Orders were sent to Zac and Johan to install a hand pump in the Hasse well. Johan had dropped his shoulders saying, “The pump in our studio was far away,” but it would be nice to train a craftsman who can make parts quickly.


According to the chairman of the Blacksmith Association, young people are trying to improve their skills because I’m growing up with young adults like Johann and Zach.


By the way, because Zack slid his mouth, the story of I trying to give Zak and Johann a workshop seems to circulate among blacksmiths and I want my own workshop. A person who is confident in his arm is sharpening his hand.


“Any craftsmen with the same precision and fine technology as Johann and the creativity of Zack will welcome me. Please introduce me.”


So I asked the chairman, so the metal processing Gutenberg may increase more and more. I’m looking forward.


Two people who teach Licht’s aristocratic methods and phrases, and four who live by moving to a small shrine in Hasse. For the Harvest Festival, I must select a gray priest.


That being said, I don’t know the character or work of everyone in the orphanage, so throw them to someone who knows their everyday life well. Virma, who manages the orphanage, and Fritz, who manages the workshop.


“Monica, foresight. After lunch, I will visit the workshop and orphanage.”


“I’m smart”


When I saw Monica, who was happy to meet Vilma, go out with a lighter gait than usual, I looked at Brigitte. This may be a good opportunity.


“Hey, Brigitte. I’m heading to the workshop and the orphanage in the afternoon, but are you sure you’d like to accompany me?”


“… Rose Mine?”


Up to now, the profit and loss account of sales and the nobility’s fence ( Shigarami ) are involved Therefore, only Dermuel was accompanied when heading to the workshop so as not to pass the information. Therefore, Brigitte, who was always an answering machine when heading for the workshop, leaned his head inexplicably.


“Did I make a workshop for Irkner? If so, you don’t have to hide it, and I think it would be better for Brigitte, Gibe Irkner’s sister, to see it.”


If Irkuner creates a paper mill and takes in the printing industry in the future, there is no need to hide it in Brigitte.


In my words, Brigitte broke his face happily after rounding his eyes.


“Sorry for your concern, Rosemine, please let me be with you.”


After lunch, I went to the workshop with Brigitte for the first time. Aristocrats don’t like to go to the basement, but as far as I see life in Ilkner, Brigitte won’t be disgusted.


“Waiting for you”


When I entered the workshop, everyone went to the spot and waited. My side serving Fritz greets on behalf. A greeting to the nobility, I will receive it.


“Fritz, let me continue with the work. I’m going to have Brigitte to see what it’s doing. Now Gil and Lutz are going to Ilkner? Brigitte It ’s a young lady there. ”


“It’s clever. Please keep working.”


Everyone started moving to Fritz’s words. There are people who run the paper and people who run the printing press. Don! Bang! In between the slamming and the press of the printing press makes a loud noise, the sound of metal and metal letters resonates comfortably.


“Fritz, Vilma and Fritz have a request, so I would like you to come to the orphanage together if the work is separated …”


“I have already made a break because Rosemine is here. Let’s head to the orphanage after Brigitte is finished”


Fritz gently closed his eyes. As expected, my side service is excellent. Fritz asked a young orphan in the workshop to give a pioneer to Vilma and began giving instructions to several gray priests.


“Brigite, I’m making paper here. That’s printing. I hope I can print with Irkuner anyway.”


Upon receiving my explanation, Girder ( Suke ) Brigitte looked at the making process with great interest.


When I look around the workshop for a while, I will leave immediately so as not to get in the way of work.


“Let’s go to an orphanage soon, Fritz”


When I called out, everyone stopped working and asked to see it off. I look around the workshop and call out.


“I’m glad to see everyone’s work. Please do my best.”


And with Fritz, head from the basement of the women’s building to the orphanage.


â € ¢ We may have noticed that we passed because the first child passed. The apprentices who were making soups in the basement of the girls’ wing did not show their surprises and stopped by the edge so that we could not get in the way.


“Everyone in the orphanage can eat hot soup with your work. It would be hard to make a large meal, but please do your best.”


I said so and quickly passed. It would be difficult if the soup burned down.


When I went up to the first floor where the cafeteria was located, Vilma whispered and waited.


I sit in a cafeteria chair and look up at Vilma and Fritz.


“Two people familiar with the orphanage and the studio ask you to select personnel”


“Are you a selection?”


I slowly asked the two who leaned their heads.


“Yeah, two gray priests heading to Hasse ’s winter pavilion, and four people who will move to Hasse ’s small temple in the future. The mayors will be taught how to write a letter and the nobility’s wording in document preparation.Preferably two people who have experience in side serving and are good at teaching people and are close enough to cooperate with each other Please choose “


During the winter, you will be thrown into a strange place and strange common sense. It would be even more difficult if you send two people who are difficult even if they do not fit the warp.


“Two people, both men and women, will move to the small temple. This may be an apprentice. Someone who seems to be able to do well with Nora who came here last year. It ’s helpful if you choose from. ”


“I’m smart”


Thus, after finishing the business, I return to my room. I spoke to Brigitte while drinking the tea that Nicola put in.


