After finishing the exam for the civilian course, I immediately sent Brunhilde to Dunkelferger. “I want to make a tea party schedule, but how about?”


Since there are various factors such as the progress of the lectures of Restiraut and Hannerole, as well as the progress of Clarissa who wants to be present, and the response from Aub Dunkelfelger on joint research, the reply will not be so rushed, says Brünnhilde I was told.


“I don’t seem to be able to respond right away. It looks like I haven’t received a reply from Aub Dunkelferger yet. As soon as I receive a reply, I’ll let you know when it’s free.”


After the dinner of the day, Brünnhilde came back with a reply from Dunkelferger. I realize that it won’t be a tea party right away, and look to the lyzer.


“Lieselater, tomorrow I will go to Dr. Hilsur’s laboratory. May I ask you to prepare?”


“Please leave it to me, especially when preparing the cleaning tools, because Rosemine should be in Dr. Hilsur’s lab”


The arm rings, and the riser begins to sort out the cleaning tools. Immediately Leonore left the room to hear the escort knight’s schedule. It is a very reliable aide.


While feeling the movement of the entourage who is preparing for tomorrow, I will write a letter to Ferdinand to be handed over by Raimund.


“I’ll write you a letter so I’ll hit you in a hidden room”


There is too much content to be written using the disappearing ink, so it is not possible to write where there is a side dish. After entering the secret room of my room, I wrote it in several pieces with ink deposited from Ferdinand.


I wrote about what I did and the content of the consultation in chronological order, but when I read it back, it felt a little unclear.


“The ritual to get blessing has reached the height of the Supreme God. Too much blessing has exceeded the allowable range of Stap, and blessings are overflowing with blessings and blessing terrorism is difficult. I’m trying to use as little magic as possible, but I’m trying to use as much magic as possible, but is there any other good way to do it? … I wonder if it’s Fernando-sama!


¡Let me tell you that it’s okay, I spread the letter on the desk and start to dry.


And I used a little ink that disappears also in the letter via Fraulerm to test how much difference between arrival via Raimund and letter via Frau Realm and how it arrives at Ferdinand in the first place saw. “This is a letter from Prof. Fraulerum. Did you receive it properly?”


Ink characters should disappear after drying overnight. From there, you must write content that will not be a problem.


…… Is the content unobtrusive? What kind of content does not matter? It’s hard, is not it.


“Now, Charlotte. I will go to the laboratory.”


The next day, Villefried has not gone to lecture, so I spoke to Charlotte in the multipurpose hall. Charlotte hasn’t finished his practical work yet, but it doesn’t seem to be a lecture today, and he talks to Marianne about the research on the paper of demon trees.


“… I don’t think you’re ready to go to the lab, sister,”


Charlotte witnessed the baggage prepared by Reiserator. Various things are loaded in the wagon like when a business trip tea party is held in the library. I laugh at too much luggage to go to the laboratory.


“A cleaning tool and a plug from me.”


The person in the laboratory over there doesn’t live a cunning life. When I told Charlotte about the misery of the Hilsur lab, “I wasn’t talking about a princess who would lose her life if I was devoted to reading,” sighed in Richarda.


laughed and deceived, I left the dormitory. Since the lecture has already begun, the corridors were thin and thin. Today’s companions are side-serving Riezera and Richard, the civilian apprentice Rhoderich, and the escort knights are Matthias and Theodor.


“It’s my first time to enter the civilian profession building”


The two escort knights looked up and looked up at the civilian profession building. Entering inside, Matias asked, “There are many private rooms, unlike the knight’s building.” The civilian profession building has many rooms like warehouses where materials are managed, and there are many laboratories in each room, so there are many doors. The specialized knight building, which is a gathering of training facilities, is the largest, widest and most remote of all the specialized buildings. Most of the facilities are large, and there are not many private rooms other than the teachers’ rooms.


“… Wow, do you smell something strange?”


Theodor said, looking around. Although he refrains from picking his nose as an escort knight, he has a face that seems to hold his nose.


