“Look, Kamil. Hurry!”


“I hurried and was late because my dad didn’t get up!”


As I ran down the stairs with my luggage, I yelled at my dad. I picked paru on a sunny day in winter. Despite this, my dad didn’t get up this morning, and he and his mother woke up desperately.


“Okay, Kamil should ride on the sled”


“Dad, but …”


“Early! If you don’t hurry, Parrou will disappear”


When I was rushed by my dad and I got on my sled, my dad pulled and started running. I inflate my cheeks while holding on to my sled so that I won’t be shaken off.


…… I can already run.


Departure is a little late and I know it can’t be helped because I can’t run all the way to the forest at the same speed as my dad. But I want to get off before meeting an acquaintance. If everyone around me knows that he is being pulled on a sled with his luggage, he will surely be laughed.


… I don’t think I’m a baby who can’t do anything. My father was oversleeping.


“Hey Gunter. Are you busy, are you going to pick paru? Isn’t it hard?”


“Have you ever changed?”


When I get to the South Gate, my father starts talking to the gatekeeper. I need to hurry, but I look up at them while thinking. The dad’s story at the gate is said to be disturbing because it is related to work.


“… There were a lot of unfamiliar faces to the orphanage children going to Paru. I’ve passed through because Lutz and Gill were together, but have you heard anything?”


“I think it’s related to the top secret mission from the lord.


Dad is busy in winter. The usual winter is so deep that there are fewer people going in and out, so it’s just hard to deal with snow shoveling and drunk people, but this winter there is an important job said by the lord and the soldiers in North Gate have greatly increased their work I was saying.


… Orphanage is that Dirk and Konrad are also in the forest? I’m looking forward.


Last fall, I met Dirk and Konrad when I went to the forest for the first time with Lutz. Both are orphanages and are about the same age. The orphanage has all the picture books and toys that can be made at the Rosemine workshop, and they both knew what I was talking about. I was very happy to talk about the toys that I always play with because I was told that I shouldn’t tell my children about the Rosemein workshop toys that Lutz brought.


I have a dead older sister called Mine, who seems to be involved in the temple and nobility. The benevolent temple chief who saddened it gave me a toy made in the workshop. However, I don’t know what kind of influence it will have when I interact with the nobility. That’s why I don’t care about Mine, the nobility of the temple, or the toys that I give.


I don’t remember when I first heard of Mine. However, “Mine is” “Mine is” and my mother, sister, and Lutz talked happily, but after I heard “Who is Mine?” I just remember that I was no longer talking about. I realized in the air that I really should n’t talk. I promised my dad and I don’t intend to talk.


When I went to the forest with Lutz for the first time, I was told, “It’s good to talk about toys with children in an orphanage, but it’s not good about Mine”, but I don’t know Mine. There’s nothing I can talk about.


The next time I promised to meet Dirk and Konrad in the forest, I took my cart and played with him in the forest. I won or lost Dirk, but I won Conrad. In the spring, Konrad got stronger and lost. I was regretted, so I practiced with my mother so that I could become even stronger, and I sometimes competed with Turi who came back from time to time.


“Conrad, Dirk!”


When I arrived at the forest, as I heard at the gate, the people of the orphanage came to collect. There are many unfamiliar children besides Dirk and Konrad. Gill and Lutz are also teaching many children how to pick paru. Apparently there are a lot of children who pick up Paru for the first time.


“Yooo, Lutz! Gil! Won’t you take it together today? Would you give it to Rosemine?”


When Dad said so, Lutz shook his head, “I’m not going to return Rosemine for this year …”. It seems that Rosemine, who returns to the temple every year from the middle of winter to the end of the year, will not return this year.


“No, but I’m going to save Parro in the ice room and have it eaten, because Rosemine is looking forward to it every year”


Gill laughed and said so. Rosemine is very fond of parrot cake and looks forward to eating it every year. There are places in the temple that look like winter all year round, so I’ll leave it there so that Paru won’t be damaged in the spring.


…… The temple has something strange that Paru can’t solve.


“Kamil, take a paru with the children of the orphanage. I have a little talk with Gil”


“I understand”


Perhaps it’s about work again. Dad leaves the place with Gil. I turned my feet to the children of the orphanage with Lutz. There I saw Dirk and Konrad teaching new children how to pick paru.


