I went to the goddess’s bath again with Brigitte.


Passing through the sharply curved road created by the trees, we proceed to the front of the spring where the sun shines brightly.


When the first chief priest ran the cavalry to the fountain, the surface of the fountain began to swell even more.




A blur and shadow appear near the center of the fountain. Three, no, four shadows jumped out of the spring and jumped out.


“Rose Mine, bless you!”




In response to instructions from the chief priest who thrust at the head, I put magic in the ring. I have been used to praying the blessing of the god of heroism over and over again.


“God of flame, Leidenshaft belongs to everyone, so that everyone has the blessing of the hero of the hero, Angleaf”


Blue light jumps out of the ring and falls on everyone. The only thing I can do is help me at the very bottom, because I can only pull my legs because of lack of physical strength.


“Darmuel and Brigitte are waiting with Rosemine! Eckhart, I will go”




The Talcloche jumping out of the fountain was a toad that was as big as an adult with both hands open. It feels much smaller than Golze, who fought in the autumn collection, and Schnetilum, the main winter. Although it does not allow other follow-up in the unpleasant appearance.


“Why is it just ‘Gamafrog’ that stands up as my enemy?”


Huh, when I sighed unintentionally, I tilted my head so that Brigitte and Darmell didn’t understand well.


“… What is a toad?”


“A creature that looks a lot like Tarclosh. Don’t you think it’s exactly like Count Bindewald? To the point where it is subjugated by the priest”


Dermuel blows out. I made a sound and pressed my mouth with the armor’s hand and looked forward, but it seems that I was stuck in an acupuncture point because it is moving little by little.


Brigitte seems to have never seen Count Bindewald directly and asked, “Is it a person similar to Tarclosh?


“We will merge”


When turning around to the voice of Eckhart brother, the largest Talcroche put out his long tongue and entangled with the slightly smaller Talcloche that was next to him.


At the same time of swallowing, Talcloche grows huge. Then, when I put my tongue out again, I swallow the smaller Tarcloche one after another.




“Please calm down, Mr. Rosemine. It’s not something you fear, like Tarcrochet …. I just feel bad.”


Brigitte seems to hate Tarcroche because he feels bad. I understand my feelings. The left hand to hold me has more power than usual.


The priest and brother Eckhart transformed Starp into a sword shape and squeezed the talcloche, putting in magic.


The two of them sword swords to attack, looking at the bloated belly of the Talcroche and swallowing their friends.


The next moment, a long, long tongue came out of Tarkrosh at high speed. We are flying in the air, being entangled with Brigitte’s beast at an unbelievable speed.


“Now !?”


“Hayaka !?”


We jumped into the wide open mouth of Tarcroche sooner than Brigitte took out the Starp and transformed it.


¡When the tongue shrinks and the mouth is closed, it becomes a dark, warm, odorous place that does not stab light.


As soon as it was released in the mouth, Brigitte erased the beast and transformed Starp into a weapon longer than a sword. Perhaps because of magic, the area around the weapon appears to shine.


“Rose Mine, how are you injured?”


When Tarclosh tries to swallow us, Brigitte first confirms my safety with the weapon stuck in his mouth.


I was hugged by Brigitte and I was not injured at all. I was hugged without changing the strength of the armor, so I was just suffocating with a soft chest.


“This is just sticky, there is no injury”


“Then, can you put your tongue into your collection knife and put your tongue into it?” My weapon cannot be moved now.


Brigitte squats down with his left hand holding me aside while putting his power in the right hand holding the weapon so he is not swallowed. Each other pulled their faces to the soft, elastic feet that felt warm on the soles and knees.


“I will do it”


¡When I take out the knife and put my magical power, the left hand of Brigitte, which is turned around the stomach, is energized.


Sense of Brigitte’s willingness to protect anything, I pierced Talcroche’s tongue with all his magical knives.


“… That thing?”


No change.


If you don’t scream, you won’t open your mouth.


I didn’t think there was any change so far, I stabbed the knife again with a little bit of magic while hanging cold sweat.


“Yes, no, no!”


Suddenly a dazzling light came into the dark field of vision, and I closed my eyes unintentionally.


I found out that my feet were shaking and my body became slanted. I lost my balance while holding the knife.


Rotating with Gorongoron along with Brygitte along the slanted feet, the Brygette’s arm that has been turned around the stomach is energized, and it feels like Brygette flew with me.


When I realized that the brightening was due to the opening of my mouth, I was thrown into the air again while being held by Brigitte.


The surrounding air has become clean.


Various sounds can now be heard.


It feels like it is struck by the air.


“Jump into the fountain!”


The Priest’s yelling sound is heard, and Brigitte falls toward the fountain at the speed of free fall. Prepared for a tremendous impact, I closed my tight eyes and clung to Brigitte.


