Hartmut, who was heading to the space where the civilians were once, returns with a girl wearing a blue cloak. If I thought he was a familiar child, he was an apprentice apprentice who was accompanying Hannerole at a tea party in the library.


The dark brown braid is shaking on the back. Its eyes are the same blue as Dunkelfelger’s cloak. She will be taller than the tall Hartmut, so she will be taller. The appearance of walking half behind Hartmut’s shame with embarrassed dyeing is very original.


“Dunkel Ferger …”


I tilted my head, feeling the sound of disagreement with the chief whisper. The chief sighs lightly.


“Dunkel Ferger’s women are expensive, and I don’t know how much information I have. Well, can Hartmut control it?”


“Ferdinand-sama, are there any disgusting pasts for Dunkelferger women?”


“… No, general theory”


Is it a territory where high calculation is said as a general theory? Dunkelferger’s women know only Hannelole, but have never felt it was expensive.


“I am Clarissa, a fifth grader of apprenticeship from Dunkelferger.”


It seems that Haltomuto’s girlfriend was Clarissa who gave me the story of Dunkelferger. Just because you have read some of her stories already increases your favorability.


Clarissa greeted for the first time and said, “I am finally happy to be able to introduce you to Rosemine”.


…… Speaking of that, did Hartmut have been with many girls?


“Because it is introduced in this way, Clarissa decided to marry Hartmut? Where was the deciding factor? I just want to ask for reference”


Hartmut is quite different, but what did you like? I couldn’t ask, but I asked about the deciding factor for marriage.


“Do you remember Rosemine being last year’s match between Dunkelferger and Ditter?”


“Yes, of course”


“At that time”


Hartmut, the apprentice of apprenticeship, should not have been in the Ditter game, but did he get along well while exchanging information about Ditter? Clarissa dyes her cheeks and opens her mouth to me.


“At that time I was really impressed”


Clarissa started talking not about meeting Hartmut, but how wonderful it was that I, the smallest physique at the Aristocratic House, used the tricks to mess with the apprentices of Dunkelfelgar. .


“I decided at that time to marry Elenfest’s lord to serve Rosemine in the future.”


…… Eh? Hartmut, nothing at all! ?


From the information gathering that began, Clarissa seems to have begun to search for the Ehrenfest man who seems to be able to balance his magic. You must be a senior aristocrat in the same grade or above who is likely to be able to get permission from your parents in a position to be close to me when you get married. Considering the ranking of Ehrenfest, it is difficult for a senior aristocrat of Ehrenfest and a senior aristocrat of Dunkelferger to get married.


Clarissa’s condition is that there were only two brothers, Mr. Cornelius and my friend Hartmut, who had excellent results on my side. As soon as I tried searching, Brother Cornelius was refused as “I have a thinker”, but Hartmut was a free man who got in touch with girls from various territories.


“I thought that there was only Khaltomut, and I applied for a marriage premise.”


When I heard that, my mother’s voice, “Yes, that” came down from behind. I was surprised and looked back, as if I was a civilian, and my mother was taking notes.


“How did you communicate your thoughts to Hartmut?”


Hartmut was the answer to the mother’s question. I give up my shoulders with a smile.


“Clarissa was enthusiastic because he was struck, pushed down, and struck with a weapon at his throat.”


“… Yes?”


“I didn’t know what happened for a moment”


Clarissa seemed to urge her to show her own strength and move on to get married. Then, we will clear the issues from Haltomut who felt the danger of life and clear them all. In the process, it seems that romance candidates who were close friends with Haltomut were kicking one after another. For Clarissa, love seems to win with enthusiasm and guts.


…… Dunkel Ferger’s love story is true even for men and women. It was a new discovery, but I didn’t want to know it. Clarissa is an ordinary child at first glance.


“And finally I was able to get involved with the marriage premise, and thus I was able to introduce Rosemine.”


Clarissa says that she is embarrassed to talk about her love like this, but she never felt like she had heard the story.


…… Because it is unexpected that Saya Hazuki is beginning to get used to them.


I turn my eyes to Khaltomut, who stands next to Clarissa. Is it okay to marry a woman who stands with a normal face but suddenly puts on a weapon?