“What did you think after visiting the workshop?”


“I didn’t expect paper to be made that way. I was very surprised.”


“… Did you think anything else? How did you feel when you saw the gray priest working in the workshop?”


Brigitte thinks a little by narrowing his eyes.


“I thought it worked very well”


“Yes, everyone in the workshop works very well, but that’s not all I wanted Brigitte to see.”


I tightened my expression and turned to Brigitte.


“You already know that I will go to Ilkner to collect the Printemps Shokai at the Harvest Festival, right? At that time, I decided to accompany the priest, too. So, I want to confirm the workshop that I made on the land of the nobility for the first time and the result. ”


“It’s a great honor”


Brigitte smiles with a smile. As the lord’s adoptive girl, I became the backing and decided to do paper making ahead of other nobles. Then Ferdinand, the lord’s half-brother, comes to visit. It would be an honor to think from an aristocratic perspective.


“So tell Gibe Irkner that the priest is coming and educate the resident as soon as possible.”


“… Do you want to educate the resident?”


As Brigitte was told something unexpected, he tilted his head.


“Yes. Brigitte, Ilkner, are you very close to the lords, right? I like Ilkner who is harmonious, but probably the priest is not.”


“Ilkner is a real country land that no other aristocrats will visit. It may feel a little familiar and accustomed, but without maliciousness …”


“It doesn’t matter if it’s malicious or not? Because not knowing the courtesy of the aristocrats is the reason for destroying one town …. I learned that in a case of Hasse. Is that wrong?]


Brigitte, who has seen what happened in Hasse as my escort knight, turned pale in an instant.


The place where nobles are close and frequent visits to the aristocrats is difficult, and it may have been seen with a sense, but if aristocrats come to visit, Ilkner is the same. You can’t do it if you didn’t know it.


“It was good that nobles had not visited so far, but that’s not the case. Irkner started the paper industry ahead of others, so how do you run your workshop? If there is an aristocrat who is interested in the tour, what happens if the commoner gets too close or behaves unknowingly? ”


“How can I educate everyone …”


Suddenly changing attitude is difficult. It will be difficult to teach many resident by the harvest festival. But if you want to protect the territory, you have to do it.


“Ilkner wanted a backing and started the paper industry. We can no longer turn back. If you want to protect the resident, you must educate them not to buy the anger of the nobility. It leads to protecting the territory. “


I gently took Brigitte’s hand standing with his bloodless face.


“Who knew my thanks to the nobleman? Tell the Gibe Irkuner about what happened in Hasse, ask the gray priest in Irkuner, and at least work in the summer hall. Only those who are close to or close to them should educate. “


I don’t like the same thing as Hasse at Ilkner, but when I asked, Brigitte nodded with a face that seemed to cry.


“Thanks to Rosemine, for your valuable advice. I will talk to my brother tonight”


Brigitte under escort began to hide his seriousness in his serious face, selection at the orphanage was over, and he asked the Printemps firm for various preparations. There are discussions about the collection, and the days go by surprisingly fast.


Fritz reported that the Harvest Festival was imminent and that the selected gray priests were preparing to move.


I was told to go to encourage the priests who had moved to Hasse and headed to the orphanage the following afternoon. Fran and Zarm with a large wooden box, and Monica with a small wooden box.


The orphanage’s cafeteria was lined with gray priests who had moved to Hasse. Wilma introduces each and finishes greetings.


First, I spoke to two priests and two apprentices who moved to the small shrine of Hasse.


“Ingo told me that a small press in Hasse also had a printing press. Now there are too few people in Hesse and you don’t know how to print. I look forward to working with you. ”




Increased personnel for printing. I want you to do your best.


I let Francs open the wooden box and have the contents distributed to each person. Same as previous.


“This is a gift from me to you who will work hard at Hasse. You know how to use the letter board because it is used by my side. Be careful not to forget your name as it is a thing. “


“I’m sorry”


A priest who was given a letter board happily narrowed her eyes, and a shrine maiden apprentice broke her face.


After seeing it and scolding once, I turned to the two priests heading to the Winter Hall of Hasse.


“Ahim, Egon, and you will also give this letter board to you. It will be the hardest for you to spend in another world, not the temple, but in the winter pavilion. I believe. ”


“Lose Mine …”


“There are two jobs for them. First, this is to teach the mayors.”


I said so and showed the wooden box that Zarm carried. Inside, there are wooden bills that tell you what you want us to teach you at Hasse. The wooden bill is written by a nobleman who knows how to write letters and frequently used phrases.


By the way, this is an important thing that Fran prepared for me as a commoner, and I would like to release it as an educational book if I can reduce the price to a level where the commoner can buy a book. thinking.


