«Richt says“ I ’m sorry to you, ”in the words of the priest, and then leaves.


The mayor was brought to the stage with several men solidified.


It seems to be pitiful because it is worn and worn out, but it is normal for ordinary people. It seems that the movement was stubborn, but it seemed that it wasn’t treated so badly during the winter because the wounds that were beaten or kicked weren’t found.


Talk to me, raise your face a little, look at me for a moment, and face down.


The eyes that I showed for a moment were glaring strangely. From a slightly narrowed eye, a clear resentment is felt. It turned out that the gaze included the resentment that a young child who was said to be merciful would be able to speak.


…… If I was before, I didn’t notice the eyes of the mayor.


For the past year or so, I’ve been engulfed in aristocratic society and have grown to some extent because I have been able to read the face of a priest with little expression change and a smiling foster mother who can’t really understand with a smile It seems to be. It’s not very nice to realize growth in this way, but I’m glad I didn’t let it flow without realizing it.


“The temple head, I didn’t know”


The mayor made a sad voice with his face down and started self-defense. I began to talk for a long time that I didn’t know that attacking a small temple would be a treason.


It is a lie that I did not know. The mayor can’t know. When Fran talked to Licht about the attack on the small temple at the harvest festival, he said he changed his complexion. The mayor can’t know what Licht knows to assist. Just because I wanted to get the former temple head to disappear, I knew it was bad, so I went there when Licht was absent.


I felt that my eyebrows approached without my knowledge.


Perhaps behind me, I think the priest has a more brutal face. I don’t think it’s awkward that the neck is awkward.


“You say you didn’t know, but what is it?”


The priest cut off the mayor’s self-defense.


The mayor fixed his line of sight to me, after thinking up for a moment and thinking that it would be easier for me to capture than the chief. Do not look at the chief priest, but speak to me.


“The gentle temple chief who saved Hasse from remote areas, all just for the sake of protecting the city. Mercy … “


The mayor is in a position to gather people, and knows how to speak and choose the words that move the people. The people in the square also began to plead, “The temple head, hope for mercy”.


…… It ’s bad.


I thought so. I want to save the Hasse people at the expense of the mayor if possible. If the number of people who may be friendly with the mayor increases, the number of objects to be disposed of will increase.


“Why don’t you turn mercy even on orphans!”


From there, the mayor began to beg for the mercy towards the orphans, telling me that he had mercy on the orphans of Hasse and turned his heart of mercy.


Licht moves his body slightly toward the mayor, with a stupid face saying “Shut up already.” I thought he would stop the mayor, but Licht looked up and turned a deep blue face and stopped his hand.


Perhaps I was enshrined by the chief priest.


The next moment, someone’s fingertips lightly hit his back. Looking back and looking up, the eyes of the chief priest radiated a harsh light, and only the mouth was distorted into a smile. The silent pressure of “End it quickly” came and I pulled my mouth.


…… Now what should I do?


I must have the direction that it is appropriate to dispose of the mayor, while retaining the femininity created earlier.


I looked at the mayor who started to sue not only with his mouth but also with hand gestures, and looked down for a while.


“… the mayor, you say my mercy, but you used to violently orphans on a daily basis, right?”


Nora and Malte, which were planned to be sold, were relatively good in nutrition, but Toll and Rick were poor in nutrition, and there were wounds and bruises that caused daily violence.


When I asked, “Do you need my mercy for you who violence the weak?” The mayor began to visibly irritate. Somehow I rounded up, and I tried to pull out a concession from me and repeated words.


“That’s the punishment. If I don’t do bad things, I won’t do that. If you do bad things, you will be punished.”


“I don’t know what bad things you have to do with violence against orphans …. For example, it is bad for Thor and Rick to attack your family.


When I put my hand on my cheek and leaned my head, the mayor sang many times with the momentum of a grudge trying to wrap a strange child.


Talking with my knees, my glaring eyes appealing to me is a bit scary.


“That’s an obvious bad thing. If an orphan gives violence to my family, he gets angry about what he is doing, and it is natural to use violence and punish. But I don’t blame me, and I have to know my position that orphans are being fed “


Over the mayor, Licht closed his eyes and drooped. The village chiefs who live around Licht are also bitter.


I asked the last question while looking straight at the mayor.


“Why do you say they didn’t know you were your family?”


“They can’t know my family. Such a lie won’t work.”


“… Is that so”


I exhaled slowly and looked up at the priest as I looked back, whispering “I’m sorry”.


“Principal, this is what the mayor says”


The head of the priest who narrowed his eyes and raised his lips, said, “I understand.


When the head of the priest came a step ago, I stepped down one step and gave the right to speak to the priest.


“It’s natural that the lord punishes those who attacked a small temple made for the daughter temple chief. The white building is home to the nobility. By the way, what is made by the power of the lord. There is no one who does not know it. “


“No, I don’t really know …”


As soon as he knew that the priest was the priest, the mayor started to go back. The complexion is getting worse and the tongue is not as good as before. I’m desperately looking for help, but I can’t respond.


