“I’m going to take the Fespil, brother”


The mother said so and laughed at Gibe Haldenzell. In response, Gibe Haldenzell smiled and sent out his mother, “It’s best to hurry because that room is the farthest.”


… That? [Why is my mom going to pick up when there is a side service?]


Listening to the sword dance with a question mark in my head, a lyser who was behind me to serve me secretly told me how to replace sweet tea . The mother said, “Please give me time because I will practice.” Gibe Haldenzell replied, “I will go to the end of the prayer ceremony, so go fast.”


… I don’t know, that’s it!


sword dance progresses while I scream in my heart. As I watched the sword dance, I remembered the father’s sword dance that was shown to me when my foster father hid himself and accompanied him as a blue priest. The adopted father and father’s sword dance were very beautiful and cool.


By the way, I wanted to see Angelica’s sword dance. Of course, do not put it in your mouth. A little thought can not confuse Haldenzell’s prayer ceremony.


“Thank you for waiting”


The mother returned with her feshpeel on the side when the sword dance ended and the votive dance came to the end. When you sit in your seat and exhale, your votive dance ends.


This is a prayer ceremony that should end in this year, but this year does not end. Gibe Haldenzell stood up and said, “I will try to sing a song with only women, according to the old scriptures passed down to generations of temple chiefs.” Introduced.


The mother goes up to the table with the prepared fesh peel. Even if my role is suddenly swung by following me, my mother who can go up on the table without being upset is cool.


Even though the aristocratic women of Haldenzell are told to go up on the table, the women who are not in attendance at the annual festival are waiting for the ones who get up the most while asking each other. Even if you want to get on the table, you can’t move unless the upper person moves.


Mrs. Gibe Haldenzell, who seems to have read such air, stood up and called on the women to sit on the table.


“Elvira-sama will also dedicate Feshpil. Let’s sing and pray together.”


As the woman at the top of Haldenzell moves, the aristocratic women go to the table as if they invite each other. Since she is not good at singing, it seems that some women are participating in musical instruments.


“Let’s visit Rosemine”


Mrs. Gibe Haldenzell reached out to me with a gentle smile. Shouldn’t my mother be exempted by playing feshpeel instead? Surprisingly, he somehow searches for a complaint.


“I am not a nobleman of Haldenzell …”


“Well, Rosemine is the daughter of Elvira. We are the relatives of ours. And if Rosemine, the head of the temple, celebrates spring together, the people are encouraged and bravely hunted. I can leave “


As expected, I can’t refuse to say “because a strange blessing is about to pop out”. “Please give blessings to Haldenzell,” he says.


What can I give up if I refuse? I didn’t understand me, who had a low social level, and when I asked my father for help, I looked up and shouldered my shoulder lightly.


“Social solidarity and empathy at such ceremonies and banquets are important. Rosemine doesn’t know the song to sing, so I think I can’t participate, but I can do it if I stand on the stage as a temple head.” Is n’t it? ”


Dad says that it is good to go up on the stage with Gibe Haldenzell’s face, but do not do anything. There is no need to crush Gibe Haldenzell’s face here.


I headed to the stage with Mrs. Gibe Haldenzell and Angelica, the escort knight, as I was depressed by the banquet.


“Lose Mine …”


When I went up with Mrs. Gibe Haldenzell, my mother looked lightly. It would be so. The follow-up is spoiled. However, I ’d like your father to complain.


“As the temple head, I just pray together. I want to cherish the sense of solidarity with everyone at Haldenzell, but I can’t sing.”


The mother sighed lightly as if inevitable.


When Mrs. Gibe Haldenzell gives instructions to the women where to stand, referring to the men’s songs, each of them will be scattered on the table and gently crawl on the spot.


“Rosemine is here”


The place where I was directed is just before the Holy Grail. There is a woman singing around, so there is no problem even with mouth-packing, and it is a good position to decorate the temple head for the time being. If I am surrounded by adult women, I will not be able to see my figure, so I think that it is meaningful for me, the lord’s adoptive, to participate together as the temple head.


I, like everyone around me, gently crawls on the spot and puts my hand on the floor.