“The first-year theodor who hasn’t even blended in the lecture is unfamiliar, but this is the scent of medicinal herbs and ingredients. It’s a bit of a foul smell, but it gets used to it. I will do it. ”


When I said that while laughing with couscous, Theodor looked around, suspiciously, “Do you really get used to it?”


“It’s okay. If you start making recovery drugs yourself and you take them as normal during training, you will get used to it, and if you need it, you will be able to drink more odors. The smell around here is cute compared to Ferdinand’s medicine. “


Theodor’s face was drawn. What are you drinking? ? The expression tells. It is a drug that seems to harass Charlotte even though tenderness entered. The stock solution is outrageous.


When arriving in front of the Hilsur laboratory, the riser pushes a wagon with a cleaning magic tool ahead of it and goes inside.


“Rose Mine waits for a little time to enter the room. We will check if it can be entered”


When I first came to the Hilsur laboratory, I remembered that Hilsur and Raimund were going back and forth trying to activate the magic tool that forcibly sucked in objects on the floor.


“… I don’t want to lose what I need”


“Because I recommend to clean up with Ordnance for Dr. Hilsur, you’ll have to clean up important things.”


Hilsur’s hoarse voice was heard from the door behind Richard, saying, “Lieselator, please wait a moment!” Even if recommended, Hirshur seems to have prioritized research. Richarda sighed and shook his head.


“Thank you for waiting, Rosemine”


A smiling lyser opened the door and finally I was able to enter the laboratory. You can see a lot of materials on the mixing desk. It must be a document that Hilsur has rescued from the floor.


“Dr. Hirshur, is Limeund absent?”


“The lecture hasn’t ended yet. Let’s talk about the details of the joint research after Raimund has come.”


Limund has also passed the lecture, so there seems to be a little free time and it seems that he sometimes comes to the face.


“Why don’t you take a look at the materials around Raimund? This is a material related to joint research. If Rosemine knows, it will be easier to proceed.”


It is a blueprint or memorandum, but it seems to be a document about what to make. I compared the materials quickly stacked on the desk with the orderly materials on the bookshelf in the lab, and turned my face to Hirsur.


“Dr. Hilsur, I want to organize it before reading the material, are you sure? Like that book shelf”


“The only things that have been researched are those that have already been researched, and things that Ferdinand has cleaned up. The first thing that comes to mind is that cleaning is really similar. It ’s okay to put away the materials on your desk. ”


“… Huh? Did Ferdinand clean up, has it been neglected for about a decade?”


“What are you talking about? Ferdinand-sama, did you come around this time last year?”


At that time, not only the magic tools, but also the blueprints and research results that were judged not to be placed were taken away, and the materials were cleaned up using Justus and Eckhart brothers. It seems.


…… Ferdinand-san is having trouble taking care of such a teacher.


I have put out some materials from the bookshelf so that they can be sorted and sorted out as Ferdinand did. Wooden bills are organized by research, and the contents are in chronological order. It seems to be Ferdinand’s research that parchment is gathered in some places. Since the letters have not changed, you can see immediately.


…… This is twenty wonders. But there is no second half?


The mysterious stories gathered by Yustox were lined up first, followed by a simple map.


… This is probably a map of the Aristocracy. Hey, it ’s roughly circular.


I don’t know how the site of the Aristocratic House is because there are few opportunities to fly around in the cold with a beast. I heard from Richard and Grandfather that when they were treasure stealing, everyone knew the terrain.


… I wonder if this is a place where there were twenty wonders.


There were more points than 20, and what was verified was marked with ○ or ×. It may look like a treasure map, because it is a hand-drawn map over a decade ago, giving it a good taste. However, the mysterious research was so unnatural that it was interrupted.


“Dr. Hirshur, this is Ferdinand’s research, isn’t there any results …”


“Ferdinand’s research is often like that. Unless it is something to be published, if you understand the results and are satisfied with it, you should not leave it as a document, or do not dare to write it.


“Is that so …”


The amount of research done with money from the territory must be reported, but it is often the case that there is no material left for research that was a hobby with his own money.