“That’s why I’ll take turns in this way”


“Why do I do this …”


“Oh, moh! Bertram, I’m always saying that I shouldn’t eat those who work!”


All new kids seem to be great. Even though I was taught how to do this, it seems that both legs are opened to the shoulder width and stepped back.


…… I don’t want to hear such a thing.


“Conrad, Dirk looks something hard”


“Ah, Kamil, after a long time. It has become very lively because the number of people has increased at a stretch. Dirk and Delia are always angry ah. Both are very angry.”


Dirk and Konrad said that there were few children before baptism and they were playing alone, but now it seems to be difficult because there are many more children. There are about 10 children who have never seen, but there are still small children who are still on the answering machine at the orphanage.


…… Where have you come from so many places?


“It’s a shame because you can’t do carta on the snow. Because we’re practicing together, this time we won’t lose to Kamil.”


Conrad, who always had sharp lips, was unusually bullish. If you practice with this number of people, then Konrad and Dirk must be very strong. I felt a little bit of a crisis.


“But I’m getting stronger too, because I won Renate”


“Who is Renate?”


“Girberta’s young lady”


“Conrad, Kamil! Would you please show me an example?”


Talking to Dirk and Lutz, I went up to the Parlou tree to teach new kids how to do it.


I met Renate shortly before winter came. Turi took me to Gilberta Chamber of Commerce. I went to the north for the first time, wearing beautiful clothes like sunny clothes made by Turi. The cityscape was much more vivid than the area where we live.


“Is this area very beautiful? This is because when the lord cleans the city all at once, the paint disappeared along with the dirt, and it was repainted. Deed. Uncle, too much work! “I was angry, do you remember Kamil?”


Turi taught me about the northern cityscape, laughing with couscous.


The place where we live is where the roads and stone parts are shiny white, and the wooden walls are beautiful, but the north where the rich people live is the part where the paint we have painted is peeled off It seems to have been difficult.


“I heard that it was hard to arrange before the other merchants came. Certainly my dad was looking around …”


I don’t have the memory of a very dirty city, but everyone said that it was a very dramatic change. In fact, Rosemine was stopping the lord from expelling all the inhabitants of the downtown area and trying to completely remodel the city, so the dads and soldiers looked around unless they were careful not to get dirty. I remember that.


“This is Gilberta Shokai. This is the shop where I work …. From here, please speak carefully.”


Turi says so and goes up from the stairs beside the store. “Turi. I just returned,” I greeted and entered the door through the door that my subordinate opened. Turi’s movements and tone are completely different from those at home. I also stretched my back as taught by Lutz and Turi.


“Is you Kamil? Welcome”


The husband of Gilberta Company welcomes me and introduces my family. Corinna, the exclusive needle of Rosemine, respected by Turi, Renate and Knut. Then, husband and Marc of Printemps Shokai who happened to come to Renate education today.


I was told to play with Karate and Trump with Renate and Knut, and my husband and Mr. Marc from the Plantin Shokai also played together. Knut hasn’t become a partner yet, and he won and lost half of Renate.


“That’s why I told you, not because I’m an adult, but Renate himself still”


The husband of the Printemps Shokai laughed and said so, Renate swelled his cheek and looked at me.


“Kamiru, enter the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce. So, I will fight until I win completely. How about?”


“… Eh?”


How is it? It is troubled even if it is said. When I was blinking, my husband, Otto, invited me with a smile.


“Oh, Renate. That’s a good idea. Kamil, wouldn’t it be Uru Darua?”


I was invited directly by my husband and I saw Turi. Turi is at the Gilberta Company as a hair ornament craftsman dedicated to Rosemine. Recently, I have been entrusted with costume design and cloth selection. This is a great success, and there are very few people who have advanced before adulthood in the area where we live. Turi is an awesome sister that you can see from your surroundings.


…… If I enter the Gilberta Chamber of Commerce, can I be as great as Turi?


A little moving. I was asked, “Would you like to be a soldier who protects the city with my father?” I thought it would be more interesting to work with Turi than a soldier.


At the next moment, the husband of Printemps Shokai reached out.


