After finishing the work at Hasse and returning to the temple, Fritz with a slightly serious face was waiting. It is rare for Fritz who always laughs quietly with unwavering calmness.


“Come back, Rosemine. I have something to hurry about Dirk.”


I was relieved to see Fritz’s words that seemed impatient. Speaking of that, I have left the Dirk magic for another year.


Last year I secretly absorbed Dirk’s magical power with Tau’s fruit, but the same thing should happen many times in the future. It will also be necessary to discuss with the chief priest what will happen to Dirk.


“Principal. I would like to hear from the Principal, if possible. May I get in the room?”


Talking about Dirk is related to Earl Bindewald, so I can’t talk a lot, and if I do it alone, I will be angry again.


“Oh, I know. Let’s get ready”


I return to my room with a little quick Fritz.


And with Nicola and Monica helping me, I changed my clothes from outing to daily wear and I looked around the room once. The person who takes and the person who leaves is divided in the brain and work must be allocated.


“Brigitte is taking a break? Nikola, please give me some tea to Brigitte. Monica will make a list of orphans left at Hasse today and report to Vilma. Please take a good look at Monica’s document preparation. “


“I’m smart”


After giving instructions to everyone, I took Francs, Fritz, and Dermuel to the Priest’s room.


“Ah, have you come?”


“Principal, please pay me. Can escort knights leave Dermuel and Eckhart, and side services leave Franc and Fritz?”


“… That’s right”


The priest who looked around the face of the member I called his name, and shook his hand lightly, whispering, “Is it bothersome again?”


The side service of the priest who saw it began to move all at once. The side serving as the tea preparation was handed over to Fran, and the side serving after clearing the documents stopped and left the room quietly.


After confirming that all the Fritz has come out, close the door tightly.


“Now, Rosemine. What happened?”


In the words of the priest who took a sip of Franc’s tea, I look to Fritz. Once Fritz whispered, he opened his mouth.


“I mentioned from Vilma, but it seems that Dirk’s magical power has been increasing rapidly recently. I have been asked to take action.”




I immediately supplement Dirk as the priest’s whispering eyes broke.


“Even though it’s a devoured baby with a subordinate contract to Count Vindewald …”


“Oh, it’s time for magic to build up”


Even if I didn’t remember Dirk, it seems that I quickly understood the requirements in terms of the eating baby. I nodded greatly.


“Yes, what should I do? Would you like to dedicate it? Too much magical power is related to life and death, so I want to deal with it quickly.”


“Hum, it’s better to have a little magic now”


The priest stood up and put on a black magic stone from the cupboard when he wore leather gloves that did not pass magical power. Put it in a leather bag and hold it towards me.


“You can’t take your child before the baptismal ceremony from the orphanage. It’s good to absorb the magical power with this magic stone. “Fran or Vilma, let the side serve, or touch the baby’s skin and it will absorb.”


“Thank you, Franc, this”


When I left a leather bag with magic stones from the chief priest, I immediately gave it to the franc. It’s better to leave it in francs than I own and manage.


“… And then, the main topic for me is now, but what happened to Dirk’s subordinate contract?”


When I handed the leather bag to Franc, I asked the priest about how to handle Dirk. One and a half years have passed since Count Vindewald was captured. As expected, the situation of being busy and innocent should have ended.


Oh, after saying small, the chief became a difficult face. While striking the temple with your fingertips, enter your thoughts.


“So far, I haven’t done anything special, but what about it. I haven’t had any problems with it until now, but I’ve changed it to you in the future. But it ’s also about creating weakness … ”


“That’s the priest, who asks if it was destroyed …”


Talking to the chief priest who was thinking while talking to himself, the chief priest saw me with a difficult face with a beard in his eyebrows.


“It was best to leave the contract untouched until now”


“Why is it?”


“Because you’ve already contracted, there’s no need to worry about contracting with other aristocrats. You didn’t have to worry about extra things if you kept the status quo.”


The current situation is that the baby who is connected to criminals in other territories can be left in an orphanage without worrying about being taken by other aristocrats and without having to worry about taking care of their lives. It was easy, the chief said in past tense.


“… Did something change?”


“It’s Georgine”




What is Georgine who returned to Ahrensbach? Dirk and Georgine were not connected at all and I tilted my head.


“It was unwilling and unexpected for us to become the first wife of Ahrensbach. I’ll be busy with my work as the first wife for a while, but I can afford it. If you can do it and look at Ehrenfest, you will discover Count Bindewald ”


Is Count Bendebart a nobleman of Ahrensbach?


Speaking of which, I recalled the assault at the prayer ceremony that he was an influential person towards the south of Ehrenfest.


“I didn’t know the former temple chief. At the time of the incident, Georgine was the third wife, so I was probably not informed about the incident. I don’t think that the lord of Ahrensbach would actively spread the tale of that, but if you look into it as the first wife of politics, you can find a lot of things.


