knights are placed around the tree, but Dermuel is in the position where the priest and father can follow. This is a natural arrangement, because the area that Damuel is entrusted to is the smallest, but it is meaningless if it is not protected.


A small demon appears from all directions. In order to harvest seasonal ingredients, I went to various places and fought against monsters, so I became aware of the strength of monsters.


Now, cat-like Zanze, a slightly larger Ferze, and a squirrel-like alien beast are not strong. It ’s just a lot of numbers.


Last year, the number of knights was small, so the number was a threat, but if there were a priest or a father with abundant magic, it would be easy.


I was watching everyone fighting from the beast until the fruit of Ruuel grew up.


“Let’s go!”


The first niece was Eckhart brother. After a few steps, he slams out the spear vigorously in a relaxed position. With the sharp sound of punching out the air, the tip flashed back to the purple moon.


The next moment, it disappears so that the demon beast penetrated by the magic stone can be dissolved. Just a blow. With that alone, several monsters disappeared.


“Do it!”


As it is, Eckhart brother moves the spear greatly and knocks down the surrounding monsters.


A monster that was smashed with a spear or torn at its tip weakened and fell down.


The surrounding monsters who saw it gathered and devoured to weakened monsters, not Eckhart brothers. Eat magic stones and try to gain power even a little.


Brother Eckhart rubs the herd with blue eyes, grabs the spear, and pierces the herd many times. The frogs that move at high speeds slammed the monsters one after another with the sound of piercing the air.


I looked down on Eckhart’s attack and sighed. I usually see only the help of the chief priest, so when I look at the fighting of these knights, I think it’s honest and very cool.


…… Hooh, Eckhart, cool. Next to my dad … next time is cool.


When I praised the male figure of Eckhart brother in my heart, I heard the high voice of Brigitte, one of the red in the knights.


I change the position of the beast a little and look towards Brigitte.


“Hey aaa!”


Brigitte stepped on the ground with a voice of enthusiasm and shook a weapon resembling a sword. Along with the sound of banging and air, the monsters that were in the range where the weapon’s blade hit were losing their shape and disappearing at once.




Slaughter ( Hough ) Even without confirming the disappearance of Brigitte’s amethyst eyes focused on the next prey. Brigitte is in a posture that keeps her waist down, twisting her body to turn around while turning the skirt.


The movement of Brigitte that makes use of the twist of the waist comes as if the weapon follows the delay.


By the time the long and slightly warped blade passed the front of Brigitte’s body, several monsters disappeared again.


Every time Brigitte blows a weapon, the long blade flutters and crawls at the monsters that come to it. The figure of Brigitte waving his arms without stopping was alive and at the same time stunningly beautiful.


… Huh, nice. Uh, I want to be strong too.


I know it’s impossible to be like Brigitte, but I want that kind of coolness. Aim to be a nice and reliable older sister.


…… Speaking of what, how will your father fight?


The father’s fighting was seen in the distance when he was attacked during the prayer ceremony when he was an apprentice of the blue priestess, and he also saw it in the fight against Schnetilum, the main lord of winter.


However, both were far-reaching and the prayer-style raid ended with a single feat. The battle of Schnetilm was too far from being able to discriminate because there were many knights, so I don’t know how to fight.


I am a little excited and look for my father.


The father seemed to swing a sickle bigger than his height. That’s because it doesn’t seem to be too powerful. As you walk around that area, mowing lightly and hunting demons one after another.


…… Oh, father, strong! As expected, the Knights!


Even though it doesn’t seem to be so powerful, the movement of the big sickle is surprisingly fast, Buon! Buon! And the sound of tearing through the air sounds a lot.


The number of sickle beasts disappearing with the sickness of a father is not comparable to Eckhart brothers and Brigitte. I think more than ten of them disappeared at once.


I don’t think that it seems that there are few demon beasts in front of the father even though the scope is wide.


…… I come from Ehrenfest for my collection. The next coolest thing after my father is the father!


When I was praising my father while hitting my knees with Pasi Pashi, suddenly, Don! The explosion sounded.


