“Mathias, I can’t see the surroundings. Hunting while thinking is dangerous. Isn’t it always what you are saying?”


It’s obviously my fault that I noticed the little bigger monster and didn’t realize that the little monster was approaching. I exhale lightly, bang up my bangs and look back.


“Laurenz, sorry. I was saved”


I arrived at the Aristocratic House early in the fifth grade, and I went out to gather materials as soon as Laurentz, a lower-grade knight apprentice arrived the next day. Good quality materials can be picked up at the Ehrenfest collection site, which was revived by the blessing of Rosemine. As the quality of herbs increases, the monsters that aim at it seem a little stronger. Like last year, I came with Laurenz, but it seems better to have a little more manpower next time.


“I’ve got some, and I’ll end today. What are you worried about?”


Laurenz, who shook his Starp’s sword and turned it off, puts the collected materials into a leather bag with his orange eyes looking like this. I recovered the material and put it in a leather bag in the same way.


“… I was thinking about dedication. Wasn’t Laurentz forced by parents?”


“Done. Like Matias said, after adulthood, I ran away and said,”


Laurents straddles the beast while exhaling lightly with annoying odor.


I was also asked by my father to give his name to Georgine, but I and Laurentz are also raising their magical power with the magical power compression method that my father taught me.


ロ ー You can give a name if there is a material that seems to be no problem no matter how much it grows, such as Rhoderich, but it is usually a quality that is suitable for giving up your name until adulthood stops growing magical power And not. For that reason, he refused to say “Please come after adults”. When Roderich got the material, both I and Laurentz had enough quality material, but it was a secret to their parents. I still need time.


“Matias met Georgine in the summer? What did you think?”


“… I thought I was the father of my father”


Georgine-sama visited the middle of the summer. The parents seemed to have had a dinner and tea party in the nobility town, but Laurentz was left with Gibe’s answering machine, so it seems that he did not meet Georgine directly.


I was also an answering machine at Gerlach, but I was able to meet you because Georgine-san stayed at my house on the way back to Ahrensbach. I think that the meeting had been made in advance, considering that he was well prepared to greet Georgine and that his father returned from the nobility town before Georgine using a beast.


On the day when Georgine came, aristocrats dedicated to Georgine came to our house. It was really a small group, and it seemed like a secret gathering where everyone came with a beast. I didn’t give my name, and I was not allowed to show up at the gathering, and my father ordered me to stay in my room.


However, Georgine-sama, who knew I was an excellent person, wanted to meet me. He was hurriedly prepared by the side service received from his father and taken to a meeting place where only the followers of Georgine gathered.


It seems that the meal was already over, and the place of chat was moved to the hall of my home. You can see at a glance that Georgine, who is surrounded and smiling, is the main person of this gathering. I approached Georgine and went to my feet.


“God of fire, please allow us to pray for blessings on the glorious good day of Leidenshaft, encounters guided by the gods”


“Forgive me”


After finishing the greeting with a blessing, Georgine reached out to me. A cold hand strokes around the temple.


“A good child who knows the efforts is very good. Gibe Gerlach, you raised a good child”


Red, red lips were picked up in the shape of a smile, and the core of the head was loosened by the sweet smell that drifted. The dark green eyes, which are narrowed with a smile, have a dark color that is unknown. The scary eyes on the bottom were slightly cold and dreadful. The fireplace is on fire, and I can hear the crackling of the crackle and occasionally the tree, but I feel as if my spine is frozen.


… I know this eye.


It looked exactly like my father’s eyes seeking the Lord crazy. I’m talking in front of my eyes, but I’m looking at something other than myself. It ’s an invisible eye. I don’t know what Georgine wants. But I thought it was purely scary.


“I’m honored to be complimented. I didn’t think Mattias would be so good, but I was happy.”


Listening to me, my father, who had never given up, said so well, and listened silently with his head hanging. I can’t understand the idea centered on my father, Georgine.


…… Oh, I want to go back to my room as soon as possible.


I thought so, but I had to stay there. This is because Georgine-sama smiled with a stunning smile.


“Hey, everyone, I’m happy to hear from you. I knew how to get the foundational magic of Ehrenfest.”


“What !?”


Now I can’t move because I’m the first wife of Aub Ahrensbach, but after Aub’s death, Georgine said he would come back to get the foundational magic of Ehrenfest. The person who gained the foundational magic is Aub. If Georgine gets the foundational magic and makes Gilvester the dead, Georgine will automatically become the next aub.