“No. Kamil is more suited for Printa Shoal’s Darua. Are you interested in Printemps Shokai books and toys rather than the hair ornaments, cloths and rinkians handled by Gilberta?”


My husband told me so and my heart moved to the Printemps Shokai. Lutz is just as successful as Turi around me. Lutz, which has become a big store from the house of an architect and woodworker, is as great as Turi.


I love the many picture books and toys that Lutz brings, and it seems more familiar to me than hair ornaments and cloths. Cloth and hair ornaments are more of a woman ’s territory.


“I heard from Lutz that Kamil would like to go to various places like Lutz or work in an orphanage workshop?”


I thought that I wanted to go to the orphanage workshop because I could meet Dirk and Konrad, but I am very curious about how picture books and toys are made. In my view, the Plantin firm seemed more attractive to me than the Gilberta firm. I’m also looking forward to Lutz saying that he can read the book he just made.


“Hey hey hey! Please forgive me for a moment. Why is Benno always pulling out the people I’ve noticed?”

“If you say it, it’s enough because there is a Turi! That’s the right place!”


Two husbands started fighting while I was worried. In addition, “Let’s decide early, Kamil”, Renate rushed from the side. If they don’t decide, it seems that these two people’s arguments will not end.


I was in trouble and looked up to Turi for help. Turi, who noticed my gaze, approached me and gently stroked my head with a small laugh.


“Kamil, even if you don’t have such a face, you still have time until the baptismal ceremony, so you can think slowly. It’s important to decide which occupation you want to take, so you have to think carefully and decide for yourself. It’s good to use your opinions as a reference, but if you don’t try to make an excuse for someone saying this, you’ll regret it, and you can’t do your best just by blame others. “


When Turi stopped speaking there, he smiled and smiled at the two husbands.


“So, both of you. Please don’t hurry and wait for Kamil’s answer”


“Ahaha, it was a disaster. Neither husband would pull”


Lutz laughed and worked hard on what he said while warming his cold hands over the fire to pick up the fruit of Paru. I want a brother like Lutz who always encourages me while tapping my head lightly.


“… Lutz, are you married to Turi? Isn’t Turi an adult anymore?”


When you are an adult, most girls look for a place to marry or start moving toward marriage. Lutz is always with Turi, and both are formerly poor people, even though they have risen in big stores. It is believed between the two families that Turi and Lutz are just right when considering a marriage where the relationship between the house and the house is greatly involved. Perhaps, my parents can’t welcome my spouse from a big store.


“Well, I know that the surroundings are exciting and I know it’s safe, but what about it? I think it will be difficult for a while. Turi, I’m just out of love.”


“Yes !?”


“… Ah, this is a secret”


“I’m curious, Lutz! Because Turi works so well with sewing …”


Refusal to say, there can’t be a man who doesn’t turn around that Turi. It might be a beard, but I really thought so. But, as parents talked about, isn’t it true that their parents’ homes and origins are greatly involved in marriage?


After all, no matter how much I heard, Lutz just shook his head and didn’t tell me.


“I want to hear Kamil’s story more than Turi’s story. Have you decided? You have such a face.”


Lutz said so and raised his lip. I looked up at Lutz and smiled.


“I like Printemps Shokai. I like books and toys more than selling hair ornaments and cloth than protecting the city.”


“… Did you grow up like a book as you intended? As expected, Mine”




When I listened back to Lutz’s voice, I shook my head and said, “Nothing.” Lutz is a lot of hidden things.


“If you really want to get into the Printemps Shokai, it’s time to stop the blizzard, and you can educate at the Printemps Shokai with permission from Uncle Gunter”




“I think it ’s hard for me to become a merchant, as I was a carpenter ’s child, and it ’s hard to be a merchant ’s son of a soldier. I will educate you for that. “


It seems that there are many parts that can be understood only by touching the attitude and common sense as a merchant, even if you can read characters and calculate without problems with picture books and toys. You should listen to Lutz’s advice ahead.


“I’ll talk to Marc-san and her husband, but Kamil is probably fine.”


“Really !?”


Lutz whispered laughing.


