“Well done! Unexpected development was very interesting!”


After the competition, the excited Rufen came up. It is said that “the surprises are reminiscent of Ferdinand,” and I gently look down.


“I’m afraid, but Ehrenfest couldn’t win unless he used a trick. I was impressed with Dunkerfelger’s skill. There are wonderful knight apprentices.” 19459002]



Rufen turned his eyes to the knight apprentices of Dunkelferger. The knight apprentices look at me with an unexpected face.


I looked up at the apprenticeship of the knight who was in charge of the whole and smiled.


“Even if an unforeseen incident occurred during the transport of the demon beast, could it be immediately rebuilt with the commander’s glance and move for each role? During the assault attack, the full attack of Cornelius and Cornelius, he immediately acted to protect the lord candidate and defended at that close range, neither of which can be done at Ehrenfest. ”


If the cooperation of Ehrenfest was as sophisticated as Dunkel Felger, it would have been a match in the first surprise.


“That was a really beautiful collaboration. We reconsidered that we had to devise more knight training so that we could catch up with Dunkel Felger as much as possible. I hope that Dunkelferger will continue to maintain that level of skill. “


Dunker Felger’s knight apprentice who broke with my words opened his mouth.


“It’s an honor to receive such a compliment from another lord cadet. We get this Ditter, which is completely different from a Ditter that only deals with monsters. I am looking forward to the day when Rosemine is able to rematch the trained Ehrenfest. ”


“… I just ask the knights to train my apprentices, and this kind of Ditter is all this, but I try to raise my rank in territorial competition as much as possible. I will do it. ”


Regarding the apprenticeship training for the knight, I planned to throw it to the Knights, and laughed vaguely and struck Dunkelferger’s rematch.


“Oh, is it over? Which won?”


“Ehrenfest, Prince Anastazius”


Anastazius who left without watching because there was a lecture returned. Anastazius lightly shakes his hand to interrupt Rufen’s excitement as he begins to describe the content of the battle.


Since the sky seen from the stadium is getting darker, I can’t afford to ask the chief about the progress of the game.


“It was decided by the game you said. Is there any objection?”


“Yes. I will withdraw as soon as it is decided by the game”


In the words of Anastazius, Resty Laut sang and declared that he would pull his hand from Schwartz and Weiss.


¡When I was exhaling, Resty Laut glared at me.


“But I only confirmed with his own eyes the evilness that followed the surprise. I would never admit that he was a saint.”


Talking that, Dunkelferger leaves the place.


Anastazius narrowed his gray eyes and looked down at me.


“… Did you do something wrong with Ditter?”


“I think it was a miracle, but it depends on the evaluator whether it is a bad habit.”


“I see”


For me, it doesn’t matter what Restyraut says. It is true that even if it was said to be a bad habit, it was a fact that they could not choose a way to protect the library, and I never called myself a saint. Even if you say “I don’t admit you as a saint”, I can only say “Is that so” and it’s too popular recently, so I’m a little relieved.


“Rose Mine, because he was decided to be the witchcraft master, come to my room at tomorrow’s third bell. You may have to talk to Solange.”


“I’m smart”


Upon receiving the prince’s call, it was immediately disbanded, and Hirschul returned to his laboratory on the beast.


We went back to the dormitory while looking at Anastasia’s amazing eyes as if we were seeing a riding-on knight for the first time.


“Why did it become a Ditter game? Explain, Rosemine!”


As soon as I entered the dormitory and closed the front door, I was yelled at by the teardrop Villefried. There was an ordnance from Richarda on the way, but there was only one escort knight, so it was too careless to be told not to get out of the dormitory, and it seemed that he was answering with ease.


I talked about the story of Dunkel Ferger who was waiting in front of the library, the background of the Ditter game, and the result that he was finally called by Anastazius.


“If it’s a call from the prince? … it’s a lot of fun to report to my father, measuring, raiding, dittering, calling, in just one day!”


“That’s right, when I report, I’m going to review the knight apprenticeship training …”


“I’m talking about that now. The training is good. What is the call from Prince Anastazius?”


I wanted to talk to my father about the review of knight apprenticeship training, but was blocked by Villefried.


