“Lose Mine-sama is going to finish the lord candidate’s lecture very quickly. I was really surprised.”


Égrantine smiled and said, “After finishing the lecture, is it okay to invite me to the tea party?”


“I’m very sorry, but now I have to take a civilian course. It’s difficult right away.”


“Yes, then let’s have a tea party when the civilian course is over”




Talking with a smile, I think in my heart that the tea party with Dunkelferger is prioritized over the tea party with Egrantine. You have to talk with Dunkel Felger about joint research and also with Clarissa. It is also necessary to discuss the change of the Schwarz Lords into Hannelore. I realized that I thought so far.


“That ’s Mr. Egrantine, was n’t it necessary to change the management of the magical tools in the library?”


HANNEROLE in the next seat shook my shoulder in my words. “I have not heard that it is a royal family project”. In addition to being a royal project, Ortancia is the first wife of the central knights. It is better to talk to the royal family, Egrantine, before talking to the library.


“I’m actually the administrator of the Schwarz in the library …”


I stated that Hannelore supplied magical power before entering the reading room, that Solange had asked the collaborators to cooperate, and that there was no explanation from the library side. Reported that he has become a manager, although he only cooperated in good faith.


“Hannere is the manager …?”


“I’m sorry, Mr. Egrantine. I don’t know this would happen …”


Next to Hanellore, who is pale, I support Hannerole.


“I wasn’t angry with Hannerole.”


“Yes, I understand that. Not only Rosemine, but also Hannelore, who cooperated so much. I can see why Dr. Solange was so pleased with the presence of his collaborators.”


In response to Hannelore’s apology, Egrantine smiled, “Thank you for supplying a lot of magic.” I knew what kind of reproach came from the royal family.


“Egrantine-sensei, I was a little curious to hear from Mr. Hannerole, but isn’t the magical power of Dr. Ortancia enough? I don’t think no matter how good the lord candidate is, you can’t become a manager. “


“There are so many magic tools in the library that there may have been a magic tool that takes precedence over Schwartz and others”


I leaned my head to Hannerole’s words. Schwartz and Weiss are very important in library work. I think it’s strange to postpone it. Especially because it is time to change the manager with words from the royal family.


“Thank you for your concern, Rosemine, Hannelole. I heard that in the past, more than three senior librarians were needed. Alone, there would be a limit to magical power. Let ’s talk to the librarian in the library here. ”


“Thank you, Prof. Egrantine … Perhaps this should have been a talk to Prince Hildebrand?”


Hildebrand should have been enrolled in the House of Lords as a royal family, and he said, “I can do my job” when I change the manager.


“I’m fine because I’m going to talk to Prince Hildebrand.”


We asked Egrantine for Hildebrand’s response. This should have kept contact with the royal family to a minimum, as the parents say.


“Thank you for talking to Mr. Egrantine, Rosemine, I didn’t think it was a royal matter …”


When I reported to the library and a call came from the royal family, Hannelore whispered that I might have made a fuss, including Aub, and I was very sorry.


“I remembered that there was a royal family when I changed the manager. Since I have the most face-to-face meetings, I should also tell Hannelore what happened at the library. I ’m sorry. ”


“No, there is no such thing. I should have entered the reading room and greeted the teachers.”


“Both of them are the same. There is the greatest negligence on the side of the library who neglected to contact you. You don’t have to worry too much.”


Égrantine, who was watching the two of us apologize, laughs with couscous.


“That’s Mr. Egrantine. I think it’s still a story ahead …”


So, in front of me, I tell Egrantine to study rituals to get blessing. He also told Hannelore that he wanted the help of Dunkelferger.


“Do you collaborate with Dunkel Ferger?”


Two people gathered and rounded their eyes.


“Yes. I heard that there are many apprenticeships of knights who have received several blessings from Dunkelferger. I would like to ask you to cooperate to learn about the situation other than Ehrenfest. The royal family seems to think that it is important for the nobility to get blessing from the gods … “


While turning his eyes to Egrantine, he smiled slightly on Hannelole with a slight smell of words from Anastazius.