“How does Hartmut think about marriage? That seems to have been a shocking encounter …”


“It was a shock to meet, but Clarissa listens enthusiastically, no matter how much you talk about Rosemine, and no matter how much you put into Rosemine, there is no sign of fighting. That ’s why I think there ’s no better relationship. ”


…… What should I do? I would like to congratulate you for Haltomut, but I don’t want to congratulate it too much.


Well, when I was worried, Clarissa looked at me straightly, tightening her shy face. You may have felt against it. Clarissa shines brightly with the strong blue eyes of Dunkelfelger before I open my mouth.


“But the marriage of Hartmut and the service of Rosemine are different. I would love to serve Rosemine. I would like to acknowledge this, and set up this place in Hartmut.


Clarissa’s self-appeal started from there. Clarissa is a civil servant who became a civilian because he fell to the selective examination to become a knight apprentice, and even today he can train and train with a knight apprentice, so it can be escorted, in front of negotiations with Dunkel Ferger He complains that he can get out.


… That? I have been introduced to my subordinate’s marriage partner, right? I feel like a job interviewer.


“You said that you can escort with a civilian from Take, but what can you do as a civilian in the main business? What kind of research are you focusing on for your graduation next year?”


The admiral next to me seems to be completely in the mood for an interviewer. What kind of research are you doing at Aristocratic House? I have heard a lot. Clarissa seems to be studying magic tools to assist with magic that affects a wide range.


“And I made all this effort to be recognized as a Rosemine writer, not just a writer”


Clarissa offered a bunch of paper.


“This is a copy of my book. There are two books except for the same book as Ehrenfest’s collection, which I heard from Hartmut,”


“Is Clarissa a very enthusiastic and good child, Haltomut? I already have a story and it’s a hiring to do a manuscript …”


“Not enough thoughts, idiots! At least look at the contents before evaluating”


sighed as if amazed, and I looked over the manuscript that Clarissa gave me. By the way, I thought about Clarissa marrying Hartmut and becoming a close friend of mine, but there is no negative for Ehrenfest. To be strong, it ’s just a little annoying because there ’s an increasing number of saints like Hartmut 2 around me.


“I think the letters are beautiful and well made. And I think it’s not bad for Ehrenfest to be able to connect with Dunkel Ferger. Isn’t it bad, Ferdinand-sama?”


I looked up at the next priest while I was worried about being opposed. Clarissa is still waiting for the words of the guardian, the priest who has the power to decide.


“… Fum. The civilian from Take is a bit uneasy about the negotiations, but Khaltmut could make up for it. If you think you can carry Clarissa, you can do it as you like.”


Clarissa’s blue eyes filled with hopes move to me for permission from the priest.


“Let’s talk again after Clarissa married Hartmut and moved to Ehrenfest”


“Thank you”


When the interview with Clarissa happily dyed his cheeks, Haltomut moved forward one step.


“Ferdinand, Raimund has just come here. If you have time, I would like to submit the assignment directly.”


“Oh, please bring me”


Hartmut and Clarissa took me to Erenfest’s civilian space. Clarissa speaks with a happy expression, and Hartmut can see it answering.


“Is Clarissa a general Dunkelfelgar woman?”


“The atmosphere is quite different from the woman I know of Dunkelferger. That thought circuit is closer to the knight”


“It was shocking to show armed force in the scene to convey thoughts. How should I write it? It’s difficult.”


My mother left with a troubled face, but I don’t think it is necessary to write it as a love story. How about a how-to book on how to drop a Dunkelfelgar girl’s man? I think this book will be a must-read for boys in other territories that can be told by Dunkel Ferger girls.


“Sir Ferdinand, Mr. Rosemine, brought me Raimund”


Hartmut and Clarissa are back with Raimund. Clarissa wants to know the level of the priest and the civilian that I admit. Raimund, who is a student in another territory called Ahrensbach, has been recognized by the priesthood chief and me as a rival, for Clarissa, is a rival to improve himself.


…… Is it like a relationship between the chief priest and Heishitze?