“Cheer !?”


Although it was a not-so-explosive explosion, it was a surprise, so I suddenly swallowed my body and held my ears unintentionally. I scramble to find out what happened and look for the sound source.


…… It ’s a priest.


demon beasts in the range to which the priest was entrusted had disappeared extensively and completely. There is a blank area without monsters. no doubt. The explosion sounded earlier is the work of the chief priest.


What can I do to create a blank area so far? It was too mysterious and I watched the movement of the priest.


In front of the priest who became a blank area, other monsters rush over. Just looking at the chief standing with a cool face, turn right now to the monsters and run away with full power! Is it only me who wants to say?


The priest, who was quietly looking at the demons that came up, threw something. I could shine brightly in the air for a moment, and see the shape spreading greatly. At the next moment, it disappears in the eyes as if it had vanished into the air.


… Net?


It looked like a net to me, it didn’t disappear, but it fell on the monsters. A wide range of monsters struggled and began to entangle.


While looking at the demons that were trapped in the invisible net, the priestess sat down as if to crawl and put the palms and palms on the ground.




At the same time as the quiet words, I could see the magical power flowing like a mesh. If you think that the shape of the net is raised by the light of magic power, it ’s the same as before! The sound of the explosion sounded and the demons in the net disappeared as the priest spoke.


… I’m scared. It ’s really scary.


This is possible because it is a priest who boasts overwhelming magical power. In order to flow magic power at once in such a wide range, it is difficult not only for the amount of magic power but also for handling magic power.


Exceptional strength, excitement, and fear, I slightly shifted my gaze from the chief and focused on Dermuel fighting between the father and the chief.


Dermuel had a fairly quiet battle compared to everyone else. All you have to do is make sure each one is with your sword. There is nothing flashy.


However, unlike last year, it has grown steadily. Spoil the magical power, defeat the monster beast with the strength and physical strength, and you will never be short of breath or look around. I was fighting straight ahead.


And, my advice was taken frankly, and it seemed that I was training desperately, so that the handling of magical power can be put on and off. It seemed that it was possible to use a little larger magical power for the magical beast like Felze that was growing a little, and to use magical power directed at the accessory for the accessory.


“Dermuel, go down and use medicine”


“No, I’m still fine”


¡Dermuel shook his head with his sword and cut Zanze with his sword. There may be two people who follow me on both sides. However, unlike last year, instead of waving weapons for the time being, it is surely finished.


“Don’t overdo it, Dermuel”


“I’m really fine”


Dermuel keeps an eye on the monster and says quietly and shakes his sword.


After swinging the sword for a while, I called myself “I’m going down” and left the priest and the father. Then, lean on the luer tree and take recovery medicine.


ま で Dermuel has a short break before the medicine works.


“Dermuel is getting very strong”


I called out to Dermuel as if I was getting out of the beast.


Dermuel looks up at him as if he was surprised and laughs small when his eyes meet.


“I’m sorry”


Then Dermuel closed his eyes once. You can see that you are slowly exhaling as you check your magical power.


Dermuel, who raised his face, turned his gray eyes toward the demon beast, grabbed the sword that transformed Starp, and threw himself into the battle.


It seems that he feels confident that his limits are growing, and he seems to be fighting with more margin than before.


…… I suppose I trained very seriously.


I knew Dermuel, who wanted to be much stronger, and I was as happy as I was when I saw the results of my efforts.


Looking at recent growth, I think that the power of love is really great. Just a little grinning about the love situation of others, while just biting the growth of Dermuel, Justuskus raised a voice.


“Princess, it’s about time. Please pour the magical power of Ruel!”




When I took a deep breath and stepped out of the beast, I reached out to Ruel, who looks like a crystal.


It is hard to dye the fruit of Ruel into my magic. All creatures seem to have an instinct that they don’t want to accept magical powers other than their own, and they are very resistant to dyeing with magical power.


squeezing the hard and swaying fruit of Ruel into the palm of my hand, I poured magical power at a stretch, smashing the resistance of Ruel.


The reason why I feel less resistance than last year is because I am growing a little.