“We listened to what has been done at Dunkelfelgar for many years and put it together as a study, so I thought it would be better to do it in the form of joint research. So, the response is fine at the time of the tea party. ”


“I understand. Let’s talk to Aub”


With such a feeling, I was charged with the civilian course while taking root in research. After completing the lord candidate course, I returned to my room and made an exam reservation to the teachers of the civilian course one after another.


Because I had to give priority to the lord candidate course, I could not participate in the first day of the civilian course and could not take the first day examination. Therefore, you have no choice but to make an exam reservation individually.


…… If you don’t finish it early, you won’t be in time for the tea party with Dunkel Ferger.


The purpose was to enrich the magical tools in the library, but because I had to do unexpected research, the life of the aristocracy seems to be quite busy. It is better to finish the lecture as soon as possible.


The civilian course is a common lecture for making magic tools, studying the magic team in detail, reading old literature, lectures on collecting information and organizing materials, lectures on medicinal herbs and medicines, close to medicine There are lectures of choice to take according to one’s preference such as lectures.


Since all of these have been prepared with Ferdinand, I think they will win the pass unless there is a good deal.


…… Please make sure that your teachers are free.


If you can’t afford it, you won’t be able to take an individual exam. There seemed to be an armor I asked for, and soon I got a reply from Gundorf. Gundorf has three lectures for the civilian course, so I want to end it all at once.


“Thank you for taking the time, Dr. Gundorf”


“Oh, Rosemine, here.”


I put on the clothes and had Filine and Rhoderich bring the necessary ingredients for preparation, and stepped into the Gundorf laboratory in the civilian special building. The Hilsur laboratory was messed up, but there are a lot of things scattered here. Where is the same laboratory where the desk for writing is difficult, but only the table for mixing is beautiful?


“Now let’s start with the formulation”


Although there was something that shared magic power with common practical skills, the civilian course has become a little more advanced, and there are also practical skills that divide the magic power into different attributes and then combine them to start making materials. Since my magical power was reduced with the magic stones I had received from my foster father, I can prepare without difficulty even with my stap.


…… Thank you for adoptive father!


As I put the ingredients into the blending pot one after another, Gundorf stares at him as he boiles a bowl. Although I am used to mixing, one-on-one tests are quite tense.


“Will Rosemine use the magic team to save time?”


“I’m weak, so I need a recovery drug. Ferdinand-sama told me that I had to make a lot, but this physique is difficult to formulate for a long time.”


Now I want to finish as many lectures as possible, so I can’t spend more time on one preparation. The magic team that shortens the time is a big success.


“Does Rosemine make medicine by yourself?”


“Yes, Ferdinand-sama told me that I should be able to make my own medicine …. Thanks, Fernando-sama goes to Ahrensbach and I am in trouble. There is no “


Gondorf shook his head, “It doesn’t mean that,” when he smiled that he couldn’t leave it to his parents forever.


“It’s usually left to a nearby clerk, such as drug formulation. There are many things that lord candidates have to do before making drugs.”


…… What! ?薬 Making medicine is a civilian job! ? It ’s my first time!


Ferdinand was always making medicine. I was always told, “What can I do if I can’t make my own medicine?”, I thought that medicine was the basic way to make it yourself, but leave ordinary lord candidates to a nearby civilian. Seems to be the original figure.


I shook my head immediately, thinking of leaving Filine and Rhoderich to make medicine. If it is Hartmut, it is impossible for those two.


“Because Ferdinand-sama’s medicine has been specially made for me, it’s a special product that requires magical power and valuable materials, and can be made by senior civil servants.” [19459002 ]

“What kind of medicine is that?”


“… The recipe is, of course, a secret. Oh, I’m done. Is this all right?”


Gently asked Gundorf’s questions and I showed the completed medicine. Just looking at it lightly, Gundorf whispered.


“Mixing with accustomed movements, stable magic that doesn’t break even when using a magic team that shortens the time, there are no elements to fail.



Talking with Gundorf while mixing. I was most interested in the ritual of blessing, and I was asked various questions.