“I see.”


Listening to the face as if it was understood, but honestly, I don’t understand it at all. What will change if Georgine learns of Count Vindewald and Dirk?


“Huh .. It is a well-known fact that you are the temple head and the orphanage director. You may be told to move Dirk or examine the orphanage with the contract of Count Vindewald as a shield. I can’t do it “


“Does a territory wife of a large territory do this against an orbiting orphan?”


The priest who heard my opinion praised me, saying, “You have no information gathering ability”.


“You are an adopter of Gilvester that Georgine is jealous of and hates. And above all, it is one of the reasons for driving the former temple chief, who is important enough to have a secret exchange after marriage. Georgine knew that on this visit. “


“Eh ??”


Why does the priest who had been withdrawn in the temple knowing the behavior of Georgine during his stay, in the name of monitoring to prevent me from acting freely? The priest gives me more detailed information to me, who makes my eyes black and white.


“At a tea party held by a faction who had a lot of exchange with Ahrensbach, whose lord’s mother lost his momentum, Baron Dardorf blew various rumors into Georgine.” [19459002 ]

“The Countess of Dardorf?”


“The mother of the knight who did not fulfill the mission of the escort and hurt you and proliferated Trombe. He stated that he knew it as a rumors of the tea party rather than making contact with you. It ’s just annoying, so it ’s really annoying to be guilty. ”


I didn’t want to know such scary information, which is important for self-protection. The chief priest teaches me a lot more about me.


“The influence of the faction from Ahrensbach on behalf of the mother of the defeated lord will increase the ability to speak at Georgine’s Ehrenfest. It is difficult to argue if the eating that had a subordinate contract with the Earl was that of Ahrensbach. “


There seems to be a lot of people who can easily take Dirk, such as pressure from Ahrensbach, a request from a relative of Count Bindewald, an aristocrat of Ehrenfest rooted in Georgine.


“Simply taking the orphans and making a disadvantage for you about the orphanage will reduce the power of the legend of the saints you’ve built so far.


“Then, if you re-contract with me, wouldn’t it be taken up? You said that you should sign with me at the beginning. Abandoning the subordinate agreement with Count Vindewald, I Let’s re-contract with it. “


Then, it should be hard to face up. It will be easier to protect than a situation where you don’t know who comes from. I don’t want to leave Dirk in such a dangerous state.


“You can make a contract and it’s easier for you to protect Dirk. But if you think you want to get close to you or conversely, Dirk’s presence is your weakness. It can be “


“Dirk is already like a relative, so it has been a long time ago. Please think about it.”


The light of my blessing that I wanted to help Dirk flew to Dirk. For me it’s already a relative.


In my words, the chief priest meditated and screamed with a cursing low voice saying, “How far are you going to increase your relatives, this idiot?”


“It’s easy to sign a contract to protect, but is your environment different from the original? If you sign with you, that baby won’t be able to enter the orphanage. Where do you intend to grow? “


Even though they are not allowed to enter the castle and are treated as parents, they cannot ask their mothers. Eventually, he was taken care of in the temple head room, but the priest pointed out that the burden on the side service would only increase.


Previously, Dirk signed a contract with Earl Bindewald and was supposed to leave the orphanage and be raised in the temple headquarters. Now, the former temple chief of the taker has died and the contractor, Count Bindewald, has been captured and is not in an environment where he can be brought up.


Of course, if I sign up, I have to pick it up.


“No way, are you going to increase the side serving for parenting?”


“Uh … I certainly want to keep it in the orphanage until the last minute”


Above all, if I take over, I will be separated from Delia who is not allowed to leave the orphanage. I want to avoid the separation from Deria, who cares about Dirk as his brother. At least until the baptismal ceremony, which must be divided into a men’s building and a girls’ building.


“Well, can I keep the status quo with Dirk’s whereabouts and transfer the contract to me?”


“There is no such convenient way … No, wait. There is nothing you can’t do”


“Is it true?”


As expected, the priest! When I was pleased with my hand, the chief grimaced very disgustingly.


“I don’t like to imitate Gillester, but keep a written contract so that you can sign a contract by pressing a blood pressure when it comes to danger. Isn’t it possible to raise them in an orphanage while preventing them from being used to the last minute? “


“… I see”


Speaking of which, I was helped at the last minute by the magical tool for the adoption of the father. About a year and a half ago seems to be a distant past event.


“I will cancel the Earl’s contract, so sign your subordinate contract’s name and keep it in a trusted person around Dirk.”




I signed and folded the contract made by the chief.


It doesn’t seem to make magical tools that can be worn on a regular contract, but only a piece of paper is handed over. If I put my blood on the name of Dirk, which I write for, it will be effective.


“Thank you for your help. I will continue to consult with the priest about magic power and absorb it occasionally with magic stones.”


“Is that good”


After finishing the discussion, when I got out of the room of the priest, I headed to the orphanage. This is because I thought that it was quite a terrible situation, considering the expression of Fritz who was talking about it.