…… This research seems interesting and I wanted to see it to the end.


While sharpening my lips, I checked the classification method and how to bind, and closed the document.


“Now I know how to clean up Ferdinand-sama and I’d like to clean up this document as soon as possible.”


It would be best to clean up the same way. There should be no confusion and Hilsur and Raimund should be able to find the materials easily. I unraveled one of the decorative straps tied to my waist and set me up.


“What are you going to do, Princess?”


“…” Tasukikake. You’ll get rid of the disturbing sleeves. “


“Are you a ghost?”


As Richarda was worried, I quickly tucked it away and removed the disturbing sleeves. When I entered the trap saying that it was perfect, Richard said, “Princess, I wouldn’t have ever exposed my arm like this.”


“The princess can sit here and give instructions. Because I and the lyzer will clean up as instructed.”


After the chairs were prepared, I decided to sort the paper and wooden bills that were stacked on the blender. Look through the eyes and categorize according to what kind of research. Richarda and Riezerator divided them into boxes and spelled them out and put them on the bookshelves.


“Is this material not the current research content of Dr. Hilsur?”


“Yeah. I haven’t found it for a while and I was looking for it.”


“Is it possible to put Raimund materials on this bookshelf? Would you like to take them back to Arensbach’s dormitory?”


“You will decide what to do when you graduate.”


Hilsur said, there are many materials that are not needed over time.


If you clean up one after another, the materials will begin to line up in order for each research, and the top of the mixing desk will become beautiful.


“Lose Mine, there was a document left here as well. Please put it together.”


“Please leave it to me”


Receive materials from Hirsur and clear up where they should be stored.


…… I feel like an exclusive librarian in the Hirschl laboratory?


Even if nobody is admitted, the mood is just a librarian belonging to the laboratory. The library committee was only able to supply magical power, so in a sense, I feel that I have been working the most librarian after coming to the Aristocracy. I can’t stop a nasal song.


…… What should I do? I’m having fun now!


The four bells resonated when I was devoted to clearing up the materials in an exhilarating mood. Then, a little later, Raimund came in as if she was saying something like “Hirshur-sensei, the hard thing …”.


Immediately after that, I made a rounded look and said, “I’m sorry. I made a mistake in the room!”


“… Is it correct?”


Hilsur laughed with couscous when I and Reiserator looked together.


“The room was so clean that you thought you made a mistake. Let’s get back to it and get ready for a meal. Is there an insertion in it?”


Hirschul happily raised his lip and pointed at the wagon. It’s just time to get hungry. A clean and clean table top was prepared, and Rieselator and Richarda began preparing meals.


When I was ready, Raimund knocked, opened a scary door and looked into his face. As always, I don’t care about myself and my black hair is shabby. Immediately after that, the belly screams in the smell of the insertion brought in by the riser, and it looks awkwardly.


“Rimund, you should be well dressed in Vaschen before coming in. Please don’t stand in front of Rosemine like that.”


Raimund, who was driven away with a smile by the reseller, closed the door again. Use Vaschen outside the room and come back.


“I am very sorry”


Limund finally came in, so it was lunch. While having lunch, Hirschl started talking about joint research. Raimund drops his shoulders while eating a meal delivered from Hirsur.


“That wasn’t a mistake”


“It seems that he was called by Dietrinde last night and said,” I will be in close contact with Ferdinand to be ashamed as a representative of Ahrensbach. ”


“I was very surprised because there was no contact at the aristocratic house so far, but I wondered if I was interested because it was a disciple of my fiance.”


Raimund replied, “I will do my best, sincerely,” thinking that it was about the research announcement of the territorial competition. Then, today, when I finished breakfast and went to lecture, I was stopped by Fraulerum, the dormitory supervisor, and said, “ I will report when the outline of joint research is decided ” and it seems that I decided to make my eyes black and white .


I don’t know, Raimund seems to have come to this laboratory as soon as the morning lecture is over.


