“Otilier, you should untie the belt”




There was another side serving in addition to Richarda who was waiting in the room. She is a woman of the same age as her mother. The two will share and take off my dress.


I am left with two people. You can change your shoes and wear the costumes for the temple ceremonies. It seems that they are accustomed to changing children, both of them are fast and fast.


In the morning, it was a ceremonial costume that Monica and Nikola struggled, but Richarda and Ottiere dressed beautifully in no time. It can be seen simply by looking at the mirror that the band is tied from the top of the beautifully pleated, and that cloths and band decorations like Tasuki are increasing one after another.


When the box for the set of costumes that had been prepared was empty, Richard, who took a step away from me and looked around the whole, groaned with satisfaction, saying, “This is all right.”


There is a part of the temple head in the mirror that is not touched at all. I raised my hand and touched the spider gently.


“Richarda, your niece is there … I would like someone who uses the precious colors of summer”


“It’s here”


も ら い Have the family make it and replace it.


“Now let’s go.”


I head to the hall while being led by Richarda. Naturally, he comes with his brother, Cornelius and Angelica.


“Hy !?”




My brother Cornelius supported me with a frightened face as I stepped down the stairs as soon as I left the room and stepped on the hem.


“Thank you, brother. I usually don’t know how to walk because it is a knee-length costume …”


“This is a little lift and walk, Princess”


Richard told me to walk up with a little skirt. I thought it would be forbidden because no one else lifted it and walked, but it seems that it is okay to lift the hem.


As soon as I thought that this would be somehow … Richardda’s attention flew away.


“Be careful not to raise it too much. You will see your legs.”


Since I usually have knee-length, I don’t think there is a problem enough to see the ankle … I just keep the objection in my mind. Richarda is a person who can win even the priest. I cannot be enemies.


↑ When I walked slowly, lifting up the skirt and stepping on the hem of my clothes, Richarda went forward in front of me with a troubled face and dropped my waist.


“I will excuse you, Princess”




Suddenly I was picked up by Richard, and while I was making my eyes black and white, Richard began to walk at a speed that wouldn’t seem like a grandmother.


“In the course of the princess, 7 bells will ring before reaching the hall”


Apparently, it seems that 7 bells were the start time of the star knot ritual, and that it would have been delayed.


I think this is bad because the castle is too wide. The children’s feet are too far away from the north, where they live, and the hall where public events are held. In addition, because it has to go around all the way, it will be further distance. I think a carriage is needed in the building.


I was transported by Richarda to the vicinity of the saloon and dropped down before entering the hall.


Richard tells me what to do while checking here and there to see if there is any disturbance in my costume.


“I can only go with you here. Walk straight on the carpet and go up on the platform. There is Gilles Star-sama there.”




When I step out from the corner of the corridor, it is a hall that is brightly lit with something like a lamp. In the downtown area, even the candles weren’t useful, and it wasn’t easy to use them.


However, there are lamp-like tools in the aristocratic town, and it seems that they are used in large numbers. This lamp is not as bright as electricity. However, even the light that is not so big can feel quite bright because the surrounding walls are all white.


“… It’s bright”


“Isn’t there much in the temple? It’s a magic tool. It amplifies the small light of the candle.”


I stepped forward, whispering lightly to Mr. Cornelius’s explanation. The doors leading from the hall to the hall were wide open and I saw a lot of people already gathered.


“The temple head has arrived”


Like a gymnasium, a large ceiling with a high ceiling has a black carpet with gold fringes on both sides. On both sides, the bride and groom’s family and an unmarried aristocrat who are adults chat. ing.


While I was exposed to curiosity, I walked as fast as possible with my gaze straight ahead. Still, it seems that it was a slow step for the people around me, considering that Brother Cornelius called out to do his best with a small voice.


And then go up to the stage. I lifted the hem so I could go up the stairs without stepping on. I feel like I’ve already done a big job.


“Rosemine, here”


As Richard said, Gilvester was sitting on a chair with a stern face. A father stands behind it.