“I am the one who created the world and prayed and thanked the gods.”


Slowly raise the face and the first people who stand up are those who have a musical instrument. In the middle of the mother, there are women with musical instruments that stand around the table.


A high-pitched tone came out from the mother’s fespeel with a pin and a performance. Feshpeel sounds increase, whistle sounds overlap, and the prelude plays. The singers get up slowly and raise their faces to the prelude. This is centered around Mrs Gibe Haldenzell.


“End to a deep, deep white world. Crush the hard ice that drains everything and rescues the goddess of our earth …”


…… It’s gone! The song has started.


Everyone in Haldenzell knew about the song and didn’t need to have a meeting, but I didn’t have any knowledge about the song, but I missed the timing to get up completely.


I am desperately thinking about when to stand up. If you stand up now, you will probably stand out. I do nothing, I do not know when to get up. It seems like you are praying more, so you may want to stay still and stay still.


Listening to the mother’s feshpeel and everyone’s song, in a whispering position, missed the timing to get up.


“Let’s deliver everyone’s prayers”


When I finished singing, Mrs Gibe Haldenzell said so. This is a prelude to praying to God.


…… Here!


I finally find the timing to get up and get up in a hurry. I was able to keep up with the action of everyone raising their hands and praying.


“Pray to God!”


As soon as I found out, my magical power was drawn. A large magic circle emerges in green light, probably drawn on the base of the feet.


“This is …?”


While everyone was amazed and looked at the glowing magic circles with their mouths lightly open, the magic circles slowly rose to a height of about 2 meters beyond adult height.


When I look up, the movement stops. Hmm? Immediately after I thought, the magic circle was gradually sucked into the Holy Grail, and a green light pillar stood up straight from the Holy Grail.


At the next moment, several girls who suddenly looked up at the magic circle around me suddenly began to fall down. I’m in the shape of many people falling down without any warning! Take a breath.




“What is it?”


While such a voice of surprise rises, Mother and Mrs. Gibe Haldenzell will not fall down and look around. Not only women who fell, but also women who sat down with an unpleasant face, the prayer ceremony suddenly was screamed.


“Rose Mine, is there anything wrong with your body?”


Angelica handles Stin Luke and asks me while watching the surroundings. “I don’t have anything. I’m fine,” I looked around, just like Angelica.


I see the knights rushing to change their blood phases. The closest father is the fastest. When he jumped up on the platform, he ran straight to me as if he had spared the trouble of going to the stairs.


“Rose Mine, is it safe?”


“Okay, nothing.”


“I think that magic is the cause, but do you know what happened?”


I also think that the reason why the surrounding women fell was that magic team, but I didn’t know why they fell, so I shook my head.


The father looks at me from the top to see if I really have any abnormalities, and then looks toward my mother.


“Elvira, isn’t he?”


“I don’t have anything, but it would have been too much for the lower nobility. It seems that the magic was lost by the previous magic team.


In the mother’s voice, the Knights who always have recovery medicines rushed to give them recovery drugs that had been lowered on their hips and began to give them to women who had lost their consciousness. Those who are conscious and have their own recovery medications start drinking immediately. According to his mother, it was a low-class aristocrat who fell, and a middle-class aristocratic woman who was feeling uncomfortable.


“Lose Mine, let this go to Haldenzell and return to your room immediately”


The mother, Gibe Haldenzell’s sister, left the Gibe and his wife to deal with the situation and bought the role of bringing the three lords back to the room. I call my father and two knights to the escort and head to the room where they are given.


“Rose Mine, isn’t he?”


“Your sister, are you okay?”


“It’s okay. The reason seems to be a decrease in magic.”


Returning to the room, worried about Villefleet and Charlotte. I looked up at my mother, waiting for the lyzer to open the door.


“I’m going to rest in my room, but will my mother help Gibe Haldenzell?”


“Yeah, this is the first time. I will cooperate with my brother as much as possible.”


“Mother, if you want to help Gibe Haldenzell, be sure to take your medicine. Mother has also been deprived of magic by the magic circle.”


When I said Ferdinand-sama’s medicine in the room, my mother laughed, “Thank you for your consideration. Please take a rest slowly,” and began to head to Charlotte’s room.


