The social gathering is over and we return to the dormitory. It was the old Veronica children who thought while walking out of the hall. I’d like to meet my family, but I can’t do that, and this is a cleanup. What can I do if I can’t stop it? What can I do?


“Lose Mine!”




Raimund came from the specialized building of the civilian course where the Hirschur laboratory was located, shaking the mauve cloak. Apprentices of the surrounding knights are wary of the appearance of Arisenbach’s nobility, and stand in a position to make a noise and protect the lord candidates.


Raimund looked astonished, took a little distance and called me.


“Message from Rosemine and Ferdinand. Would you like to hear?”


“Did something happen !?”


“No, I was sent a message when I went to show this magic tool …”


Raimund took out the magic tool while saying so. The magic tool for recording seems to be a little smaller. I was told that I should be able to make it smaller, but at that time I heard a message to us.


“I want to hear.”


When I set out, Raimund whispered and touched the magic stone.


“It’s me, Rosemine”


It was undoubtedly the voice of Ferdinand that flowed from the magic tool. I feel very nostalgic even though I haven’t been there yet since I headed to Ahrensbach. However, the nostalgic feeling that permeated it faded away into the following words.


“I don’t think I’m neglecting my study as soon as I’m gone”


… Yabay! ‘Studying is n’t like this!


“Your promise to take the best, as well as the overall performance of Ehrenfest will be lower than last year. No mercy”


Uhi! When I was holding my cheeks, the voice heard from the magic tool became a little gentler.


“I’m not saying I’m going to improve my grades. I’m not telling you to drop it. It’s the same as last year. Is there anything difficult?”


“Same as last year … Yes, I feel like I can do something”


Charlotte was whispering behind me holding my fist.


“I don’t think the best sister can do any better, but …”


“Shi! Because you are motivated, keep silent, Charlotte”


… Huh! Certainly there was no way to raise it any more! I was deceived! ?


も Even if I scold the magic tool, the magic tool keeps talking with the voice of Ferdinand.


“Villefleet, Charlotte. They are also the same. I expect the work to be appropriate for the defensive witchcraft that I have given. The good news that all Ehrenfest will pass on the first day will be heard in the territorial competition.




“Such …”


Last year, the hurdles are rising for Charlotte, who failed to pass the first day. Charlotte shook with the pressure of squeezing. As soon as I reached out to comfort her, Ferdinand’s voice called me, “Oh, yes, Rosemine”.


…… Does your voice become kind of unpleasant?


I moved my eyes from Charlotte to the magical instrument in Raimund’s hands, with the unique sound before the first time.


“If you fail, talk to Gilvester and pick up the library you gave. There is no way you can manage the library if you can’t manage yourself.”


“Oh no! That’s all I don’t like, Ferdinand!”


I was inadvertently clinging to the magical tool, but there is no reason for the magical tool that has just been recorded to compromise.


人 Now that there are no people to give out issues, and a melancholy melancholy has happened, and I feel depressed, I haven’t read even books, let alone think about my library. However, if it is taken up, it will die without joking.


“Oh, this is the only message from Ferdinand …. I was challenged that I should still be able to improve it, but the challenges from Ferdinand were tough. Please do your best. “


《Limund said that I was comparing the magic tool in my hand with an expression that I couldn’t say, and then left to escape.


“Where do you do what, Rosemine? If you think about it, you haven’t studied at all since you came to the Aristocracy.”


“I am also an older sister”


All three were conscious of purging, and even the Grade Improvement Committee was completely absent. Even though I was told by my adoptive father to leave it to me, I haven’t been able to do anything at the aristocracy. This is bad. Thunder must be dropped as soon as Ferdinand is met in the territorial competition.


…… Anyway, adoptive father and Ferdinand consulted on the spot of territorial competition, and my library will be taken up!


“There is no time to worry about this. You have to do everything to protect my library!”


When I held my fist and decided, Villefried saw me with a bloody face.


“… wait a minute, Rosemine. I have a very bad feeling.”


“I’m fine, Mr. Villefried. I shake off the bad feelings.”


“No! Not!”


The nightmare reappeared, and he struck the shoulders of Villefleet holding his head and smiled to reassure him.