“I believe nothing will happen in the Winter Pavilion, but since the gray priest is an orphan, he may be beaten or disregarded. Evacuate to Hasse ’s small temple immediately, and I will tell the Hasse people that way. ”


And then open the lid of another wooden box that Monica has brought. There are entertainment items such as playing cards, cartas, and picture books.


“Winter pavilion has little entertainment, and if you read it to children or teach Trump to adults, you can have a good exchange? However, books are expensive. So make sure you just read it, because Hasse cannot compensate for anything. ”


“I’m smart”


The orphanage is thorough in handling things, so there is no damage yet, but in Hasse it will break in no time. This book is so expensive that even aristocrats are willing to buy it. It will not be handled properly.


Carta and playing cards made of plates will not break so easily, but the book will break soon. If you are treated roughly, you will get angry than the mayor of the previous mayor. no doubt.


Then, I looked at Monica and asked me to put out notes and ink that bundled the failed pieces of paper from the box. Hand over the booklet and ink bundled with pure white paper to Ahim and Egon.


“This is my second job. Please listen to the story of Hasse.”


“Are you talking?”


“Yeah, like the nobility has a knight story and the temple has the story of God, the commoner should have a story that only the commoner knows. You may have heard from a traveler.Since it will be the subject of my book, please listen and write it down. This is more important work. ”


Authentic purpose that has not been communicated to the priests and the Licht who worshiped me as a saint and praised me for mercy. It is a collection of stories that are shared among the commoners. Its name is Grimm. Collect stories from all over the place that exist as oral traditions.


First of all, with the name of Hasse, if there is a result, dispatch a gray priest to the winter pavilion in various places in the name of teaching the nobility.


Next, the story of the land that the nobility governs will be collected as the printing workshop expands. If you decide how much in one story, the workers in the workshop will collect the story. Eventually I would like to collect stories from territories other than Ehrenfest.


The ambition is big and endless.


… I hope it goes well. Grimm project. Ufufun.


I also hope to improve the literacy rate for the common people. However, the bottleneck is that the book is not something that can be bought with ordinary people’s money.


If I knew that I enjoyed reading but I didn’t have a book, there must be a crazy person like me. I’m sorry if that happens. I really hope that the price can be lowered as soon as the winter library is ready.


In the meantime, the day before the Harvest Festival came, the Plantin Shokai carriage headed for Hasse.


A person moving to a small temple is loading a household item into a carriage and an orphanage is helping it. Anyone who goes to the Winter Hall gets into the Hasse Harvest Festival with me, so it is a different action.


“When you come back, the same number will be on board, but be careful because it is an orphan of Hasse and an infant before baptism”


“It’s clever … Oh, it looks like soldiers have arrived”


The soldiers came to pick up the carriage of the Printemps Shokai as the gray priests boarded the carriage and prepared for the carriage. The father is at the top.


When I showed a smile in a cheerful appearance after a long time, my father who met my eyes narrowed my eyes and laughed and screamed in front of me.


“Thank you so much, Gunther. I will take care of you again.”


“If there is a call from the head of the temple, I will go straight away”


The words of Dad’s clever words were followed by other soldiers.


“I lose faster than the chief … I can fly”


“I also come. Please call me”


“Shut up, you’re rude.”


I laugh a little when I see my father silence with a glance.


“Reliable people are together this time. Thanks, I can send out the gray priests with peace of mind.”


“Let me know. I look forward to seeing you at a small temple in Hasse at a later date”


ほ ん の After a brief conversation, I send the carriage to Hasse.


After sending out the Printemps Shokai, you must prepare for your next departure. This year I will bring some books to Harvest Festival. If you don’t have a break, you won’t be able to endure the frenzy of that festival.


“Princess, thank you again this year”


“Yustoks, thank you very much”


The tax collector is Justocus, and the escort knights are Eckhart and Brigitte. Under the direction of the priest, Brother Eckhart and Dermuel were replaced. It ’s because Damstell and Brigitte cannot stop the Yustox runaway.


“Eckhart, everybody asks you. Let’s meet with Dollvan”




Listening to the words of the priest, the Eckhart brother, who responded with a postcard, now turns his gaze on Dermuel.


“… Dermuel, leave Ferdinand’s escort to Dolvan”


“I’m smart”


After listening to the precautions of the chief priest, I got into a ready-to-prepare lesser.


In addition to Ahim and Egon staying in the Winter Hall, Lessers has Fran, Monica, Nicola, Rosina, and Fugo.


Ella is an answering machine this time. He decided to take a fugo with physical strength on a long trip. Ella is supposed to serve meals for the orphanage who serve the answering machine at the temple.


In my side service, Fritz of the workshop management and Zarm, who was entrusted with overall temple management by the priest, are the absence programs. Which is more difficult, accompanying an answering machine?


“Now, I’m going to go to the Priest.

“Do not cause any problems”


“I know”


I really need to know, but I turned my eyes away from the priest who holds the temple, and I squeezed the handle of the Lesser.


Pour magical power, step on the accelerator, and run into the sky.


It was the beginning of a long trip called Harvest Festival.


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