¡I saw the cloak of the priest saying that his back was “no problem” and I grabbed his father’s cloak.


“Make sure your father and mother take recovery medication.”


“I know. Elvira’s habit of defying himself is a long time ago. Don’t plan”


dad patted my head and struck me, so I decided to leave the rest.


Returning to the room, taking a bath, getting ready to go to bed and going up to the bed. After seeing me ready to sleep, I looked at the kindness of the chief priest who remained on the table.


“… Does Rosemine do not take medicine?”


“There is no need for Ferdinand’s medicine because of this amount of magical power reduction. Although there is no physical strength, I have magical power.”


When I started to try out in the futon, I began to hear a roaring sound outside. I heard a thunder ringing in the distance of consciousness.


… Ah, it’s thunder.


It was only a short while I thought so in Yumegen. Soon, thunder increases in intensity, and a tremendous sound like cracking a board door begins to sound. When I could see lightning shining through the gap between the board doors, and the spooky light reflected in the awning, I wasn’t ready to sleep.




… That’s scary! Really scary! It ’s amazingly shining and there ’s a great sound!


Sounds can be heard even if they enter the futon from their heads. I heard the sound of the opening of the tent and the tent, and I cried out, “I can take the navel in thunder!” And concealed the navel with both hands.


“Are you okay, Rosemine?”


“Hy !? Reiser? Isn’t it okay?”


It seems that it wasn’t Thunder-sama that came in with the tent open, but Riezera and Angelica. On the other hand, exhaling the relief, the sound of the thunder and light became terrible due to the face coming out of the futon, and I wanted to cry.


“… Mr. Rosemine, I’m not good at thundering, is it okay to be with you a little?”


“Of course! It’s better to sleep together here! Because it’s not scary to stay together,”


Come on. Come! And I opened the futon, but both Riezera and Angelica would not sleep together. However, the riser sat down at the bedside and held hands.


“My mother used to do this when I was young”


“… Lieselater, I don’t remember having my mother do that …”


Angelica asked, “I’m not being done,” Angelica, looking down with a complicated face, on a lyzer that connects my hands. Riezera looks back at Angelica with a small laugh.


“Isn’t your sister sleeping without thundering when thunder rumbling? It’s a story after her sister slept.”


“I didn’t notice”


It was a rather late time when we got together and finally thundered away and became able to sleep. Because of that, I couldn’t get up in the morning, and I was wrapped in a futon saying that I wanted to sleep until the last minute of breakfast.


“Rosemine, it ’s hard. Change your clothes right away. Gibe Haldenzell wants to speak urgently.”


Someone seemed to have come to the messenger, and when the sound of the door opening was heard, the riser came back to repel the tent.


“What happened?”


“It seems spring has come to Haldenzell”


“… I finished the prayer ceremony”


In the aristocratic town of Ehrenfest, after the banquet of spring, it is said that it is spring. It is said.


Haldenzell, who finished the prayer ceremony, is spring, even if snow remains. There is no wonder in it.


Listening to me slowly and saying so, the riser shook her head full.


“It doesn’t mean that. It seems that snow is completely thawed overnight.”


“Oh !?”


Changing clothes, I head to the place I was told. It is the highest place in the Castle of Haldenzell, with a tower that looks around. There were Mr. and Mrs. Gibe Haldenzell, Mr. Haldenzell, the father, the mother and the Knights, and looked around with a stunning face.


“Wow, it’s a beautiful scenery that seems to be spring. It seems that the goddesses of spring have done their best”


Yesterday, when I came to Haldenzell, there was still a lot of snow left. The clouds were still thick and the sunlight was weak, and the north side was still white. The snow is gone completely.


The surrounding area of ​​the castle was surrounded by young green leaves and colorful flowers. You can see yellow and white flowers blooming, and in the north, where snow remained and white, you can see shrubs and short greens in the red rocks. The bubbling breeze is still a bit cold, but it’s not comparable to yesterday’s winds with snow.


Sunlight is soft, calm and comfortable.


“It’s an early summer scene in Haldenzell, not in spring, Rosemine”


Gibe Haldenzell said so and shook his head lightly.