“No, the exam hasn’t started yet. There will be some time before the start of tomorrow’s lecture, and everyone should have been studying for a year.”


“… Mu, yes. The library is in the same way, but is the situation different from that time?”


Villefried slammed several times to convince himself that “It is an instruction from my uncle who knows how to use powerful drugs”. What is a powerful drug? What I don’t understand is postponed. First of all, everyone must pass the first day.


“I’ll complete my review and check to see if I have forgotten by tomorrow. Passing is not difficult.”


Reiserator and Brünnhilde smiled happily with a smile and supported me.


“Yes, Rosemine. I’ve been studying for a year. It’s okay if everyone works hard.”


“If Ehrenfest falls, it will be ridiculed by other territory as if it was a temporary thing, and Ferdinand in Ahrensbach will also have a narrow shoulder, so we have to do our best


Even just going from middle to large. Brünnhilde tells us that if his hometown falls before the star knot ritual, his shoulders will become narrower than ever.


“Maintaining grades is important no matter what you do. Let’s do it. We are still in time.”


“Okay, come back in a hurry and study together.”




The lord candidate and his entourage walked down the corridor in the central building, rushing, and opened the 8 doors.


As I see that Villefleet rushes into the multi-purpose hall and says, “Everyone must pass the exam for tomorrow. Get in.


“Leonore, Roderich. Tell the old Veronian children to bring their study tools to the multipurpose hall”


“… I’m smart”


When I saw Leonore whisper with a hard expression, I ran up the stairs with the Lesser. Then, I jumped into my room opened by Udid and Filine.


“Richarda, please prepare the study tools. I will study in the multipurpose hall from now on”


“Yes, I’m ready right now … But it’s all sudden, something happened, Princess?”


“I was threatened by Mr. Ferdinand. If I fail the Ehrenfest, I will take up my library.”


Talk to Richard, who is preparing, that Raimund brought the recording magic tool.


“Do you think Richard would be terrible if he wanted to take up what he gave once?”


“I thought it was really Ferdinand-like caring for the princess even when I went out.”


“You don’t need to worry about that!”


When I was angry, I was angry and Richard said, “My face is laughing despite being angry with my mouth, Princess.”


“Ferdinand-sama. If there is a penalty for dropping it, there will also be rewards for accomplishing the task. Study well, Princess.”


“Let Ferdinand make amazing results and make the necessary magical tools for my library”


…… I’ll protect the library and get a reward!


When I had a study tool, I got into the Lesser again. As soon as you arrive at the multipurpose hall, you will get rid of the beast and ask your aides to create a study place for the lord candidate course. Charlotte is at the second grade table, so this year there are only two with Ville Fleet.


“Let’s study here, Mr. Villefried, because there are only two candidates for the lord cadet”


“… Yes. I read this first, so Rosemine may start studying first.”


Villefried dropped his gaze on the wooden bill he had with a face that he was not so comfortable with. As I tilt my head, I speak to everyone gathering in the multipurpose hall.


“Please sit down with reference to last year’s grouping. First graders should use the table there.”


While everyone gathered, the old Veronika children came in with confused faces holding study tools. I stopped around the door and looked around the multi-purpose hall.


“You guys are late! Please take a seat early”


“Yes, I can’t go down the Ehrenfest. Tomorrow, everyone will win the first day.”


Talked to me and Villefried, a child struck us with a tight eye.


“You can’t study when your family might be killed”


The air in the room froze to that word. I and I will face up and I and Villefried face down. At the next moment, a glowing band popped out from Leonore’s stap, one step ahead, and caught the child. It turns into a wrap around and falls down on the spot.


“Now !?”


“Leonore, what are you doing suddenly !?”


“You may not know your position at all. What did Matthias and Laurenz persuade?”


Leonore’s indigo eyes have a complex color that I have never seen before. Matias, who showed a surprised expression, looked at me, who is the Lord of Leonore.


“Rosedine should have told you to save the innocent …”


“Yes, you said. Rosemine was asking Aub to save the lives of those who had not sinned, and if they were told that children before baptism were not covered, I had an orphanage ready to accept. “


Leonore was smiling, but it seemed to have a passion that changed the color of the eyes, and it was tremendous.