When I went to the orphanage, Vilma, who found me, rushed to the run.


“Rosemine, recently, when Dirk started crying, my face started to splatter. So …”


I looked back at Franca, appealing to Vilma. Franc flies lightly with a leather bag containing black magic stones.


“Vilma, I’ve consulted with the priest recently. It’s okay, so go to Dirk.”


“It’s clever. Delia, Delia! Please bring Dirk here.”


In response to Virma’s call, I heard Delia’s “Yes” from the back.


Immediately, she joins Dirk and begins to see Delia coming here. Dirk was getting bigger before I saw it for a while. While swinging with a diaper and swinging ass that seems to be heavy, it is possible to run with a little bit of movement that is dangerous even if it falls down.


…… Is Kamil too big?


Although I saw it at a distance in the fall adult ceremony, I did not see where Kamil walked because I was hugged and fixed by Turi from behind so as not to move around without permission.


“… Dirk is growing a lot”


“Yes, every day is an amazing series”


Kurusu and Vilma laughed, and after seeing Dirk, his eyes were clouded with anxiety.


“Vilma, you don’t have to worry. I talked to the priest and borrowed a magic stone that absorbs the magical power. If you absorb Dirk’s magical power, the symptoms will go away.” 19459002]

“I’m sorry”


Dirty ran and clung to Vilma, who smiled relievedly. He looks up at Vilma as if to give up.


“Uh, ah”


I crouched a little on the spot and looked into Dirk as if I was watching Kamil. In the meantime, Dirk clings to Deria like a shy person, and shook his head unwillingly to escape from me. I was shocked to remember that Kamil was crying.


“Lose Mine, long time no see. Please ask about Dirk.”


Delia crawls in front of me, as if hugging Dirk.


When I whispered lightly and looked at Fran, Fran took out the magic stone and crouched in front of Dirk. At the next moment, Dirk hid behind Delia to scare Fran and began to cry.


“Mor, Dirk. Don’t cry. My face is crushing …”


Saying that, Delia who was soothing Dirk looked at the magic stone that Fran had and changed her face. At the same time, embrace tightly to protect Dirk.


I think I remembered the situation where the former temple head sucked out magic. Delia’s behavior is a small mother rather than an older sister.


“It’s okay, Delia. If you don’t want to take root like the former shrine lord, you won’t be in such a dangerous state. Dirk is also afraid of francs, so it’s better to have Delia absorb it. If it is Delia, can you absorb while looking at Dirk’s complexion? “


Delia gently picked up the black magic stone offered by Fran for a moment. Then, touch the face of Dirk with a dreadful expression.


“Ah ~”


Magic power is flowing. Dirk looks at Delia with a mysterious blink.


I also know the feeling of the accumulated magic power flowing. I feel that my body is lighter and it feels good.


Talking about how comfortable Dirk was, he reached out to Delia.


“… Is it about time?”


Dirk is starting to look a little disgusting. In response, Delia releases the magic stone from Dirk and returns it to Franc.


“Thank you Rosemine, you can live with peace of mind.”


And laughed happily and saw me. I greet Delia lightly and respond, then tighten my face.


“Delia, I just talked to the priest about Dirk’s subordinate contract. I’d like to talk to them about it, but are you sure?”


Delia lightly stared at my words, corrected her posture, and Virma screamed with a serious look.


“It was decided that the subordinate contract between Count Bindewald and Dirk would be destroyed. From now on, we will be in the orphanage as just a predatory child.”


“Good, Dirk”


“However, I can’t say I can’t say anything from the officials of Count Vindewald, or the Elenfest nobleman for magical powers.”


Delia and Vilma’s faces strengthened and I saw me. Delia’s hands hug her shoulders to protect Dirk. It looked like a family hand trying to protect me.


While I feel the pain of my heart in my nostalgia and love, I present my own Dirk’s subordinate contract so that I can see it.


“This is a subordinate contract with me. Once you sign a contract, Dirk will not be able to stay in the orphanage. But it will help a little to protect Dirk. I will leave this to Delia. “


“… Rosemine, what does it mean to leave?”


Vilma blinked his eyes as if he could not understand that he would not take the contract but leave it.


“I think Delia is Dirk’s older sister, so I’ll leave this contract with Delia. When something is in danger, Delia will judge, and Dirk’s blood will be named. The contract is complete, and once the contract is complete, I promise to protect Dirk. “


Delia saw me as I was surprised. Compare the contract with Dirk and me and ask slowly. There was a nostalgic smile on the lips.


“… I know that Rosemine will keep his promise. I will no longer be suspicious or riding a sword”


Delia’s light-blue eyes of trust, different from before, stare straight at me.


If I had this level of trust when Delia was serving, I would be a little disappointed that it would have become like tying Delia to the orphanage.


At the same time, I felt that I could establish a new relationship with Delia.


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