, sparse ( Uto ) I will be 19459002]


魔 Peek into memory using magical tools. After that, you will be wary and will not stop by. In noble society where emotions are concealed and attention must be paid to words and actions so as not to be lifted, there is no one who has a thought circuit in the face like Mine.


Even if I put it in the temple, I always had to think about how much I could trust with the temple head and how much I could trust, but only Mine didn’t have to think about the front and back. It was nice to have a person who had an emotional see-through but did not need to be wary.


I knew it for the first time when I lost it, but apparently I seemed to like Mine unexpectedly.


I sighed lightly and picked up the magic tool that was still on the desk. Place the ring with the same red magic stone as Mine on the forehead.


Kneeling beside Mine lying on the chaise longue and matching each other’s forehead with a click. Slowly pour in magical power and synchronize consciousness.


Ordinarily, magical powers that are different from your own will enter, so it is natural that there is a backlash. However, even if the magic power is poured into Mine, there is no repulsion and no resistance. My magical power is flowing toward Mine.


This is very helpful in view of the purpose of this time, but why do you want to be reprimanded to defend yourself a little and not accept others without resistance?


Talking to Mine, I felt like I wanted to beat it.


“Mine, can you hear me?”


“That? The voice of the priest, where is it?”


Mine’s voice was too weak. Is this more like barking, hating, scaring, or nothing?


“Now I’m synchronizing my consciousness. Your magic is more than expected. You are educated in the world of dreams and you know you know the world of dreams. I have to judge whether I am a person or not.I’m sorry, but I will look into your memory from now on. “


“Yes, I understand. It’s good.”


I felt distracted from the lightly returned response. Why does Mine show no resistance at all when she has to look into her memory?


“I will peek into your memory, is it really good? Isn’t it so good?”


“That’s right, but … It’s not something you can talk about. It’s the fastest way to see it. Innocent sins, accusations and assumptions. It ’s better than being disposed of at the time. ”


Mine said that the priest could do it, but would use a magic tool to judge. I am in sync and I understand that Mine really thinks so.


Should I say that it is clean or should I speak with a little doubt? Mine concludes that it is the latter, but it seems better to postpone preaching. I want to finish the synchronization that seems so tired as soon as possible.


“Then, can you take me to the dream world you said before? If you think strongly, you should be there.”


“Eh? Does that mean you can go where you want to go?”


Why! ? Mine is thrilled to be peeped at the memory. A fun and irresistible mood has been transmitted here.


Bad. I feel very bad. Can I take the reins of Mine who runs out of control? If you do not stand up with a strong mind, this is likely to be dragged around.


“I don’t want to show you what I want to see. First I want to see the source of your knowledge”


“Let me leave you! I will guide you to my beloved library!”


I was standing in front of a strange big building with a bright voice of Mine. I wanted to know how tall the building was, but for me, who has the same field of view as Mine, the range that Mine can see without moving her face is limited.


The feet that can be seen are stone-paved and beautiful, and the wind that strokes the skin is gentle. Looking at the place where there is no dirt or odor, it is not downtown. Is this a noble town?


“Wow, I miss you!”


Mine’s voice resonates and the field of view moves and moves into the building. Saying that this scene is nostalgic, Mine’s gait that goes inside without hesitation is so light. I can be sure that this is the world she knows.


Even though I didn’t touch it, I couldn’t pass magical power, but an incredibly clear and uniformly thick glass door opened with a faint sound.


“Mine, is there magic here too? Wasn’t it necessary to understand because there is no magic item in the Mine decimal taxonomy?”


“Oh … it’s not magic, but it’s an automatic door that moves according to different laws, so I think it’s a similar thing.”


The world of Mine, where there is no magic, but another law is alive and there is something like magic. Where is this place?


“Mine, what country is this? At least it doesn’t seem to be a country I know?”