The priest chief moves one step further and pursues the mayor who goes down.


“I am in a position to be in contact with the nobility, the mayor, and I don’t know. What he didn’t know is that the former temple chief, who should conceal and repair the sin, is dead. I knew it, and let the people of the town attack the small temple. ”


The mayor looked openly. The people in the plaza who pleaded for the mayor’s help were cold, though they tried to escape saying “Such things …”.


Perhaps he was only saying “I didn’t know” to Hasse.


“Well, it doesn’t matter whether you know it or not. Hasse’s people did an attack on the lords’ family and it was a rebellion. It should be punished and blame the lord who decided the punishment. No one can do that, and the commoner must be struck by the existence of the nobility, as they say. ”


“But …”


“The excuse fixed in the lie is unbearable to listen. Don’t open your mouth anymore.”


Securing the objection, the priest turns around and returns to my neighbor. And this time I looked down at me with the harsh gaze looking down at the mayor.


“Rose Mine”




I found out that I was angry. I stretched my back and pulled my chin.


Exclaiming sighing deliberately, the chief screams with a perfect face to the villain and shouts.


“They understood the importance of what Hasse’s people did, and begged the lord to reduce the sentence if they were deeply reflecting …. but it doesn’t seem to understand at all.


The priest’s line of sight is directed from me to the mayor, and eventually goes around the entire plaza. At the same time as receiving the eyes of the chief priest, everyone pulls in his mouth and keeps silent.


“Does Rosemine need the mercy of Hasse, called the saint of Ehrenfest?”


The relief of solidarity that I announced was frozen in an atmosphere that seems to be easily revoked and calmed down as if I had struck water.


Next, what the priest will say, and the silence so heavy that everyone will move, will dominate the scene.


In an atmosphere that felt so heavy that it seemed even difficult to breathe, Licht slowly raised his face as he lifted his heavy head.


“Principal, temple head, please forgive me if you can.”


Licht’s complexion that asks for permission with a trembling voice is pure blue. Is it too much fat sweat? It looked like the hairline was soft.




“I’m sorry”


tribute to the permission of the priest, Licht opened his mouth.


“All the residents understand the importance of what we have done as commanded by the chief and the mayor. Save the place that might have been erased by the town. The mercy of the saint who gave me is also perceived …. The inhabitants are well-informed just because the mayor did not know. “


¡Richt still trembles with the pressure of the chief priest, still scolding the people of Hasse. I was struck by Gene and the chest, and I was pushed back.


Standing next to him and looking up at the priest who is looking down at Licht with a serious face, a stunning gaze appears asking “What is your role?”


… Yes. I was a saint.


This is not the case when you are impressed by Licht’s behavior. I turned around and faced up against the priest, and hurriedly spread my hands to sing Licht from the priest.


“Principal, Richt, also says: The inhabitants should know”


“… the temple head”


A very touching voice came out from both Licht and the village chiefs and the plaza.


Sense of guilt is stimulated by respect and impression. I can’t stand it. I want to get away from this place, yelling, “I can’t do the role of a saint.”


However, it is impossible to escape while facing the priest with a face like the Demon King. This is also my problem.


The priest slowly shook his head to me.


“Rose Mine, tenderness is sometimes sweet. Pick the rebellious buds early”


“The Priest, Hasse’s people don’t think of rebellion. It’s okay, yes, everyone?”


As I looked back, I asked Licht and the people in the square behind me, and I heard Licht’s voice immediately.


The voice of approval goes up from the square, and the voice comes out.


“Everyone says this, so …”


At the moment of trying to keep the story round, the chief priest narrowed his eyes.


“Now let me prove it”




… I’m sorry. Unable to read the expansion. What should I do?


I didn’t know what to do and looked up at the priest while looking down, and the priest took out Stap.


“At this time, rebel shoots are thoroughly picked”


The priest who declared it soared “Gettilt” and moved Staple greatly.


Right below the stage, in the open space in the open space, a kite that can be seen through has appeared.


…… Szesia shield?


It has the same pattern as the shield of Szeria that I make in prayer.


However, although the shield of Szeria I created was round, the thing that the chief priest gave out was a thin, thin square that looked like a door that two adults could pass side by side.


“Dive through this”


“This is …?”


“If you reflect on the truth, you should be able to go through this sort of door.”


¡Look at me like Licht was confused.


A shield from Szeria should be able to pass through if it doesn’t have bad or bad intentions. I looked at Licht’s eyes and sang once.


“If it is Licht, it’s okay”


In my words, Licht stepped on with a strong light in his eyes. Get off the stage and stand in front of the square.


Even though it’s a little far away, the people in the square are watching over what is going to happen.


tensed and scared, but Licht passed through without any problems.


“Look, priest, are you all right?”