“I will always return to Ehrenfest. Gibe Gerlach, may I ask you to prepare for that?”


“Be sure to get it done. We look forward to seeing you as soon as possible.”


My father received a letter from Georgine and clogged it as if I was impressed. I saw the joyful figure full of joy over my father for the first time.


“I need an excellent subject for Ehrenfest”


“Matias also wants to give his name if he is an adult and will be helpful to Georgine. My son will serve Georgine sincerely.”


“Well, what if I ’m an adult?”


Georgine looks at me with a cheerful voice. But the dark green eyes never laugh. I was quietly looking at my reaction. While taking a gaze that feels even heavy, I use the reason I mentioned to my father.


“Since the magical power of Georgine-sama learned from my father is growing, I don’t have the right materials for me. I would like to make a tribute … Would you accept it at that time? “


“Ah, the magical powers of the materials we picked last year are growing so much that we can’t make it in time. As expected, the best-chosen children are reliable. Of course, they receive their names. Yo, Matthias “


な け れ ば If you don’t have your own body, it seems that you will be swallowed by the strange atmosphere of this place where only the followers of Georgine gather. I spent the time holding a tight fist with a noble social smile.


“The deadline is until adults. Apparently we are destined to live without giving a name to Aub Ehrenfest. Whether that Aub Ehrenfest is Gilvester or Georgine?” I don’t know at the moment. “


Laurenz spits out a mixed sigh of words while flying the beast. I agree. As an old Veronica child, we have two options. Either break up with your family and give your name to the family of lords, or give your name to Georgine like your family.


“Our brother both gave their name to Georgine on this visit. They will do their best for Georgine. Like my father, I haven’t decided yet, but Veronica’s power It ’s impossible to say that Gilvester ’s reign will never be turned over by Georgine, as if he was turned over in an instant, even more so if he could get the foundational magic. ”


Neither dedicating to the current family of lords and truncating their families, or waiting for Georgine’s return and giving them a new aub, can’t choose yet.


“… but my father seems to be serious about making Georgine like Aub Ehrenfest. I was planning something”


“Is that so?”


“Maybe I can only say. I didn’t give my name to Georgine because I wasn’t well informed.”


It was really a coincidence that I noticed. While preparing to go to the winter social world, when I was called by my father to be an excellent person at the next aristocratic house for Georgine-sama, a small transfer team happened to shine on the cloth A small wrapped item has been transferred.


Now that things to bring to the social circle in winter from here and there in Gerlach are being gathered in the hall, it is not uncommon for them to arrive at the transition. However, the cloth resembles the pattern of the clothes that Rosemine is fond of and often enjoys, so it was a little different as something that could be sent to the transfer team in my father’s room.


“I have received it. Clear the transfer team immediately.”


My father skips the old Nantz, holds a small packet that can be held with one hand, and feels happy and happy. It looked like a smile when I heard that Georgine would return.


Then, immediately send the small packet somewhere else in the transfer team, “Once you receive it, burn the transfer team” and skip the Ordnance.


“Betina. I have received it, Gibe Gerlach”


As soon as Ordonant’s reply arrived, my father immediately burned both transferees. A variety of materials are required to create a transfer team. When I looked at me asking, “I don’t want to burn it …”, my father exhaled as if he was amazed.


“I’ll get rid of things that I have done. Don’t leave extra things, Matthias … Oh, I don’t need that anymore.”


So, my father took out the magic stone from the desk drawer, applied magic power and crushed it into pieces. A magic stone that is paired with a subordinate ring. Perhaps somewhere now the soldier on my father disappeared.


“Small packets seem to have been sent to Betina. Don’t you know what Laurents is? Freuden is your brother?”


“I don’t know when I got married and the house was divided …. But I heard that Betina was preparing to send her home-made items to winter. Ahrensbach was magically It seems to be quite severe. “


“Then, that little packet might have gone to Ahrensbach. I don’t know exactly what my father is planning, but it may have been successful. I’m a person who takes insurance. “


I don’t know how far my father’s plan to make Georgine like an aub is progressing. However, before I left for the aristocracy, I was in good spirits, so I think the plan is proceeding smoothly.


“What do Mattias intend to do? Dedicated to Georgine?”


“… I think I have to wait now. I don’t know how much the situation will change,”


My father is definitely planning to eliminate Jilvester. I’m going to vacate Aube so that Georgine can come back soon. I couldn’t know in detail because I didn’t give it to Georgine, but my older brother was called into my father’s room and had some discussion.