Raimund wears a Mauve cloak of Ahrensbach and has a refreshing and clean appearance. However, it turned out that the face had a strong color of lack of sleep, and I was studying to the last minute to show the subject directly to the chief priest.


Raimund has a tense face, greets the priest, and submits the issues he had. The chief prisoner picked up the submitted task and began correction on the spot. Look into Haltomut and Clarissa as well. I looked at it together because it was an issue to make the transfer team I requested small and energy efficient.


“The improvement here is not bad, but if you add a magic team here in this way, you will be able to assist magical power with magic stones, and as a result, you will save the amount of magical power of the caster.”


“Are you helping with magic stones? … The challenge was to make it easy for even the lower nobles to move, but is magic stones so easy to prepare?”


“Isn’t it difficult to prepare magic stones?”


Do not use the priesthood as a standard for research, both in terms of the amount of magic and the abundance of materials you have.


“Even a commoner can get a magic stone by defeating a demon beast, so I think there should be an auxiliary magic team.”


Clarissa, who looked like he was impressed with the magic team, said so. Watch Clarissa as Priest and Raimund surprised.


“Do common people get magic stones?”


“If you go hunting into the forest, it is natural for ordinary people to encounter monsters. If they are weak, they can defeat them, and there are stone shops in town where you can buy magic stones hunted by common people.” , I don’t understand the situation where the lower class nobles can’t get magic stones. “


…… Dunkel Ferger seems to be a strong commoner. I’m glad I’m not a child of Dunkel Ferger. I was absolutely dead.


“Is there a stone house in the town where the commoners live?”


Looking at the heads of the priest and Raimund leaning, it may not be in Ahrensbach and Ehrenfest. I lived in the downtown area, but I didn’t go much so I don’t know if I was at Ehrenfest.


For the time being, it is confirmed whether or not it is effective even with Kuzu magic stone, and if it is effective, the priest will finish the correction with a view to increasing the auxiliary magic team.


“A new challenge … Rosemine, what do you want?”


The priest chief spoke to me to see if the next issue would come to mind immediately without the materials at hand. I cry greatly. There are as many magic teams as Raimund wants to improve.


“I’d like you to improve the magical tools in the library that appear in the materials borrowed from Dr. Solange”


I enumerate the library magical tools listed in the Solange materials. A magical instrument that glows with time, a magical instrument that cleans the inside of the hall, a magical instrument that suppresses loud voices in the reading room, a magical instrument that stops the time to keep old materials intact, and a book with sunlight Many magical tools have come out, such as magical tools to prevent damage.


“What kind of magic circle?”


“I don’t know. I didn’t draw it in the material. But I want a magical tool that is useful for the library. If you can make a magical tool that saves as much magic as possible, Dr. Solange will help.” [19459002 ]


Listening to the building I gave, the priest chimerally exhaled.


“I have some resources. Let’s use it as a starting point”


There seems to be some magical tools made by Hirsur teachers, and it seems that only a few materials remain.


“It might be better to go to the library once for research. It would be nice if there was a magic team where it was easy to understand …”


When Raimund began making plans for the future, Clarissa looked at the Priest with blue eyes shining.


“Ferdinand-sama, please give me an assignment”


“Clarissa gets a challenge from Rosemine. He is a Rosemine mate and not my apprentice.”


Since the cut-away Clarissa has turned his gaze to the point, think about a magical tool that will catch users who want to take out without permission in the library.


Drama on the stadium seems to have ended while talking about magical tools in the library. Rufen’s voice told that all the Ditters were finished. At the same time, the awards ceremony will be held after this, so students will be told to go down to the stadium when the fifth bell rings.


“Now go back to your place”


urged by the chief priest, Raimund and Clarissa return to their territory locations, with remnant faces. It seems that it was so much fun to talk about magic tools. I also enjoyed talking about magical tools to put in the library.


Easy cleaning up until the fifth bell rings. The apprentice apprentices clean up the important magical tools that were presented for research presentations, and the side apprentices clean up the tea utensils and sweets that had been provided to the customers one after another.


And then, Callon Karan and the Five Bells rang. Villefried and Charlotte stand up with faces that could not wait.