“It’s hard because the store will be busy in the spring and it’s hard to move to Kirnberga next time, but I can afford it during the winter. I’m a minor and I can’t go up to the castle. Karana “


At the end of winter, my husband and other Dapura seem to be very tough because they go to the castle to sell books. However, Lutz’s work ends when the books and materials for taking them to the castle are arranged at the Rosemine workshop.


“Kamil also needs to practice because of his language, posture, and standing behavior”


When I was told that I had to remember, I was very happy to see that the road to my future has opened up.


“Speak with the uncle and aunt properly and get permission. Education is then.”


Lutz squints to remember something, because it’s tough without parental support. But it ’s okay. If father and mother talk, they will surely understand.


“Lutz, I’ll do my best”


“Oh, do your best”


When I said so, I heard a sound of Paru falling on the snow. As with Dirk and Konrad, the new children in the orphanage drop the paru unusually faster than us.


“Why is it so fast?”


“Now. Hey, over there. Uncle Gunter is waving. Kamil, turn.”




I climb the Parlou tree to take turns with my dad. Dad went down saying, “It ’s a little more. As I took off my gloves and grabbed the base of Parrou and warmed it up, Dirk, who was also warming Parru with the nearby branch, turned over here.


“Kamil, I’m in a good mood. Hands, don’t you want to be cold?”


“It’s cold, but … Dirk, I could go to the Orphanage’s Rose Mine workshop once in the spring. If you’re interested in going to the Printemps Chamber of Commerce, apply for a visit to Rose Mine. Lutz said to me. “


“Really? Wow, I’m looking forward”


Dirk shows a happy smile to welcome you. In the future, you may be able to work with Dirk and Konrad. It was very nice.


When light begins to enter the forest from above, the collection time is over. The leaves of Parlou shine like a jewel and shine like a jewel, and sway as if the tree is willing to make a shattering sound.


I got off the paru tree immediately and watched the paru tree disappear. The orphanage children seeing Parru for the first time are amazed at the surprise and looking up at the mysterious Parr tree.


When the tall, high-stretched Paru tree shook its branches and sprouted its fruit, it shrunk and disappeared, and everyone who had come to gathered walked towards the gate.


«Palu’s fruits that were harvested were put in a basket and placed on a sled. On the way back, I and my father were with the children from the orphanage. Dad said he would talk at the gate so that he could pass without problems. The gatekeeper is harder when you enter the city than when you exit the city, and the turn is changed in the morning and noon, so it is more likely that children with unknown faces will get caught.


“It’s a little difficult now, so only Gil and Lutz are tough. Now you can talk to me once. Because it’s a little flexible.”


“Thank you, Uncle Gunter”


Talking with the gatekeeper, all the children in the orphanage were able to return to the city without any problems. Through the gate, the orphans walk towards the orphanage.


Dad offered one fruit of Paru to Gill.


“Gill, this is Rosemine”


“Oh, save it in the ice room and have it eaten”


“I asked”


Although it is very difficult to pick one paru, Dad always entrusts it to Pon and an orphanage for Rosemine. As with Dirk and Konrad, I think everyone in my family who is looking at Rosemine like Rosemine too.


…… Oh, my paru has decreased.


That night, when I finished the meal, I told my father and mother that there was a story. The couple looked at each other for a moment, then the father re-seats with a serious and harsh face, and the mother drinks tea with an uneasy face.


coton picked up a cup and dad took a cup of tea and drank tea as if to moisten his mouth.


“What kind of story is Kamil?”


Father’s voice is felt several steps lower than usual. Anxiety that it might be opposed suddenly spread in my chest, and I focused on my fist and stared at them.


“Dad, mother. I want to make a book with me and Lutz! I want to make a new book and spread it.”


When I asked so, my dad and mom seemed to cry for some reason. I thought I might be opposed, but I thought I might be asked, “Why don’t you aim for a soldier?”, But I don’t know why I have such a crying face.


“… Is the opposite of both people?”


When I leaned my head, my mother gently wiped her eyes, saying, “Nothing.” And when I got up and came next to me, I slowly stroked my hair with a terribly complex smile.


“If Kamil decides, my mother won’t oppose.


Dad asked me to give permission to study at Printemps Shokai.


…… I also make a book and look like Lutz!


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