Falling to the fountain with a tremendous sound.


However, the water was softer than expected and accepted us. I was in the fountain, neither hard nor painful.


It was a mysterious sensation.


Originally, the water in the fountain should be thawed, so that it would not be strange to die from heart paralysis as soon as it falls. But it is neither cold nor hot.


When I opened my eyes, I saw the water surface fluctuating.


The bubble of air exhaling from my mouth rises.


A blue sky with a lot of light is seen, and a big shadow and a dazzling light are seen flying toward it. It seems that the attacks of Priest and Brother Eckhart flew toward Tarclosh.


Tarcroche was launched from below and attacked.


“Puha …”


When I and Brigitte emerged and faced the water, the aftermath of their attacks was about to subside.


“… You’re done”


“No, I will come!”


Contrary to my exhalation, Brigitte turned up and began to put on the stap again with a tense and steep voice.




When you look up above Brigitte, you can see something falling. At the moment when I broke my eyebrows, it looked like the internal organs of the exploded Talcloche, and my eyes met the falling frog.


“That’s it !?”


frogs, no, tarcrochees of various sizes have fallen, from the size of a fingertip to the fist size of an adult.


talcloche sticks to the head, face and shoulder one after another. A slim feel sticked to my cheek.


“… Higyaaaaa!”


Shaking the flutter, limbs and head, trying to shake it off, but the Tarcrochet that you don’t want to fly is stuck and stuck.


“Take, Take, Take it!”


“Rose Mine, don’t scream, peel and defeat! You should be able to defeat it with your knife. If you leave it, it will merge immediately.”


The priest said unfortunately, crushing the surrounding Tarcloche. The same goes for Eckhart brother.


Talcloche seems to only split even if attacked. It is said that you must defeat it in the minimum state.


“It’s impossible, impossible, impossible! Take at least just on your nose!”


“Lose Mine, here! Because I will take it!”


“Darmuel looks super cool!”


Dermuel, who rides on the beast, receives me from Brigitte’s hand and pulls me up as he rampages on the surface of the water.


Dermuel picked up and picked up the Tarcloche, and I finally wiped my tears and runny nose.


“I don’t like it anymore! I will never visit this fountain!”


“The idiot. Subjugation to harvest nectar at tomorrow’s dawn.


Immediately a rebuke and a cold gaze flies from the chief.


“Talcloche has been defeated. This should allow safe collection tomorrow.”




“Stubborn! Sleeping early tonight, the night of Fruthrene, prepare for dawn”


As soon as I returned to the camp, I closed the window of the lesser servant more than half and made it invisible from outside, and Monica and Rosina helped me to change clothes with Brigitte.


“Rosemine’s beast is amazing. I didn’t think I could change clothes like this”


If I didn’t have my lesser, Brigitte would be going to put on a cloak among the trees and change clothes in the snow. What is it? I don’t think it’s a noble daughter.


“Nevertheless, if you fall into the fountain this season, you will die. Rosemine is weak if not.”


“If you heat up tomorrow, you will not be able to collect. Please be careful.”


While they were preaching, they took off their wet clothes and wiped their entire bodies with a towel soaked in hot water.


A meal prepared by the side servants is taken and the priest teaches how to collect honey. The honey collected in the center of the flower is put in a jar, but it is said that it must be scooped with a metal spoon that you always bring.


“This is a spoon to avoid being affected by magical power. Be sure to scoop the honey and put it in a jar. The honey of this rairene may have a different character from other seasons. ”


The face of the priest is the face of a mad scientist. I’m glad I had time to devote myself to my hobbies, but I couldn’t be honest that it was because I couldn’t secure my reading time. Even if my heart is said to be narrow, I think it’s awkward.


“Put honey in several jars. I would like to study the difference between what contains your magic and other honey”


It’s okay for the chief to study the material, but is it just me that feels a bit off my purpose of collecting materials?


After such a story, we ended up sleeping early.


I immediately put down the seat of the Lesser Back so that I can sleep with my legs extended. Seeing the side servants lay down some blankets that had been loaded, the head of the priest became amazed.


“Your cavalry is really insane”


“It’s good because it’s convenient. I think it’s just because you didn’t make it a camper.”


“It’s just … it’s so big. It’s good to use it as a woman’s bed. Come here.”


In the words of the chief priest, the Lessers were used as a sleeping place for girls. Brigitte comes in and Fran goes out with a little relieved face.


That night, I woke up with a mysterious sensation that the Reservas swayed. If you wake up slowly, you can see the goddess’s bath from the window.


…… Why should I be in the camp?


I stare outside while thinking of a dream. The night fountain was completely different from the daytime.