“Ehrenfest decided to collaborate with Dunkel Felger and Drevancher. Both are high-profile studies, and Fraulerm would like to collaborate with Arlensbach, who is closely related through Ferdinand. I thought, I want the achievements for the center. ”


…… Isn’t Hirsur surviving?


I thought so, but I wouldn’t say anything extra because I turned my hand to finish the exam for the civilian course. Rimund is also more likely to accept if he thinks his dormitory has spoken than pressed here.


“Both are Ferdinand’s apprentices, and if Rimund is in charge of the design and Rosemine is in charge of making the prototype, it will be fully collaborative.”


“… Does Rosemine do prototypes?”


Raimund widened his blue eyes and looked at Hirschl, saying, “It ’s too much to make the lord candidate make a prototype.” Unlike Raimund, which trembles when stumbling, Hirschul says, “It ’s the right place for the right person.”


“Rosemine has excellent results in blending skills, and because he is trained by Ferdinand, he is accustomed to practical blending and can use the magic team to shorten his time. It ’s a candidate and has so much magic that it ’s no problem to mix it up. It ’ll save you a lot of time. ”


I was told that the design doesn’t have much sense. It seems that there is no design sense like Raimund or Ferdinand, although the degree to which it does in the lecture is sufficient, the application is not good.


“If this collaboration is successful and both are known to be Ferdinand’s disciples, it will also be for Ferdinand.”


It seems that Ferdinand’s importance in Ahrensbach will increase if it is brought together that Ferdinand’s success in the joint research is also the achievement of Ferdinand. If you are told, “It’s to improve Ferdinand’s treatment,” you have to do it.


“It will be to establish Ferdinand-sama’s position, as well as being a middle-class nobleman, Raimund, who will be recognized as Ferdinand-sama’s aides, and to make magical tools for my library. Let’s do our best together “


“Because I’m completely motivated and I can’t decline now …”


Raimund agreed with the collaborative research after saying with a disgusting face that the Fraulerrum would cause tremendous hysteria if he refused.


“So, when you finish lunch, you’ll make a prototype right away. Please give me a blueprint and explanation”


“I understand. Thank you”


Limund, who was impressed by the tightly organized materials, was happy to give up the librarian work, and after seeing Raimund heading for the afternoon lecture, I spent a lot of time in the Hilsur laboratory. It was. While looking at the blueprints placed by Raimund, create magical tools one after another, and when called by Hirsur, pour magical power into the magical tools. Make up for insufficient arm strength by strengthening the body, and make up for insufficient physical strength with medicine that restores only physical strength.


… Yeah, this laboratory is not good. Even though I’m going to spend my time normally, I’m getting drugged.


And I showed my prototype to Raimund who returned from the lecture.


“How is it? Is it done as you ordered? I did my best.”


I wanted to give up a bit and I put a prototype in front of Raimund. I was excited to see the reaction of Raimund, but Raimund dropped his shoulders and drooped.


“… Isn’t that bad enough to be so disappointed?”


“No. Well done. I just felt a little distracted by seeing the differences in the magical powers that I could use.”


It seems that Raimund, who has less magical power, sometimes needs recovery drugs to prepare prototypes. Still, it seems to be able to make one piece a day. It seems that he felt the inequality in the world with four magic tools.


“This will give Ferdinand a decision to pass or fail”


“So, please send me tomorrow. I’d like you to send me my letter as well. There is also a letter sent to Mr. Ferdinand via Dr. Fraurellum …”


Employees in this lab were dismissed, so when I told me that I was obligated to report, Raimund relaxed.


“That is very helpful. Because Dr. Fraulerm has already told me to report …”


Next day, I entrusted Raimund with both a letter sent to Ferdinand and a letter delivered via Fraulerum with the submission of the magical tool.


…… Please receive a reply from Ferdinand.


Goddess of Hinoshin, praying to Ordoshneri, Brünnhilde brought a letter.


“This is an invitation from Mr. Rosemine, Mr. Egrantine. It seems that a tea party will be held by the royal family.”


… That? I have not yet contacted Mr. Egrantine that the civilian course is over.


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