I was also urged to sit in a prepared chair and sat in a prepared chair next to the lord.


“What happened to Rosemine, the scripture?”


Investigated by Jilvester with great concern, I tilted my head.


“What about the scriptures?”


“Can’t do a ritual without a scripture? What will you do?”


“I remember my prayers, and it’s all right to tell the myth because of Ferdinand.”


Rather, he did not recognize that he had to bring the scriptures. It was not on the list of “bags to prepare for the star knot ritual” written by the chief priest.


In my explanation, Gilvester exhaled lightly.


“… if you can be blessed, and I will tell you the myth”


“Is that so”


When you can go up on the platform and look around, you can see the hall from the platform.


…… Oh, I ’m a priest.


“There are no women around Ferdinand, even though it’s a feast to look after their marriage partner.”


Looking at a long distance, I’m just making a noise, and the woman doesn’t come close. Maybe the bad personality is widely known. I think we can’t escape from Richard’s call “Bo-chan”.


“Isn’t it stupid to call a priest who knows he won’t get married at a place to look after a married partner?”


In response to Jilvester’s good reason, I ask “I see.” If so, what are you walking around in the hall?


“Do you want Rosemine to marry Ferdinand early? Are you piled up at the temple like a mountain, used a lot, and bullied? Isn’t it severe?”


“No, it’s rather the opposite. Right now, if Ferdinand quits the priest, I’m most troubled. I’m aware that Ferdinand is bad, but until I grow up. I would be happy if you were single. ”


When I looked around to see if there were other people I knew, Brigitte was a flower on the wall. The face is not so interesting, but if you can’t find someone here, it’s hard.


“What happens if nobody is found here?”


“It depends on the house and it is not found …. Ah, it’s the story of the escort knight. That would be difficult.”


Gilvester turned his eyebrows toward Brigitte, a flower on the wall.


“What is difficult?”


“One is the circumstances of the house”


According to Gilvester, Brigitte’s father died three years ago, and he just succeeded his older brother. Brigitte had a fiancé, but the man and his family said that Brigitte’s brother was still young and planned to take over the house.


Brigitte disliked the man’s family and abandoned his engagement. Although it is about the same in class, there was experience in various ways, and it was an old woman. It seems that Brigitte’s older brother, who is young and has little experience, is still struggling in many ways.


Although he was able to prevent hijacking because of his abandonment of engagement, Brigitte seems to have been severely depressed as a result of struggling his brother.


I want to help my brother as much as possible, and because I can’t help getting into the power, Brigitte sometimes goes to downtown. I seem to have applied.


If you want to protect the lives of your family and resident, you say that you are going to the downtown area that everyone hates.


Listening to the story as I felt the swell and tears rising, Gilvester looked at me and widened my eyes.


“Why cry !? Where are the elements of crying in the current story? Is it a common story?”


“No, even …”


I’m vulnerable to stories like family bonds, me. Especially now.


When the father, who is the main pillar of the family, died, the same thing is true in Shimomachi. This is especially true in situations where the inheritance has not yet grown.


Benno, who lost his parent when he was just an adult, said that his employees were in trouble at a stretch, and that they were confused by a small harassment by the guild leader. Even a merchant is in such a situation, so how much trouble is there for a nobleman who must govern the land?


“There was such a situation in Brigitte … What is the adoption father, father, and what can I give for Brigitte?”


“If you have a good relationship with the house, it will change a little, but I think it’s difficult even if you think about her temperament …. Do you understand if you take one of today’s costumes? ”


Jillvester told me so and I took a close look at Brigitte.


There are many women wearing similar types of costumes in the surrounding area, so you can see that they are wearing fashionable costumes, but the costumes do not suit Brigitte too much.


“I’m trying to keep up with the trend but I’m halving the appeal of clothes that don’t suit me”


Honestly, the figure of the usual knight is cooler and I think the charm of Brigitte is better.