Maybe because it’s the night of Fleurene. A red moon that looks like dark pink is reflected on the surface of the water.


Mysterious round light, brighter than fireflies, came out from the fountain one after another, making it a fantastic sight because it flew around.


The spring is shining. Instead of shining in the moon, small bubbles like bubbles of different sizes pop out from the spring.


“Wow, it’s nice. I’m shiny”


Suddenly, Nicholas screamed, and when I turned around unintentionally, Nicola looked out of the window with a frightening face that made me wonder if she was lying or waking up.


It was Brigitte that jumped up in that voice. Immediately set up the stap, squint and look outside. And looked at me in trouble.


“… What is this? I feel it is very magical.”


“I don’t know. But it’s very beautiful and doesn’t seem hostile.”


The moment the light jumps out of the fountain, a clear sound is heard. When it overlapped many times, it became a series of sounds, and it became mysterious music.


When Rosina wonders if she began to humbly sing the scales, she jumped up.


“Where is the festival?”


Rosina, calm down


At that time, as expected, both Ella and Monica began to wake up. Then look out and blink your eyes.


“What is going on?”


“I don’t know”


Rosina’s hand begins to flirt with the music that emerges from the spring. It turned out that the line of sight was heading towards Feshpeel, which is usually carried as luggage.


“Everyone has woken up and can’t sleep as it is, can I play it a little?”


“Thank you very much”


Rosina took out the feshpeel and began playing along with the music spilling from the fountain. Rosina plays a festival with the high sound from the fountain.


“Rosemine-like musicians are really good”


When I was fascinated by the competition between Izumi and Rosina, glitter came one after another around the Lesser. It flies to the window and tries to come in as if it had their own will.


“This light may like Rosina’s music”


“Because you’re so tired, why don’t you go out and listen?”


Monica and Nikola laughed a little and said so, and the light flashed to agree.


“Now let’s go to music dedication. The Spring goddess likes music. If you devote at the night of Fruthrene, you may be happy.”


“Rosemine, this goddess likes sweets too. Let’s bring the remaining cookies and dedicate”


Ella laughs and agrees with Nikola’s proposal. Ella and Nicola hold a wooden box filled with sweets, Rosina holds a feshpeel, Brigitte casually watches around, and Monica seems to be out of the way, leaving Lesers.


I jumped out with a picnic mood at night.


A brilliant light is still born from the spring in a mysterious space that does not feel cold at all. The sound that resounds high is also beautiful, and it feels like a heart.


Looking into the fountain, a mysterious light is coming out one after another. I found several Tarcloche eating the light.


“Brigite, Tarcloche …”


When I pointed to the fountain, Brigitte immediately took out the starp and hunted the Tarcrochet.


Surrounded by the light that jumped out of the fountain so that it nostalgic to Brigitte. It seems to be grateful for defeating Tarclosh.


When I looked around, I could see that the light that was generally soft was gathered in three parts.


rosina’s feshpeel, around the sweets with Ella, Nicola, and Monica, and around Brigitte, who struck Tarclosh, flashing around.


This light seems to like music and flashes repeatedly on Rosina’s Fespeel. Among them, I found out that my favorite song was a song from the Reino era, and that it was flashing like applause.


“You seem to love Rosemine’s song. Why don’t you dedicate the song to Rosemine?”


“… Then, since it’s so much trouble, let’s dedicate a new song”


I haven’t brought my Feshpeel, but if it’s just a song, it can be managed. I like music that I listen to for the first time, so I decided to perform one song from the Reino period. It is a spring song with lyrics changed to these words in order to ask the priest.


Stand in front of the fountain and inhale slowly.


“Spring water is …”


At the same time I started singing, the ring absorbed the magical power without permission, and the magical power spread around the song. The sparkle of the fountain further increases, and the area becomes dazzling.


And when the flower of Rylene flower buds out of the water, it grew. Innumerable kites begin to grow and become intertwined. It grew like a giant tree in the center of the fountain, and flowers began to open.


“Are you sure you want to receive the honey of Laylene?”


After finishing the song and asking a question, the leaf in the center spread greatly and extended in front of me.


¡When I step on the foot as if pushed by light, the leaves grow even bigger. When I got completely on the leaf, this time it began to grow slowly higher up.




[She brought me to the front of the blooming rairene, so I started collecting nectar by taking out the spoon from the collecting tool on my waist as the priest told me.


蜜 Put nectar in all of the bottles that are held and cover them.


“Good, perfection”


Because it was on a high and high leaf, I could see the sky over the forest white and the rising sun.


With that morning sun, the light flying around the fountain fades away and fades away.


When a flower that was growing high, it shrinks and returns to the surface of the water. At the same time, the big leaves that I have used as a scaffold are getting smaller and smaller.


stalks that could not support my weight broke.


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