“It is related to Schwartz and Weiss. Prince Anastazius told me that he must also talk to Dr. Solange”


“… Is that so”


After that, we had dinner and asked the knight apprentice who participated in today’s Ditter. Some apprenticeship knights were simply happy to win Dunkelfelger, and some apprenticeship knights were confused because they were too different from the usual Ditter. Meanwhile, everyone was lightly amazed by the words of Leonore and Udid, who looked at Ditter from the outside, not the center of the battle.


“This time we won the Dunkel Ferger because of Rosemine’s miracle. It is not our ability.”


Ditter, who competes for speed, thinks that there are probably a lot of improvements, and started talking about collaboration and the weaknesses of the monsters compiled so far.


From now on, it will be a discussion of knight apprenticeship. I decided to leave Traugot with Leonore and the brother Cornelius, who ca n’t go up to the third floor, and return to the room. I was tired from various things today, but there will be a call from the prince tomorrow. I want to sleep in the bath.


“… Oh? What is Richard?”


“If you have a little use, I will take my seat off.”


Riezela and Brünnhilde, who were preparing for the bath, helped with the bath, but there was no Richarda on the spot. It is rare that there is no Richarda. When I tilt my head, the lyzer will tell you the words.


“Today I was with Rosemine all day …”


I usually do a little work during lectures and while I am reading in the library with other side-servants, but I said that I couldn’t do it today.


…… I’m doing it with a flat face, but it’s difficult to prepare for the side.


Convincing me, I fell asleep and fell asleep.


The next day is a call from the prince. Richarda told me that I could take one of my souvenirs to improve my witness, and I had two kinds of turtles, baked with lumutopfu mixed with dough and stuffed with honey in early morning. I had you burn it.


Anastazius seems to have liked Lumutpuhu, and is my concern to be able to divide the honey with egrantine.


Up to the second and half bells, while practicing Rosina and Feshpeir, arranged a song dedicated to the Goddess of Light, and then up to the third bell, with help from Brünhilde, I was headed to the Stagios room.


“… By the way, where is Prince Anastasia’s room?”


“I have never entered, but I know how to go”


Brünnhilde said that and left the entrance door. I go out to the hall that leads to the auditorium, but I don’t go to the auditorium, but walk toward the doors to the lower dormitories. Despite the number breaks, the doors continue at regular intervals. There was a big door at the back, and a guard was standing in front of it.


“It’s No. 13 Ehrenfest. Today Rose 3 has been called by Prince Anastazius on the bell of today.”


“I’m listening to you”


The guard checked the cloak color and brooch and opened the door.


Waiting there was really a butler-like grandfather. This is already Anastazius’s residence, and Grandfather seems to be serving the first side of Anastazius.


“We’ve been waiting for you, Rosemine”


I was immediately taken to the reception room.


When I arrived at the drawing room, Solange had already arrived and had a cup of tea with a relaxed and elegant smile. Anastazius sits across the street.


I handed the souvenir Kathalkar, greeted me, and sat down to the recommended seat.


“Payment by person”


Entourage has been kept away, and only three people and Anastasia’s entourage are in this room.


Talked about tea and sweets for a while, but Anastazius suddenly tightened his expression.


“The magical tool of the library, but with the victory of Ehrenfest in the battle, Rosmine was mainly admitted while attending the Aristocracy.”


“What is the contention battle? … Is it true with Ahrensbach?”


Solange was surprised. I’m surprised by the words coming out of Solange.


“Ahrensbach? Was it Dunker Felger who fought with Rosemine?”


“Well, wasn’t it ?? Arensbach’s young lady was asked several times what was needed to become the master of Schwartz and Weiss. It seems to have been done “


Solange said embarrassedly, but I felt my heart throbbing. I didn’t expect to hear Ahrensbach’s name.


“Is it possible that other territories may still come out? Troublesome …. Why did Rosemine become the main ?? I did a little research, but there was no record that the student became the main. Tazo “


“Rosemine’s prayer has reached God”


“… I don’t know what it means”


Anastazius shakes his head and shakes his head to explain Solange.


“When Rosemine was praying to the goddess of wisdom Mestionola, Schwartz and Weiss began to move. The gods received Rosemine’s prayer.”


“Rosemine. Detailed explanation”


It seems that the explanation by Solange could not be understood at all, and Anastazius looked at me. But I can’t say anything more.