“Because it is large and solid, women’s costumes don’t look good”


“That’s not true. Given the type and color, there are costumes that suit Brigitte. It’s different from the fashion …”


“Then, it would be good if he made a fashion. Women’s age is short. When it reaches 20, it is said that they missed their marriage.”


…… It’s unreasonable to make a fashion.


swells my cheeks, and I’ll take a closer look while thinking about a costume that suits Brigitte. I felt that not only Brigitte but also Dermuel struggled.


¡Lamprecht’s brother was seen as he looked around. I found out because my head had jumped out of the area surrounded by women. Ramprecht’s brother was picked by Mote Mote and picked up. There is no need to worry about this amount.


“Your brother is surrounded by women. Can you get married next year?”


“I think I’m single for a while. The other person I thought of at the House of the Aristocracy was a daughter of another territory and not yet matured.


dad tells me quietly. It seems that Mr. Lamprecht has someone who thinks in other areas. Long-distance love? Huh? What are the circumstances of the house? Romeo and Juliet? I want to ask you more details. I love other people’s love stories because I have no connection.


“Your brother Eckhart doesn’t come, right?”


“I’m hoping I’m looking for an add-on, but it’ll take a little more time.”


“Why don’t you listen?”


Apparently Eckhart was once married and lost his wife. I don’t know the new family information too much.


“Because I’m still very sensitive, I don’t talk much about it in my house. Please refrain from talking about Rosemine again.”


“I understand …”


â € ¢ I keep looking for Dermuel as new and surprising information comes out. But Dermuel is buried and cannot be identified. I’m supposed to be somewhere, but I don’t know.


Seven bells rang while searching for Dermuel and taking it seriously.


Jilvester suddenly stands up and goes one step ahead while turning his cloak.


“Begin the star-knot ritual. The bride and groom are here!”


Eight pairs of bride and groom entered the hall. Compared to the downtown area in the morning, the luxury of the cloth and the design were completely different, but the place to wear the precious color of the birth season was the same.


Bride and groom dressed in colorful costumes walk at regular intervals. Applause and cheers flew around, and a congratulatory voice was filled with joy.


When the bride and groom line up in front of the platform, Gilvester begins to talk about myths on the platform. Considering what was written in the scriptures, it seems to memorize although it is quite broken. It seems that the temple head was really useless.


When the myths of the Dark God and the Goddess of Light were over, Gilvester called the name of the bride and groom who married this year.


Baron Gratton, Berndette, and Baron Bron, Lagrete


The bride and groom called up on the stage. Jilvester confirmed their intention to marry them and handed them the pens of the magic tool they used to adopt. When they sign the spread document, the contract disappears with a golden flame.


When all 8 contract documents that burned in gold disappeared neatly, a big cheer came up.


“Blessing from the temple head for the birth of a new couple”


Finally, it ’s my turn. I stood up and walked next to Jilvester.


“A little flashy”


Silvester’s low voice came down from above. This person also seems to carry a stick of the legend of the saint. I put more magic on my ring than when I went in the temple.


Slowly exhale, breathe again, raise hands and start praying to God.


“The high god governing the sky as a high bower, the god of darkness and light, listen to my prayer, give birth to the birth of the new couple, give the body a blessing. I will receive the holy blessing. “


When praying for the blessing of the god of the Supreme God, gold and black light swirls from the ring and flies near the ceiling, just like the temple. And gold and black were twisted, overlapped and played.


All become small particles of light that scatter and pour onto the bride and groom.


“Wow …”


An impressed sigh spread in the hall.


And after a breath, the hall was filled with cheers.


I think that my blessing was a success, considering that the expression of the bride and groom on the spot is full of surprise and joy.


“The temple head, leave. Bless the temple head who gave you a lot of blessings!”


In the voice of Jilvester, when everyone in the place took out the shining tact and shined it with magic, he raised it high. It’s like a psyllium that shines at the concert venue. The sight was beautiful, but I was too embarrassed if I thought it was all directed at me.


It ’s too painful to walk through it. I was embarrassed and wanted to escape, so I hurriedly left the hall.