While staring at the fruit of Ruel in my hand, I pour in magical powers and push Ruel’s resistance.


The clear purple ruel fruit starts to turn pale yellow. Last year there was a feeling that my magical power was pushed back, but this year there was no such feeling and it flowed more and more.


“Yustox, is this all right?”


When I called Yustocus, Yustox, who had cut off the eyefint that was trying to jump to Rueru, came to here, guarding the surroundings.


“… It’s early, Princess. It’s okay. Once collected, put it in a leather bag”


While holding the fruit of the completely changed color with my left hand, I picked up the magic tool knife with my right hand and cut the branch.


Then, quickly cut off the branches that are not needed and immediately put the fruit of the ruer in a leather bag. Because it is a leather bag that cuts off magical power, it shouldn’t be taken away by monsters anymore.


“I’m done!”


“The collection of princesses is over”


Father sang in the voice of Yustox.


“Now we will withdraw!”


“It’s still! Please wait a moment. Bring Ruel to Dermuel!”


Don! The priest who looked out of the surrounding monster looked up at me.


“What are you thinking, Rosemine?”


“If you want to get married in the summer, do you need a magic stone? If you’re my escort, you can’t get a magic stone.


I also learned while reading the knight story, and when I was thrilled, it was seen by parents with a warm eye. It seems like it looks like a child who doesn’t distinguish between a story and reality.


“… Maybe it’s different?”


“Not wrong …”


As the priest said, look at Brigitte.


I understood with that line of sight. It must be prepared secretly, and it must be done before someone is seeking a suit.


…… Oh, I was going to change my mind, but I failed! ?


Hii, and when I was holding my head, the father said, “Keep it, Darmell” while hunting the demon beast.


“I don’t get any better quality magic stones. Perfect for marriage.”


While laughing grinning, the father continues to kill the monsters. I think it’s because of the feeling that I heard that Elvira looks forward to that continuation.


It seems that it was a decisive decision that the knight of the knight, the chief of the knights, gave permission, and Eckhart and the priest also encouraged the collection of Darmell.


I ask about the state of Brigitte, but Brigitte did not stubbornly look at it and kept hunting demons silently. It’s dark at a distance, so I can’t see it clearly, but it feels like my ears are red.


… I’m sorry, Brigitte. I’m sorry to make you feel embarrassed.


Dermuel, who was allowed to collect, was a cavalry and approached Ruell’s fruit, chanting “Messer” and transforming the starp into a knife shape.


Unlike me, who needs high-quality magic stones dyed by my magic, the magic stones that Dermuel needs are used for marriage. Now you don’t have to dye it with Dermuel’s magic.


Dermuel quickly cuts off the branches and collects the two ruel fruits that were nearby. Probably for my marriage.


happily squinting the gray eyes and pouring them into a leather bag they have with careful hands.


“This is the first time I have such a good magic stone. I will spend time later and slowly dye it with magic.”


Since the collection of Darmuel is over, we withdraw immediately. Then I returned to the winter hall in Dolevan and slept asleep.


With a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction after gathering all the materials, and a sense of expectation for a healthy self, I aim for the room of the priest with a striking footstep.


After breakfast, I was called to come to my room. It will be a continuation of my work yesterday. I will do my best to help you start making medicine quickly.


…… I can get well. Get healthy. I can be an ordinary girl. Ufufun.


dermuel went to the head of the priest first, so I headed to the head of the priest with Brigitte and Franc, and served the side of the priest who was waiting outside the room. I opened the door and entered the room.


“Good priest, good morning! What is your help today?”


A bright greeting was completely floating. The room is filled with tangled and serious air, and I hurry and close my mouth.


No one is working in the room of the chief. In the first place, it seems that everyone except for those who were waiting in front of the door were paid, and there is no one who is working.


Father, Priest and Eckhart, who had a difficult face, sang “Rose Mine” as Dermuel, who looked sad, asked for help.


…… A little, Dermuel. What did you do


“Brigite, Franc. Go down”


I feel like I want to speak to Brigitte and Franc, who quickly get out of the room, but I don’t understand and blink my eyes.