“Even if you were told that it was detailed … I just registered in the library and left it to the pleasure of entering the reading room, and I gave my prayers to God. It was recognized as Lord by Schwartz and Weiss. “


“I don’t know if you ask in detail”


Anastazius shook his head again and shook the solange.


“Solange, how has the Lord been decided so far?”


“The predecessor was nominated to give permission to touch Schwarz and Weiss, touching the forehead magic stone and registering the magic power. Without touching the forehead magic stone. It was the goddess of wisdom, Mestionola, who was able to register magical power with blessings alone. “


“It’s better”


Apparently abandoned understanding. Perhaps you have done something insane, so I don’t think anyone who doesn’t see the site will know.


“I was also nominated by my predecessor and registered magic power. However, Schwarz and Weiss stopped moving. I can still touch Schwarz and Weiss and can supply magic power. However, it seems that my magical power was just perfect to keep the defense. “


Solange said that he had given magical powers and guarded that he knew that Schwarz and Weiss would not move so that no other important magical tools in the library could be stolen.


“Maybe Solange doesn’t have the attributes of light and darkness? My writer told me that both attributes are necessary to become the main.”


“Why does Rosemine know such a thing?”


Surprisingly, Anastazius saw me.


“The new Lord of Schwartz and Weiss must give a new outfit. I was told that and I took Schwartz and Weiss from the library to the dormitory for measurement.”


“… I should have measured at the library?”


“I thought it, but I was rejected by Dr. Solange”


When I turned my eyes to Solange, Solange nodded slowly.


“Swartz and Weiss are defenseless magical instruments, so if you take off the costume and measure it, you will be defenseless. You will be stolen from the costume, and you will steal the defenseless Schwartz and Weiss. It ’s hard to do so, so things like measuring and sewing are under the control of the Lord. ”


«The main so far was the librarian of the library, and he had his own room in the library, so there was no need to leave the library. If possible, I wanted to give permission in the library, but it was not possible, Solange said.


“There are many students who listened to me when I rented a room in the library for the measurement, and I was banned to enter the room. Considering the possibility that the 2nd place Dunkel Felger and the 6th place Ahrensbach might forcibly push in, we can’t give permission for library measurements. “


Anastasia asked Solange’s words, “I see.”


“So why did you figure out the attributes?”


“When I took off my costume for measurements, there was a lot of magic in the stomach. This is the magic that caused Dr. Hilsur to throw out the afternoon lecture.”


“… Ah”


Anastazius asks, “Whether it is first-class as a researcher or as a teacher,” with a bitter face. What I want to say is Ehrenfest, who must have Hirschl as a dormitory.


“The embroidered parts of Schwartz and Weiss seem to be a fairly old magic circle. According to the story of Dr. Hilsur and the apprentice apprentices who were watching it, they could move without both light and darkness attributes. I wonder if it isn’t. “


According to Hirsur, it’s an imperfect magic team full of holes, so I’ll add that there may be other conditions.


“Speaking to Restirut first, the extra struggle may have been avoided. That should have no darkness attribute.”


“The conflict may have been avoided, but what I knew about was the information I got by taking off the clothes of Schwartz and Weiss and examining it. I didn’t know why, so it was hard to speak. “


Don’t talk about anything extra. It is safe to live as a noble.


“And, Restylauth doesn’t go to the library, so he can’t be the Lord of Schwartz and Weiss. You have to supply magic power about once every three days, but not the library. Those who want royal relics for honor will not continue “


“Oh, Rose Mine. I didn’t say that, but if the attributes matched, it would have been helpful if I could become another Lord …”


Does Solange have the right attributes for Ahrensbach? I tilted my neck. Since it seems to be a bit troublesome, Ahrensbach’s person thinks that it is better if the attributes do not match.


Solange looked at me worried.


“Rose Mine alone is a heavy burden? Because there were three senior nobles in the past, Schwartz and Weiss are magical tools that really consume a lot of magic.” [19459002 ]

“I thought it was reasonably necessary to replenish magical powers. The previous librarians had a great deal of magical power to be able to operate Schwartz and Weiss for a year. It’s a daily accumulation, but I don’t have any idea how much magic power was struck. “


When I say so, Solange smiles sadly and gently turns his eyes down.


“When three people were left, they had so much magic that their lives were dangerous,”


“… Is life so dangerous?”