“I say Japan. I used to live here, died buried in a book, and I was Mine if I noticed”




I don’t understand what Mine is saying, but I don’t feel like hiding anything, and I’ve just received the feeling of just stating the facts. It is my first experience that I cannot understand because I am honest.


“…… Is buried in a book and will you die?”


I could not understand the situation of being buried in a book and dying. Before I can’t imagine a book that can be buried, I can see an amazing bookcase and a space filled with books.


“… what is here?”


“My favorite city general library”


It was a library packed with books as long as I look around. There are not so many books in the Aristocratic Library. It was possible amount to be buried.


“Is this a book?”


“Yes, because it’s a library. But, recently, there are” videos “,” CDs “,” DVDs “and it’s not just books, but it’s basically books. Oh, I’m happy. This is my paradise! ”


You can see that Mine’s heart is really occupied only by the happiness she wants to cry. Whether there is a favorite place, Mine goes straight between bookshelves.


This library has soft carpets on the floor, so I don’t care about footsteps. Just thinking about how much money this building costs is dizzying.


I see. If you have memories of living in such a place, and you have been searching for books and libraries from the bottom of your heart, you can see a little bit about crying when you find the library of the temple. Apparently, in this world, books seem to be loved very much.


As Mine stepped forward, she appeared to be touching the book, but those who were dressed in poor clothes seemed to be rich in color at the edge of the field of vision. My common sense is that such a poor cannot touch a book.


“Mine, is that a madman? Is it okay for someone like that to touch the book?”


“A madman? Who is it?”


Mine’s line of sight walked away from the passage.


“Left. Even though she is an adult woman, her knees are exposed. The cloth is dyed even though it is a poor who cannot prepare the cloth so much. Should I stop dyeing it?


“Women’s skirt length isn’t fixed here. I don’t mind because I’m just wearing my favorite clothes. But it’s amazing, this dream. It feels and smells.” [19459002 ]


Mine seems to have lost interest in the woman, so she immediately returned her eyes to the bookshelf. The books that are lined up are books on the paper cover that Mine made, but their beauty and quantity are beyond my imagination.


Mine, who slowly moved her eyes from one end of the bookshelf to another, took out a book, hugged it, and began to smell it. Because of being in sync, the smell of books and ink is forced into my consciousness, and I’m forced into a sense of satisfaction. I want to stop synchronizing.




Floating Mine started reading a book while sitting on a soft chair at the edge of the bookshelf. It’s not just a chair with a cloth on the board, but it’s very soft and comfortable. what is this.


Even so, there are only books, bookshelves and floors in the field of view. The opened page is visible in the eyes, but it was a tidy line of letters that I couldn’t read. It’s an enumeration of characters that I don’t think can be made by humans, but is this a book made with the print that Mine said? It’s black and white just like the book that Mine made.


“Don’t your book have a picture in your dream world?”


“Eh? Ah? What? Ah, priest chief”


When I talked, Mine shouted. Apparently it was floating in the book, immersed in it and forgot that I was in tune.


What should I do, this idiot. I enjoyed this world completely, such as being peeped in memory.


“Well, is it a picture? … If you want to see a picture, there are books that are collected. This is an art book, this is a photo book”


mine took out a large book with colorful pictures. What was there was a surprisingly rich color and a surprisingly detailed picture. When I was amazed and fascinated by the splendor, Mine closed the pattern and the book.


“Principal, can I read more?”


“No, no. Is this a picture book for children you made?”


“This is a collection of pictures of famous people, not for children. This is the corner for children.”


Saying so, Mine walks through the library. In the library that Mine knows, books are not linked by chains, but she reads books that she likes and loves with a simple cover like Mine made. There are men, women, the elderly, children, finely dressed people, and the poor in frayed clothes.


“This is a picture book, a real Cinderella”


The story became even more incomprehensible if we compared the story and pictures that Mine had brought before. There are no humans whose eyes occupy most of the face, as well as the costumes and hairstyles drawn.


No, wait. It may exist in this world.