The priest scolded me like that.


“I know the cause of the call, Rosemine?”


“I don’t understand!”


I don’t remember doing anything. I wonder if the Lord of Dermuel who seems to be angry with these three people is beaten up.


“What did you do to Dermuel?”


“… Well … Dermael, did you make it to Dermuel? Did you recommend collecting Ruell last night, or did you secretly give some sweets during this time? But that was in Brigitte. I gave them … “


When I was desperately remembering what I did, the chief priest angry with blue lines.


“No! It’s completely different! I’m telling you that it’s your work that Dermael’s magical power is unnaturally rising!”


“No. It is Dermuel’s effort that the magical power is growing …. Certainly, I advised you a little, but I wouldn’t grow without effort and training.”


Apparently, it was a story about the growth of Dermuel. When I was stroking my chest, thinking I was angry, my father looked down at me with a rugged face.


“What advice did you give, Rose Mine? How much growth is wrong. The magical power of the lower-class nobleman Darmuel, who has almost completed the growth period, should not grow that much.”


“I just taught Dermuel how to compress my magical powers, just as Dermuel used Gevinnen to understand the martial arts and devised it to be visible.”


Unlike the father and the Eckhart brother, who seem to be inexplicable, the priest lifted his eyebrows.


“How do you compress your magic? I haven’t heard”


“Eh? I don’t think the priest has ever asked me how to increase my magical power, but I don’t know if it’s correct because I’m self-directed.


When I tilted my head, Dermuel slowly shook his head and denied my opinion.


“If you ask about Rosemine’s magic compression method, I think that those who are growing up will grow dramatically. I couldn’t report because I was worried that my magical power would be buried below average. I ’m sorry. ”


No matter how hard you try, if you learn how to do the same, the magical power will increase on average, and Dermuel will fall again.


“It ’s not strange even in the secret of the family or the family, such as being able to dramatically increase the magic power. I understand the feeling of Dermuel who wants to hide.”


Elder brother Eckhart said so to sigh.


What is the story if it wasn’t ridiculed to be hidden? I turn my eyes to the chief who is quietly looking at me with my golden eyes.


“Was Rosemine, unlike Darmell, did you intend to keep it secret, why didn’t you try to extend it to Ehrenfest with insufficient magic?”


“Why are you saying …”


Certainly, Ehrenfest lacks magic power, so it may be natural to consider raising everyone’s magic power. But even though I thought about spreading books, I didn’t think about how to increase magical power.


“The compression of magical power has always been a life-and-death boundary for me, and I’ve been going to live. So I thought it wasn’t like teaching a nobleman with magical tools, If there is a dangerous way, there may be a person who dies. Such a dangerous thing cannot be spread. “


My father was convinced of my words, and the priest kept my temple inexplicably.

 [19459] “Why did you tell Dermuel?”

“Because Darmuel knows my identity and understands the meaning and weight of being in the danger of life and death”


[Only those who know my identity are here. Everyone became a difficult face.


“I see. I understand your thoughts. I don’t want to spread …. But I dare to ask. I want to tell other Arenfest nobility how to compress your magic. This is an issue that must be solved as soon as possible.If the power of the children who will be responsible for the future Ehrenfest increases, there will be no better than that. ”


I feel that there is something like an impregnation on the face of the chief priest.


For the past two years or so, I have been blessed at the prayer ceremony, so the magical power should have been fulfilled and the yield should have increased. If you think about increasing the magical power of the blue priest who will help you, you can still understand. However, I don’t know why the nobility of the nobility needs to be increased immediately.


“Looks a bit rushed, but is there any reason?”


“It’s not a reason. It’s part of the preparation for when Georgine has set something up with Arnesbach’s first wife. If you can raise the magic of the nobility, I have never passed “


Since the Priest is part of the preparation, I think it is better to cooperate.


However, there are many anxiety factors regarding the method of compressing magic power. I don’t want to teach you too much.


“If it’s for the territory, it doesn’t matter how much you teach. However, I will give you a lot of conditions.”


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