“Would you like to inform Rosemine and Aub?”


“To be honest, I’m very lost”


If I was just going to mess with Ehrenfest by assassination of Aub, I would have resisted Georgine with all my might even though I gave it to the lords. However, Georgine-sama seems to have gained the skill of obtaining the foundational magic. If that happens, a new aub will be born, and the story will only return to the mainstream of the father and the family who can be said to be the genius of Georgine.


ジ ル If you cut down Veronika and replaced the mainstream just as you cut out Gilvester and replaced the mainstream again, what would you say to tribute to the lord clan, cut down your family and become a traitor? I don’t know if it makes sense.


“Can Laurentz be determined to cut down a family completely without being able to read how the situation will fall? Not just my family. Your family will also get involved.”


“I like the atmosphere of the current aristocracy and Ehrenfest, which is centered around Villefried and Rosemine. At least than Georgine, the first wife of other territories.” [19459002 ]


In Laurentz’s words, I thought of the lord family. Georgine’s children are already married except Dietrinde. Even though Georgine, who became Aube Ehrenfest, is considering adopting his grandson and succeeding him, Villefried, Charlotte, and Melchior are connected to other territories. Will be used for making and ground. At least there is no worry of life.


…… However, Rosemine.


I think of Rosemine. Golden eyes looking straight at the hair of the night sky. It is not only beautiful at a young age, but also boasts the wisdom and magical power of the best for the second year in a row. I think that it is the lords of the lords who have created a number of trends, focused on fostering the next generation, and evaluated them fairly without regard to their allies. Rhoderich was an old Veronica group but laughed happily when he was taken care of.


“Rosemine says that his father is an apprentice of a blue maiden after the rise of the common people. I don’t think Rosemine will be a good one after Georgine-sama becomes Aub Ehrenfest.


“Even if you give your name to the present Aub and abandon your family, or if you have Georgine-sama as an Aub, it’s likely to have bad aftertaste.”


I deeply spoke with Laurentz’s words, which were gently leaked while scratching dark green hair. The situation between me and Laurentz is very similar in the sense that both parents are dedicating to Georgine. Regardless of whether you dedicate to the lords or Georgine-sama, if we move, it will have a huge impact on the old Veronian children. At the same time, it will be greatly related to the overall state of Ehrenfest.


“I want to earn a little time until I know how Georgine-sama and my father come out”


Eventually, when we met with the conclusion that we had to wait for the situation to be decided, we had arrived at the dormitory.


Today, Lord Candidates Villefried and Rosemine are scheduled to arrive. Until the room is ready, the lord candidates will be in the multi-purpose hall, so we will head to the multi-purpose hall to meet.


For us who have to be aware of factional changes even in their parents’ homes, the Aristocratic House with Rosemine who removed the faction barrier is very cozy.


“Villefleet has arrived”


I blinked my ears. From the original order, Rosemine should arrive first.


…… Did you feel sick again?


It seems that I wasn’t the only one who wondered, and everyone exchanged glances at what happened. One person asked Villefried.


“What happened to Mr. Villefried and Mr. Rosemine? Did you get sick?”


“No, Rosemine is coming later. I decided to leave first to make a final confirmation of a book that was being prepared elsewhere. Rosemine is responsible for managing the books brought in. The civilian had prepared it, so there should be no problem, but it ’s a situation that must be kept in mind. ”


Villefried looks around the multi-purpose hall as he exhales lightly. I was laughing, but I could see the alertness in my eyes. It seems that Rosemine was watching the old Veronian children when he was sleeping in Jureve, which was rarely seen at the aristocratic house so far.


…… It seems that the situation is bad.


I swallowed my stomach and spit. I don’t know exactly what my father was planning. However, rather than moving under the surface of the water, something seems to have happened around the lord clan. And it is known that the cause is due to former Veronian parents.


…… Is there something happened to Gilvester-sama?


I don’t think that cautious father will leave the evidence so easily. But the vigilance in the eyes of Villefried is clearly here.


“Mathias seems to have lost time”


Laurents sitting next door whispered almost without moving his mouth. I am smiling to welcome the lord candidate, but I have been told that my inner feeling is the same as me. I respond to Laurentz by whispering small.


“Rosemine arrived”


As Villefried said, Rosemine seems to have arrived soon. We waited for Rosemine to come in anticipation. When the old Veronika group had a narrow shoulder, they were particular about the faction, so everyone was looking at the competition with other territories, and Rosemine, who organized the dormitory, thought that he would do something again. It is.