“… The one with the picture is more irresponsible than when I heard only your story, but here the picture is rich in color. Also add color to your book”


“I want to put it in …. But the ink is expensive. I will try to make it as much as possible. Ah, I wish I could buy paint in my dreams.”


Mine moved to a place where strange things were lined up at that moment. Strangely shaped objects with colors and letters are on the shelves as long as you look around.


“Oh, I’ve come to the art supply store. Priest, can’t you take it home in a dream?”


“It ’s a foolish decision, what is this?”


“It’s an art supply store that my mother used to go to. This is a paint.”


Whether it’s a book or paint, the world of Mine seems to be abundant. I can only see in this field of view, but I still fear the richness of the culture.


“There are so many different types”


“That’s right. Compared to that city, you’ll have everything. I like” Bookstores “rather than” Art Supplies “.


The moment Mine said so, the place changed again. Mine is not only calm but also thinking. No, isn’t it calming down my thoughts?


“What is here?”


Like a library, it is a place where a large number of books are packed in a bookshelf. However, unlike the library, the music resonated with a loud sound, and the surroundings were so dazzling that I wanted to look into them.


“It’s a shop selling new books. Ufufun,” New issue check “… Oh, it’s only visible as long as you remember!”


Mine shrank without permission, raising a cry that I didn’t understand. Feeling tired even though the emotional ups and downs are intense. Isn’t it because of the emotional ups and downs that Mine often falls down?


“Mine, why is it so bright in the building?”


“Oh, that’s because” Electricity “is on”


Mine turned up, saying so. The bookshelf was cut off and there was a small sun shining white and dazzling.


“How does that work?”


“Well, it’s turned on when you turn on the switch. Ah, I don’t think it can be understood by a priest who doesn’t have basic knowledge so that I can’t understand even if I receive explanations of magic.” I ’ll skip it for more details. ”


While saying so, Mine’s field of view was fixed to the bookshelf. If Mine doesn’t look around a little more, you can’t see anything but the book. Other than the book, the things that appear at the edge of the field of view can tell you about the heterogeneity of this world, but Mine doesn’t want to look at it at all.


“Mine, I want to see something other than the book”


“Eh? I want to see a book. I can’t see a dream that can fully enjoy the five senses in real life.”


Mine is full of dissatisfaction. I really only think about books. I didn’t think I could only see the book so far. If you don’t consciously show other things, it will be over just by looking at the books in this world.


“Mine, do you remember the purpose of having this dream shown?”


“I want to forget … Huh, what do you want to see?”


Mine exhaled as if it was extremely difficult. I am personally asked what I was most interested in.


“Yes, I want to see where you were educated”


“It’s school”


Scenery changed in an instant.


In a room that is not so large, desks are neatly arranged from end to end, and people wearing the same clothes write something. On a small desk, a book with incomprehensible letters and symbols and a bunch of thin and beautiful paper are spread out, and a colored metal box with a picture that I have never seen There were many sticks.


They sometimes raise their faces and write letters by moving sticks with colors and patterns like pens. A man is standing in front of his sight, making a slamming sound on a large stone board, and explaining while writing letters. Is that the teacher of this school?


“So, using this cosine theorem …”


“Mine, what are you doing?”


“I’m taking a class. Is this a memory from high school? Mathematics class. Trigonometric functions … I miss it, but I didn’t like mathematics very much. Was good “


Suddenly the scenery reflected in the sight changes. In the same room, an old woman is walking around the room reading a book.


“Here in Japan, all the people study like this. Well, even when I was an adult since I was a little baptized.”


Along with Mine’s words, the scenery reflected in the field of view changes. All of them are studying in the same room, but there are differences in the way of teaching and standing in front of them. I was stunned that I was studying all the scenes, from children around the age of the baptismal ceremony to those who were prone to adulthood.


“Won’t you study other than that?”