“There are instructions from the royal family about the questions, and they will be announced in the battle against the territory, so please take a look there. It is to be announced “


I shut down the question of Gundorf, wearing the upper territory’s authority, saying that I can’t answer at my sole discretion.


“If it is research, it is more efficient to do with Drevanchel …”


“Drevanchel is better for research on magical tools and magic teams, but there seems to be no need for more than one blessing in Drevanchel for the blessing study …”


“Mum … Then let’s study magical tools”


It seems that he has not given up at all if he thinks he has given up. Gundorf was invited to enter and leave the lab, and I shook my head.


“I have decided to enter Professor Hilsur’s lab”


Hirshur plans to conceal various things and, above all, because he is a dormitory manager at Ehrenfest, there is no worry that his research will be stolen by other territories. Above all, Ferminand’s apprentice, Raimund, makes it easy to get in touch, and research on blessings and creation of library magical tools can proceed simultaneously. I haven’t given up on planning to make a recording witchcraft and send a slogan to Ferdinand.


“But the Hilsur lab is … No, this lab has more research costs and better material quality”


“Is that true, but I’m not troubled with research funds for now?”


Judging from the words of Gundorf, Hirschl seems to have a very low research fund because there is no assistance from Ehrenfest. He said Ferdinand was helping, but I don’t think Hirsur would be completely amused. Should I help you instead of staying in the lab?


…… I think it’s better to improve your lifestyle, such as eating and sleeping, than money.


“Rosmain’s ideas are often out of sight, and I’m very sorry for the exploration,”


Gundorf gives up solicitation while exhaling. As I heard from Ferdinand, I was a little fond of the way he was speaking.


“I’m interested in the paper of magical tools. I would like to study with Drevanchel when I can afford to reach there.”


“Huh, is it a paper for magical tools … What kind of monster skin is facing?”


“No, it’s a study of how to make magic paper from materials other than demon beast skin”


Gundorf looks brilliantly. “I am interested in the research,” he smiled.


“I see. Your research is more suitable for Drevanchel than Dunkel Ferger. Let’s study together.”


“But I’m busy this year …”


When I thought it would be difficult this year, Gundorf leaned with a strange face.


“Isn’t there any other civilian in Ehrenfest? Isn’t it okay to give instructions there? It’s impossible for the lord candidate, Rosemine, to do all the research.” [19459002 ]


It was said that the research of blessing was directed by the royal family, and I stared at Gundorf with the thought that scales would fall from my eyes. I thought that research was something you did, but is it okay to throw your research around?


“The important thing for lord candidates is how to develop a territory. As long as you take a civilian course, you need to do your own research. If you don’t think about it, you won’t be able to proceed with any research.Rosemain’s point of interest is often interesting.The research itself is distributed to many literaries, giving instructions while watching the progress, and how the results are To think about whether to make use of it. “


It seems that at least in Drevanchel. It was pointed out that no other civilian would be brought up if the lord candidates had all of them, and I realized that I was doing the same thing as Ferdinand.


“Let’s do paper research with Drevancher. I am confident in the abundance of materials for research.”


“It’s nice. In that respect, the Ehrenfest is still a lot.”


“Since I have been a teacher at the Aristocracy for many years, there are many preparation tools”


It was said that a little old research could be done without problems, and I lost my appetite.


“I want to see it once. I’m interested in the old school curriculum. What kind of lectures did you have if you didn’t get Stapl in first year?”


“Hum Fumu. There are no students who have been educated at that time anymore at the current aristocracy.”


“How did you give a lecture, there is a student reference book, but there is no teacher’s material in the library. What kind of learning was taught in what grade? I want learning contents written from a viewpoint. “


“It is possible to talk between paper studies”


“Is it true? Well, I’m looking forward”


After somehow being persuaded and persuaded, I decided to study paper on magic tools at Ehrenfest and Drevanchel.


Thus, after having passed one classroom lecture and two preparations, I left Gundorf’s laboratory.


“… That’s why I decided to collaborate with Drevancher”


“I don’t understand!”


When I returned to the dormitory and reported today’s test results in the multipurpose hall, I was yelled at by Ville Fleet. Even if you get angry with your eyes triangular like that, you will be in trouble. I don’t know why this happened.