However, the eyes of the entourage surrounding Rosemine were full of vigilance like Villefried. The tension of Rosemine’s escort knights is the same as that felt at the beginning feast. At that time, I was wondering if I was on my father’s side, the center of the old Veronica group.


Above all, Rosemine did not stop the vigilance of the surroundings like before, but only looked at this with a caring expression.


…… Did something happen to Rosemine instead of Gilvester?


If there is evidence of something that my father had planned, I wouldn’t know how many of the old Veronica children would be helped, of course. I had vaguely thought that if Rosemine, who gave us the most fair evaluation of the lords’ family, would protect the children who had escaped the affiliation. However, if Rosemine changes his opinion and turns away from us, even if he survives, the old Veronica children will go very dark.


…… What should I do?


I grabbed a fist on my lap. If the lords’ family has some evidence, it is not the case that the chief is looking at the situation. As Aub sent us off to the Aristocratic House, life until the end of the Aristocratic House this year should be guaranteed, but I don’t know after that.


Old Veronian children depend on their decisions. I saw Laurenz unintentionally. Similarly, Laurenz’s complexion is bad. It seems that he was approaching the decision without knowing it.


“Do you think you can go up to live, Laurentz?”


“It’s a strange thing. I thought I would say that”


Rather than making a decision after a story has been cut out, it is better to ask a story from here. I don’t know what my father was planning, but here is information that Georgine seems to know something to get the foundational magic. Can you buy the lives of the old Veronica children?


…… No, negotiate and win.


“Villefleet and Rosemine”


I stand up slowly with my fists in focus. I realized that the air was so painful that I stood up and I crossed my hands in front of my chest.


“I was looking forward to the opportunity to talk regardless of parents or factions. There is an important story about the chaotic goddess that causes discord to Ehrenfest.”


Mr. Villefried and Mr. Rosemine opened my eyes and looked at me. After all, it seems that father and Georgine did something.


“I’ll leave it up to you to believe, but I want to tell you what I know. Even though we have an old Veronian parent, we are an Erenfest nobleman. We are loyal to Aub Ehrenfest. I am swearing. “


ロ ー Rosemine’s golden eyes, which had raised anxiety and surprises, were once laid down and opened slowly. It was just a quiet ugly eye.


“Let’s talk, Matthias”


I take a breath. And I once saw the old Veronica children behind me.


“I would like to ask you one thing before that. I am swearing loyalty, but would Aub Ehrenfest treat us as an Ehrenfest nobility?”


“What do you mean?”


I ask whether they will be treated in the same way as Rosderig, who was a fellow of Rosemine, even if they were formerly Veronica children, while staring at both Villefried and Rosemine.


“… Is there any change in the word that if you give a name to the lord clan, you can get out of the influence of your parents?”


“There is no change. Those who give their name are treated as entourage, even if they are former Veronican children. At least Aub and I intend to do so.”


Villefried said in a clear tone, and Rosemine sang.


“If you give a gift to Aub and his wife instead of my lord cadets, I think you’ll get a stone if you can prepare a stone for the battle before the territory.”


“… I would like to dedicate myself to Rosemine?”


The people who responded to the words were, rather, not those who were lord candidates or those who were nearby. In the midst of the rumbling and rumbling, Rosemine moved up one step while lightly raising his hands and controlling his entourage.


“Of course, I am ready to accept Matthias, son of Gibe Gerlach”


The eyes of Rosemine like that were completely different from those when he was confused by Roderich’s name. The golden eyes with strong light are looking straight at me. He stands next to him and laughs proudly and looks at his Lord. I was convinced that my decision was not wrong.


I turn my eyes down and exhale slowly.


Family faces came up one after another. The elder brothers proudly present themselves, the father’s impressed appearance, and a happy smile on her mother. The happiness of my family was with Georgine. If he was just as enthusiastic as Georgine, he might have been happy. But what I want to serve is Rosemine, not Georgine.


…… I ’m sorry, my father. I’m different from you.


ク Look up and look around the multipurpose hall. You can see that a lot of eyes are on you.


“Georgine came to my home on the way home from Ehrenfest”


“ I didn’t have time to tell the old Veronican children about the dangers of their position and to impress that they were waiting for the arrival of the two lord candidates.動かず、その場で自分の知ることを話し始めた。


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