“The thunder of last night will be the thunder of the fairy tale of the thunder that tells the arrival of spring, the lightning of Fairdrenna. In Haldenzell, it rings when the snow is completely thawed”


For Haldenzell, where the snow remains forever, even though it is said to be a goddess of spring, it seems to be a thunder that indicates the arrival of a short summer at the end of spring.


“I thought it was a very out-of-season thunder last night, but it’s not like this …”


I look around, next to Gibe Haldenzell, who narrows her eyes so that she cannot understand. I saw people coming out of the castle one after another and scattered the grassy fields full of young leaves.


“A lot of people leave the castle in a hurry, but are you sure?”


“I’m really overwhelmed. It’s the first time like this.”


In order to increase the yield even a little, the residents in the south must hurry to go to the village and make a field, and the people in the north can predict when and how many monsters will appear in this climate. There seems to be no need to go to the hunting ground immediately.


Suddenly, due to seasonal changes, Haldenzell is now in a mess.


“Is that the magic team?”


“There are no other differences from the previous year, so I’m sure there are no mistakes.”


“Then, the prayer ceremony may have originally been a ritual to dedicate magic, pray to God, and really invite spring.”


When I said so, thinking that the power of God here was amazing, Gibe Haldenzell opened his eyes wide and looked at me.


“Lose Mine …”


“Isn’t it possible to expedite the arrival of spring in this way if we perform the same rituals next year?”


That magic team was originally on the table. If you use that, you will need a lot of magic, but you might get the same effect every year.


“This thaw may be thankful, but looking at the ritual last night, the burden on the woman becomes too great. I feel irritated and totally useless.”


“In the temple, the blue priest with less magical power handles the magic stone with my magical power. I don’t think that the lord will be able to cooperate at all …”


Isn’t it okay to give magical power to magic stones and give it to women of lower-class nobility? It seems that he had never thought about transferring magic power to others. I saw me as if everyone around me was surprised.


“That’s why the temple was like that … I’ll think about it here too”


When Gibe Haldenzell said so, his father, who looked around, looked closely and pointed far away.


“Gibe Haldenzell, what is that?”


I strengthened my body, raised my eyesight, and stared at the father pointing. In the distance, you can see a golden tree.


“A mysterious shade of wood. Is it a demon tree?”


“Yes, it’s a devil tree called Brenruth, a precious sweetness of Haldenzell. It is forbidden to give it to anyone other than Haldenzell, but it gives true spring to Haldenzell. If you dedicate it to Rosemine who brought it to you, the residents will say no, but if you like, can you bring it back a little? Brenruhu’s fruit can also be used as a material in making recovery medicine. The quality is very high. ”


The tea that is brewed using the leaves of Brenrus seems to be a sweet tea peculiar to Haldenzell. I was happy and struck big.


“Thank you, Gibe Haldenzell”


“The escort has a Knights group, so you can collect it without danger”


Haldenzell began to move quickly, but cannot return until the work of the Plantin Shokai is over. I still need a few days.


In the meantime, Gibe Haldenzell seems to have hunted the demon beast with the Knights in the name of collecting the fruit of Brenluth dedicated to me.


He was used to Gibe Haldenzell, and his father was murky on the way home. It seems that people are used in a manner similar to that of mothers, and they are used when they notice. As expected, it is a mother’s brother.


“This is the fruit of Brenruth”


Villefried, Charlotte, and I get two golden berries shining strangely as souvenirs and leave Haldenzell.


Johann and Zack also seemed to have gained many things through earnest exchanges with craftsmen, and in the end they were reluctant to leave with a sunny smile and handshake. It seems that the Printemps Shokai was able to finish the procedure earlier than planned and was relieved.


On the way back to Ehrenfest at Lesser, I was surprised to find out that the only blessing that the Holy Grail gave was Haldenzell.


From the sky, I could see the border clearly. In the south of Haldenzell, the scene of spring, there is still a forest where snow remains.


“… a very mysterious sight”


“I don’t think there is more wonder than Rosemine who caused this condition”


The passenger seat Angelica said so, and the back seat Gutenberg agreed.


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