“Attempted kidnapping of Rosemine, put a long sleep with poison, and again tried to assassinate … This was the lord’s clan. If you dispose of it, you will be able to help a child who is not guilty, even if you don’t have to worry about it.


…… I usually forgot because I was quiet and didn’t claim much, but Leonore was a complete Raisegang nobleman!


There are old Veronica children. Of course, there are also Rizegang children here. Raisegang children are senior aristocrats who are basically close to the lords’ family and are trying to save them together.


I am just thinking about the feelings of the old Veronica children, and I noticed that my enthusiasm wasn’t thinking about what they were on the side and turned pale.


… Oh, I am disqualified!


“Those who are dissatisfied with the avoidance of joint disposal will thus send it to Ehrenfest. This is the original treatment.”


Saying that, Leonore lays out a piece of paper that says “I can’t convince” and puts it on the child.


When everyone felt the anger of Leonore and sighed in breath, Brünnhilde proceeded with an elegant gait as if sliding. Behind that is the riser.


“That’s not good, Leonore”


“Don’t stop, Brünnhilde. From the ones who are worried about all the lords’ clan for those who have been disposed of, and complained by the nobles of various positions by breaking the customs, and who are trying to save more I can’t stand any more in the face of being dissatisfied! ”


“I don’t intend to stop it. Since it is transferred by a transfer team, there is no point in binding the magical power. You have to use this captive string.”


Brünnhilde and Reiserator pulled out a slightly thicker string. The riser grabs and pulls the pin and string, looking down at the child who is caught with his usual serious face.


“There’s no need for anyone to get in the way when Rosemine’s feelings are positive and he is inspired to put together the dormitory. To protect the spiritual health of the Lord, I will serve you as a side service.


…… I didn’t want the excellence of such a riser! I am healthy! Because your body and mind are healthy!


“Yeah, exactly as Reiserator says. Let’s get rid of it quickly. While the merciful lords are doing strict territory management in many ways, they are not children, but are criminal relatives. There are dozens of people who want to live, and if you raise a nobleman to live for Ehrenfest, there is no food in Raisegang to save the lives of criminals who are not even grateful to the lords. “


…… Ah, Brünnhilde was also a Raisegang! Yay!ウ Our entourage runaway! Stop someone!


I look around, but there is no figure of Hartomuth or Cornelius who seems to be able to soothe well at such times. When I tried to get up thinking that I had to stop it, Villefried and Charlotte’s aides came out.


I looked up with high expectations, but they are also holding the stap.


“Villefried was taken to the White Tower by the old Veronian children and put a spot on it that would not disappear. Snow ( Soot ) I’m working hard day and night. “


When Villefried’s knight apprentice Alexis looked around the former Veronica children, a few children seemed to be involved in the matter.


“Charlotte was devoured by a former Veronian nobleman on the day of the baptism, and the help of Rosemine, who helped him, slept for a long time. , We have made excessive efforts to replace Rosemine, known as the Lady of Ehrenfest. “


A gaze like Natalie’s words gathered in Charlotte. All three lord candidates here have suffered from the former Veronicas.


“If you look back on what the old Veronicas did to the lords, and if you are dissatisfied with the lords’ response and don’t intend to show even the effort to pass the first day, It doesn’t matter if it is a customary concession, how much special treatment do you think they receive? “


The lord family wants to save, and there are many aristocrats who don’t think well about breaking the customs, Ignats admitted the old Veronica children.


“… No. Thank you, but if you think of us, be mercy on your father and mother.”


It is difficult to leave my family. I think that I want to give it to the first grader’s voice that is tied to Leonore, if it is given, I think that I will hold down the chest and that Charlotte is almost seated and opens my mouth It was at the same time.


“I don’t want you to have such a misguided desire here. Isn’t it your family that has sinned? You can’t do it without a sin that you’ve already committed. You will not be disposed of if you are not involved in it. We can only reach out to innocents. “


criminals are out of scope, and Charlotte says clearly with a blue-eyed eye.


“The lords of our lords have ridiculed the innocent of you and have shown a way to survive. It is not for us to choose from here. You are.”