Anastasius exhaled lightly when I rounded my eyes to the noisy language.


“The former librarian was a successor to the first and fourth princes of the time when there was a political change. Therefore, it can no longer be returned.”


I noticed that the three heads of the three men who entrusted Schwarz and Weiss with life-threatening magical powers were far higher, and I tied my lips.


“Recruitment is not allowed no matter how much I apply for, so the only way to move Schwartz and Weiss is for the moment to favor Rosemine”


“Such … Isn’t the staff replenished even if it says to move the magical tool that is the relic of the royal family?” The relic of the royal family is rare and important, isn’t it? “[19459002 ]


When I asked, Anastazius turned away.


“How many magical tools have stopped moving in the wake of political change … Not just the library of the Aristocracy. There are other more important magical tools.”


The number of magical tools that have stopped moving will be the number of lost aristocrats. The political change that was a distant event for me was very familiar here.


“It would be impossible to send human resources to the aristocracy’s library to move the magical tool. If you want to move the magical tool, you can only pour magical powers in good faith. If it wasn’t raw, it would have been early … “


Anastasius said and sighed.


If I wasn’t a lord candidate, it seems that it was a third-year student apprenticeship with a civilian apprentice and a transfer to the center in the form of a librarian apprentice.


However, since the lord candidate has a role in each territory, he cannot move to the center. It seems to have been decided a long time ago to prevent an excellent successor from leaking to the center.


“Rosemine is a lord candidate, so I will not accept him as an official administrator.”


«If I want to be the official administrator of Schwartz and Weiss, I will transfer the management of Schwartz and Weiss to Ehrenfest, and there will be lord candidates who speak louder than ever. Said Anastazius.


“Rose Mine is a bona fide collaborator. Is it good?”


“I’m smart. Then, I’ll help you as much as I can to help Schwarz and Weiss work well for the operation of the library.”


The goodwill for the library is overflowing. It doesn’t matter if you provide magical power. Solange smiled happily when I promised to cooperate.


“Thank you, Rosemine,”


“Solange is good. Rosemine is a little left”




“Now I’ll leave you first”


Solange greeted and greeted and then left.


“What are you talking about?”


“… wait a little”


I drink tea and eat sweets while watching Anastazius, who is silent to look for words.


… First of all, it is definitely a story related to Egrantine.


The face looking for words is not the face of the royal family. The face of a man who thinks about his favorite child. To be honest, I don’t want to talk to Anastazius. I have been angry and failed at a tea party with music teachers. I don’t know what will be fatal now that there is no egrantine to complete.


Anastazius opened his mouth when he thought he wanted to go home.


“… Rosemine, probably Egrantine would invite him to the tea party”


Egrantine is very beautiful like a goddess of light, has a soft atmosphere, good dance, and is comfortable even if she talks. I am so happy to be invited to a tea party.


And since it is a lord candidate of the large territory of Krasenburg, which is more influential than Ahrensbach, the interests of Ehrenfest are also great, and even if you deepen your relationship, you are not a partner to be beaten by parents. Recently, there are many projects that seem to get angry, so there is a need for a project that can counteract them.


“Egrantine ’s invitation is very happy”


“That’s it. Why don’t you ask Egrantine’s intention?”


ok, tilted my head when I saw Anastazius raising his face like saying,


“What do you mean?”


“What, what?”


Anastazius wandered as if upset. If you don’t understand why, you feel that you are being accused of gaze, but if you don’t make it clear, you’ll get an odd answer and you’ll be even more angry.


“… I’ve been sleeping for two years, and I’m embarrassed, but I’m immature about socializing. I don’t have my entourage here, so I can’t ask you later …”


“No other words are needed! People are paying people not to know!”


“So please tell me what you want to ask. I am so embarrassed that I have to expose my immaturity to the royal family through more.


I can’t do it, it’s a magical fault as a nobleman. It seems that it was a mutual embarrassment.


wondering if I should bother to say something like this, Anastazius rubs me with a shy face.


“… I’d like you to ask about your future prospects, especially the graduation escort”


Speaking of which, I feel like I heard that two princes are fighting to stop Egrantine’s heart to get closer to the throne.


…… Egrantine-sama is hard to be imposed such a heavy choice.


“Did you ask others better?”














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