When I was talking to the public that I wanted to do paper research, and I wanted the contents of the teaching that the teacher put together, I was supposed to do joint research.


“Your brothers Villefried and Charlotte are also helping with the printing and papermaking industry? I would like to extend the paper research. How much is the paper made of magic trees in Ehrenfest? Can it be used as a magical tool, what should I do to use it as a magical tool … I think it is research content that seems to be Ehrenfest. “


How about it? , And I looked at Villefried and Charlotte’s apprentice apprentices. Ignats and Marianne look up.


“… Rose Mine, are you going to let me and Charlotte’s civilian study?”


“Yeah, Roderich and Filine are busy collecting and writing stories, and they are a middle and lower class aristocrat who has gained multiple blessings. I think it ’s a good opportunity to let others know that Villefried and Charlotte are deeply involved, as well as me and the printing industry. ”


I can’t monopolize. In order to wipe out the bad reputation of Abu, who pushes work only to half-brothers and adoptive women, it is better to announce how well Miko is working and what kind of work she sees in a form that can be seen in the surroundings.


“Of course, I’m not telling other scholars who are doing other research to do other research. However, the paper industry and the printing industry are Ehrenfest’s core business, I just thought it was better to give priority. “


“What would you do if I or Charlotte’s apprentice apprentice refused?”


In response to Villefried’s question, I looked at Muriela, who was not yet receiving his name. You can see Muriela reading her mother’s book with a mesmerizing expression.


“Murriera is at the center of paper research, and from there he works on apprenticeship with the former Veronian sect. They no longer need to give their name, so they are no longer able to enter. I think that if you become an indispensable human resource for Ehrenfest by engaging in the research of the core business, the future will change a lot. “


There are criminal families even if execution is avoided. Regardless of the aristocratic institution, it is highly possible that the gaze of the surroundings will be severe in Ehrenfest, where the liaison has been common. If you can see how much they are contributing to the territory in a visible way, then the response of adults will change somewhat.


“Fum …”


“If you would like to focus on Villefried brothers and Charlotte’s apprentices, it would be better to get the names Bartort and Cassandra in the early days. It would be ideal if we were able to use the connections of the two former Veronicas to help the former Veronian civilian apprentices, while still having a sense of fellowship with their aides. “


«Look at Ignats, where Wilfried stands next to my words.


“What do you think? Is there anything you are researching?”


“No, I’m just worried about graduation research, and I haven’t decided on a good research theme yet. It’s also for Villefried and I would like to research paper.”


Wilfried asked Ignats’ answer.


“Okay. Let’s do paper research with my civilian apprentice Ignats and Bartort”


“Do not forget my brother, my apprentice apprentice. Marianne, is it okay to ask?”


“Of course, Charlotte”


Marianne smiled and whispered. This is likely to facilitate joint research with Drevanchel.


“In order to proceed with research, you need a dedication”


“I go with my entourage to hunt the material for Muriel’s dedication on Saturdays. Why not bring two escort knights together for Bartort and Cassandra? “It ’s hard to get the right material for the profession by both the civilian and the side-serving staff.”


Specially advise that the Lord who is planning to receive his name needs to follow up, especially now that he is away from other old Veronian children who have escaped his dedication.


“Your sister is still watching …. Please ask Natalie and Cassandra about the schedule of the Saturday day. I’d like you to invite me to go to the collection of materials for my dedication.”


When Charlotte’s escort knight Natalie heads to Cassandra, Villefried also directs Alexis to Bartort.


¡Greater called out to Udid when he was relieved that it would be possible to prevent a student who was out of contact with this. Yudid and the two of them are going a little away and talking.


“That, Rosemine”


UDIT who seemed to receive a message stood in front of me with a slightly confused face without approaching Greater.


“Something, Udit?”


“Greater wants to give a name and accompanies the collection on Saturday.”


“… Eh? But the Greater family …”


Executed should have been escaped and no need to name.


“Richarda, Leonore, Brünnhilde. I want to talk to Gretier, but is it okay?”


“Since there are several escort knights, it doesn’t matter if you talk only.”


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