“Well, there are a lot of subjects to study, so there are practical skills to go to the desk in this way”


The scene of running outside wearing uniform clothes, the appearance of men and women entering the water in an unappealing manner, the scene of playing an unfamiliar whistle and playing an unfamiliar song disappears.


“Did you have a music education …”


“Yes, I only learn the easy part at school. So, playing with Feshpeel is not a song I wrote, but a song from this world.”


I see. The song is played with the first felt touch. Mine’s amazingness is the gift of knowledge and education in this world. Unlike ordinary ordinary people, it’s natural.


“Since this kind of education is determined by the country, it’s natural that everyone in Japan can read and calculate letters. I can easily take this kind of study into an orphanage and read them easily.” I want to be able to do as much calculation as possible “


“What is it for?”


I don’t understand the meaning of teaching letters to everyone. Mine said to me as a natural person.


“If there aren’t more people who can read, there will be more people reading books. If there aren’t more people reading books, there will be more people writing.” First, we need to increase the number of people who can read books. “


So far, I’m wondering what the back is, what I’m planning, but now that I’m in sync with Mine, I’m only thinking about reading books from the bottom of my heart I understand. It ’s safe in some ways, but it ’s painful in some ways.


However, seeing Mine’s memory in this way solved some of the questions I had.


“… I thought you learned to read letters strangely quickly, but are you used to learning?”


“I’m used to it. Yes, I’m not aware of it, but I think I’m used to studying compared to the people in that city. And because I wanted to read a book and wanted to read it, I couldn’t help it. I didn’t endure because I wanted to learn. “


Mine had a bitter laugh.


I see the sight in the field of view as much as possible. Wearing the same clothes and taking classes was orderly. The building was large and beautiful and it seemed that nothing was dirty.


“Mine, this is pretty beautifully arranged”


“Yeah, just because it was just rebuilt. But the nice thing about this school is the school library that has the largest collection of books in this area.


At the same time, the scene changes to the library again. It’s probably the school library that Mine explained happily. There were a lot of old books and it had a peculiar little dusty smell.


Mine sucks it happily and is enamored. Won’t you sneak me off?


“Mine, the library is good. Get out.”




When Mine leaned, the landscape became a peaceful garden. Cobblestones, lawns, and flower beds arranged in a row of trees. It looked familiar to me.


“Mine, is this a noble town?”


“… Well, it’s not exactly the same, but it’s similar. I think Japan is closer to aristocratic towns compared to the environment like that downtown. It’s like a magic tool. There are a lot of useful tools. “


“Who? What is it?”


In a world without magic, I asked, as I was interested in things like magical tools that move under different laws.


“Yes, for example, a vehicle”


Mine pointed upwards and pointed at a white object. You can see the noise flying in the sky. When Mine turns sideways, the metal lump runs through with great speed.


“Why is that? Anyway, if it is a magic stone, why is the metal …? If you move such a large object at high speed, the amount of magic power is also equivalent …”


“So there is another law that is different from magical tools that move with magical powers. It’s strange to me that the stones change their shape with magical powers.”


If you say so, it may seem strange that Mine, who has no knowledge of magical tools, moves in a different shape. When I acted with the Knights, I was amazed at every detail. I am now the same as Mine at that time.


“What other magical tools are there?”


“Well, there are more appliances at home?”


I stood in some building with Mine’s whisper. The window is covered with a thin lace-like fabric. It must be quite a senior aristocracy that can use such delicate laces on curtains without hesitation.


¡Light is entering the window gently and it is bright, but the room is bright with denki. There was a large leather chaise longue, and a black square thick board was seen on the low shelf in front.




Suddenly, the heartbeat suddenly increased and became larger. A cold object runs through the spine, and the blood is drawn. Mine’s heart was wrapped in tension, anxiety and fear. The expectation that joy and nostalgia are mixed up is that the habit is rising.


It seems that all of Mine’s emotions have flowed into her eyes.


“What’s the main?”






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