…… Uh, Charlotte is cool. I feel something protected.


Since I am an older sister, I am not protected by Charlotte, but I have to go forward and defend Charlottes, but the reverse is true.


It ’s no good. As I stood up, Leonore reached out with worries. I hold Leonore’s hand and laugh, “I’m fine.”


“It’s not your family that saves me, but your future. If you lose your family in this cleanup, you have to live with your own power.” When that happens, the grades will be an important weapon to find the next patron. I have been told that Ferdinand had been educated since I was raised in the temple. ”[19459002 ]


Thanks to Ferdinand for taking the time to study and learn to get a better environment, I am not killed by Count Vindewald as a commoner, but as an adopter of the lord. It was.


“Also consider the case where the family has been lightly disposed of. Is it possible for you to greatly reduce the overall results of Ehrenfest and turn it to the family because of your results? Can’t you say that you couldn’t believe your family without it? ”Even if you are lightly dismissed, you will be seen with strict eyes as a criminal family, but even in that case, I think I will try to do my job to support my family Grades are essential. “


Matthias had a harsh expression as the old Veronica children looked up as if confused.


“Rose Mine, I am worried about information leaks. I can’t agree to leave them out of the dormitory, albeit because of the results of Ehrenfest.”

“Don’t plan, Mattias. I received the first report from Ehrenfest. The cleanup seems to be over. The details of the disposition will be at a later date, but information will be sent to somewhere during the test tomorrow. By the way, there is no point anymore. ”


Villefleet shook the wooden bill lightly. Astonished eyes are directed to the wooden bill.


It was faster than I thought. The adoptive fathers seemed to have played a speed game.


“It seems that the cleaning is over. Now, please choose. Do you study now and win the exam tomorrow, or will you return to Ehrenfest in such a bound state? I respect the choice of you. ”


Speaking of that, I immediately removed my gaze from the old Veronica children and returned to the seat. There is really no time to keep your grades from falling.


“Please start studying both Brünnhilde and Rieselator. Are you aiming for the best this year?”


“Yeah, this is a great opportunity”


Matthias and Laurentz immediately followed when the entourage began to study. Older Veronika children go into the circle of one and everybody studying with one another while exploring each other.


“Unlock my binding! I will study!”


Only one boy left in front of the door was a boy who was tied to Leonore. When everyone starts studying, they struggle like a fish that jumps on the cutting board.


“Do you want to return to Ehrenfest’s family?”


“My family does not sin! I believe”


When Leonore unlocks, he runs to the first grade table with his study tools.


“To protect my library, no one will fail”


Ehrenfest attended the first day lecture on the next day, and all members passed the class.


“All first graders passed!”


Theodor, who was excited about his first pass, reports joy. We enjoyed it and we all had lunch in the dormitory. According to Brünnhilde, even the fifth graders seemed to have successfully passed the class.


“But, Theodor. All third graders are not passing, they are all perfect. Ufufun”




The third grader was a common classroom exam, but it was to write down all the names of the gods. It was too easy for us who grew up playing with Carta and reading the scripture picture books to feel boring.


“That’s why I’m full now. I want to be a third grader soon.”

“Yudit, fourth graders are in the afternoon”


“Yes. I’ve been studying for a year. Everyone in common today will pass”


Theodore’s reassuring smile tells Theodor that “You should be careful not to inadvertently make a mistake”. Ordnance jumped into it.


“Rosmine, Solange. A new librarian was sent from the center. I’d like to ask you to register for Schwarz and Weiss. Are you sure?”


Solange’s soft voice full of joy resonated three times. Solange has long wished for a new librarian to be sent from the center. Now you won’t be alone in the library from the spring to autumn season or take on all your work alone.


When I looked up to Richard, who was serving, Richard said with a smile.


“If you only need to register, you can go after meals. If you can’t register for Schwartz and Weiss, librarians will be more troubled to work. Are you sure? “


“… just a little, but is it?”


Considering the time when Hildebrand and Hannerole were registered, it should not take much time. There should be time to read a book. When I went down and asked, Richard sighed.


“If you are signaled to leave the room, you will close the book without any questions.”


“I understand”


… Wow. Library, library!


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