“Going to the stadium, Rosemine”


“Because it will be crowded if you go to once, please get off from Villefried brother first. Please take the role of gathering students below. Charlotte tells you to get down in order. I’m here until the last minute to preserve my physical strength even a little. “


Preserving physical strength is my most important duty so that I won’t fall in front of the royal family. Vilfleet and Charlotte, who know about it, begin to give instructions to the students.


“Let’s go soon. When you get off, we will see the situation in front of you.”


When the majority of the students at Ehrenfest went down, the priest said. Parents seem to move forward as if they were watching Ditter and look down at the award ceremony.


“It would be nice if there were many excellent students from Ehrenfest”


Talking to the priest, I stand up. Suddenly the amulet that was lowered on the arm reacted. When you think that it was shining, Hyun and pale light flew like an automatic counterattack against Rufen.


“… Eh?”


It was almost the same time that I was blinking my eyes in a sudden event, and that the head of the priest attracted me and Eckhart brother gave me a stap and was wary. The reaction was delayed for a moment, and then Cornelius brother, Leonore, and Udit took the start.


“Wow !?”


A scream was heard relatively close. Brother Cornelius and Leonore rush to where the voice resonates, and Udit is on the alert. Brother Cornelius immediately dragged out a student who received a counterattack of amulet.


“This is the criminal who attacked Rosemine”


“No. I didn’t mean to attack the lord candidate.”


¡After being attacked by the amulet, dragged out and turned blue was Immelding’s senior aristocrat who was frustrated that he was in 10th place until last year. The territory’s ranking changed, and it seemed that he was swallowed by a lady of the great territory and was fond of Khaltomut, who was associated with Clarissa of the great territory.


He seems to have thrown a magic stone impulsively aiming at Haltomut’s foot. However, because I got up and Haltomut moved along with it, the amulet was activated and I was attacked. I think he’s quite unlucky.


Even though his aim was different, he attacked other lord candidates. There must be no compliment. However, it is not necessary for me to grow up before the award ceremony. After that it is best to have adults discuss with each other.


“I don’t want to punish myself because I’m seeing painful eyes thanks to Ferdinand. I’ll leave the complaint to Aub Emmerding to Aub Ehrenfest.”


I left the priest to deal with Immelding and tried to get down to the stadium with the aides and cavalry. The priest adds a little force to the hand holding my arm.


“Rosemine, you should have used up the amulet that reacts to physical attacks now. Be careful not to leave the escort knight from the surroundings. What is the resentment of the territory that Ehrenfest has overtaken? I don’t know how to come “


Listening to the priest’s words, Brother Cornelius nodded me with a hard expression.


There are already many students at the stadium where the awards ceremony takes place, and you can see the colorful cloaks lined up. There were Villefried and Charlotte who had already descended, so there was a bright ocher color of Ehrenfest.


“That is Ehrenfest”


“Get down with a beast towards that circle”


A civilian apprentice and a side-serving apprentice descended from Hartmut, and I descended in a form surrounded by an escort knight.


The royal family came in when all the students lined up on the stadium. Surrounded by a knight group with a black cloak, the beasts with their wings spread one after another.


A well-known knight leader followed me as an escort, and when I saw the place before Anastazius and Egrantine, I knew immediately who was the king.


…… You are younger than you thought.


It looks like a person about the same age as his father. The face is similar to Anastazius, but there are more rumors. Beginning with the kings, they are dressed in heavy clothes that the royal family has troweled and go up to the platform. The king and the first wife, a young royal family that seems to be Sigiswald and his wife, and Anastazius and Egrantine. Apparently, Hildebrand, who hasn’t shown it, seems to be an answering machine.


“The god of life, the winter of rigorous selection of Evilive, who also gathered here, harshly,”


The commendation ceremony began with a greeting from the king. The magical tool that amplifies the sound resonates with the cheerful voice of the king. As I was excited about the first award ceremony, I was looking at the royal family ahead. Even if you look away, Egrantine is very beautiful. The Turi hair ornaments that complement the blonde are also beautiful. I sighed in exclamation.


Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded in several places and the fire pillar rose.


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