“Hum, Licht seems to be credible, but what about this?”


The priest said so and looked down at the mayor with frosty eyes.


Licht took the mayor with the village chiefs down the stage and tried to pass the sorting door.


“Wow !?”


As expected for me, the mayor was unable to pass through and was blown away by a strong wind. At the next moment, the band of light from Eckhart’s brother Staup ties up the mayor.


“Ferdinand-sama has captured the rebel”


“Your hard work”


Listening to the sound of the people who gathered in the square took a breath. Licht passed through, but the mayor stares with a frightened eye at the sorting door that was not able to pass.


Probably, the townspeople who attacked the small shrine should know that the same power was working. Some people have a bad complexion.


“Licht, Hasse people, dive into everyone. In this case, all dangerous persons will be disposed of.”




Even if I didn’t do that, I pulled the priest’s sleeve lightly, but the priest, with strict eyes, compared the mayor who was confined to the square and rolled up with a band of light.


“… I don’t know how many such people are in this. If I don’t want to dispose of all the Hasse at once, would I need to sort?”


“I believe in Hasse people. Selection etc …”


priest chief smiles before saying that it is not necessary.


“If so, it will be no problem at the point of selection”


I couldn’t argue, and I could only throw the ball, “No problem. Hey, Licht?”, But Richt narrowed his eyes and rather accepted the selection with a smile.


“Yes, the temple head. No problem …. If there is a person who is played in the same way as the mayor, it is better to eliminate it. For that person, Hasse falls into a remote area. Maybe we can’t get any more suspicion from the lord. ”


Licht did not show any reluctance to select dangerous persons that might lead to rebellion. I can’t afford to buy more of the lord family’s misery. Rather, it was a motivation to say that the entire Hasse must be crushed.


“It’s a selection of those who can receive the mercy of Ehrenfest’s saint. As you can see, I went through. If I don’t want to be disposed of as a rebel, I will go through it!”


¡Richt says that and hides the door of selection for all who gather in the square.


The villagers and other villagers go by the village, but the villagers passed by without any concern because the villagers had little influence from the mayor and were not involved in the attack.


The problem was in the town of Hasse with the townspeople who participated in the attack on the small temple. There was a person who apologized for diving through the gate of selection, as if it might be played in the same way as the mayor.


“It doesn’t matter if you don’t pass. You can tie it up like the mayor.”




Eckhard ’s brother takes out the starp in the words of the priest. The townspeople rushed to the selection gate as they looked and screamed.


“Wow !?”


“Gyaa !?”


While most of them passed, several people were played at the gate. Immediately, Ekhard ’s light band restrains them.


After everyone had been screened, the door was turned off and six detained people were lifted onto the stage.


“Those who have been struck by the gate are those who are harmful to us. Dispose of them here.”


“It’s okay. They were persistent mayors. There’s no defense at all. Rather thank you for proving our innocence through the doors of selection.”


Licht says that and asks the priest in front of me.


My heart made a noise. The blood is drawn to the reality that the disposal will take place here.


Because the priest said he would dispose of the mayor from the beginning, he knew that the disposition would take place. Still, the heart is making a bad sound and cold sweat is transmitted through the back.


“Lose Mine, take a good look”


“… Yes”


It seems that those who gathered in the square, as well as Licht, did not feel anything at the disposal of those who fell into remote areas. I don’t feel anything. Is it correct to say that disgust and aversion are not seen?


In the figure of the victims and perpetrators who suffered the stigma of the rebels, it is natural that the perpetrators should be disposed of.




“Sad, Ferdinand-sama”


Reached out to the large box that Yustox, who was nominated as Priest, brought to the stage and opened the key with a click.


The inside of the box was visible as the side and the side had fallen forward. It looks as if there are five shallow drawers like a document case. But I can’t see what’s in the drawer.


“What is that box, Priest?”


“Hasse registration card is included”


The registration certificate is a medal for registering as a resident by pressing the blood at the baptismal ceremony. The commoner of Ehrenfest is kept in the temple because all the registration, marriage and funeral deletion are undertaken by the temple, but in other direct districts, all registration is done at the autumn harvest festival and the mayor Get notified of removal from. According to reports from the priest and tax collector, the civilian is processing the registration certificate at the castle.


“I don’t know how much disposal will be done today, so I brought everything here, but it wasn’t originally taken out of the castle.”


…… Isn’t it like taking a family register from a government office?


It doesn’t mean that the civilian in charge can’t leave the side, and it must be strictly guarded.


JUSTOKUS took out a piece of paper and spoke to Eckhart brother.


“Eckhart, watch me hard so no one can get close to me.”




Eckhart brother takes out the stap, changes it into a sword shape, and sets it up. You can see how important it is to approach those who approach it.


“Begin, Juustox”


“I’m smart”


When Yustox held the starp, he called “Messer”. Starp changes into a knife shape. With that knife and a piece of paper in hand, he went ahead in front of the rebel.


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