The door to the salon is closed when I leave. After this, it will be a banquet for adults only.


My body became heavier at once, probably because I was exhausted after finishing my role and usually because I was already sleeping.


“Rose Mine, are you okay?”


“Cornerius brother is nearing its limit”


Brother Cornelius, who knew that I was losing consciousness, hurried and hugged me. Even though my physique is different between me and my brother, Cornelius is still not very strong.


“I’m sorry, Angelica. Would you hurry to call Richarda?”


“I understand”


When I thought Angelica took a forward leaning posture, it was not at a tremendous speed. And came back soon.


“Richarda will come soon”


“Angerika was saved”


Richarda, who was called by Angelica, came while saying “Well,” and when I picked him up lightly, he started to return to the room with Stasta.


“The princess is small and gentle, so it’s easy to carry”


Caught Jilvester trying to jump out and was taken to the teacher, or from the bed, Jillvester who would “do not want to work” was taken out of the bed and taken to the office Richarda seems to be quite powerful.


Listening to such a story, I reached my room while shaking.


“Princess, you can’t sleep without taking a bath”


I wanted to sleep right away, but it seems that Richarda would never be allowed to sleep with hair dressing on her hair.


The costume was taken off by two couples with an OTIREI and was taken in the bath. They put their heads on the edge of the bathtub, and while they are bathing in the bath, they wash their hair with Linshan. I started to sleep more and more with hot water.


“Princess, please be firm”


“N …”


When I got out of the hot water, painted something like balm and massaged, I was completely unconscious.


“Princess, Princess Rosemine. Please get up.”


“Hahi …”


While flirting with drowsiness, the perfume oil is flushed once with hot water and wiped out.


I finished the bath while being supported by the left and right, and the day after I finally got into the bed, I fell asleep and fell asleep.


“Uh …. Ferdinand-sama, I have a headache”


“I was still asleep”


As soon as breakfast was finished, the priest came to see the situation. I was planning to return to the temple this morning, but it was an overcrowded schedule, so I thought it would have fallen. It’s a great answer.


“What are you calming down, Ferdinand Bochama!”


Richarda, who seems to have raised only overhealthy children such as fathers and adoptive fathers, was slowed down by my fever suddenly for no reason. Because of that, my voice is always sharp.


The chief priest gently gave his shoulders and offered the usual medicines to Richarda’s reverent voice.


“I was busy all day. It was visible that I would go to sleep for a few days. I just had to drink it and let it fall asleep.”


“What is the best thing to do ?! If you know you will fall asleep, what do you do without taking any action first?”


In such a time, Richard demands that his excellent head work. Jilvester’s unreasonableness may have been brought up by Richard.


“Richarda, Rosemine’s frailty cannot be addressed first. If it can, it’s already done.”


Ordinarily, the priest who ends with a word of “Shut up” is exchanging Richard with a troubled face while holding the forehead. It really doesn’t seem to beat Richarda.


When I reached out of bed, I pulled the Richard skirt lightly.


“Don’t get angry with Richard, Ferdinand. They’re preparing the medicine properly …. It’s a bit nasty because it doesn’t improve the bitterness.”


“Oh, okay. Then please take your medicine and be quiet.”


Richard laughed small and offered me the medicine handed by the priest. Green liquid in a small bottle shakes.


When I opened the lid, the smell of the boiled medicine pierced my nose, and I couldn’t help but felt it.


¡Although I’m shining for a moment, I will pour my medicine into my mouth all at once. The damage is still less if you take this medicine at once.


“That? Isn’t it too bitter?”


Bitter is bitter. However, it wasn’t an undeniable bitterness, like ever before.


¡When I leaned my head, I was scolded by the chief priest.


“Improved. It seems I didn’t need to be mean …”


“… Ah, uh … Well, Ferdinand-sama. Excellent and kind. Hohohohoho …”


Gufu, gaze hurts.


I rushed into the futon to avoid the chief glance.


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